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  1. IreneO

    Hearing Aids

    I've had severe tinnitus and hyperacusis since 2015 and got hearing aids in 2018. I wasn't expecting much from them but they have helped me a lot, especially with the hyperacusis. They're definitely worth a try if you can get them and work with a good audiologist to tune them for your needs.
  2. IreneO

    Terrifying Tinnitus Spike Due to Fear and Grief

    I'm sorry you're suffering, @Agrajag364. Spikes are the worst, but they do go away eventually. Stress exacerbates loudness, so do whatever you can to manage your stress and grief. And keep reminding yourself that this will pass - because it will.
  3. IreneO

    More Pussycat Therapy...

    What gorgeous cats! :cat:
  4. IreneO

    [Danny Boy Memorial Fund] In Loving Memory of Danny Boy

    We' are over the 3 grand mark and donations are coming in every day. Fantastic! :rockingbanana:
  5. IreneO

    [Danny Boy Memorial Fund] In Loving Memory of Danny Boy

    I am so sorry to hear this. Danny was a fantastic contributor to this community. His fearlessness and positivity were admirable and he'll be greatly missed.
  6. IreneO

    Still Recovering from the MRI

    @Ed209 I could have written the exact same post three months ago - similar MRI experience in December and it really knocked me back. Like you, I cursed myself for grinning and bearing it rather than hitting the button (@Jazzer I thought the exact same thing as you re. being sabotaged by my...
  7. IreneO

    Are AcousticSheep's SleepPhones Safe for Tinnitus?

    @Bethnal Lizzie I occasionally use Sleepphones at bedtime (at very low volume) to help me nod off and have found them very helpful, not at all aggravating for my T. As I've habituated I've needed them a lot less, but it's good to know they're there. Your timer idea sounds like a good one.
  8. IreneO

    Why is This Spike Not Going Away? (1.5 Hours Using Heat Gun/Hair Dryer)

    I'm going through something similar at the moment, and yes, it's difficult not to worry. But I'm pretty sure you'll return to baseline soon. Nothing in your post suggests it was an unreasonable level of noise exposure. I've given up trying to gauge how long it should take for a spike to go away...
  9. IreneO

    My Dissertation on the Sound-Sensitive Tinnitus Subtype

    Thank you very much for sharing this, @Benjamin Greenberg. Every piece of research brings us closer to understanding and (eventually) beating tinnitus. It's a fantastic achievement - congratulations!
  10. IreneO

    To You That Write / Read, How Do You Manage It with Tinnitus?

    I found reading difficult for the first year, but it has got a lot easier as I've habituated. Low background music has helped. Strangely enough, writing has never been a problem - I suppose it depends on what you are writing. Give it time and your focus and motivation will return.
  11. IreneO

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    Really informative. Thanks @Aaron123
  12. IreneO

    TINNET Mini-Conference Madrid 2017

    Great update, thanks Steve! Really good to see collaboration like this. Thanks for all the work you and TT are putting in.
  13. IreneO

    Going Under the Knife Tomorrow

    @Jake007 You're very brave to take this leap and I hope you soon see some improvement. I've found sound therapy (quiet music at low volume) helpful for getting back to sleep.
  14. IreneO

    Tinnitus and Tooth Abscess

    @mysterygal I've just had a bone graft in prep for implant to replace recently extracted lower molar. No effect whatsoever on my T.
  15. IreneO

    Tinnitus Specialist in Ireland/UK: Recommendation?

    Thanks, @brownbear !
  16. IreneO

    Tinnitus Specialist in Ireland/UK: Recommendation?

    OK TT, you're my last hope .... If anyone can recommend a medical professional in Ireland or the UK with a specialisation in tinnitus diagnosis/impact assessment (for medico-legal report), could you please message me? Thank you!
  17. IreneO

    Tinnitus Caused by Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss — Update at 7 Months

    @brownbear I'd say you're definitely on your way to habituating. There will always be setbacks but they'll matter less as time goes on. I'm two years in (severe T) and a lot of things have helped me cope, but really time is the biggie. Good luck! :)
  18. IreneO

    Habituating and hoping

    Habituating and hoping
  19. IreneO

    Post a Picture of Your Pet!

    That is a great idea, @Elinor ! Might work for humans, too :)
  20. IreneO

    Increased Tinnitus After Flight

    Hi @Fangen , I had a spike after a flight in October ... It was pretty bad for 6 weeks but it's a lot better now. I had a cold at the time, which didn't help. I'm guessing yours will settle down too, just give it time and try not to worry.
  21. IreneO

    Petition (Closed): We Need a Cure for Tinnitus

    Done! This is a very good initiative - thanks for setting it up.
  22. IreneO

    Do You Have Multiple Sounds?

    Probably 4 or 5 for me. I try not to be conscious of them. One of them still frightens me :cautious:
  23. IreneO


    @dfw Yeah, spikes are a crappy and depressing fact of life for T sufferers (currently going through one myself) but they always subside eventually. Don't worry too much about the sleep, you'll get enough one way or another. I use SleepPhones in bed with quiet sleepy music and find they really...
  24. IreneO

    Going Crazy Thinking Suicide

    So sorry you're going through this, @Damong - it's rotten, especially in the beginning. It's hard to believe but time and habituation really do work, so hang in there. All the advice on this thread is good. In the first few months I used sound masking at bedtime (SleepPhones rule!), explored...
  25. IreneO

    Post a Picture of Your Pet!

    I love all the pet photos. Here is my cat, Billy Edwards, having a snooze in the sun.
  26. IreneO

    A Positive Step Forward

    Great that you're back at work, Glynis! I hope things keep improving for you and the ENT appointment goes well.
  27. IreneO

    The Menace of Amplified Buskers

    Amplified buskers are the scourge of Dublin's city centre at the moment. There are entire streets I will go out of my way to ignore because of the noise they make. And the level of amplification is ALWAYS inversely proportional to the degree of musical talent on display. Unfortunately, as long...
  28. IreneO

    Got Captured in Hospital

    @glynis We're all thinking of you and sending healing vibes your way. You are a legend. Hang in there! :huganimation:
  29. IreneO

    Update from Yours Truly

    @Markku Good lord, what a lot of crap you're handling at the moment. I hope the prognosis turns out to be better than you think. Coping with multiple ailments at once is exhausting, so do take care of yourself. And thank you for the huge work you continue to put into this forum and all the...
  30. IreneO

    Worldcon 2017 Helsinki

    I dunno, but I still have my trusty Nokia 3510i - which still works even after being run over by a car!
  31. IreneO

    Worldcon 2017 Helsinki

    Sci-fi fans! And people from Finland! Or who want an excuse to go to Finland! You should go to this: I will be going. Anyone from TT want to meet up? It will be terribly exciting.:rockingbanana:
  32. IreneO

    Feel I Can't Do This Anymore

    @hartje5 I know how you feel, and probably everyone here feels like this some of the time. Please hang in there and don't be hard on yourself. Habituation takes time but it will happen.
  33. IreneO


    I am going to Naples in October. I am going to eat ALL the pizzas.
  34. IreneO

    How to Sleep with Tinnitus without Taking Medications?

    I have T since the end of 2014, due to head injury from a traffic accident. Two months is very early days, hang in there and it will get better.
  35. IreneO

    How to Sleep with Tinnitus without Taking Medications?

    Hi Dilshaad, different things will work for different people. I've used relaxing music (with sleep phones, low volume) and breathing exercises and found these helpful. Some find white noise helpful, or a fan left on etc, so experiment to see what helps you. Make sure you're tired when you go to...
  36. IreneO

    The Best Things to Happen to You After Tinnitus

    A cat wandered in to my house and is still here a year later. Having a cat ROCKS. :cat:
  37. IreneO

    Share How Your Day Is Usually Like for You?

    @BobDigi Yep, that sounds familiar ... Just my luck to live in a city with big roadworks projects in progress :eek: If you look around when you're out, almost everyone has their phones clamped against their ears or their earphones in or something, so probably no-one even noticed you blocking...
  38. IreneO

    Share How Your Day Is Usually Like for You?

    This is a very interesting thread and it shows how bloody resilient we all have to be every day. You are all amazing. :beeranimation: Now that I've more or less habituated, my own day is not too different from before I had T - maybe a bit more paranoia about loud noise and a bit more difficulty...
  39. IreneO

    Studies Confirm Tinnitus Improves Over Time

    I do wish there was more recognition of the distinction between tinnitus and the ability to cope with tinnitus. I would certainly have expected a more accurate use of terminology from a scientific peer-reviewed paper. A year on from my T onset, I know I am facing into years of spikes...
  40. IreneO


    It doesn't bode well for UK involvement in EU-funded scientific research - something directly relevant to all of us here. :(
  41. IreneO

    Can't Seem to Readjust. Help.

    @Pietro Baraldi Sorry to hear that. Relapses are horrible - I think almost everyone on here knows what it's like. It feels so unfair that having gone through habituation once you have to do it again. The advice "hang in there, it will get better" still holds true, and if you've managed to get to...
  42. IreneO

    Living a Happy Life with Severe Tinnitus

    @Zora Your dad is an inspiration. Thanks for posting this!
  43. IreneO

    Studies Confirm Tinnitus Improves Over Time

    "Studies confirm tinnitus sufferers should just shut their yaps and get used to it, like we've been telling them for years." What about this sentence from the Conclusions section of the conference poster? "This provides statistical evidence that tinnitus does indeed generally improve over time...
  44. IreneO

    Hello... from Indonesia

    Hi Jeremia, welcome to the forum. There's a lot of really good information here and a lot of support. I hope your health issues improve and you get the answers you need.:welcomesignanimation:
  45. IreneO

    Acoustic CR® Neuromodulation: Do It Yourself Guide

    I've just tried this for the first time. No-one told me it sounded like Kraftwerk! Even if it doesn't work it's nice to listen to (if you like bleepy electronica). That's tonight's essay-writing soundtrack sorted, then :headphone:
  46. IreneO

    Stoic Philosophy and Tinnitus (for Anybody Interested in)

    Agreed, cosmology and Stoicism go really well together! (y)
  47. IreneO

    Announcement Tinnitus Neuromodulator Sound Generator — Collaboration

    A collaboration made in noise heaven :woot: Well done and I look forward to listening!
  48. IreneO


    @Alue I'm sorry, that must be terrible for you. Apologies if people keep saying this and maybe you're already on it, but are you seeking legal advice if it was a workplace incident that caused your T? Your management sound like they need a good kick up the arse. :mad:
  49. IreneO

    One of the Largest Tinnitus Trials Yet

    @Daveyrvancleef That is interesting - you seem to be the first person on this forum whose application wasn't rejected sight unseen. Do keep us posted. I'm curious as to what selection criteria they're using.
  50. IreneO


    @Telis I identify strongly with what you say, and it's reassuring to read that the experience is so common here. When something triggers a very strong memory from my past, it's almost incomprehensible to me that I could ever have been that happy and carefree. Like you, I try to get out of there...
  51. IreneO

    I'm Isolated and Alone. I've Thought About a Helper Dog.

    My cat is snoring right next to me now. I'm thinking about how much she's helped me since she barged into my life a year ago, when I was in early habituation and about as low as I've ever been. I was staying late at work every day, terrified of going home. Suddenly I had to get home and look...
  52. IreneO

    The Difference Between Brain and Computer

    ...points in history, we adopt the latest technological development as a metaphor for how the brain works. Then we somehow forget how to metaphor and suddenly everyone's talking and thinking about the brain as though it *really is* a set of cogs, or hydraulics/fluids, or processors and...
  53. IreneO

    Pancake Day!

    All you need is flour, milk, eggs. And something nice to put on them when they're done :hungry:
  54. IreneO


    They promise a response in two weeks. I got one after a month. As far as I know, no-one from this forum who applied has been accepted. Not that that means you won't be, although it's impossible to say given that they haven't disclosed their criteria.
  55. IreneO

    The Difference Between Brain and Computer

    This is very interesting, and a reminder of the huge uphill task facing researchers trying to understand the workings of the brain:
  56. IreneO

    Tinnitus and Reading Books

    As others have said: it takes time, but keep trying and you'll be able to focus on reading again. I was only able to focus on "light" reading in early habituation, but I'm gradually getting back to my usual ponderous tomes, hooray.
  57. IreneO

    Struggling All Over Again

    I'm also going through a spike, probably caused by noise exposure, and it's rubbish having to habituate again. But looking at this forum this seems to be a really common experience, so you're definitely not alone. If the brain can habituate once, it can do it again. Don't worry :)