Search results for query: cochlear hydrops

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  1. C

    So... Hearing Distortion... Anyone Else Have This?

    ...said that it was due to low frequency hearing loss in my right ear. I have been diagnosed with atypical Menieres disease (cochlear hydrops) and amazingly I have found a way to control it. I am firmly convinced that my case is caused by a herpes virus infection in my inner ear - and all...
  2. FGG

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    If you have cochlear origin tinnitus, it should come from hair cell damage (inner or outer) or synaptopathy. Unless you have something like hydrops. Have you had an extended audiogram to check for obvious outer hair cell damage? Treatment for noxacusis is more of an unknown and I don't have...
  3. Mr. Cartman

    Tinnitus, TMJ, Headaches, Neck Pain, Facial Pain, etc. — Possible Treatment

    ...because the same happened to me a lot while sunbathing.. I did notice that the warm weather did trigger those "spikes" a lot :P Cochlear hydrops? Im sure there is a possibility, but I think we can see 10 doctors and have 10 different diagnosis.. I have experienced short lived T a lot in the...
  4. Samantha R

    Experiences with Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease (AIED)?

    ...sympathise and understand what you are going through. About 6 months ago, after an IVF cycle, I developed what I now believe was cochlear hydrops (Meniere’s without the vertigo). Low frequency hearing loss, horrendous ear pressure, aural fullness, hyperacusis and diplacusis. I was put on...
  5. Benjaminbb

    Low Pitch Ringing/Hum Went Away After Using a Mouth Guard and Regular Jaw Massage

    ...on the side it was on too - so might look into this. Seems strange to have it on both sides unless I’m experiencing some kind of cochlear hydrops, like mineares which damages low frequency part of the cochlear. There’s gotta be a cause for our unique type of tinnitus. GDK, yours...
  6. FGG

    Otonomy OTO-413 — Treatment of Hidden Hearing Loss

    If it's stuck in the brain, people who had treatable causes wouldn't be able to treat it (e.g., ear wax, nutrient deficiencies, auto immune, hydrops, the list goes on...). I could be multi factorial on some people beyond just hair cells (you could have hair cell loss plus TTTS just to throw out...
  7. J

    Audiogram — Low Frequencies Burning Away — Help

    Yes. You are right. I guess what I meant to say is that in my case I am not really having many migraines. Since I had my daughter, I have had them around my period and some other times but they are certainly not frequent. The ear symptoms are every day. I don't understand why Hydrops seems...
  8. Ian Mac

    Terrified. Please help.

    I hear the Morse code machine too, yes I hear hissing and ringing too. It's cochlear hydrops.
  9. FGG

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Frequency Therapeutics will document the effects after this trial as tinnitus has been added to their experimental end points after receiving testimonials that it did lower tinnitus in phase 1. I would listen to the Tinnitus Talk Podcast interview with Frequency Therapeutics if you haven't...
  10. Hex

    Ear Fullness and Tinnitus Spike Yeah, what I've noticed is that my T is quiet during the morning whenever I don't play masking sounds at night. I stopped that but because I have H I need to try and retrain my ears again. So I was diagnosed with cochlear hydrops just based off of my symptoms and I need to lay off the...
  11. FGG

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    What I have always understood is it is not well taken up by cochlear cells but with very high doses I'm sure it's toxic to everything it touches. It is very highly selective for vestibular cells. You can obliterate the vestibular system (the point of the treatment in Meniere's obviously) and...
  12. Blue28

    Ear Pressure etc... Cochlear Hydrops?

    I understand what you explain here but I've never found answers either. For me it's noise damage from the microsuction and then as doctors and audiologists are in total denial about the damage this can cause, they subjected me to loud tests as they claimed that the microsuction couldn't have...
  13. Gman

    Weird Tinnitus Has Spread to My Good Ear

    I’m very sorry to hear that. The not knowing what is happening or going to happen next is horrible. I can relate to the strange bass sound you mentioned. Mine is like hearing a dance party from a distance but it is synced to my pulse. I always thought maybe it was the middle ear muscles humming...
  14. J

    Hearing Aids

    I am curious about SSHL. Does it happen out of the blue, like you get up and you suddenly realise that you don't hear well? Or is it something that develops over time, in a matter of days or weeks?
  15. J

    Worried About Rumbling Sound

    I suppose nothing is a guarantee but if you fix what caused the problem then you will likely get rid of the problem. No every obese person does not get Meniere's. Some get heart disease or diabetes. You got Meniere's...but not yet. I know I sound like I am being harsh, but I want you to...
  16. Paulie87

    Worried About Rumbling Sound

    Jkph75, I appreciate how upset you are, I am upset too. There is no guarantee by losing weight or changing my diet I will get better. There are tonnes of obese people in the world who do not suffer from tinnitus. I would not rush out to look at cochlear implants etc. You have no idea of how...
  17. FGG

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    No one is saying all tinnitus is from cochlear damage/hearing loss but rather anything that interferes with hearing can cause tinnitus. That can range from ETD, TMJ, Hydrops, ear drum rupture and even inflammatory conditions. It's good news that it's not "stuck in the brain" and that...
  18. Samantha R

    Low Drone Tinnitus Does Not Need Much to Shut Down Completely

    ...middle ear muscles. What you have sounds exactly like what I had three episodes of now, which I have linked to hormonally driven cochlear Hydrops. I recently gave birth, and in the week prior, my on/off humming (truck idling sound) returned. True to form, it stopped and started and I could...
  19. A

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Is number 5 just related to tinnitus? I presume it is. Lucky, my hearing loss is just as big a concern, if not more so, than my tinnitus at present. In relation to 4, would it then be a good idea to lower inflammation as much as possible before trying FX-322, i.e. using Astaxanthin etc?
  20. dpdx

    Could the Acoustic Reflex Test Have Made Me Permanently Worse?

    ...they thought I had damaged my labyrinth. WELL I DIDNT...They also said I might have Acoustic Neuroma, Blood Cancer, Thyorid Cancer, Cochlear Hydrops, etc. My ENT Told me that Noise induced hearing loss happens less than we think it does. Audiologist said that Acoustic Trauma happens on the...
  21. FGG


    The diagnostics are truly primitive, but you can rule out a lot of potential causes with a really extensive work up: vascular, nutritional, neck/jaw injury, conductive loss, "third window" syndromes, immune-mediated, neoplastic (tumor), genetic hearing loss, hydrops/Meniere's, etc. Though a...
  22. Jack Straw

    Tinnitus Spike After a Customer Screamed and Whistled?

    Mine also said "I have not heard of noise damage causing problems a couple days after, only immediately after the event." If you can mask it still in the shower thats good! At least you can get some relief. Can you find specific sounds that help mask it? Like crickets, water running, etc?
  23. R

    Does Anyone Have Cochlear Hydrops? Need to Know What to Expect.

    Thanks Yvonne. I am sorry you have suffered for so long with Cochlear Hydrops. It has only been four years for me but I recognise what you have gone through. I too thought that my ear problems were down to stress, playing the accordion (!), ETD etc, even though Cochlear Hydrops was diagnosed on...
  24. TaoOfBlue

    New Member Introduction & Question re: Somatic Tinnitus

    ...a sense of needing to escape, low quality of life, etc. I do have appointment with audiologist as I have long suspected I have cochlear hydrops and/or my TMJ causes tinnitus as all other conditions ruled out by ENTS. I saw my chiropractor yesterday and my C-1 (Atlas) was out. I did notice...
  25. Teri

    Clinically Relevant Bothersome Tinnitus

    ...the spiked loudness of the T. I have gotten a diagnosis of possibly Meneires Disease, autoimmune disease of the inner ear, and cochlear hydrops (which seems to be the stronger diagnosis at this point because I have not gotten vertigo). My attitude has changed greatly thanks to the work...
  26. coffee_girl

    A Message to All ENTs

    That seems so lame, sorry to hear that.
  27. ChrisBoyMonkey

    To MRI or Not to MRI

    I did one recently and was just fine. I brought my own earplugs, the tech even said that was a good idea. If they let you bring your own strong earplugs, do it. My tinnitus was not affected by the MRI.
  28. Quiet please

    Found a Set of Supplements That Reduced Tinnitus by More Than 70%

    ...I wake up every morning with it screaming. A highly specialized ENT with the demeanor of a slightly alive corpse diagnosed me with Cochlear Hydrops; an incurable (what else!) vestibular disorder. In my own research (she offered nothing except water pills which make me so ill, I can’t...
  29. R

    Audiogram and Other Hearing Test Results

    ...thinks that by trying to improve the NIHL I may not notice the rumbling tinnitus as much. The low frequency loss is probably due to cochlear hydrops but the NIHL I got from playing an accordion. I am hopeful that the hearing aids will help. I've been like this for nearly four years and am...
  30. I

    Anyone Suffering from Cochlear Hydrops?

    I was thinking, are you sure you even have Cochlear hydrops? Did you only get low frequency loss? Did this happen to both ears at the same time or one ear?
  31. Jrblovsky


    ...of Michigan being I have no vertigo. He said you simply cannot have a Meniere's diagnosis without vertigo but he suspected cochlear hydrops or cochlear Meniere's but did not do testing, just referred to psychiatrist and audiologist. This COVID-19 pandemic has shown how witless and utterly...
  32. jeff W

    So... Hearing Distortion... Anyone Else Have This?

    Any chance of an update? What anti virals did you take?
  33. Sound Wave

    Tinnitus, TMJ, Headaches, Neck Pain, Facial Pain, etc. — Possible Treatment

    ...It could have been neck muscles and a lot of golf I played. Or it could have been the hot weather which affected my whole body's water balance and thus also the inner ear -> cochlear hydrops, which an experienced ENT recently proposed as one potential cause for my T. Oh the mysteries of T... :)
  34. S

    Tinnitus Not Present When Sitting Straight Up with Back Slightly Tilted

    ...slight angle, but more or less sitting up right? If so, what does that mean as far as conditions... Currently, I may have ETD or cochlear hydrops combined with minor hyperacusis. Anyways, it is interesting how the pressure does not get as bad when in this position. I would say when I am in...
  35. Ed209

    Help Me Troubleshoot My Music Distortion

    Has anyone mentioned cochlear hydrops?
  36. Blue28

    Equilibrium Disturbances 6 Months After Noise Trauma

    ...was written in the 80's (I think) that states there could be a link with noise exposure bringing on Menières. I think I may have cochlear hydrops (or something like it) that has been triggered by the acoustic trauma caused by the microsuction procedure last year. My quality of life is...
  37. Backpacker

    Aural Fullness Eases My Tinnitus

    ...thread with more of my detailed questions. If you don't mind me asking, what was the cause of your SSHL? Are you sure you have/had cochlear hydrops and what caused it if you know? Do you ever have dizzines/off balance feelings? I am not asking because you are a doctor, I am asking because I...
  38. Blue28

    Menthol/Cold Sensation in Ears

    Thank you @Kolisar. I have already tried several treatments for ETD with no luck. I'm not sure if my problems resemble cochlear hydrops.
  39. Dominic1955

    Very Severe Tinnitus and Hyperacusis After One Year

    ...up to 30 to 40 decibels! When my low frequency drops I have a very loud hum in addition to my constant high frequency tinnitus. It's hard to habituate to these changes. I may have cochlear hydrops and started myself on a diuretic today. If my low frequency hearing improves I feel 80% better! Dom
  40. R

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    Tinnitus means you can hear a sound that other people cant hear, when there is no sound around you.
  41. J

    Low Frequency Gets 10x Louder When Lying Down

    I can't remember everything that I was tested for... thyroid disorder, vitamin deficiencies, etc. My neurologist said that there were things that the blood tests couldn't test for, so having a negative result didn't necessarily mean that my condition was not autoimmune in nature. I went on a...
  42. PatrickG

    Habituating to Fluctuating Tinnitus a tint bit more. But it feels absolutely impossible to habituate to something that always changing. I suspect it might be cochlear hydrops which gives it a chance to develop to Meneires... And I got pretty severe visual snow, floaters, ghosting and glare on top of that. You can say I'm...
  43. J

    Do I Have Cochlear Hydrops?

    ...that frequent of hearing losses, nor does it fluctuate like this. Instead, he told that he believes it's very likely to be Cochlear Hydrops, or Meniere's without the vertigo. Anyways, I don't know what's really going on, and while I do want to believe my ENT, however the last 3 years I was...
  44. J

    Is There Any Hope?

    ...tests. I know that I can't say for sure at this point but he seemed pretty certain that what I am experiencing is at least a precursor to Cochlear Hydrops or Meniere's. It would be helpful to talk to people who actually have these diseases so I can know what to expect from a personal stand...
  45. R

    How Long for Low-Sodium Diet to Work? (Or Does It?)

    Salt is evil for me. If I eat salt laden food Im done the t and H go up to 8-9. You cant eat salt or you will get a spike that lasts for the day. Potassium based food will help ease the spike.
  46. Matchbox

    From 0 to Debilitating Tinnitus in 2 Months comes and goes in a wavering way, as if I have a freaking lightsaber being waved around my right ear. Is this a symptom of cochlear hydrops if it's generally low frequency and electrical buzzing? Just seems less and less like "normal" tinnitus. I noticed it randomly a while ago, but...
  47. ErikaS

    South Korean Clinic Treatment (Dr. Minbo Shim)

    ...regarding her tinnitus, and who is seeing “marked improvements” with all symptoms. This patient presented with intrusive tinnitus, cochlear hydrops, high frequency hearing loss, and hyperacusis. I am micro-progressing every day. The crazy wind/screeching sound in my right ear is gone, and...
  48. sssing

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Could it be tinnitus sufferers' brains are somehow not as plastic as those who have recovered? Rather than the cochlear recovering and the brain responding to that recovery, it could be the brain was already compromised and therefore the insult from the cochlear triggers it. So the problem...
  49. J

    Worried About Rumbling Sound

    Great. By generally, I assume he means almost always. Well, that's it. I'm officially screwed. I should start picking out my Cochlear implant now. How long do I have left here? Meniere's has different causes. Some can easily be corrected. In your case, if you change your diet and lose...
  50. Hex

    Anyone Suffering from Cochlear Hydrops?

    ...within a week after I developed this high pitch ringing sound in both ears and hasn't gone away since. Two ENT diagnosed me with Cochlear Hydrops and I've been keeping a Keto diet but I broke it since I didn't really see that much improvement within a month. I was literally eating beef and...
  51. 1000

    Hyperacusis = Constant Pain or Not?

    I had a stabbing feeling few days ago...sometimes I get that sensation.
  52. dpdx

    Hyperacusis = Constant Pain or Not?

    ...I had no hyperacusis. My ENT or Audiologist didnt believe I had a acoustic trauma but tumor, blood cancer, thyroid cancer, meniere, cochlear hydrops, so my eNT wanted me to do a ear irrigation and vemp test which was loud as hell. From then my T doubled in volume from a 4 to 8, and I got...
  53. Joe123

    "Feeling" of Ringing

    I will be seeing the ENT this week. The thing is worrying about nothing is my specialty :) Also how does one get checked for hydrops, as far as I'm aware it's diagnosis by elimination. I'm hoping it's due to inflammation, some benadryl helped a bit but not fully.
  54. T

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Even then most of these potential treatment barriers do not seem as if they are that difficult for people to overcome. For example if you swallowed at the incorrect time, it would just mean that you would require a redose. Or if the area actually needing repair was further in the ear then...
  55. ZFire

    Otosclerosis for ~5 Years, Tinnitus Started ~2 Weeks Ago

    Holy crap. Your tinnitus sounds kinda similar to mine. It’s indescribable. In the last month, it has morphed and changed a lot. Lots of stuff going on. )t’s a waaaahhh waaaahhh waaahh sound. When an ambulance siren comes nearby I swear that ahhh sound gets mixed into it. I get weird vibrating...
  56. J

    Is There Any Hope?

    ...I know that I can't say for sure at this point but he seemed pretty certain that what I am experiencing is at least a precursor to Cochlear Hydrops or Meniere's. Then again, I spoke with a Dr today who said she had no idea and said it could be regular hearing loss. I am hearing distorted...
  57. G

    Sudden Onset of Dysacusis/Diplacusis — Please Help Me!

    Sometimes issues like this can be one-off. When I first got tinnitus/hyperacusis I had one day where I had a very brief period of distortions with sound. Music sounded broken. After that day I never had this issue again. This was about 2.5 years ago. After an ear surgery I had a horrible...
  58. FGG

    My Turn for Your Support — Woke Up with Sudden Hearing Loss and Severe Vertigo

    I had ear fullness for about a month I think after my worst vestibular attack. I got fullness again after antibiotics destroyed my cochlea and that lasted about 3 months and was even worse in terms of pressure. Ear fullness isn't pathognomic for Meniere's (but it is common with it).
  59. Theezy

    How to Habituate to Tinnitus

    ...I have been on Betahistine (Serc) for 10 days as I received an opinion the progressive nature of my condition may possibly be caused by cochlear hydrops. So far there hasn’t been noticeable effect and my tinnitus has continued to worsen all the same so far, but I hope it will benefit me in time.