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  1. Leoglobe

    My Posting Place

    @Ed209 the toxic people are those that are happy with the statu quo and there are heaps of them. A quick example: I am on another group and one of the admins is appreciated because he has good manners, excellent grammar and the kind of leader personality that people like. What surprised me with...
  2. Leoglobe

    What happened?

    What happened?
  3. Leoglobe

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    @Jason37 scary the risk of substantial hearing loss and it is what they are supposed to fix. I am so confused.
  4. Leoglobe

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    @Ed209 I think that is a good question but we don't know exactly how it will work. In the 24min video that I think you watched, they say that they can regrow the cells with the right shape and right spot which is crucial in the cochlea. PCA sounds much better than gene therapy for this by the...
  5. Leoglobe

    Seeking Serious Help — Severe Tinnitus and Hyperacusis — Can't Sleep without Benzos

    If you have a family member that could give quite a lot of money for a cure I think as well that you could get in touch with the admins of this great forum, @Markku and @Steve, that Autumnly mentioned previously. @JohnAdams input is also very interesting and so I would like to put him in the...
  6. Leoglobe

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    @JohnAdams So FX-322 is not going to regenerate the vestibular cells right? Those don't regenerate by themselves either? FX-322 will only repopulate the cochlea with inner and outer hair cells and synapses right? I think that acoustic trauma can damage vestibular cells as well so that would...
  7. Leoglobe

    I went to see my ent, he thinks something is wrong with my drum so I have 10days of cortcoids...

    I went to see my ent, he thinks something is wrong with my drum so I have 10days of cortcoids. Hopefully it will help.
  8. Leoglobe


  9. Leoglobe

    I have ear pain inside the ear, it is hard to describe but this pain goes from inside the ear to...

    I have ear pain inside the ear, it is hard to describe but this pain goes from inside the ear to the jaw. It is worse when I am laying down.
  10. Leoglobe

    I wonder if botox near/ in the ear would help with ear pain and spasms. Any feedback/ ideas?

    I wonder if botox near/ in the ear would help with ear pain and spasms. Any feedback/ ideas?
  11. Leoglobe

    Anyone Have Cochlear Hydrops?

    What is pt? And who prescribed you with the gabapentin?
  12. Leoglobe

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    We are more than ready ;) One thing that is still unclear to me: if you have no hearing loss within the normal range, but for example on at 14 kHz you have profound hearing loss like minus 80 or 90 decibels and that's where you have your tinnitus, Frequency Therapeutics won't be able to create...
  13. Leoglobe

    Need Your Opinion — New Tones and Sensations After ENT Tests

    Hey @dpdx as you have some hearing loss in the current audiograms, you actually could volunteer for Frequency Therapeutics for the next round, which takes place in 2019. It gives you a sort of thing on your schedule instead of getting super depressed each day. In 2019 either you feel better...
  14. Leoglobe

    Novartis Pauses Study of GenVec's Gene Therapy CFG166 (UPDATE May 2016: Trial Is Again Continuing)

    The thing that I don't like with gene therapy is that it activates a gene but this doesn’t take into account all the other genes of the inner ear as knowing all the genes of the cochlea would take forever. If you activate a gene that produce hair cells, it will produce hair cells all the time...
  15. Leoglobe

    Important Things You've Learned So Far...

    That you can get more empathy and kindness from people on a forum than from your family members.
  16. Leoglobe

    General Anaesthetic Made My Tinnitus Go Away

    I have also experienced this. I don't know the exact process of this but that must quiet the neurons in some ways. Tinnitus is in the brain because of some neurons being too excited as they are looking for a lost signal. I have posted something in the Frequency Therapeutics thread about this.
  17. Leoglobe

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Once it is released, we will be able to get it. There will be a way, I am not worried about this. For the trials they need an objective measure so that's why they don't open them to tinnitus sufferers without hearing loss up to 8 kHz.
  18. Leoglobe

    Can’t wait for December! #dontcareaboutChristmas #FrequencyTherapeuticstrialresults

    Can’t wait for December! #dontcareaboutChristmas #FrequencyTherapeuticstrialresults
  19. Leoglobe

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Neurons don't die like that, usually they can die from an oxygen deprivation in the case of a stroke, a head trauma or aging so I wouldn’t worry about this. And I agree with @Contrast in regards to the hidden hearing loss which is also the case for me, I would then have to wait for the drug to...
  20. Leoglobe

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    I think that tinnitus is in the brain because it is related to the number of neurons disconnected from their hair cells and therefore getting excited by looking for the lost frequency signal. My grandfather was really deaf but didn’t have tinnitus because his hearing loss was very gradual and...
  21. Leoglobe

    on the contrary there are a lot of young people with loud t and minimal hearing loss, they got...

    on the contrary there are a lot of young people with loud t and minimal hearing loss, they got this from a shock usually (acoustic or ototoxic) and I suppose that as they are young their neurons are very healthy and actively looking for the hair cells but those have been destroyed. It is of...
  22. Leoglobe

    I think that the loudness of the t is related to the number of neurons disconnected and excited...

    I think that the loudness of the t is related to the number of neurons disconnected and excited and looking for the inner hair cells. My grand father was really deaf but didn’t t have tinnitus because his hearing loss was very gradual and he became deaf at 70 he didn’t have many auditory neurons...
  23. Leoglobe

    Urea Powder for Endolymphatic Hydrops

    Hello @Codaz Where did you get urea. Can you get it online or is it on prescription ?
  24. Leoglobe

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    For this phase 1, there were only about 30 volunteers involved (9 with profound hearing loss for phase 1/1, and 20 or 24 for phase 1/2). This is just enough data to confirm a phase for a clinical trial. In the next phase, there should be much more data involved with different profiles from very...
  25. Leoglobe

    When One Sound Disappears, the Other Appears, and So On

    @dpdx you need to be patient. Honestly it took me two years to be better. I had a trauma in 2012 after a concert I got slightly better in 2013 but the improvement was much more significant in 2014. In your case I think you will get better by mid 2019 I know it is crazy slow but the cochlea is...
  26. Leoglobe

    Ideas to Leave a Positive Impact on the World?

    Hi @Eric N From what I saw on it looks to be open to everybody, not only Americans. For the hearing loss, from what I understood this phase will be open to different levels of hearing loss from mild to more severe as this phase will be focused on the dosage and efficacy for...
  27. Leoglobe

    Ideas to Leave a Positive Impact on the World?

    Hi @Eric N Very sad to read this post but first thing, we all care a lot about you. We are a family even if we all far from each other, we understand you and truly care about you. Second thing, if I were you I would consider Frequency Therapeutics trial. These guys will be finishing their...
  28. Leoglobe

    Handsome neurons desesperately looking for a match with hair cells #Tinderfortheinnerear...

    Handsome neurons desesperately looking for a match with hair cells #Tinderfortheinnerear #MakethishappenFrequencyTherapeutics
  29. Leoglobe

    I Became Better with Notched Sound Therapy and ACRN, After Two Years of Tinnitus

    It is about $90 for 3 months. I did it and it didn’t help much.
  30. Leoglobe

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    @1000 why were you disqualified for this trial?
  31. Leoglobe

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    I am confused by their timeline. I thought they were already in phase 2 but actually no, they are just going to start phase 2 in 2019 and how many sub-phases are there going to be for the phase 2 as they speak of phase 2a? Hopefully the final phase 3 will be quicker and the FDA approval process...
  32. Leoglobe

    7,8-Dihydroxyflavone (7,8-DHF)

    I have tried curcumin as well and it lessened my tinnitus for the first two weeks but now it came back to what it was :( let us know how you go on with the 7,8-dihydroxyflavone.
  33. Leoglobe

    Becoming Pregnant with Tinnitus

    I am going to ask a weird question but i was just wondering if there are a lot of hospitals in which you can decide to keep the umbilical cord stems after giving birth. I know that some parents do that in case their kid develops a disease in the future or if one of the parents wants to use them...
  34. Leoglobe

    7,8-Dihydroxyflavone (7,8-DHF)

    @JohnAdams where did you get it and why did you stop curcumin?
  35. Leoglobe

    Laser Device by Medicomat

    Hi @Bobby B Can you please post a link to a particular LED product? Thank you
  36. Leoglobe

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    I hope that the results will be good. The positive thing is that I have been following this company for a while and they are ahead of their schedule. That is good. The thing that worries me is that if there is a cure, I hope that they will care about people in my case: I have hidden hearing...
  37. Leoglobe

    Hi Glynis. I would like to send a pm to a member but I can t see how to do that. Can you please...

    Hi Glynis. I would like to send a pm to a member but I can t see how to do that. Can you please help me? Thanks
  38. Leoglobe

    Tell Me the Truth... Is a Cure Realistic?

    This article published 5 days ago is a good summary of what's going on:
  39. Leoglobe

    Hello Do you still have your laser for sale? Which one do you sell exactly (I think that Wilden...

    Hello Do you still have your laser for sale? Which one do you sell exactly (I think that Wilden sells 2 lasers) and why?