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  1. J

    What 1.5 Years of Detective Work Got Me

    Hello dear tinnitus sufferers. My tinnitus started October 2014. It was a strange phenomenon that resulted in a lot of crazy things. First, it kept switching from one ear to the next. Second, it changed sounds/pitch/tone/frequency/volume ALL of the time - it made is VERY difficult to live...
  2. J

    TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction) and Tinnitus — The Connection? Discuss!

    I am confused and want to get other's opinions. I have been dealing with ear pain and ear ringing for the last 8 months. The sounds I hear are forever changing. I will say to some degree...things have gotten better. I have been to all the doctors to rule out causes. To make a long story...
  3. J

    The Path of Bereavement

    Well said everyone! I realize how hard I am on myself at times due to me not being able to "cope better". We are all trying to find our balance but I believe key components to that process is: sleep (@Jeff M. thank you), slowing down, watching those darn negative and catastrophic thoughts...
  4. J

    The Path of Bereavement

    Hello dear friends, I wanted to post something that I feel is very important to the individuals path of "habituation". I believe our experiences with tinnitus are unique. Everyone experiences more or less similar symptoms; however, the onset, duration, volume, and sound varies. I am a...
  5. J

    Feeling Lost

    I am just frustrated because I was managing it for the last 5 1/2 months. I don't know why it started in the right ear. I am wondering if my depression is increasing it. I feel that I am slowly falling apart. I have an appointment with an audiologist tomorrow and have a feeling I will walk...
  6. J

    Feeling Lost

    Going to see a dr tomorrow and going to ask about TRT. I am also starting up therapy again. I know that my emotional reaction to it needs to change. Right now I am just so angry and sad about it. I am also grieving the loss of a part of me. I had to cancel a 10 day camping trip that I was...
  7. J

    Feeling Lost

    That is all I can do right. There is no fix or way to relive it except to just endure. I fucking hate tinnitus. I hate that it has become the single dictating force in my life. I have had to stop doing many things I love because they irritate my fucking tinnitus. I am mad as hell... It...
  8. J

    Feeling Lost

    Hello everyone. I am back! It has been months. I have purposely left this forum to work on my own "habituation". For the last 5 1/2 months I have succeeded in managing the sounds in my left ear. I was not taking meds, working on self-care and managing to find effective sleep. 2 weeks ago...
  9. J

    Recommendation for ENT Who Specializes in Tinnitus

    Dr. Nagler, I have been to 3 ENT's who have all told me to "learn to live with it". I live in Lake Tahoe. Do you have any recommendations for ENTs in the area that specialize in tinnitus? Kindly, Jennifer McCombs
  10. J


    Does anyone else experience this? My ringing has been constant in the left ear for 2.5 months. It is not a high pitched ringing but a whistling, chirping, squealing, hissing. It has changed sound pretty much every week and there are days (like yesterday) where it was really low and quiet and...
  11. J

    Been a While — but Just Had a Blip for 24 Hours!

    @Cher69 - this tinnitus thing is so strange. I am experiencing my first cold/flu. Had the ringing/chirping sound for about 3 months now. The hard thing is that we are all so different and while our parts are still the seems that the onset and result (sound) is often so different.
  12. J

    Volume increase since afternoon

    I read that the tinnitus should be looked at as your "health meter". Salt for sure creeps up a different type of ringing. It sucks, but at least it reminds us of all the things we should not be eating/drinking. It's a crazy curse.
  13. J

    Going to the Theatre / Movies?

    @Sherri786 - I have ear plugs. I am avoiding action thrillers for sure. My ENT said I should not stop living...he said wearing ear plugs is best and if one feels uneasy...simply to leave the loud place for a few minutes. Is there some truth to noise damange resulting from noise exposure...
  14. J

    Going to the Theatre / Movies?

    Thanks @Misery Yeah. Even with ear plugs the concerts were crazy loud! I saw Pearl Jam and was surprised how loud the music was with protection. I looked around at one point and wondered how many people were protecting their ears. I got a decibal meter on my phone and am surprised by how...
  15. J

    Going to the Theatre / Movies?

    I want to see a movie tonight and wondered if it was okay? I have ear plugs. I have attended two concerts (with ear plugs) over the last month and have seen in increase in sound. Does anyone have any suggestions? The key is to "keep living your life"; however, I have read a lot of negative...
  16. J

    Tinnitus Fluctuation

    @Misery It's a strange boat this tinnitus thing. I had one ENT tell me to "live with it" and another tell me "it will go may take months or years...but I believe it will go away". So with those two incredibly different statements I decided to create my own path and try to...
  17. J

    Tinnitus Fluctuation

    Mine fluctuates too. Since its start in October (about 2 weeks before your ringing started actually) I feel like I have had every sound/pitch/volume known. I have not had the typical "ringing" sound that most people think of though. It's been a very strange journey to say the least. I have...
  18. J

    Hard Time Coping Today

    I hear what everyone is saying. I have have strange ringing/hissing/chirping/zapping in my head/left ear/right ear for about 2 months. I have been to the edge of the world emotionally and probably cried out all of the tears that I would use for the next 10 years of my life. I have also...
  19. J

    Does Lack of Sleep Make Your Ringing Louder?

    I have noticed that when I don't get enough sleep...the ringing appears to change in volume. Either that or I have a decreased tolerance. I started therapy to help with my worrying state of mind. I have been to 2 ENTs, with one saying "learn to live with it" and the other saying "I believe it...
  20. J

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    @Markku I am doing okay this morning. I went to bed last night and slept for 12 hour straight. I woke up a few times with a splitting headache. I also woke up to a new sound. This has been happening since the ringing started. I can say that it has changed tone/pitch/volume every week...
  21. J

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    I booked an appointment with a psychiatrist and psychologist. I know my anxieyt is directly related to my response to the ringing. The ringing becomes my barometer for anxieyt. When it increases I know that I am anxious. We have two psychiatists that work in our clinic. I just spoke with...
  22. J

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    I was an anxious person before this. I am just having a difficult time staying present outside of the ringing. It has truly thrown me through a loop.
  23. J

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    I just don't want to lose my job.
  24. J

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    it just keeps fluctuating in sound. i am not sure if it is anxiety or that i am listening to it. i was supposed to fly to Seattle today but cancelled my trip because I am not myself.
  25. J

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    why did this happen to me? I am so terribly upset. I cry at the drop of a hat. I took celexa for 1 day yesterday and was unable to sleep more than 3 hours (with 20mg amitriptalyine (spelling) and melatonin. I woke up at 3AM an starred at the wall. I don't know what to do. My work is...
  26. J

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    why did this happen to me? I am so terribly upset.
  27. J

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    I am afraid of that.
  28. J

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    I just don't know what to do. I work in the mental health field and my anxiety and own personal struggles appear to get in the way of my job. It is so terribly difficult.
  29. J

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    I am having a really difficult time. I find that I am anxious all the time. Today I feel incredibly brittle and scared. At this point it does not seem like things will get better. I find that I have to keep sounds to a minimum in my left ear otherwise I feel the ringing competes with the...
  30. J

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    I feel that everyone becomes so afraid of anything that will increase the ringing. You almost become a hypochondriac. This cannot be something that paralyzes a person and there are people on here that seem to be frozen because of this issues. I have a doctor appointment on tuesday to test my...
  31. J

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    I started an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety med yesterday with hopes that it would reduce my anxiety. I took 20mg of Celexa and found myself screwed up. On top of that...I was unable to sleep last night. It was horrible. It brought back nightmares of the prednisone days when I had insomnia. I...
  32. J

    Found My Tinnitus Frequency at Last!

    How do you go about doing this? What is the app called?
  33. J

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    Has anyone taken celexa for for depression/anxiety? If so, did it help stabilize the mood? Or were there worse side effects?
  34. J

    Variations :(

    I feel like my ringing has changed dramatically since it started. It is in my left ear and sometimes it aches. I am not sure if anyone else experiences this. I put a warm cloth on it to alleviate the pressure. I had a horrible break down a few days ago and cried for about 20 mintues. The...
  35. J

    Taking It Day by Day

    I just wanted to write something a bit different. These last few weeks have been incredibly trying for me. My ringing/hissing/chirping continues to fluctuate and increase/decrease in volume. I find that I am cautious of external sounds (I am not sure if my ringing is noise induced or the...
  36. J

    Anxiety Medications and Tinnitus?

    What are the thoughts on taking anxiety meds to help with stress? Does anyone do this? I have never taken any medication (this is the first REAL health scare of my life) and know that ppl can get addicted to anxiety meds. I wanted to see what others thought before I sought out this route. What...
  37. J

    Allergies and Ear Ringing

    Does anyone experience this? I was not exposed to any loud noises prior to my ear ringing. No meds. I was sneezing a few days before and had some head congestion. Also, if this was an viral infection...does anyone know how long it typically can last after the virus leaves?
  38. J

    Ear Ringing Started 9 Days Ago...I Don't Know How to Cope

    @J M - could ringing be from allergies too?
  39. J

    Tinnitus going on and off? Any experiences of this?

    were you sick prior to the ringing starting?
  40. J

    Variable Tinitus. Help.

    Mine fluctuates too. It started in the right hear and then went to the left ear and then went to the head and then back to the left hear. There is hissing, crickets, high pitched ringing. My ears have been clogged, not clogged, clogged. I don't know what to do. I went to the ENT and he said...
  41. J

    Benadryl Reduces My Ear Ringing?

    Does anyone find that this helps? I take 1 every 5-6 hours and find that it reduces it dramatically. The ENT does not seem to think this should help...but it does. Thoughts?
  42. J

    Changing Sounds When I Sleep and a Question About Sleep Meds

    I have question. My ringing has been getting quieter these past few days and now sounds almost like a hissing. It is primarily in my left hear; however, I sleep on my right side and notice that the ringing gets substantially louder as I sleep on my right. I will try to flip over and notice that...
  43. J

    Ringing intensifies - then dissipates

    I have noticed that my ringing is changing volume. Yesterday, for example, it was almost non-existent and then last night when I was trying to fall asleep it became really loud in both ears. I started to panic and it make the noise louder. I then started to breath calmly and (attempted) to...
  44. J

    Ear Ringing Started 9 Days Ago...I Don't Know How to Cope

    Thanks @Amelia. I am hoping it will go away. I also find that benedryl reduces the ringing/hissing sounds. It does not reduce it completely but makes it relatively low pitched. I don't know what that means. The left ear seems to have stopped as of last night and now it sounds like it is in...
  45. J

    Ear Ringing Started 9 Days Ago...I Don't Know How to Cope

    Thank you all so much for your encouraging words. This is quite the opposite from the ENT, who opted to sly away from the words of optimism and hope. I understand that this is a tricky condition/symptom; however, approaching it as "you'll just have to learn to deal with it" is terribly...
  46. J

    Ear Ringing Started 9 Days Ago...I Don't Know How to Cope

    Hello everyone, I am new to this type of thing...but I guess I am hoping to gain support and encouragement. 2 weeks ago I started to sneeze and from that resulted a bit of head congestion without fluid. During that time we went camping and my boyfriend and I drove down to a lower altitude...