Pulsatile Tinnitus Started 7 Weeks Ago


Dec 10, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Oct 2017
Cause of Tinnitus
Virus or cold
Hi there, unfortunately I have got pulsatile tinnitus 7 weeks ago and had never heard of it before.

It is so distracting and debilitating that I can't cope very well. Doctors have said it may go. When I blow out my ears it disappears for 10 seconds and comes back. I am hoping this is a good sign.

I am really struggling with depression I was a very happy healthy person 7 weeks ago and am really struggling with how and why. I am finding it hard to look forward to Christmas's with my girls. My GP has put me on prednisolone to try, but after 4 days this hasn't helped. It has only made my sleep worse.

I have heard of a few people getting a virus in Australia this year which has given them this horrid condition. I am trying to be hopeful but each week is getting harder
Hi, Martin,

I'm sorry you have ended up with pulsatile tinnitus, and I certainly understand how debilitating it can be. I, too, suffer with pulsatile tinnitus. Mine started after taking a blood pressure drug for the first time. I've had a number of tests, but no cause was found. In my case, I feel it was the blood pressure drug that started the whole thing.

I was wondering --- when your cold virus started, did you take any drug that you had not taken before? It could have something to do with that, or with the cold itself. Since your PT does disappears when you blow out your ears, it may be a sign that it will subside when your cold virus subsides.

I think you should give it some time, try to get well from the virus, and observe your condition. Then, if it still has not gone away, you might try going to a doctor (other than your GP) to be checked out. An ENT would be a start, but you might also want to consider another type of specialist, such as a neurotologist, if it persists.

I do want you to know that it is possible to live with this condition, as it seems to calm down with time. Mine has gotten to the point that I have become used to it, and I notice it mainly when I am in bed at night.

Good luck, and I hope you get over your virus soon! Please keep us posted on how you're doing, and if the PT subsides as you get well.

Best wishes,
I'm so sorry. I don't have any solutions for you but I have a lot of sympathy. Does your PT ever cease or get quieter or is it the same all the time? And can you make it change sound at all, for example by moving your jaw, pressing on your neck, etc?

If you haven't already investigated such things, I highly recommend white noise machines to help you sleep at night (and I have a small portable one I use at work as well). I have the Lectrofan; not sure if it's available in Aus (I'm Australian but living in the US right now so got mine from Amazon). I've had pulsatile tinnitus off and on - though mostly on - for about 16 months now. The machines REALLY mask the sound a lot of the time and help make life liveable :)
Thank you guys, I had a moment a couple of days ago where I hit a low point and since then I have decided to life my life. I have two beautiful girls and a very supportinve and loving wife and family. I think because it was so new to me it really hit me by surprise. I will aim to be stronger and try not to focus on it. I am parctising mindfulness techniques and have started running every second day (even though I am rubbish at it) and will be off to the tinnitus clinic on Wednesday to garner some skills / advice to manage to get me through the holidays until I my ent appointment in end January . I am much more knowledgeable thank you to this forum for my next appointment.

I hope it will subside / or go, but I will fight on and train my brain to not let my emotional response win so much and maybe one day I can post here and give some good news. As this is what every new person to tinnitus needs.
@Karen hi Karen,

Not having the best day today, unfortunately sleep avoided me a little last night. I have my meeting with the tinnitus clinic in Sydney today. You mentioned that the other day yours reduced as time went by, I guess the feeling doesn't go but the sound reduces so it just the sensation you feel?

I am sorry to email again as I was feeling upbeat yesterday but today struggling a bit. Seems to be my day to day at the moment. I have found an neurologist that I have been recommended so will see him when I get back from holidays.
Hi, @Martin71 ,

I'm sorry you're having a bad day today, and I can totally sympathize. When mine first started, it seemed that every day was a bad day for me! I hope your visit to the tinnitus clinic went well. What did they say, and did they offer any suggestions to you? Are you going to have any tests for your condition?

No, the actual sound of my pulsatile tinnitus has not been reduced, but my reaction to it has changed. During the day, I don't really hear my pulsating unless I try really hard to listen for it. However, I also have tinnitus in the same ear, and that is what I hear during the day. I've learned to stay busy and tune these sounds out as much as I can, and that has really helped me a lot.

It is good that you are going to see a neurologist, so that you can possibly rule out any conditions that you may have.

Please do update us on what the tinnitus clinic said, and on what your neurologist has to say. Take care, and don't lose heart! Things will get better with time, or possibly you may be one of the lucky ones who finds the cause of your PT, so that a treatment plan can be made. But, if nothing is found, you may find that it becomes easier to cope as time goes on.

Best wishes and hugs,

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