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  1. RingerBell

    Going to the Gym with Tinnitus: Worth It?

    Exercise is generally good for both mood and overall health, making it easier to cope with tinnitus. Lifting heavy weights can fatigue the nervous system, and for me, it temporarily makes my tinnitus louder, likely because it affects sleep and other recovery processes. If my tinnitus stays...
  2. RingerBell

    Tinnitus Models — Learn How Tinnitus Originates

    Thank you for the informative document and the effort you put into creating it. If you plan to update this document in the future, I have a minor suggestion: In the Filling-in Models section, should the lowest image on the right list low frequencies as 20–600 Hz instead of 200–600 Hz? The...
  3. RingerBell

    Elon Musk’s Neuralink Looking to Treat Tinnitus

    Here are some interesting videos about the bionic eye and Neuralink: Elon Musk's Bionic Eyes Are Here How Neuralink Will Cure Blindness From a layman’s perspective, the eye appears to be a far more complex sensory organ than the ear. Its resolution is significantly higher than that of the...
  4. RingerBell

    Elon Musk’s Neuralink Looking to Treat Tinnitus

    Links in the table at the bottom of the page show that the plan is to recruit up to six participants for the upcoming CAN-PRIME study in Canada. The original PRIME study, which includes the three current patients, was initially planned for up to five participants in total. The follow-up study...
  5. RingerBell

    Elon Musk’s Neuralink Looking to Treat Tinnitus

    Neuralink: Year of Telepathy Third patient got his BCI implant somewhere in the late 2024.
  6. RingerBell

    Eye Movement-Related Eardrum Oscillations (EMREOs)

    Coordination between vision and the vestibular system is a well-understood phenomenon that stabilizes our vision during head movements. This process is known as the vestibulo-ocular reflex. Recent studies have shown that there is also an interaction between vision and the auditory system...
  7. RingerBell

    "Tinnitus" in the Vestibular System

    The vestibular system’s equivalent of tinnitus—that is, a phantom sensation—seems to be a fairly rare topic of discussion and research. As I understand it, tinnitus in the auditory system is often attributed to overactivity in the cochlear nuclei due to a loss of signal somewhere between the...
  8. RingerBell

    Ear Muscle We Thought Humans Didn’t Use Actually Activates When People Listen Hard

    (Source) This could be a contributing factor to headaches, ear pain, and jaw pain for someone who has recently acquired tinnitus or hyperacusis. Constantly trying to listen and monitor tinnitus sounds or surroundings likely causes strain and tightness in these muscles as they become overworked...
  9. RingerBell

    Sudden Hearing Loss and Helicopter Noise in Ear — Please Help Me

    I have a helicopter type bass tinnitus that also ramps up with noises and cut´s through pretty much everything. I have have trouble with low frequency background noise (traffic, compressors, air conditioning, vehicles, etc... and oh yes helicopters) and it sounds like drumming in helicopter as...
  10. RingerBell

    Playing on Piano Eb, G4 and Bb4 Chords Make My Ears "Resonate", Hearing Low Zoom/Buzz Like Sound

    Unfortunately I don´t have much answers, I can only guess what causes it. For me, I think it´s a combination of hearing loss and tinnitus, like listening something through a broken speaker. Having something like this in everyday sound range (20Hz to 1kHz) just makes it more easy to get exact...
  11. RingerBell

    Playing on Piano Eb, G4 and Bb4 Chords Make My Ears "Resonate", Hearing Low Zoom/Buzz Like Sound

    @Rinz I have this vibrating sensation with various frequencies between 20-200hz. It's like I would hear another sound on top of the original sound, which makes these sounds that are usually considered soft background sounds very noticeable. I guess it's my tinnitus what I hear on top of them...
  12. RingerBell

    Bored to Death — Ever Since Tinnitus I've Got Too Much Time on My Hands

    Handicrafts and photography are good ways to spend an hour or two.
  13. RingerBell

    What Does a Notch in Hearing at 4 kHz Indicate?

    I meant that there are two different concepts here that can be both measured in Hertz. 60bpm or 100bpm, which more often used scale for heart rate, would translate to 1Hz or 1,7Hz if we wish to present it in Hertz (like it was done in the picture). By 100Hz sound I meant that a single beat...
  14. RingerBell

    What Does a Notch in Hearing at 4 kHz Indicate?

    Yes and No. Frequency in Hz is used to tell the amount of occurrences per second. If our heart beats 60 times per minute, or once per second, then it beats with a frequency of 1Hz. The frequency of the sound that is typically associated with heartbeat isn´t 1Hz, it´s probably somewhere around 100Hz.
  15. RingerBell

    When to Run for the Hills in Noisy Environments?

    Occupational safety standards and recommended levels for noise differ from country to another. I think it´s a sign that we just don´t know all the factors that that are involved causing hearing loss and tinnitus.
  16. RingerBell

    Masking Definitely Makes My Tinnitus Worse but Not Masking Is a Torture

    I believe that our ears also need to get some rest and silence as we sleep. Could you set the masking sound off with timer and sleep the rest of the night without it. I can't mask mine, so I just wonder what the factory is manufacturing this time until I fall asleep.
  17. RingerBell

    Helicopters, Choppers and Whirlybirds.

    @frischky This happens to me a lot too. There are some helicopters that fly low over the area where I live. The few heaviest are twin engine Eurocopters from the same era, but four times heavier and have four times more powerful engines than AS350 has. They are quite loud as the rumble of the...
  18. RingerBell

    Poll: Do You Hear Any New Sounds When You Wear Earplugs and Clench Your Jaw?

    It could be that contracting muscles vibrate and occluded ear makes the rumble that these vibrations create louder and more audible.
  19. RingerBell


    @TheDanishGirl have you tried different tints on sunglasses? For me some tints can enhance the contrast but still make the floaters less noticeable.
  20. RingerBell

    What's the Real Difference Between Using Headphones and a Telephone?

    As far as I know, one of the differences using telephone speaker, on-ear headphones, in-ear headphones and loudspeakers is how they create the bass frequencies. Loudspeakers move a lot of air with big drivers, while headphones take advantage being closer to the ear and can create bass...
  21. RingerBell

    I Just Don't Understand Why My Ears Are So Reactive

    EU is also a bit more conservative. In European union, EU-Directive 2003/10/EC sets the lower action limit value to LEX,8h to 80dB(A) and Lcpeak to 135dB(C). One of the actions that needs to be taken when one of these lower action limit values is exceeded is to provide the hearing protectors for...
  22. RingerBell

    I Just Don't Understand Why My Ears Are So Reactive

    If people accept the "gating mechanism" hypothesis, isn´t that essentially same as accepting the fact that tinnitus is a result of genetic variation. From my point of view it would be then irrational to assume that everybody has exactly the same response to same level of sound. Stress and...
  23. RingerBell

    The ENT Told Me Not to Protect from Everyday Sounds by Using Earplugs

    Defining everyday sounds can be a bit ambiguous. For example, it´s winter here and the snow plows are an everyday thing. Most people don´t mind (or cover their ears) while there´s a snow plow removing the snow from the road or from the sidewalk, even if they would pass less than a meter away. I...
  24. RingerBell

    Concerts and Loud Shows with Earplugs — How Safe Are They with 32 dB NRR Custom Earplugs?

    There is a peak measure for instantaneous impulse noise, LcPeak, and that is measured in C-weighted decibels, unlike the 8 hour weighted noise exposure that is measured in dB(A). In EU the limiting value for the LcPeak seems to be 140 dB(C). The directive can be found here...
  25. RingerBell

    Tinnitus Distractions — What Do You Like to Do to Keep Distracted from Your Tinnitus?

    Crossword and other word and number puzzles. I like to do the paper versions.
  26. RingerBell

    Random Thumping in Ears When Exposed to Low Frequency Sounds

    @Kates I also have thumping in my other ear when I´m exposed to certain low frequency sounds. I also have low frequency T. I haven´t really figured out whats causing this thumping for me, as I can think many reasons for it like: TTS, pulsatile T beating with external sound, neck tension, hearing...
  27. RingerBell

    Sensitive to Bass

    @ashlee I find my low tones harder to deal with than higher pitched T. There's quite a lot of low frequency noise everywhere, and then the recruitment comes into play, and these sound won't blend into the background noise that well anymore.
  28. RingerBell

    Sensitive to Bass

    I have bass frequency tinnitus and I also hear bass frequencies "louder". I believe for me it's hearing loss and recruitment (i.e. sound going from non-audible to loud faster than normally) that comes along with it, that makes certain sounds uncomfortable.
  29. RingerBell

    Which Tinnitus Frequency Do You Think Is the Easiest to Deal with?

    I have sub bass T and high frequency T too. If I try to mask, the low freq T is above the masking sound or the recruitment and distorted sound that I get on many bass frequencies makes the masking sounds pretty much useless.
  30. RingerBell

    I Don't Believe 20% of People Have Tinnitus

    It's strange that people in general are more aware about habits and foods etc. that might affect their health, but blasting headphones or otherwise noisy lifestyle doesn't seem to concern people that much.
  31. RingerBell

    I Don't Believe 20% of People Have Tinnitus

    Tinnitus rates around 10% seem to be often quoted for the whole population. Studies covering certain subgroups like elderly people and military personnel often seem to report higher rates, even high as 20%. It would be interesting to know what is the limiting value for percentage of people...
  32. RingerBell

    Tinnitus and Associated Handicaps in the French Mountain Artillery

    Recent study published in Military Medicine Journal finds that the tinnitus rate among French Mountain Artillery regiment soldiers is 19%. Abstract:
  33. RingerBell

    Auditory Cortex Neuroplasticity and Aging

    Researchers at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital of McGill University examined the effects of aging on neuroplasticity in the primary auditory cortex.
  34. RingerBell

    Is There a Correlation Between High Intelligence and Tinnitus Being More Bothersome?

    Maybe there are some hearing loss and tinnitus studies that cover for example commercial airline pilots. They have gone through long training, need to memorize and control various things all the time, and work in relatively noisy environment. They most likely also endure some work related...
  35. RingerBell

    Is There a Correlation Between High Intelligence and Tinnitus Being More Bothersome?

    One of the most exclusive jobs in the world gives the opportunity to operate and be onboard one of the noisiest things in the world: Space shuttle.
  36. RingerBell

    Vibration Upsetting Tinnitus?

    Hi @ClubRacer. Sound is basically created by vibrations. If the engine and tyres make the car to vibrate heavily, the vibrations can create some additional sound pressure in low frequencies, along with the normal noise from the engine and tyres. We hear low frequencies generally softer than...
  37. RingerBell

    Your Thoughts on Motorcycles

    Some bikes are a bit too loud for my taste, but those 80/90's powerboats with twin V8 engine and no muffler are even more ridiculously loud!
  38. RingerBell

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    Harvard Medical School: The Hearing Molecule
  39. RingerBell

    Pain Threshold (in dB)?

    @Berik As far as I know, threshold of pain varies from person to another, and it's also depends on the frequency and the spectrum of the sound. It's quite hard to give a single value for noise pain threshold, but if a single value is given, it's usually somewhere in the range that you quoted...
  40. RingerBell

    Trembling Sound When I Close Mouth with Earplugs On

    Muscles vibrate as they contract. When ear canal is occluded for example by an earplug, these muscle vibrations can't freely escape through the ear canal and can be left to reverbate due to occlusion effect, and can create a rumbling sound.
  41. RingerBell

    Many Thanks to This Forum

    I didn't say that the funding applications should contain somebody from the internet forum as reference. Of course I agree that the bigger and more expensive studies involving medical procedures should be based on existing studies and knowledge of medicine. But not all studies are big and have...
  42. RingerBell

    Many Thanks to This Forum

    I think that it could be beneficial for a researcher to lurk here. Quite often people here, independently of each other, describe very similiar symptoms and behaviour of their tinnitus, like spikes, fluctuations, reactive tinnitus, sound distortions etc. Reading these stories where people...
  43. RingerBell

    Calibrating 'Sound Meter' App from Google Play

    @Mystery Reader Yes, basically app readings should be calibrated or atleast verified somehow. The app could be pre-calibrated for some smartphones, but as there are so many models using Android, so it's very difficult to have it pre-calibrated for all models. I guess, if one wishes to estimate...
  44. RingerBell

    Why Doesn't Use Earplugs in the Voice Kids UK?

    There's a wide range of earplugs to choose from. Some models, like transparent silicone earplugs are very hard to notice if there's no close image of the ear.
  45. RingerBell

    Anyone Else's Tinnitus Get Very Loud When You Turn Running Water Off?

    I experience this with some tones. A rapid drop in ambient sound volume, just like turning the running faucet off, makes the tone to appear somewhat more noticeable for a few seconds. I don't know if there's scientific explanation for this. Maybe it's just that the auditory system needs some...
  46. RingerBell

    Indoor Gun Range Decibel Levels

    Most sound pressure level meters (the real devices, not apps) seem to have their upper limit ~130dB. Otherwise, they'll cost a fortune. I'd guess that the peak SPL could be higher than that.
  47. RingerBell

    Why Do People Here Go to Drastic Measures to Protect Themselves?

    I'm not blaming you. I'm just saying that if more awareness preventing hearing loss and tinnitus is wanted, then the problem should be looked from all angles. And I find that this problem is very rarely looked from this angle, even when it could be easily done.
  48. RingerBell

    Why Do People Here Go to Drastic Measures to Protect Themselves?

    To start, I agree with you with this. It's more this general awareness about sound levels that I'm thinking. The A-weighting is so deeply rooted into the system, as it has been the main scale used to measure sound exposure for decades, that changing the way sound exposure is studied and...
  49. RingerBell

    Why Do People Here Go to Drastic Measures to Protect Themselves?

    @Ed209 Just as a general comment to this subject, I find it a bit confusing that, as far as I know, NRR is calculated from C-weighted measurements and so it applies to C-weighted measurements, while A-weighting is the scale where the regulations are usually given. From the user persective...
  50. RingerBell

    Tinnitus + Vibration from Your Hotel Room Neighbors' AC = A Bad Combination

    That rumbling vibration is one of the tinnitus tones I hear.
  51. RingerBell

    Motorcycles Loud Exhaust

    I think good advices have already been proposed in this thread. I was just trying to say that from 15m away the sound pressure level is (in theory) already much lower. The attenuation that comes with this distance vs bike passing from 1m is already more in the range below 1khz than what...
  52. RingerBell

    Motorcycles Loud Exhaust

    The theoretical sound pressure level 15m away is approximately 20dB less than it would be 1m away from the motorcycle (in a open space above hard ground). Just for comparison, chainsaws usually create sound pressure level that is around 105-110dB(A) at the level of user (ears), when they are...
  53. RingerBell

    Tinnitus + Vibration from Your Hotel Room Neighbors' AC = A Bad Combination

    Yes, too much of anything is a bad thing. High pitch T cuts through everything and is painful. On the other hand, low frequency sounds are always present atleast if there's some traffic or home appliances nearby, so it's still it's like listening your T through a broken speaker all the time.
  54. RingerBell

    Tinnitus + Vibration from Your Hotel Room Neighbors' AC = A Bad Combination

    I'm sorry to hear that. I have also low frequency T, and it reacts to other low frequency tones as well, so I know the feeling. I bought a dB-meter with C-weighting ( dB(C) ), to get some idea how loud these sounds actually are. (dB(C) derates low frequencies much less than commonly used dB(A)...
  55. RingerBell

    Tinnitus + Vibration from Your Hotel Room Neighbors' AC = A Bad Combination

    They probably are quiet in our A-weighted world. Some AC's can have a rumble for example around 40hz, which can be quite heavy if one is for example sensitive to sound or has low frequency T/hearing damage. A-weighted decibel scale derates the sound pressure level in this range around 30-35dB...
  56. RingerBell

    Canadian Researchers Break Blood-Brain Barrier with New Ultrasound Treatment

    Switching Brain Circuits On and Off Without Surgery
  57. RingerBell

    Best Hearing Aids to Reduce Tinnitus...

    Does it help if the "in the ear" aid is like a silicone plug with multiple holes? (Probably not for the irritation part, but for the other things you mentioned)
  58. RingerBell

    Getting Depressed / Major, Massive Spike

    Trying to get good sleep and sleep patterns might be a good idea to get more relaxed feeling and to give your system possibility to adapt to the situation.
  59. RingerBell

    Different Tinnitus Sounds

    Yes, and based on what I've read on this forum, it seems to be quite common.