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  1. D

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    @DARREN R whether this reduces/cures T or not, i think this could be a huge step foward regardless in terms of ears and possibly a big piece of the puzzle to help in figuring all this out, though
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    Looking for Any Advice?

    @Bill Bauer yikes, same. that experience doesn't sound like this is gonna end well for me. This really makes me wonder how people do normal things like cut grass or etc. because stuff like that is pretty loud or what kind of jobs people with T have. Never in my life would i have thought to be...
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    Looking for Any Advice?

    Hiii, I know I haven't posted in a while, but I mostly come to this forum to lurk in the frequency and the inner hair cell regeneration research threads because that's the only thing thats giving me hope. If I read anything else about how people ( including myself) are having such a rough time I...
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    How Long Does It Take for a Spike from a Cold to Leave?

    Pretty much the title.. I don't know if it's my perception or what but when I got a cold everything got worse...
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    My Wife Is Leaving Me Because of Tinnitus

    Let her leave. If she's the type to leave someone just because they are going through a tough time, then please, Let. Her. Leave.
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    You Can Survive Tinnitus

    I've always wondered how people get SSHL or menieres. Especially when using protection
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    Opinion on Benzos?

    @Sen Thanks! But what's the definition of "short-term??" Like a couple of weeks or days? Or is it like months??
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    Opinion on Benzos?

    I have really bad anxiety and stress from tinnitus and other stuff. I have bad muscle and joint pain all over my body, my joints pop alot and stomach cramps. I don't know if this is all from stress or if I developed fibro. So I'm trying to get my stress levels down to see which one but I can't...
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    It's possible that it can stay. It's also possible it can go. No one knows with tinnitus. Very unpredictable. I would say just try not to panic. It'll only make it worse. Praying that yours goes x
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    Hyperacusis Only with Headphones?

    Would suggest to never use headphones ever again. It's what got me into this mess.
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    I'm literally surviving for my family so they won't get hurt by losing a child/sister. This is...

    I'm literally surviving for my family so they won't get hurt by losing a child/sister. This is for them
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    Hyperacusis Question — If 50 dB Sounds Like 80 dB, Is It Still Damaging?

    @Bobby B isn't this risking overprotection, or no?
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    Loud Tone for a Few Seconds — Fleeting / Transient Spontaneous Tinnitus

    My hearing in my left ear went out and was replaced with the loudest tinnitus ever. Very high pitched. Lasted for 10-15 seconds. It came back but now I'm very, very scared. Hope that it never, ever happens again.
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    What About God?

    @RicoS people cry when relatives or friends die because they are not with them anymore. Yes, they might be in the hands of God, but wouldn't you miss talking to them on earth?! I do not think killing yourself guarantees you going to heaven.. if anything it may be the opposite. About him saving...
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    What About God?

    @MikeP505 I like talking about this stuff too but it has to be with the right people. Some people can get disrespectful. I think I already saw the term " Jesus freak" up here. yikes. The whole thing comes down to beliefs and perspectives. I agree about how it's impossible to make sense of...
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    What About God?

    ...doesn't exist, but if things get better then they are back to believing in him and praising him. This is completely understandable but none of this is his fault.. it's human sins.***** Just my opinion and perspective, don't mean to offend anyone. If you don't agree, that's completely fine :)*****
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    Tinnitus Spike / Neck Pain... Is There a Relationship?

    @glynis hope your doing better today :)
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    Tinnitus Spike / Neck Pain... Is There a Relationship?

    Yep, there's a relation.
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    Hyperacusis Question — If 50 dB Sounds Like 80 dB, Is It Still Damaging?

    I don't think anybody knows 100% for sure but I personally don't think so.
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    Does TMJ Make Hyperacusis Worse?

    Ever since my tmj got bad I feel like my Hyperacusis also got worse. I also think its making my TTTS worse too because every time I swallow it spasms. Part of me once to believe that's why my H is worse, and the other part says its just coincidence. Any experiences those with tmj and H? I...
  21. D

    Does Everyone with Severe Tinnitus Have a Mood Disorder?

    Hell yeah my mood is affected. But I wouldn't call it a mood disorder. Im uncomfortable and in pain all the time due to my Hyperacusis and honestly that bothers me more than my loud tinnitus.
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    Does Everyone with Severe Tinnitus Have a Mood Disorder?

    Why do you ask? I don't think so..
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    Doctor I Saw Has Amazing Research/Possible Tinnitus Cure

    I'm trying to hold out hope for treatments but it's hard. I'm always so skeptical.
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    Some Idiots' Annoying Whistling Sent Me Over the Edge Two Weeks Ago. What Do I Do?

    When you had Hyperacusis did it make your ears and head have this vibration feeling?? Like you can feel the external sound? I know this sounds Weird but this is what I'm experiencing... if other sounds dont bother you than I dont think its Hyperacusis maybe you had a different reaction (more...
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    Really Struggling with My Ears (Sorry Guys I Need a Little Support Too)

    Don't apologize!!! I'm having a rough time too today.. finally broke down weeping. Hyperacusis or something else is making external sounds make my ears and head vibrate/rattle. Wish I could say something helpful as you always do but I'm in the same place. Totally know how to you feel. Only...
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    What Other Symptoms Do You Have?

    *cracks knuckles* WHERE DO I START? - Reactive T - Hyperacusis - Weird ear drum vibration - inner ear muscle spasms (TTTS) and fullness - hearing distortion? Idk some sounds have like a broken speaker effect when I'm listening to videos on my iPad .. Don't know if my ipad that has an actual...
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    I wanna try meditation to reduce stress and to just be a better person. Those who meditate.. do you meditate on the tinnitus sound or a masking? Which is better? I was thinking on the tinnitus sound so my brain can be getting used to it but some people say that it makes you focus on it...
  28. D

    Reactive Tinnitus or Sound Distortion?

    @Karam Im going through this and I just turned 18. You're not alone. Everybody goes through something horrible at anytime in there life... Age doesnt make a difference. We'll all get through this at some point
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    Please Help, Don't Know What to Do: Got Tinnitus 2 Months Ago, Fluctuating, A Lot of Anxiety

    I've been told newer T fluctuates alot before it stabilizes
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    External Sounds Get Louder with Turning My Head

    When I turn my head to the side it seems like external sounds get louder than when I'm facing straight. Anyone else experience this or have an idea what this is?
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    Me Again :) Forgot to Tell You That I Was Diagnosed 5 Years Ago with ETD

    @MrBonk are you sure that the popping and cracking is not tmj? Sounds a lot like it....
  32. D

    Best Way I've Found to Mask (Waterproof Sony Walkman with Cricket Sound)

    That's great! Really glad you found something to at least mask it... May I ask how loud is your T?? Im interested in this
  33. D

    Depressed, Depressed and Depressed.

    @glynis thank you for the suggestions although I'm a bit scared to get on any ADs because of all the "addiction" talk. But I guess it's just a risk i have to take...
  34. D

    Depressed, Depressed and Depressed.

    If my tinnitus was the only thing I was dealing with, then I feel like I could habituate. It's severe and reactive and my moderate H is a bitch.. but I have enough faith in myself (kinda) that I believe that in time I would eventually get there. But it's not. I have bad jaw pain, headaches...
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    Could I Please Have Some Advice? Spike? Rumbling Noise

    @Hammerhead so yours progressed even with protecting your ears?! Oh man, this is my WORST fear..
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    Greetings from Some Alien Planet and the Loch Ness Monster I am Fighting

    @slipware yes I got fullness in my ears right now as I type this
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    Tinnitus, TMJ, Headaches, Neck Pain, Facial Pain, etc. — Possible Treatment

    @Codaz So is this new splint helping more with the pain them the old one? I have tmj haven't received any treatment yet because I'm waiting for a appointment so im just trying to figure out if the splint works for some x
  38. D

    Hello Fellow Ringers

    Hii welcome to the forum.. You are in the right place because you'll find lots of support :) and yes, we ALL do hope for a cure ...
  39. D

    TMJ + Hearing Loss

    Do you guys know if tmj cause facial numbness/tinglyness? Almost feels like a nerve..i hope this is not some weird T symptom. And does treating the jaw makes it go away or does it stay permanently?
  40. D

    What Do Y'all Do for Fun?

    One of the (many!) problems and constamt anxiety i have with T is that I feel isolated and very limited about what I can do for fun ... I have reactive t and (mild to moderate) hyperacusis. I'm just turned 18 and I wanna know what fun things I can do with my friends/family that doesn't require...
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    Finding a Cure for Tinnitus?

    how do you get menieres? I got mine from loud noises over time from headphones, but does menieres causes tinnitus or does tinnitus cause menieres? Sorry confused
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    Finding a Cure for Tinnitus?

    @Stakovic 18 years?! Holy hell that's a long time. Has been the same pitch/volume the whole 18 years?
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    Any Idea? Does Hyperacusis Hurt When You Physically Touch the Ears?

    Thanks! I'll look in to this. I've had this pain since the start of my onset, so about a couple of weeks. And i'm sorry that happened to you.. Did you use earplugs when going to movie theater? Or did that not matter?
  44. D

    Sweet! Tinnitus Has Gradually Eased Off

    Happy for you
  45. D

    My Ears Are Screaming!

    Is this 60db just until the ears 'heal' a little and then you can start exposing yourself to louder or is this a forever type thing
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    My Ears Are Screaming!

    @Bobby B I have noise induced reactive t and h. You said that 80db is not a safe level for previously damaged ears.. Do you have an opinion on what is? X
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    People with 0% Emotional Response to Tinnitus

    People with 0 emotional response means they are not depressed or anxious about the noise even though they hear it but still have common sense to protect their ears and avoid loud places. Tinnitus doesnt prohibit them from being happy.They still live their life. Not people that purposely go...
  48. D

    Does Everyone REALLY Get Used to This?

    Would you consider yours severe? :)
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    I'm Losing My Mind

    ["billie48, post: 201021, member: 2670"]The obvious things are the loud, loud places, such as the gigs or loud clubs where the speakers are deafening. Don't stand near any loud source of noises. Try to have plugs ready if you are going to loud places. I didn't watch cinema movies for 2 years...
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    Does Everyone REALLY Get Used to This?

    @hunzi I had constant ear pain at the start too from loud noise exposure, like it also physically hurted to touch my ear but its slowly fading away now. i think the same will happen to you sooner or later. Most people say ear pain usually fades unless you have something underlying wrong like tmj...
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    Does Everyone REALLY Get Used to This?

    @Sam Bridge I don't think they are that loud either over here in america but since Ive been reading peoples posts I think ive grown very anxious about places I think is safe to go. Since I have to lose out on concerts at LEAST I can go shopping hopefully lol x
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    Does Everyone REALLY Get Used to This?

    @Hunszi Is your pain from hyperacusis, too? I have that also. Pretty bad. I also have bad reactive T, so your not the only one going through this lol. But I'm gonna start working on my emotional reaction towards all this ( hyperacusis or not) so I have that part of the problem under control. The...
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    Does Everyone REALLY Get Used to This?

    I'm not trying to start anything, but I think its a bit inaccurate to say people with severe T can NEVER habituate. Although I thought like this at first I've come to realize that maybe the definitions of habituation are different. With mild tinnitus habituation = you can't hear it because its...
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    I'm Losing My Mind

    @Owen what type of things do you avoid? I'm new to this so I kinda need a opinion on this.. Do you think shopping malls are too loud?
  55. D


    My tinnitus and hyperacusis is just like yours so you inspire me. I just want to be happy.
  56. D


    So would you say your mostly happy like before tinnitus? Or are you still depressed by it?
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    Autonomic Nervous System

    Well I wouldn't say "cure" no such thing as magic pill (wish it was) but It definitely helps and I notice a difference. I am taking 5,000iu twice a day and it takes a while to build up in your system like around two months. I'm sorry it didn't work.. Wasn't trying to pull a snake oil on you or...
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    Autonomic Nervous System

    What was your dosage?
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    Autonomic Nervous System

    @Sen have you tried supplementing vitamin D3? That helps with energy,motivation and mood. Just a suggestion X