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  1. NineNails

    Video Series: Total Tinnitus Remission / Patient #1 / By Dr. Tanit Ganz Sanchez

    There was once a dentist that used morphine to sedated his patients before treating their teeth. He didn't share his knowledge: morphine with anyone. This way he became very rich and famous and lived a life of pomp and abundance. And I have a feeling pretty much the same thing will be happening...
  2. NineNails

    HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) Surgery

    Exactly! Anyhow, where there is no proof there is no liability.
  3. NineNails

    Video Series: Total Tinnitus Remission / Patient #1 / By Dr. Tanit Ganz Sanchez

    The patient in this video obviously has tiny tinnitus. She only perceived it in total silence and she thinks that tinnitus is not a debilitating condition like other physical diseases. Worse, Dr. Tanit Ganz Sanchez totally agrees. Tinnitus is just annoying, but no big deal. Yeah, right!! To be...
  4. NineNails

    How People Got Better — For Newbies and Veterans

    @jeanoroid , So you can't mask either, aye?
  5. NineNails

    How People Got Better — For Newbies and Veterans

    What if your T is unmaskable?
  6. NineNails

    Severe Tinnitus a Form of 'Continuous Torture', Says Sudbury Man

    He can at the very least mask it. I can't.
  7. NineNails

    Poll: Does Tinnitus Keep You from Having a Job?

    I certainly know little, but I know some have it really bad. Thus, staying productive as in work for a living is realistically impossible for them. You don't say to a wheelchair bound person, "Hey, just keep on walking would be a good start." ;)
  8. NineNails

    Poll: Does Tinnitus Keep You from Having a Job?

    Beware of CIs! Their main side effect is causing T. But no one selling CIs will tell you! It's the dirty secret of the CI manufacturers and physicians. Moreover, CI is not comparable with normal hearing everything sounds robotic! You sound like tiny T. No offense, but if you had bad T, you...
  9. NineNails

    One of the Largest Tinnitus Trials Yet

    Yes, but 90% have minor T, which is exclusively perceivable when plugging the ears or in total silence. Thus they hab eventually and a real treatment, let alone a cure, isn't paramount for them anymore. Neuromonics trial.. sound placebo therapy. Awesome! Looks like they refuse intelligent people.
  10. NineNails

    Tinnitus and Cochlear Biochemical Electricity

    That sounds delightful. So maybe, if we can't change those fluids, electricity is the answer!?
  11. NineNails

    HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) Surgery

    So it's all just a game to you? You can censor sensitive data. Besides, who would want to stalk you? We'd like to see your results for comparison reason. Otherwise we've to presume it's all just another scam.
  12. NineNails

    HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) Surgery

    Evidence @Christian78 ?
  13. NineNails

    Suggestions.... What Do You Do for Headaches?

    @Gin , You said the treadmill helps so maybe that's a treatment: more physical exercises. And the wine in the evening. ;) Maybe your T has to do with blood circulation. Wine thinnes the blood. Cardio workout increases the blood circulation.
  14. NineNails

    Is This New Tinnitus or Aggravated Tinnitus?

    It's hard to tell. I had an annoying tonal melody on one ear for several months like plus 5 months. Eventually it went away but other noises arose. It's a rollercoaster. Reactive and constantly changing.
  15. NineNails

    Suggestions.... What Do You Do for Headaches?

    It disappears completely. Wow! That's awesome. Mine only gets calmer. Though it's a gamble for sometimes it does nothing or worse it gets louder.
  16. NineNails

    Suggestions.... What Do You Do for Headaches?

    @Gin , I can relate. I'd suggest unconsciousness. Anything that knocks you out cold for some hours. Getting REM sleep can calm down T. But getting there is most days mission impossible. So yes, sleeping meds for short-term may be an option. Another option, yourself. Namely Gin, alcohol...
  17. NineNails

    Can One Actually Habituate to Slight Uneven Hearing and Loud Tinnitus?

    How can anybody hab to something as capricious as reactive T? Honestly, hab is just an excuse for "there's nothing we can do for you, so you had better get used to it." Of course, if you had minor T the kind you only perceive in total silence or if you plugged your ears it's probably possible...
  18. NineNails

    Concentration Problems

    Concentration as well as sleep elude me entirely. I feel like a zombie most days. And right now is a legendary bad day! If you can work while having T respect!
  19. NineNails

    I Now Have Double Tinnitus!

    I can totally relate! I'd been completely deaf on one ear for almost two weeks. Fortunately, like yours my hearing did slowly recover. Though, not completely! Still having hearing loss and extreme reactive T.
  20. NineNails

    Do You Use Earplugs at the Gym?

    No gym going for me! Only outdoor sports or private classes. Same applies to some fashion stores. It's crazy! I genuinely hope T becomes epidemic. Fingers crossed.
  21. NineNails

    Poll: Do You Have Good Posture?

    Move. And train some arts like Jiu Jitsu, ballet.
  22. NineNails

    WiFi and Tinnitus

    How can you tell? Who knows, maybe they had much more and history just repeats itself like it always does. Judgment day.
  23. NineNails

    Poll: Would You Sign Up for a Clinical Trial for a Drug Never Tried on Humans Before for Tinnitus?

    But there should be a tendency. For instance, cochlea implants cause T. It may be intermittent or constant.
  24. NineNails

    Poll: Would You Sign Up for a Clinical Trial for a Drug Never Tried on Humans Before for Tinnitus?

    Yes, as long as the side effects are impermanent.
  25. NineNails

    Scientists Say They Have a New Cure for Hearing Loss

    Wishful thinking.
  26. NineNails

    WiFi and Tinnitus

    They had WiFi back then? ;)
  27. NineNails

    Why Do Some People Exposed to the Same Loud Noises Not Get Tinnitus While Others Do?

    While I agree to some extent with your theory, I question that the neurons of auditory system die. Or if they did, the brain must have created new ones otherwise we would not hear all these noises. @jeanoroid , Not everybody. I just thought evil twin..
  28. NineNails

    WiFi and Tinnitus

    @Sound Wave , Where are the experiments that prove that RF do not cause or worsen T? See, there are none. Thus they assume that RF is safe. And especially for it's huge money business. Oil. Anybody?
  29. NineNails

    Why Do Some People Exposed to the Same Loud Noises Not Get Tinnitus While Others Do?

    Genetics and evolution. The amount makes the poison. For instance, if you start taking snake venom in very small quantities and step by step upper the dosage eventually your body will build resistance. And one day, your body is completely immune against a full snake bite.
  30. NineNails

    STOP "Checking" Your Tinnitus Level!

    Fair. My point was I think "checking" is something for patients with minor T and/or OCD. Nevertheless, I get your message: try not to consciously concentrate on the noise for it won't fix it. But you see, some have no choice at all. For volume and reactivity matter.
  31. NineNails

    STOP "Checking" Your Tinnitus Level!

    @jeanoroid , I never had to plug my ears to hear my T. Essentially, and especially for its reactivity, I can hear it anywhere. So yes, it cannot be masked. Nor is "checking" an option. I genuinely wish it was.
  32. NineNails

    We all do.

    We all do.
  33. NineNails

    STOP "Checking" Your Tinnitus Level!

    I wish I had such a T.
  34. NineNails

    Brain "Copying" External Sounds and Replaying Them...

    I had this too! It's called musical ear syndrome. It lasted a few weeks as well. It seems like the brain can record monotonous sounds as long as you listen to them for some time. At the time, I experimented with this and I was able to overwrite one monotonous sound/music with another. At some...
  35. NineNails

    Oral Steroids (Can It Make Tinnitus Worse? Share Your Experiences!)

    Speaking of anti-inflammatory, have you heard of UFC president Dana White's anti-inflammatory treatment? He had had Ménière's disease. He flew all the way down to Germany for a secret treatment in an exclusive clinic that triggers the immune system into healing. From what I read, they take...
  36. NineNails

    I'm Having Surgery Soon

    What kind of surgery? What have been proposed to you?
  37. NineNails

    WiFi and Tinnitus

    @Sound Wave , How can you tell? What happens when we put you in a microwave oven? ;)
  38. NineNails

    Never this alone and secluded ever! Where to go with extreme reactive T when every venue is way...

    Never this alone and secluded ever! Where to go with extreme reactive T when every venue is way too loud?
  39. NineNails

    What meds did they take? ;)

    What meds did they take? ;)
  40. NineNails

    If Physical Diseases Were Treated Like Mental Illness

    That's typical projecting your own condition upon others. Like I've a broken finger. You've a broken spine. We've the same thing. So what is the big deal? Or your boss is simply a psychopath. Many bosses are.
  41. NineNails

    If Physical Diseases Were Treated Like Mental Illness

    Psychology the power placebo for everything. You just gotta believe in it. ;)
  42. NineNails

    Age related hearing loss comes without T, AFAIK. Probably for it's a very slow process and not a...

    Age related hearing loss comes without T, AFAIK. Probably for it's a very slow process and not a sudden airstrike.
  43. NineNails

    If Salt and Sugar Make Tinnitus Spike...

    The power of the placebo effect. T is just too whimsical.
  44. NineNails

    Clicking When Swallowing

    That's the ossicles moving. Every time you swallow a muscle moves the eardrums, which moves the ossicles that are attached to the oval window of the cochlea.
  45. NineNails

    Massive Tinnitus Spikes Last Night After Sleeping on Side, Now My Tinnitus Frequency Has Changed?

    Then it's very likely not permanent T but over- or underpressure in the middle ear, which affects the inner ear AKA cochlea.
  46. NineNails

    Loud Noises Setting Off Tinnitus

    While I definitely understand your precautions avoiding loud noise for fear of further deterioration of your hearing I think you may overdo it a little. Protection is a necessity against loud noise but overprotection against everyday ambient sounds may cause hyperacusis, which worsen reactive T...
  47. NineNails

    I don't have T. T has me. I'm being held hostage and tortured 24/7. Please shoot the hostage! Now!

    I don't have T. T has me. I'm being held hostage and tortured 24/7. Please shoot the hostage! Now!
  48. NineNails

    [Sigh] Life Is Sure Fair Isn't It Fellow Tinnitus Sufferers

    Let's run around with air horns and spread some T. ;) If we can make it epidemic, there might be a funding, eventually. Or at least awareness.
  49. NineNails

    If Salt and Sugar Make Tinnitus Spike...

    I highly question that salt or sugar or any food can alter T. Unless it has a direct effect on the nervous system like for instance alcohol.
  50. NineNails

    Do You Have Any "Go To" Coping Techniques to Get You Through the Day?

    Going outdoors hiking in the forest. Or drinking wine. Sometimes a hot shower can help a little. It's tough.
  51. NineNails

    What Bothers Me the Most...

    @bill 112 , You're missing the point, most patients can't even afford 5k hearing aids, which are nothing but sound amplifiers. A student in India invented a $60 hearing aid. Now go and figure.
  52. NineNails

    Ultra Loud Tinnitus Following a Night Out

    Sleep deprivation and loud venues make my T explode for hours and days. So I avoid the latter completely, and sleep eludes me in general.. there you go, T sucks. Wine is fine though.
  53. NineNails

    Almost 5 Months. Some Days Are Better.

    Personally I'd say no, but you never know. It's been said, if T doesn't resolve in the first three months it's permanent. However, there had been some alleged miracles where T disappeared after years. So who knows..
  54. NineNails

    Poll: Does This Forum Comfort or Scare You?

    Where else to go and talk to? T essentially doesn't exist in society, and physicians just shrug it off.
  55. NineNails

    Question for Anyone Who Knows a Lot About Tinnitus and Hearing Loss

    Healing or deterioration.
  56. NineNails

    Can Talking to Friends Hurt My Ears More?

    Actually it does. That's why I talk exclusively with strangers.
  57. NineNails

    What Bothers Me the Most...

    Let's say pharmaceutical companies do have apparently an incentive to sell pills -- for a lifetime but not a cure. That makes no sense whatsoever! Unless we're talking about diseases that are epidemic and life threatening. Last time I checked, T and hearing loss was not life threatening but...
  58. NineNails

    What Bothers Me the Most...

    So cured patients keep paying bills? Really?