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  1. F


    The other day when someone mentioned tinnitus, and then came the comments: wish you would shut up, thanks for reminding me, my buddies were in the marines, etc, etc. that was all the help I needed to move on to another subject. If you are the type of person that gets fixated on your hissing then...
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    What Causes a Beeping Type of Tinnitus?

    I am not sure how this forum works, and have messed up before...anyway my wife has recently developed a similar beeping in her right ear. It bothers her most in the morning when she wakes up, but will continue throughout the day bothering her at various levels. She tries to explain what it...
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    Success: Noise-Induced Tinnitus and Hyperacusis 95% Gone

    For every positive comment, there are always some who try to make it less than it is.....
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    My Tinnitus Is Cured! Here's What Worked in My Case

    Sounds interesting, but how did you come up with this particular supplement and dosage along with the timelines?
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    SoundCure Serenade Tinnitus Treatment System

    Would anyone know if SoundCure is still in business? It has been quite a while since I talked with anyone there, but as I recall they were working on a new product that could be used with a smartphone. I have tried to Google it, but all the sites say is be back soon.
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    Worried I've Messed Up My Ears Again (Mowing Lawn)

    More than likely you are being overly sensitive to a minor percieved change in you hearing do to the mower. Next time use ear plugs and or muffs. You still may get a reaction, but it will go away.
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    Topiramate (Topamax)