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    Poll: Does Your Tinnitus Get Worse Around the Full Moon?

    Mine is spiking too without reason.
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    Factors That Annoy My Tinnitus — Inflammation, Cold, Stress

    That word help brought a smile to my face. Help and hope. Let's keep it going!
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    Factors That Annoy My Tinnitus — Inflammation, Cold, Stress

    Thank you for your kind words. I have the same problem here with sugar and inflammation. Ears ringing off the wall. I think it's the fullness feeling that bugs me even more than the ringing tonight . Yes do try more seafood in your diet. I did have a few seafood dinners. Broiled...
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    Factors That Annoy My Tinnitus — Inflammation, Cold, Stress

    I am having a really bad time right now. Fullness, very loud, multiple ringing tones. Sensitive hearing. I have to stay in a quiet room. I did have some chocolate a few hours ago. It's pretty bad right now but seems bad all the time lately. Very depressed as it's causing me to think...
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    In Loving Memory of Allan1967

    The only thing I can think of over and over after reading this is SOMEONE PLEASE HELP US. I feel the medical community is of little to zero solutions for us. Another life lost. So sad.
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    Is This Really It? Is There More to Tinnitus Than Just Sitting Around in Pain for Decades to Come?

    My jaw is always tense. Thus loud ringing keeps it so. It's so very hard to relax but I will try this to see if it helps.
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    Poll: Rainforest Masks My Tinnitus — Does It Yours?

    I like to combine heavy rain sound with the fire sound.
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    Poll: Do You Mask Your Tinnitus When You Sleep?

    I use a box fan and air purifier on turbo setting. Tinnitus is usually screaming when I go to bed. Several high pitched tones with fullness and sensitivity to some sounds. When I wake up it's all still there but the tones aren't as loud. As day goes on it gets worse.
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    Working in a Quiet Environment with Tinnitus?

    I know. I'm going thru the same thing. But I do think the quiet environment will help your ears heal, give it a try. You may find that keeping busy helping people in the library will take your mind off your troubles.
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    Headphones Over Earplugs — Working at a Call Center

    I would wear the earplugs. I find earpiece plugs to work better for me than the others I have tried.
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    Working in a Quiet Environment with Tinnitus?

    Wow. Consider yourself very lucky to get such a position! I would take it without a second thought. With tinnitus just walking around in public listening to just normal everyday sounds is daunting. Go for it and enjoy the serene calm comfort that your ears deserve!
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    We Are All Dummies for Giving Ourselves Tinnitus

    Actually may be a fantastic idea. Most people never even heard of this condition. If they only knew, it might prevent a lot of suffering. We take a lot for granted. Until it's gone.
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    Is Native Remedies TinnaRex a Scam? Any Reviews?

    Just came across a company called Native Remedies. They have a product called TinnaRex. Has anyone tried anything from this company? They also have products to calm nerves. I'm thinking about trying them out. Thank you for your help!
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    We Are All Dummies for Giving Ourselves Tinnitus

    Some of us got this from our work environment. Some of us can just be more prone to get this. It's surely making my life pretty close to unbearable but I have to live it out and put up with it. Wish something would come along and make it all disappear. I'm not giving up yet. Never say...
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    Someone Please Help (Is the Masking Making It All Worse? How Does Tinnitus Jump Ears?)

    Jan124, Thank you for your reply. I haven't been on the forum for a while. I'm still suffering with this. No let up in sight. Right now sleep is my only way to have peace. Good luck to you and yes nature walks are the closest peace aside from sleep one can get with this. I am hoping...
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    Poll: What Effect Does Alcohol Have on Your Tinnitus?

    I had a beer the other day. My tinnitus got louder. On a scale of 1 to 10 it's always around an 8. After the beer I could hear it over the shower. When it's really loud I put on 2 box fans. 1 on one side of the bed another on the other side and my air purifier on turbo. Damn this is...
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    Someone Please Help (Is the Masking Making It All Worse? How Does Tinnitus Jump Ears?)

    Jan can you describe what was going on as far as the vertigo? Like how long was an episode? Did it come out of the blue? How many times did it happen? I am nearly 2 years into tinnitus with a feeling of fullness and hearing distortion and now recently have been having dizzy spells that...
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    Can Bleaching and Dyeing Hair Cause Ototoxicity If It Came in Contact with Damaged Skin?

    A very interesting read. I wonder if anyone else has similar symptoms. Can hair bleach cause tinnitus??? Henna may be all natural but it can only be used for darker shades. If you are using bleach you are using it to lighten. I have my hair professionally done. Seems like the day after...
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    Nerve Damage from Minor Acoustic Incident — Pet Bird Tweeting

    Blue28 my ears can't cope with everyday noise either. Nearly 2 years into this. I have to wear musician's earplugs 12 hours a day. I take them out a few hours before bedtime. Your ears need rest like mine. Hope you feel better.
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    Turning My Head to Extreme Right Caused My Hearing in Right Ear to Go Muffled

    Thank you for your replies, I appreciate your help. I will keep posting any new developments and progress I have.
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    Turning My Head to Extreme Right Caused My Hearing in Right Ear to Go Muffled

    Me and my tinnitus just got out of bed the other day, I sat down and quickly turned my head as far as it could go to my right. Don't ask why I did this. I am always trying to do something, anything just out of curiosity to see if it affects my tinnitus. You guys know the routine. Well anyway...
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    Loud Tone for a Few Seconds — Fleeting / Transient Spontaneous Tinnitus

    For a short time (can't remember exactly how long) before I got tinnitus I was fine but was having this kind of like a second or so of this buzzing "zap " sound in my head. I didn't know what it was, the only way I can describe it now would be a fleeting second of full blown loud tinnitus. This...
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    Curious Tinnitus Observation — At Night the Volume Always Reduces

    Do you have high blood pressure? Blood pressure is lower at night and when your relaxed. My tinnitus is always loud multiple tones in both ears. It does seem slightly lower when i first get up in the morning and loudest before i go to bed. I have to retreat to my quiet room to give my ears (...
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    I'm Literally on the Verge of Ending It. Please Give Me Hope I Can Get Better.

    With all the crap thats in our foods its no wonder most of us have digestive issues. For example carrageenan is very widely used in a lot of dairy products. Ice cream and coffee creamers for starters Its in tons of stuff. Guess what? It plays havoc on your digestive system . You go to the...
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    Being Ill and Tinnitus — Certain Noises Disappeared, Strange Reactions to Head Movements

    Why do you suppose that happens? I dont have a clue and i am experiencing the same thing.
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    Being Ill and Tinnitus — Certain Noises Disappeared, Strange Reactions to Head Movements

    Allen I think I may have the same thing going on. Can you describe what you mean when you say your tinnitus is reacting to head movements?
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    Noise Induced Tinnitus — What's Your Short and Long Term Experience?

    I have a medium to loud bunch of tones that sound like the wine glass thing. Right now as i write this its been louder i am trying not to think about it i just the same but its very difficult.
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    Tinnitus from Jaw Clenching?

    Boy is it! I find myself saying things like I hate my head. Stupid head. Why me? What did I do to deserve this? I think when it comes to tinnitus ive got the best of it . Super loud high pitched tone in both ears plus ear fullness. Multiple different tones in both ears going off in...
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    Please, I Need Help and Encouragement. Can't See Any Hope and Don't Know What to Do.

    Some of your problems may be food allergies. I think if i were you i would get off all meds surround myself with only organic foods and definately take pre and probiotics. If you research common food additive ingredients and their effects on us you may be surprised at all the garbage man...
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    Need Some Hope and Encouragement — Tinnitus and Hearing Loss Keep Getting Worse

    I cant tell you how many sleepless nights i had reading posts here trying to find some glimmer of hope about this situation. I wear musicians ear plugs all day every day except Saturdays and Sunday's to protect my ears from excessive noise. My tinnitus is really loud with multiple tones and...
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    Tinnitus from Jaw Clenching?

    I was wondering if jaw clenching is the culprit in tinnitus and hypercussis will it ever go away or are we forever doomed to live like this.
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    Tinnitus from Jaw Clenching?

    I will. Thank you for your reply. If any thing even remotely helps! I dont feel like im living any more only existing.
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    Tinnitus from Jaw Clenching?

    I was wondering if anyone out there was thinking that their tinnitus was due to jaw clenching. If so is there hope of recovery or was permanent damage done to nerves or whatever? I was clenching my jaw quite a bit but now make an effort to relax this just in case this was part of the...
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    Any Clothing Materials That Can Spike Tinnitus?

    Love the pic John. Made me laugh!
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    Any Clothing Materials That Can Spike Tinnitus?

    I was just wondering if a new mattress could cause tinnitus. There are a lot of mattress allergies. Has anyone heard of this?? I got my tinnitus after a new serta mattress was purchased . I agree fabrics can cause irritation from rubbing sounds . When you have sensitive ears every sound...
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    ENT or Neurologist? Which Type of Doctor Do You Think Is Better?

    I am just wondering what type of doctor would in other readers' opinions be better. A neurologist or ENT? I seem to have gaze evoked tinnitus in addition to regular tinnitus with hyperacusis as well. I mentioned to my eye doctor about the short spikes I get with eye movement after I stare...
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    Coping with Multiple Changing Tinnitus Sounds?

    I am having a really bad time right now. Extremely high pitch in both ears with multiple tones. I have a box fan on high and my air purifier on high but the noise in my head is way higher. My nerves are shot and i feel desperate.
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    Is This Pulsatile Tinnitus? Rhythmic Whooshing Sound When I Move My Neck in Certain Positions

    What i think is weird is before i actually woke up with my ringing i was getting that sound i described in my post above daily for weeks . it would only last for a second and would happen threw out my day ..i dont know maybe 7 or 8 times a day but only for a second i didnt think anything of it...
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    The ENT Told Me Not to Protect from Everyday Sounds by Using Earplugs

    Use the earplugs. Use your own judgement not the ents. I use the kind with the filter. Just dont use them in situations where u know it to be fairly safe for your ears . In that case just cover your ears. I was in a store where a close br obnoxiously loud woman blurted out something to...
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    Is This Pulsatile Tinnitus? Rhythmic Whooshing Sound When I Move My Neck in Certain Positions

    The sound i get that only last about a second sort of sounds like someone removing an air hose from an air compressor. That's in addition to this awfull high pitch ringing along with the multiple tones i hear in both ears . Sometimes i just want to lay down and die. Some days are better but...
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    Is This Pulsatile Tinnitus? Rhythmic Whooshing Sound When I Move My Neck in Certain Positions

    I get the same thing. When getting out of bed or up from a sitting position i get a whooshing sound in my head. Lasts only a second but happens a lot during the day . Does anyone else get this as well? I also have sound sensitivity . Tinnitus is a high pitch with multiple tones that kind of...
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    Tinnitus Spike, Ear Fullness and Muffled Hearing After Shower

    Did you get any water in your ear?
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    I Need Some Honest Comfort from You Guys Right Now

    Have you tried ear plugs. I wear macks hear plugs . They have a filter and really help take the edge off noisy environments. I wear them most of the day . People dont even know i have them in! You can still hear but at a safer level. This is living hell with no escape for all of us so know...
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    New to Tinnitus Talk — Saying Hello — Tinnitus & Hyperacusis

    Thank you. I will keep reading on. What keeps me going is reading others experiences with this and i am hoping that keeping noise levels down by wearing my ear plugs gives my ears a chance to heal. I have been reading here without posting for over a year this is not an easy thing to go thru...
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    New to Tinnitus Talk — Saying Hello — Tinnitus & Hyperacusis

    I drive a truck im thinking that played a part. Before i got tinnitus i was getting a few short i guess you could call them tinnitus spikes .They only lasted about 2 seconds at a time. This happened maybe 6 times or so per day I didnt know what to think. I never had that happen before...
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    New to Tinnitus Talk — Saying Hello — Tinnitus & Hyperacusis

    Hello, I woke up one morning with both ears ringing a high pitch. I had no idea what it was. I felt panicky and had thoughts of suicide like many here and a few weeks later hyperacusis started that makes sounds distorted like a blown out speaker. That all started 14 months ago. I have a...