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  1. KathrynB

    Pulsatile Tinnitus Started 7 Weeks Ago

    I'm so sorry. I don't have any solutions for you but I have a lot of sympathy. Does your PT ever cease or get quieter or is it the same all the time? And can you make it change sound at all, for example by moving your jaw, pressing on your neck, etc? If you haven't already investigated such...
  2. KathrynB

    Hi I'm New Here, Had Tinnitus for 4 Years, Recently It Got Worse. I Can't Live with This Any More.

    I'm so sorry, Gustav. I fully understand the panic and depression of those thoughts - "Maybe I'm stuck with this for the rest of my life!" It's horrible. I don't have a lot of advice, mainly sympathy. But I do highly recommend the Lectrofan as a noise masker. You can get a larger plug-in...
  3. KathrynB

    Tinnitus and Bruxism

    Just to add to this discussion - after a year of almost constant T I worked out that it was related to my teeth grinding and jaw clenching. I tried a standard mouthguard with no result (as others have said, they protect your teeth from damage but don't stop you actually grinding or clenching). I...
  4. KathrynB

    NTI-TSS Mouthguard — No Tinnitus Since Started Wearing It

    UPDATE: I've been wearing the NTI mouthguard every night for about a month now. It's not a miracle cure, but my T is MUCH reduced. Whereas before, I might have one day in every seven (on average) without it, I'd say it's more like one day in every four or five that I HAVE it, and it's generally...
  5. KathrynB

    Can You Cure TMJ?

    I am not a doctor and of course don't know your symptoms or specific situation, so please take the below as only one person's opinion - I would say that the odds are good you could at least treat, if not cure, elements of your TMJ. There are methods and treatments on the market that could work...
  6. KathrynB

    Is This "Rrruuummp" Noise Pulsatile Tinnitus?

    What you're describing doesn't sound like what I have experienced. But I'm guessing there are lots of different variations on it. Sorry not to be more helpful.
  7. KathrynB

    NTI-TSS Mouthguard — No Tinnitus Since Started Wearing It

    Ronnie - I sometimes get ringing (same ear as the pulsatile) that seems to be related to my perforated septum and having to blow my nose, and not the teeth grinding. I could change the noise by pressing on the side of my face or opening my mouth really wide; it got temporarily louder in those...
  8. KathrynB

    NTI-TSS Mouthguard — No Tinnitus Since Started Wearing It

    I have had tinnitus, mostly pulsatile but varying, since last September. After lots of trial and error and a visit to an ENT and a couple of MRIs, I gradually worked my way round to thinking that it was related to my teeth-grinding and jaw-clenching. I tried a standard mouthguard but it did...
  9. KathrynB

    Pulsatile Tinnitus Disappears Occasionally but Always Comes Back

    Earplugs don't work for me, but I LOVE the Lectrofan. One night when I couldn't sleep due to PT, I was lying on the floor (so the light from my phone wouldn't wake my husband) and researched white noise machines and placed the order at about 3am... I have never looked back. I have the mini...
  10. KathrynB

    Pulsatile Tinnitus Disappears Occasionally but Always Comes Back

    Thanks for your reply! Yes, I'm usually pretty good at spotting patterns so part of what's been making me crazy with all this is that I haven't been able to find one so I can't narrow the cause down to anything in particular. However, I was trying to apply logic, and thought that if it comes...
  11. KathrynB

    TMJ — Clenching and Tension

    Well, I've been excited about remedies before and been disappointed, so am trying to be cautious, but for two days running now I have done the exercises recommended in this video and had my PT disappear completely within 30 min or so. I am trying to establish a new habit of doing these exercises...
  12. KathrynB

    New Victim of Pulsatile Tinnitus

    The Lectrofan white noise machine has saved my sleep for months. I have the large version plugged in by my bed and recently bought the smaller portable version when I was going overseas for a couple of weeks - now I use that one at work when my PT is particularly bad. There are all sorts of...
  13. KathrynB

    Pulsatile Tinnitus Disappears Occasionally but Always Comes Back

    I'm hoping someone will have some insight on what's going on here. I first started with ear problems in late 2015. I would have one ear ringing, the other sort of blocked; they would switch; then the problems would stop for a day or two, and then it would start all over again. That went on for...