New Victim of Pulsatile Tinnitus


Feb 9, 2016
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Noise Induced
Hi everyone,

I've recently become more conscious of my pulsatile tinnitus.

I've had this before in the past but have always shrugged it off. I feel this time round it's gotten worse and have decided to write in.

Im hoping it's due to a long term ear infection which im only just getting over a, it was quite swollen for around 2 months, I also had Microsuction in both ears.

For the past two nights I've really struggled to sleep as it was thumping quite loudly and I think my anxiety didn't help.

I also only ever hear it when I'm lying down and it slowly comes on when I'm lying on my right.

It's driving me bonkers to say the least !

Does anyone have any coping methods and why the heck does it come on only at night?!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Hi, Tom,

Sorry to hear that your pulsatile tinnitus seems to be getting more intense. The reason you only hear it at night is because you are lying down, without any distractions, and it's very hard to ignore. During the daytime, you may actually still have the pulsating, but it is not noticeable due to the events of the day.

As for coping, I sometimes still have problems coping with mine, but for me, it works to try sleeping with my good ear on the pillow instead of the other way around. Also, I've heard that some people have success with putting a soft ear plug in the affected ear. I've tried that myself, and it doesn't seem to do anything for me, but it's worth a try.

Another member says that a low-dose beta blocker can work to keep your pulsating at a lower level. A hearing aid may help, as well.

As for me, I try to keep active during the day to distract myself from the sound. I also try to keep my blood pressure as low as possible, through diet and exercise, which also keeps the pulsating at a lower level.

If your pulsating does continue to worsen, you might want to try going to a specialist such as a neurotologist, to be checked out, just in case.

Good luck, and I hope you have a quiet evening!

Hi Karen,

Thanks for your advice.

I had heard that beta blockers can help.

I actually woke up this morning and it was totally gone. I listened out for it and not a peep!

At day time if I listen out for it i don't hear it at all.I've had this in a couple of occasions like this.

It literally only starts when I'm trying to get to sleep which is infuriating!

I wonder if anxiety aggravates this as I find myself reacting negatively when I hear it in bed.

Last night I tried sleeping on my good ear but unfortunately it was still pounding away , but somehow I managed to fall asleep with a masking app on my phone.

Round four tonight!

The Lectrofan white noise machine has saved my sleep for months. I have the large version plugged in by my bed and recently bought the smaller portable version when I was going overseas for a couple of weeks - now I use that one at work when my PT is particularly bad. There are all sorts of different sounds and pitches and I can usually find one that completely or almost completely blocks out the noise in my ear. I'm thankful for this solution :)
Hi Tommi, I wanted to ask, did you get to the bottom of your problem?
My story is very similar to yours. Pulsatile tinnitus on the right ear, a thumping noise. Have been there at least 4 years. It only comes if I put my ear against the pillow. Sometimes it comes, sometimes not.

If for example I put my hand between my ear and the pillow, it disappears again.
I also realized, if I move my chin to the opposite direction of where the pillow is (so up) it disappears completely. This works almost always.

Also, I have never been able to provoke it during the day. Always at night, when I am trying to sleep. Sometimes happens on the left ear, but very weak, the right ear is definitely stronger. I also have normal tinnitus, also only on the right side, and only at night.

I have no blood pressure or other heart issues, so I am really wondering what the cause could be.

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