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  1. Marlino

    Will Light Pulses One Day Restore Hearing Loss?

    Sure, but its in German: In short: - It' unsure if its technically possible and if so many years away. - The hope is to go from ~10 frequency channels to >80 frequency channels
  2. Marlino

    Will Light Pulses One Day Restore Hearing Loss?

    My understanding of optical CIs is, that they shall directly stimulate the nerves attached to the cochlea. But for that they have to be modified to be light sensitive (like the retina maybe, you can „see“ sounds then )
  3. Marlino

    Will Light Pulses One Day Restore Hearing Loss?

    The reason for the optical stimulation is, that they hope to give patients a better frequency resolution. As you may know, electrical CIs have just a very limited frequency resolution, which is due to the fact that each electrode stimulates a whole region in the cochlea(the liquid in the...
  4. Marlino

    2 Years 8 Months with Tinnitus and No Sign of Habituation, Feeling Suicidal

    @Angus K Your story sounds similar to mine. I‘m the 2years and 7month in and no habituation yet. My t severity goes in cycles: 1-4 days good, 1-4 days bad. Good means I can easily ignore the sound in my left ear or it might even be really low. Seriously almost as good as having no t...
  5. Marlino

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    Lets see! My first question: Is there anybody here active on Tinnitustalk in the moment, who participated in the Susan Shore trial?
  6. Marlino

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    I‘m looking for anybody who has participated in the Susan Shore trial and can answer me some simple questions about it. Please pm me.
  7. Marlino

    Lidocaine on Call?

    It doesn't work for me.
  8. Marlino

    Tinnitus Side: Goofy or Regular

    The left side dominance of T prevalence and also of NIHL intrigues me, since its seems weird to me. Results: NIHL was...
  9. Marlino

    Tinnitus Side: Goofy or Regular

    I came across a new theory...let's see, if there is a connection between your tinnitus side and the way you ride a snowboard or skateboard.
  10. Marlino

    What If It's Just the Stress or Anxiety?

    Hi Hans, I understand your thoughts very well and also have this feeling that the connection T and Anxiety might be underestimated. Anxiety is something we can get used to over the years. and learn to ignore. T seems to me sometimes like the accoustical eruption. Unfortunatly I didn't find...
  11. Marlino

    What If It's Just the Stress or Anxiety?

    @hans01 I‘m currently trying to cut out any stress of my life to see if it has any positive impact on my t. Problems are: My T is one of my biggest stressors so far, but I‘m working on it. If there is no outside stress, its at least far easier not to be overwhelmed. Also i have to learn...
  12. Marlino

    My Dissertation on the Sound-Sensitive Tinnitus Subtype

    @Benjamin Greenberg Thanks for sharing. I hope you will stay in this medical field.
  13. Marlino

    What's the Point? No Matter What I Try to Do, I Will FOREVER Have My Tinnitus and Hyperacusis...

    Salut Christophe, I feel with you. I‘m currently in holiday and having one bad day after another. Bad days mean I hear the t as soon as I’m not heavilly distracted, this means even in a noisy car at high speed with music on. So I cannot enjoy the holiday at all, not a single day so far. When...
  14. Marlino

    Had This as Long as I Can Remember

    Just consider that mirtazapine on a very low dossage helps. No addiction or toleration as far as I can tell.
  15. Marlino

    Is TRT (Tinnitus Retraining Therapy) Useful for Desensitizing Reactive Tinnitus?

    Did I misunderstand you before? If I did so, please excuse me. I'm not a native speaker. Concerning pros and cons of TRT: I don't want to argue about that. It's all said so many times before and everybody can decide by himself. I know we fight the same war! All the bests and calm days Michael.
  16. Marlino

    Is TRT (Tinnitus Retraining Therapy) Useful for Desensitizing Reactive Tinnitus?

    @Michael Leigh I appreciate that you are honest about your financial benefit from TRT. IMHO it was not really clear before. Taking in account the difficult situation of many people here, such interest should be clear out of fairness. I don't envy anybody to make money with a good thing. If TRT...
  17. Marlino

    Is TRT (Tinnitus Retraining Therapy) Useful for Desensitizing Reactive Tinnitus?

    I just hope you are not in the TRT field now and make a killing.
  18. Marlino

    My Girlfriend Is Leaving Me

    @bill 112 How are you doing these days? Hope you are well.
  19. Marlino

    Please Give Me Guidance and Hope. I Just Joined and Bad Day.

    Both two statements are not proven. Especially since the lady doesn't know what triggered her t.
  20. Marlino

    How Do You Cope with Your Work?

    @Mentos I couldnt agree more.
  21. Marlino

    Noninvasive Deep Brain Stimulation via Temporally Interfering Electric Fields

    This is an very interesting approach. Maybe is useful to try around a little. Like rTMS. It's a lottery ticket, but won't bring you the million.
  22. Marlino

    Please Give Me Guidance and Hope. I Just Joined and Bad Day.

    @Misszora Do you have a clue what triggered your t initially?
  23. Marlino

    How Do You Cope with Your Work?

    @Mentos Yes, its a distractor and a spoiler. We don't have less mental capacity due to t. I know that from playing chess. I checked carefully if I played worde after getting t. But still everything is sooo much more difficult with t. Many problems I have now I had before without t as well...
  24. Marlino

    How Do You Cope with Your Work?

    This thread is amazingly interesting to me. I feel the same Mentos. I have now the 'luck' to have a break from work. Lets see what it brings. If it helps in some way I will let you know.
  25. Marlino

    Poll: Do You Have Hearing Loss with Your Tinnitus?

    Although this is true and I even might have some hearing loss in the upper regions, I stick to the impression that its very weird not being affected by hearing loss at all but pretty much by t. Sometimes I see happy people with hearing aid, they really have hearing loss but rarely suffer from...
  26. Marlino

    How Do You Cope with Your Work?

    Yes mostly I do. But from times to times I get a little bit nervous and have my problems with relaxing. But in fact my t comes and goes as it wants in intensity. Like 2 weeks mostly ok, then 3 days shit, yesterday ok again and today shit again. Since its very different to all outside sounds it...
  27. Marlino

    Poll: Do You Have Hearing Loss with Your Tinnitus?

    This hearing loss dicussion leads to nowhere in my opinion. Even if I had hearing loss ( like almost everybody nowadays btw), related to the intensity of my T I should be deaf
  28. Marlino

    Benzos and Mirtazapine — Anyone Taking Them for TINNITUS?

    That is not true. Mirta is not addictive at all.
  29. Marlino

    Mirtazapine and Getting Off It — Any Experiences?

    Ah ok, I wouldn't do it, when it helps. Even if its tempting. Never touch a running system.
  30. Marlino

    Acquiring a Positive Mindset

    @glynis You know that we cannot help you in a physical way. But be assured that in my humble opinion, even though nobody deserves T, you deserve it least. I hope for better days for all of us.
  31. Marlino

    Mirtazapine and Getting Off It — Any Experiences?

    I didn't feel less depressed when using it. Never used high dossages though
  32. Marlino

    How Do You Cope with Your Work?

    What you mean with that? By the way I can join the club here. I feel somehow in between: not handicapped enough to be just a cripple and stay at hone no matter the consequences and not well enough to feel able to do my work. So I pretend and pretend and pretend that I'm doing well. But this...
  33. Marlino

    Mirtazapine and Getting Off It — Any Experiences?

    I got off this and can tell only good experiences about mirta. It didn't affect my t at all but helped me to sleep. It might help for depression. I would just taper off slowly.
  34. Marlino

    Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid of Suicide Stories

    In my opinion the initial thread is very misleading. What it really says is, that tinnitus is one but not the only reason for suicide. Who would doubt that? I think almost always suicide has not one but several reasons. If tinnitus is one of the major ones, it's bad enough. Also severe T never...
  35. Marlino

    Tinnitus Following Craniotomy

    Who know what is really the reason for your new T. The operation seems to be the logical cause at first glimpse. But on the other hand almost everybody with bad T told me about some bad emotional stress just before T kicked in. It seems more than a coincidence to me. Maybe your T will settle...
  36. Marlino

    Is There Any Other Place in the Web as Gloom?

    Sure, sometimes I do. I would rate my progress as partially sucessful, though. But my question was more due to the fact, that it still really intrigues me, what tinnitus can do to people, e.g. see all the suicide threads. I still try to figure out for myself the role that depression plays and...
  37. Marlino

    Is There Any Other Place in the Web as Gloom?

    I'm just wondering if there is any other forum more gloom and desperate than this one? I don't know any...
  38. Marlino

    Giving Up — I Just Can't Live Like This Anymore

    I highly doubt that. Its maybe the initial anxiety which is the culprit or just something else.
  39. Marlino

    Giving Up — I Just Can't Live Like This Anymore

    What do you think are the odds that she will follow your recommendation?
  40. Marlino

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    Its obviously far less than a billion $ each year. I guess here on this forum we know about 90% of all projects. Even the most expensive ones, like am101 costs just a medium 2digit M$ amount even during their costly trial phase. So in poker it would be called a blind what is invested right now...
  41. Marlino

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    Xen1101 is interesting, but not much on the website. I will try to get in touch with xenon pharma ir and let you know if I can get some more infos.
  42. Marlino

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    There are many people who would be happy to pay 50.000$ for a reliable treatment, including me. The market is huge. That there is no treatment available, really shows that there is nothing. That there is only a couple of millions being invested each year, shows that there is no fantasy in...
  43. Marlino

    Please Help Me — I Don't Know If I Can Continue Living with Tinnitus Anymore

    I don't know if it cheers somebody up, but today it's better again for me. From intrusive back to modearate (which I can live with). If it stayed like that I could easily write a success story and never come back here. Until soon...
  44. Marlino

    Please Help Me — I Don't Know If I Can Continue Living with Tinnitus Anymore

    Thank you Michael, you truely know.
  45. Marlino

    Please Help Me — I Don't Know If I Can Continue Living with Tinnitus Anymore

    @Michael Leigh Dear Michael. Didnt get any benzos yet. So I never tried them. I tapered off Pregabalin, maybe this is a reason for this bad attack. But more likely its just the way it is, since I experienced the extreme levels before many times. This time is particular tough though. How many...
  46. Marlino

    Please Help Me — I Don't Know If I Can Continue Living with Tinnitus Anymore

    @Paulmanlike Yes, if t is bad, its just hell on earth. Right now I have my 5th bad day in a row. As always no clue why. Before a week or so when I easly could cope. But right now it just pierces into my head like a drill. No matter what I do I can always hear and feel it. It hurts, it takes...
  47. Marlino

    Not Just Hearing the Buzzing, FEELING It Too

    Yes, sometimes it seems so. Today 200kmh on the autobahn and still hearing clearly my t.
  48. Marlino

    Tinnitus Seems to Be at Its Worst, Will It Go Back to Normal?

    You have an interesting background. You seemed to have had it loud before, seemed perfectely habituated and suddenly dopped out of habituation. May I ask you some questions: Is it only the loudness, which bothers you lately? Or has the sound changed? Have there been any possible psychological...
  49. Marlino

    Eremite Life

    I'm more than sceptical about the burn in theory aka centralization aka chronification: 1. if it was like that it would be highly unlikely that one can have good and bad days which are totally different in intensity. 2. I can assure you that mild T can completely vanish even after about 12...
  50. Marlino

    Eremite Life

    Thats the very point. Mild tinnitus almost always heals with time at least to a degree where you get used to it. About severe T the opinions are quite heterogenous.
  51. Marlino

    An Observation & A Question (Being Able to Ignore Chronic Pain But Not Tinnitus, Why?)

    I often wondered if a plain sound can give me so much discomfort as T does. If its bad (on the left side) I feel like my whole left brain hemisphere is numb. Then I try to imagine how I would feel if the sound was gone: maybe not great but probably much better. Probably normal.
  52. Marlino

    1st Order Pharmaceuticals Inc: 1OP-2198

    Xenon pharmaceuticals has currently 56M€ market cap only. Somebody in to buy some stocks and take it over?
  53. Marlino

    Tinnitus and Anxiety Do Not Always Co-Exist — Study

    Dont judge yourself pal. You dont know. Nothing is known yet. I only know one thing: everybody freaks out with new t. For some it diminuishes though, for some it doesnt. Why we belong to the later, nobody knows.
  54. Marlino

    Opinions on Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Acupuncture

    I just tried atlantotec atlas alignment. No benefit so far.
  55. Marlino

    Need Some Help / Advice (Pregabalin / Mild Tinnitus)

    Update: Pregabaline 2x100mg is not or only slightly helpful for diminishing my T. It is helpful to reduce the related anxiety. Also sleep is no issue, even though it makes not tired. Side effects are negligible. I started to try it since I habe various somatic ways to change T or induce new...
  56. Marlino

    Suicides Per Year?

    Hmm, I've met a guy who said to me that his chronic pain is even worse than his T. I guess it depends on case to case. Also not always pain killer help. E.g. Trigeminus neuralgia, sometimes even anticonvulsants lose effectiveness. Concerning T, it seems so that nothing helps. I have often...
  57. Marlino

    Electrical Stimulation of the Ear in Tinnitus Patients: A Pilot Study

    Thank you @Mentos. We will be curious.
  58. Marlino

    Suicides Per Year?

    Pic.4 says it all. T is 2nd after chronic pain. If its really about committing suicide or 'only' suicide ideation makes no differnece to me. It both shows that its a very very big problem to some people.
  59. Marlino

    Suicides Per Year?

    I have to say even though I'm not seriously considering suicide right now, I'm at least partially relieved to have this option for the future if my T gets worse. Actually to me there is no better reason to commit suicide than to suffer from T. (Same for suffering from pain).