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  • Users: MattS
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  1. MattS

    Ways to Combat Tinnitus Side Effects from COVID-19 Vaccine?

    Alexander: So your vaccine-related tinnitus spike dissipated?
  2. MattS

    Tinnitus Since 2012 — Got Worse by Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine

    Did your tinnitus ever improve?
  3. MattS

    How to Protect Against the Dentist's Drill? Can't Use Earplugs, So What Then?

    I found one at Yonge/Eglinton: Dr. Sugar. He has both laser and traditional dentistry options. I actually went to him for a consult, found him to be very nice and understanding - even said that he had a bit of tinnitus himself. Let me hear the laser system (which makes its own kind of clicking...
  4. MattS

    Do Musicals Pose the Same Danger as Concerts and Sporting Events to Tinnitus Sufferers?

    I've been to a couple musicals since developing tinnitus. Wore plugs to both, and would definitely recommend that. The lights really depends on the sound man. I went to Dear Evan Hanson and found the sound perfectly hovering between 85-90 dB for all songs (and quieter between songs). But I went...
  5. MattS

    Quieten — App by Julian Cowan Hill — Scam? Reviews?

    Not that I'm trying to make JCH rich, but let me pose two scenarios: 1. A man devises a program for tinnitus that helps take the edge off the symptoms in 25% of tinnitus patients. While not all patients are helped, and even those that are helped don't experience a complete cure, the man is...
  6. MattS

    Quieten — App by Julian Cowan Hill — Scam? Reviews?

    So, I just downloaded the app... and there is TONNE of free content on there. Audio, video, meditations... you don't have to appreciate the content, but he's hardly fleecing anyone here. Anyway, whatever, I'm with @linearb - I might buy him a cup of coffee.
  7. MattS

    Which Custom Earplugs Should I Buy?

    ...dishes is a good example to make another point that I think you'll find relevant: it's very unlikely that dishes or cutlery clinking together cause *dangerous* noise levels; and yet they can trigger temporary spikes in some Tinnitus sufferers. This leads me to believe that not all sounds that...
  8. MattS

    Quieten — App by Julian Cowan Hill — Scam? Reviews?

    *Shrug* I guess I'm with @linearb here in believing the world has greater evils in it than this. Indeed, if the biggest damage here is that he nabs a couple bucks from a few people, in return for modest psychological relief, then I'm willing to look the other way.
  9. MattS

    Quieten — App by Julian Cowan Hill — Scam? Reviews?

    I'll be honest, I've watched a number of his YouTube videos - all of which are free - and have found them to be broadly helpful. Are they "a cure"? Certainly not. But are they "a scam"? I don't really see how. The man is essentially claiming that your nervous system is on high alert, and that...
  10. MattS

    Research's Attempt to Objectively Assess Tinnitus

    ELI5: The title sounds super exciting, but this study looks to have run *zero* tinnitus patients. What they have done is designed a system that could be used to undertake a neurofeedback protocol, where people are provided with real-time information about a specific feature of their brain state...
  11. MattS

    Research's Attempt to Objectively Assess Tinnitus

    ELI5: Another resting-state study. This one has calculated a measure of 'signal frequency' within the resting state brain activity of the auditory cortex (that's smALFF), identified regions where smALFF differed between (a small sample of) tinnitus patients and controls, and measured...
  12. MattS

    Research's Attempt to Objectively Assess Tinnitus

    ...involvement in reward/punishment/motivation/habit learning) and the prefrontal cortex (involved in decision making/thinking/reasoning). They found *increased* connecticity, in both directions (but mostly prefrontal to NAc), in the tinnitus patients compared to controls. It's unclear exactly...
  13. MattS

    Neuroimaging Approaches to the Study of Tinnitus and Hyperacusis: A Frontiers Research Topic

    For those interested and/or scientifically inclined, an upcoming special topics issue of Frontiers in Human Neuroscience will be dedicated to tinnitus/hyperacusis issues. Here's the link...
  14. MattS

    Research's Attempt to Objectively Assess Tinnitus

    ELI5: This study measured the "functional connectivity" of the brain's "resting-state networks" in 40 tinnitus and 40 non-tinnitus participants. By "functional connectivity", they mean "brain regions that activate/deactivate in relative synchrony". And by "resting-state" they mean the brain...
  15. MattS

    [Danny Boy Memorial Fund] A New Frontier In Patient Driven Research

    Happy to have a look at it, yes.
  16. MattS

    Realism About Progress: The Pitch of My Tinnitus Is the Issue

    Are you able to get out much brightside? Obviously super noisy environments are no good, but just getting out of the house, going for a walk, going to the library, grabbing a coffee... anything that can get you out of the house and out of your head, is helpful. Yes it's winter, and not being...
  17. MattS

    Advice About Tinnitus & Decongestants

    Bump. Anyone else have any thoughts regarding decongestants?
  18. MattS

    What’s It Like Wearing Earmuffs at the Dentist?

    I just went to the dentist, and specifically asked that they not use the ultrasonic scaler. My hygienist was happy to oblige, and just worked on me manually. No problems.
  19. MattS

    Realism About Progress: The Pitch of My Tinnitus Is the Issue

    I'm right there with you brightside. I'm at 5 1/2 months myself, and also suffer from a high pitch that is on/off maskable. While I think I saw some initial decreases, things appear to have stabilized, and I'm not sure that I'm seeing any further decreases. Or maybe I am; it's so hard to tell...
  20. MattS

    Community Helping Identify Research Priorities (CHIRP)

    Not sure I agree on this. There are a few well-funded labs in the tinnitus field, but there are many more starving scientists that just wish they could conduct research that didn't come with a big price tag. If we had all the patient data collection already done, this could allow many more...
  21. MattS

    Should I Listen to My Tinnitus in Order to Get Accustomed to It?

    If I can try to sum up slightly: I think that whether you listen to it, you mask under it, or you mask over it, may depend entirely on the type of person you are. Some people are obsessive/addictive types, whose brain can lock onto something and then have a hard time ever letting it go. This...
  22. MattS

    Wonderful New Symptom: Buzzing — In My Leg!

    Yes, I think this is what I'm experiencing (I mean, I think so... hard to know, but little tiny electric zaps seems about right). My money, sadly, is still that this is a stress response. I've been experiencing it for about a week - hoping that by next month it's resolved (as, as I said before...
  23. MattS

    Community Helping Identify Research Priorities (CHIRP)

    This absolutely applies to research priorities mrbrightside614. Not sure it helps us control those priorities, but what you've said is bang on important, and so getting it jotted down as an important research priority is itself very important. In fact, I think that would be another of my...
  24. MattS

    Community Helping Identify Research Priorities (CHIRP)

    This is exactly right. Our leverage, our currency, is our selves. *WE* are what the researchers need to conduct their research. And so, yes, we need a registry created. However, this alone does not get us in the game of increasing our say in research priorities. What we need is a registry, with...
  25. MattS


    Woohoo! *High fives self* If you'll allow the feedback Pete, I'd suggest that this may be the wrong question. That's different than saying your wrong, so please don't bottle up immediately and put me on ignore. Just hear me out. You may be absolutely right: CHS or any other agency may be...
  26. MattS

    Wonderful New Symptom: Buzzing — In My Leg!

    Yes, this fits I think. You had a stressful period and got a weird symptom like this. And going away in a month seems about right too (because that's about how long minor nerve damage takes to heal). Thanks for the note - I'm really not that worried, but it's still nice to get some extra...
  27. MattS

    Wonderful New Symptom: Buzzing — In My Leg!

    Doesn't seem to, no. I do have a lonnnng history of lower back/nerve issues, including all kinds of sciatic problems. So I'd certainly not discount the possibility that it's a pinched nerve somewhere. But this is a new sensation, unlike any of my previous sciatic symptoms. *Shrug, who knows*.
  28. MattS


    We're one of the top, though I think the Scandinavian countries always get top spots, with us and Australia in around the 2nd best levels. Ironically, I would say it's actually our public health system that increases that quality of life rating. This is a political debate one could have till...
  29. MattS

    Wonderful New Symptom: Buzzing — In My Leg!

    Hmmm, interesting question. I just took out the stopwatch on my phone and measured a few intervals: 1:28 0:33 1:02 0:53 So, I guess faster than every two minutes. More like every minute, though with considerable random variance. The feeling is halfway between an electrical buzz and just...
  30. MattS

    Is Anyone Here a Barista? Coffee Shops Are Pretty Loud — Any Impact on Your Tinnitus?

    Ha, yes, I got the same advice, though at least my audiologist admitted that it was probably not going to do anything, but might as well try/experiment. Sadly, that week taught me that I am indeed caffeine addicted.
  31. MattS

    Should I Listen to My Tinnitus in Order to Get Accustomed to It?

    No disrespect intended (thought I recognize it may not be interpreted that way), but there's been a little voice in my head asking me whether we (as a community) are wise to be putting more weight/credibility in the advice of those who have been suffering the longest. Yes, on the one hand, they...
  32. MattS

    Wonderful New Symptom: Buzzing — In My Leg!

    Well, this is a new one: now I've got an electrical current feeling buzzing on and off in my *right shin*. Feels like I've been hooked up to a TENS machine and am getting treatment. Once every 2 minutes or so it buzzes for about 5 seconds. Doesn't hurt, but I'm sure you can imagine pretty...
  33. MattS


    I'll take Pete's side on this one: private health care in Canada *is* starting to exist, but it's expensive and I'd doubt that Pete is in a position to afford it (no judgment Pete, just following your own previous sentiments). Moreover, there would be little tinnitus support in the private...
  34. MattS

    Is Anyone Here a Barista? Coffee Shops Are Pretty Loud — Any Impact on Your Tinnitus?

    Man becomes ambidextrous! Success story! :)
  35. MattS


    As slight humour Bartoli, the attached picture is now what I assume you are wearing to work.
  36. MattS


    ...on a bike. I also agree: I personally think the thud/thud of the tires on the ground may be worse with plugs in, than without. If it were me, I'd *probably* stick with trying to reduce the wind resistance, but perhaps lose the plugs that lead to occlusion of the thud/thud. But I'm hardly a...
  37. MattS


    Pete, you're in Toronto, aren't you? Have you gone to the Canadian Hearing Society near Casa Loma? They offer cheap TRT and are booking into next month. No referral required. Certainly there are other resources in Toronto as well. Happy to direct you to some of the best I've found, if you stop...
  38. MattS

    Is Anyone Here a Barista? Coffee Shops Are Pretty Loud — Any Impact on Your Tinnitus?

    I still grind every morning with an electric. But I cover my ears tight during the event.
  39. MattS

    Should I Listen to My Tinnitus in Order to Get Accustomed to It?

    ...very rigid, very sure of himself, and very unwilling to consider the possibility that others may have additional insights to add. Given how little *anyone* really knows about tinnitus, that has always rubbed me sideways. Definitely @Michael Leigh's ideas, based on TRT, are worth knowing. TRT...
  40. MattS

    Is Anyone Here a Barista? Coffee Shops Are Pretty Loud — Any Impact on Your Tinnitus?

    I don't have experience working there, but I can tell you that as a customer I try to sit as far from the coffee grinder as possible because that noise is poison to tinnitus sufferers. I would probably not advise that job, though obviously if you're thinking about you may be more tolerant of...
  41. MattS

    Which Custom Earplugs Should I Buy?

    ...advice I've given remains mostly the same...but it is a bit more oriented towards hyperacusis than tinnitus. But mostly the advice is the same: * Yes, if you've only had tinnitus for three weeks, and are seeing increases in bar environments, then that's probably a sign that you may want to...
  42. MattS

    Which Custom Earplugs Should I Buy? loud noises. It will take time, and it will require that you be very patient and deliberate in your exposure...but it can be done. Moreover, it *should* be done. The auditory system requires sound, or it withers. In this regard it's no different from any other body part: if you don't use...
  43. MattS

    Which Custom Earplugs Should I Buy?

    I expect 25s would be more than enough for the situations you describe (except weddings). Indeed, in time I would expect you'll be able to do with less than that even.
  44. MattS


    Shopping carts are the worst. I put in plugs whenever I approach a grocery store, partially on auto pilot, because invariably someone will separate one, or smash two together, or the god damn cart collector will come by with 100 of them. I've been bitten by that enough times, I just pop in plugs...
  45. MattS


    Hi Bartoli. My tinnitus is also very high pitched. Not quite 12.5, but in around 11.3 I believe. High enough, to be sure. Whether it's as loud as yours, or louder, or quieter...well, who the hell knows, right? Mostly at this point I've just decided to accept it. I mean, there's really nothing...
  46. MattS


    This is the key @PeteJ. This is a support group, where we all set out to support each other. It's not a help line where the volunteer is only there to help you. You are not the only sufferer here. We all suffer, and we all seek to help each other where/when we can. When you learn that, you will...
  47. MattS


    No, it is not. It's only mildly mean. And it's not even remotely untrue. You need to take a really good look in the mirror Pete. You've lost your center, man.
  48. MattS


    How about this then Pete: why don't you let us know what it is you'd like us to say. Because clearly nobody is telling you what you want to hear, not are you willing to listen to anything else. So you tell us what you want to hear, and then we can regurgitate that back to you, if we feel...
  49. MattS


    What was your latest acoustic trauma?
  50. MattS


    That's okay Pete, they were rhetorical.
  51. MattS


    So you've tried these things Pete? You tried CBT? You tried TRT? You know they won't work because *you tried them* and they didn't work? How about that book from @linearb - did that also not work? From my vantage point, it seems that what won't work is ignoring advice, and telling everyone...
  52. MattS

    Today Was the Hump with My Daughter's Bat Mitzvah

    Final update: I'm 100% recovered from the noise exposure, and have been experiencing some off my lowest, least reactive tinnitus days since inception. It's been 5+ months now... hopefully the downtrend can continue.
  53. MattS

    What's Your Definition of Mild Tinnitus?

    I think if the fridge hum removes your tinnitus, you have mild tinnitus. Like 2-3/10.
  54. MattS

    Root Canal for a Front Tooth: No Need to Worry

    How come you've changed your tune so much Bill?
  55. MattS

    Root Canal + Crown vs. Extraction? Which Is Better for a Tinnitus Sufferer?

    @mick1987 Good luck, and thank you for keeping us posted: your experience may be important for some of us in the future.
  56. MattS

    Root Canal + Crown vs. Extraction? Which Is Better for a Tinnitus Sufferer?

    Indeed! [Would love to see fairies dancing on the head of a pin too; sadly, I'm not sure which is less likely] ;) Best evidence we have is likely here:
  57. MattS

    How Do You Transition Between Listening to Your Tinnitus and Pushing Through It?

    Please excuse my ignorance, but why would you ever want to 'listen to your tinnitus'?
  58. MattS

    Root Canal + Crown vs. Extraction? Which Is Better for a Tinnitus Sufferer?

    Ear plugs and headphones can't help the vibrational sound that occurs through your bones during dental drilling. If anything, they could actually make it worse. Laser dentistry is great...but you can't laser a root canal! I'm with @Bill Bauer on this one: I would 100% go for extraction and...
  59. MattS

    My ENT Offered Me a Spot in a Drug Trial for Ketamine Injections

    A relevant question: if the Ketamine does work, but only temporarily, will Columbia ENTs be able to proscribe you more? Will you get specialized longer-term treatment? That would be worth it right there. If you do decide to do it, please report on your progress/outcome, as much as you are allowed.