Recent football playoffs hit 128 db on the meter. Also amazing is according to the article, they ridiculously state that as it is less than 140 db, the threhold for pain, and somehow this is not dangerous, but just "uncomfortable." This type of total misinformation, and lack of awareness has resulted in this epidemic of T/H. Terrible reporting!
The article lost all integrity for me after I read this:
James said. "The loudest sound we can hear is about 10 million times louder than the softest sound."
He said while 128 decibels is loud, it isn't dangerous.
"140 decibels is the threshold of pain, but it would take quite a bit more to get to a 140 decibels," James said.
First of all the loudest sound compared to the softest sound is an order of magnitude louder than 10,000,000 times! 10,000,000 times louder is mearly the difference between 0 and 70dB.
And secondly, 128dB isn't dangerous!! I think the guy is confused and probably had his meter upside down

. In all seriousness though, I have no idea if the game really reached that level, but 128dB is definitely enough to cause pain for a lot of people. I would expect to see some members of the public leaving at this continued level as it's beyond insanely loud for a sporting event. In fact, it has around 100 times more energy than your average metal band. Let that sink in.
This is a chart from Starkey's website indicating the loudest
peaks, on average. This doesn't include the loudest games; just what you can expect at an average event:
However, I still don't entirely trust the image above, either, as Starkey seems to be using Wikipedia and other sources for their stats. I have no idea if NFL games go that loud frequently, but if they do, I'd stay well away.