Really Struggling with My Ears (Sorry Guys I Need a Little Support Too)


Aug 29, 2015
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Meniere's Disease
My tinnitus is raging in both ears it's a very high pitch hiss along with a loud low humming noise. It's greatly impacting on my mood and been off work 2 weeks. Went back work this week 3 days but can not cope and doctor put me on the club 4 more weeks. Think I have hyperacusis as sounds just hurt my ears. Not sleeping and so emotional. My doctor has put me on strong sleeping tablets knock me out as ears won't let me sleep even pulling out all the stops and advice I would normaly give out. On antidepresants and getting a little support....... Bugger....just want my happy self back and my tinnitus to settle down due to Menieres. Doctor hopes sleeping better might help.....lots of love glynis
I'm sorry that I don't have any magical answer, but I do wish you well and a quick recovery, even if just back to baseline.
Hang in there, and good luck. We're thinking of you.
Hi glynis,
I'm so sorry that you are having a rough time. You are always there to comfort others on the forum. No need to apologize for needing some support of your own. I don't have menieres but I understand that it is a roller coaster of ups and downs. I hope you find some relief soon and can get back to being your happy, bubbly self. Be as kind to yourself as you are to others.....lots of love, Lorac.:huganimation:
Glynis, try to sleep as much as u can, camomile, hot cocoa and nice pjs. Don't worry about work. You'll be back when u're ready.
Take a walk every day to tire yourself out and the fresh air will help with the noise a bit. Mask as much as u can, try some new sounds maybe. Have been walking around today with birds tweeting in my ears from an app I have.
Hugs x
Don't apologize!!! I'm having a rough time too today.. finally broke down weeping. Hyperacusis or something else is making external sounds make my ears and head vibrate/rattle. Wish I could say something helpful as you always do but I'm in the same place. Totally know how to you feel. Only thing I can do is offer you a virtual shoulder to cry on and we can both hope we'll get through this.. wishing you better days
Sorry to hear that. You always have words of wisdom for me but I can't do the same. Is something triggering this spike? Maybe something in your diet or even your medication? Stressing about it is going to make it unbearable. Take the time out to do something relaxing. Don't worry about your T or work. Maybe a few hours at a quiet cafe or meditating will help.
My tinnitus is raging in both ears it's a very high pitch hiss along with a loud low humming noise. It's greatly impacting on my mood and been off work 2 weeks. Went back work this week 3 days but can not cope and doctor put me on the club 4 more weeks. Think I have hyperacusis as sounds just hurt my ears. Not sleeping and so emotional. My doctor has put me on strong sleeping tablets knock me out as ears won't let me sleep even pulling out all the stops and advice I would normaly give out. On antidepresants and getting a little support....... Bugger....just want my happy self back and my tinnitus to settle down due to Menieres. Doctor hopes sleeping better might help.....lots of love glynis
Sweetie are you doing better today? What is the name of the sleeping tablets and antidepressants you are on?
Im on venlafaxine and zolphidem 10mg.
The first night last night on a Z pill and slept nearly 12 hours.
Ears / tinnitus are so naughty 24/7 due to Menieres Disease.....lots of love glynis

Intresting to read that Zolphidem can cause tinnitus...what a surprise! !!

Terribly sorry to hear about these issues you are suffering from. Your words to others have always been excellent and well respected. Personally I have tried to follow in your footsteps and offer only sound and known advice. Having lost all my hearing and a massive spike in tinnitus from my kidney surgery sure was a wake up call for me. In the last 5 years I have had to cope with hell and all that comes with this lifestyle change. As you know, we actually become a tad better at dealing with our issues the longer we go thru them. I also know all about hitting rock bottom again like you are feeling today. It's easy to hit bottom when the rest of the world carries on and we are stuck with this nasty business. No one gets it unless you suffer it, and even then some people have only mild symptoms and have a rough time with it.

Glynis I want you to know that you are loved, respected and admired for your strength and determination. I hope you can get thru this time of desperation soon and be back on your feet as best you can. I do not suffer hyperacusis often mainly because my hearing is so poor. I do get it when I hear a smoke alarm, loud music and any real loud banging but only in my right ear as it is the only ear I have some residual hearing with. I must close that ear quickly or I suffer! I know all about the nasty loud steam whistles in both my ears with tinnitus 24/7/365 and how hard it is to function today with no hearing. Hyperacusis is not well understood by me and by the sounds of it, I sure hope I never need to learn it myself.

Being deaf has left me unemployed and living on a small disability payment monthly. Tried finding work and want to work but it seems I am a liability for any employer in my condition. Even tried self employment but customers even shun you when you stop over to do quotes for home renovations or painting etc. Talk about the ultimate low! I used to be well employed, loved my job and other activities and was getting by just fine until..............

My family think I am weak and letting this get the better of me. I challenged every one of them to wear ear plugs for 2 weeks and I will install speakers from earbuds and they must listen to a high pitched screech 24/7. Told them they cannot cheat by removing the plugs at work or home, as I cannot cheat. Told them to try communicating with husbands, wives, children, co-workers, no telephone, must have everyone write things down for you, and see how long the boss they have will put up with this test before they FIRE you! lol Of course no one took me up on the test. My sister I was once always close too wants her old brother back. Her fun brother! I told her my personality has not changed but my life sure has. Getting the old Mike back is just not going to happen so she shuns me. Fair enough. Hard to understand what I go thru unless you have been there right?

So here we are sweetheart, offering support and asking for support from those who know. I pretty much just ignore any negative feedback from people now. I can no longer give my family what they want so I must now concentrate on giving myself the best life I possibly can.

Working on getting a Cochlear Implant and was approved for the surgery. Not a single family member said congratulations when I told them I was accepted and now on the waiting list!! A couple actually bitched saying they can't drive me in for the surgery when they call for various stupid reasons. Thank goodness I have a few close friends who will be there when the time comes! I even told my sister if she ever falls down the stairs and breaks her legs, not to call me to come take her to the hospital as I am sure I will be busy watching the grass grow that day!!! My support network here is practically non existent. That's fine. I am a grown man and can get thru this crap without any of their help or kindness. In order for me to get the Cochlear Implant, I must be immunized for meningitis for some reason. That immunization takes 2 treatments of vaccine that I must find a way to pay for out of my small budget. Money I just don't have but I also cannot afford to let this opportunity to possibly hear again in one ear pass me by, so I will find a way to pay for the shots.

Hang in there Glynis and thank you for all the kind words and support you have given me since I joined TT. I wish there was something, anything, I could do to help you. I just hope you realize you are loved and respected by so many of us and we all want to see you get better.

Big hugs from Canada!! Get lots of rest.
A touching and thought provoking post Mike and well written. I admire your tenacity to look life in the face and to carry on regardless of the adversity that you've had from so-called family. Very sorry know that you have been treated in such an appalling way. But don't worry for they will get theirs. I hope you manage to get the cochlear implant and it's a success.
Wishing you all the best for the future
PS: Glynis and I are good friends and we frequently talk on the phone. She does a great job at tinnitus talk but unfortunately is going through a difficult time at the moment. Hopefully things will improve soon.
Thank you each and everyone of you for your lovely supporting messages and stories of hope and Mike on getting your cochlear implant.
It really means so so much as I know you all totally understand what it's like to live a tinnitus life and challenge we come across.
Took my sick note in work today and even though feel guilty having time off work I know it's the right choice till I'm back to my normal self.
My ears could not stand the sound of 200 + children ontop of what my ears are doing .
Trying stay positive between the tears and getting support too.
Lots of love to you all...glynis xxx
@Michael Leigh @glynis

I appreciate the kind words Michael. I can easily understand how Glynis can become a close and trusted friend. Really hope she gets thru this nasty business quickly. There are a few people I really want to call one day, if my Cochlear Implant is a success. I would absolutely love to hear both of your voices one day, even for a couple minutes on the phone. Another dear friend in Australia is going thru some bad times and just to hear her voice one day would make me so happy.

If my implant is a success, look out as I will be back with a vengeance. I will be employed again in things I enjoy. I feel better knowing I am getting this done at one of the top 3 hospitals in the world who perform this surgery. So far they have a 100% batting average at restoring at least some hearing and a great batting average at really improving hearing. I am also told there is a chance the implant will most likely decrease the tinnitus in that ear. Super bonus!! Until then, I will struggle along with everyone here, hit rock bottom, and also find things that uplift me at times. At least now I can see some light at the end of my long dark tunnel.

The hospital I am going too also is deeply studying the inner ear and hair cell regrowth along with the American leader in these studies. Sunnybrook Health Sciences Toronto is on the cutting edge of new and improved research. Fingers crossed for all of us that they come up with something soon that helps even a little?? A link provided will give you more information.

Keep well you two and hope one day in the next couple years, I may hear your voice??

Warm Regards.

@glynis. Hi Glynis sorry to here your not coping very well with your tinnitus. Haven't been on the forum lately do to having bad time with my tinnitus. Trying to get my depression sorted due to this damm ringing .
@MikeP505 ,
Thank you for your kind words.
@Michael Leigh is a dear friend and known him many years and love our regular phone calls .
I would love to talk with you anytime and will look forward to it.
Michael has a lovely laugh and love laughing with him too ,love him to bits...lots of love glynis
@Richard zurowski ,
I'm trying get mine sorted too...good luck xxx
On meds and getting support and will be seeing a specialist and might look into CBT....lots of love glynis
In spite of calling in sick, any way you can inject some fun time into your life to distract you from the pain of your tinnitus?
Feel better soon.
Yes I do my best and pick my little grandson up from school and he is the sunshine of my life a ray of sunshine and fun
lots of love glynis
Ears really blasting still with both sounds it's hard going and emotionally tough too.....sorry guys. ....lots of love glynis

Just wondering how you are coping today Glynis? Thinking about you and all you are going thru. Hope you can manage plenty of rest and sleep.

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