#1 Tinnitus Fan


Feb 28, 2018
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Whaaaaat's goooin' on my fellow phantom headz!

I've had a blast with Tinnitus for about 26 years. First time I heard that wonderful sound was when I was about 8 yrs. old. Woohoo! :rockingbanana: So everything's been cool and totally tolerable sometimes using a fan, sometimes none at all. No probs.

About 7 months ago, everything kinda went nuts. I woke up one morning to go swimming over at my uncle's and tensor tympani was like... "BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM" for about 20 minutes. No idea why, just out of no where. I was pretty relaxed n' everything:dunno:. Whatevs, that never happened again.

A week later I was at the house trying to get away from some loud ass tv that my roommate had crankin'. Not because my ears were ringing, but because the tv gets on my nerves after a while, especially when your just trying to chill. No biggie, so I just go into a back room to eat and just pop in some ear plugs and thats when it all started. "DUN...DUN...DUUUUUUHN. lol"

Okay so long story short... ringing went from mono to stereo to 6.1 surround with you guessed it, fullness, vertigo, ear fluttering, and eustachian tube clicky/poppy goodness. Yay! Fun for the whole family!:joyful:

I perceive about 6 different electrical noises on multiple frequencies (highs & mids (pure & filtered tones) whooshing & roaring).

It can be quite a bit to handle at times, but I think i'm doin' pretty good considering all that's goin' on.

So here's what's worked for me:
A) Meditation (sometimes focused on the ringing and then my mind will wander, thus reducing
importance, sometimes just being)
B) Hiking in the middle of nowhere
C) Walking in the house with no light (sometimes I'll click my tongue (echo relocation))
1) when your afraid of running into a wall your brain is more likely to focus on sounds made by echo
or touch! rofl
2) darkness calms my SNS response
D) Nature sounds on my phone b/c white noise now exacerbates condition (no more oscillating fan :meh:)
E) Nutrition
1) Eating consistently
*low blood sugar > anxiety > stress > increased SNS activity > ringing
2) Staying hydrated
F) Eustachian tube exercises (kinda help)
G) Massage
H) Going shopping at goodwill! I love that place and the music's great! lol
I) Consistent sleep

A) Stimulant reduction
1) caffeine (still consume on occasion)
2) any type of media when possible
3) blue light
a) reduction or elimination passed sundown
b) candles in the shower and before bed
B) Meds
1) occasional use of benzodiazepines (as needed only in low doses)
2) occasional use of kratom (as needed only in low doses)
*reduces tension and pain in the back of my head, neck, and shoulders
C) Staying socialized (HUGE) because i'm kinda introverted, but I force myself anyways because it's
1) I attend 3 different bible studies
2) I maintain social interaction with neighbors
3) I maintain social interaction with co-workers and clients
4) I try to stay as social as possible with family and also let them know what's going on
D) Positive self-talk a.k.a Speaking life to yourself (Also hugely important)
1) Either non-verbal or verbally (I believe aloud is more important) stating your good attributes,
worth, and progress, even if progress is small.
2) changing perception of sound.
3) being grateful for what I still have.
"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial
into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a
home, a stranger into a friend." -Melody Beattie
E) Counseling
1) My counselor doesn't specialize in tinnitus, but she is very skilled at what she does.
2) I have several men and women in my life, available at all hours, who I can call or meet up with.
"Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed." ~ Proverbs 15:22
3) the bible has been a great source of guidance during these trying times
4) there are many other sources of literature or knowledge that I go to when I need calming or
F) Body based therapy - focusing on other senses instead of always fixating on my hearing.
1) Sometimes I notice i'll get in this mode of aural fixation and actually have to get up and start
looking around at objects and pay attention to specific attributes such as color or texture.
2) I may go and interact with objects around me and shift my focus and energy to a new task or idea.


Ive also been to doctors, but yeah, they don't help :LOL::ROFL:

so yup!

There's my intro! I'm sure ya'll have already heard of all of these coping mechanisms before but if you haven't, hopefully some of the stuff i've listed may help!

Whaaaaat's goooin' on my fellow phantom headz!

I've had a blast with Tinnitus for about 26 years. First time I heard that wonderful sound was when I was about 8 yrs. old. Woohoo! :rockingbanana: So everything's been cool and totally tolerable sometimes using a fan, sometimes none at all. No probs.

About 7 months ago, everything kinda went nuts. I woke up one morning to go swimming over at my uncle's and tensor tympani was like... "BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM" for about 20 minutes. No idea why, just out of no where. I was pretty relaxed n' everything:dunno:. Whatevs, that never happened again.

A week later I was at the house trying to get away from some loud ass tv that my roommate had crankin'. Not because my ears were ringing, but because the tv gets on my nerves after a while, especially when your just trying to chill. No biggie, so I just go into a back room to eat and just pop in some ear plugs and thats when it all started. "DUN...DUN...DUUUUUUHN. lol"

Okay so long story short... ringing went from mono to stereo to 6.1 surround with you guessed it, fullness, vertigo, ear fluttering, and eustachian tube clicky/poppy goodness. Yay! Fun for the whole family!:joyful:

I perceive about 6 different electrical noises on multiple frequencies (highs & mids (pure & filtered tones) whooshing & roaring).

It can be quite a bit to handle at times, but I think i'm doin' pretty good considering all that's goin' on.

So here's what's worked for me:
A) Meditation (sometimes focused on the ringing and then my mind will wander, thus reducing
importance, sometimes just being)
B) Hiking in the middle of nowhere
C) Walking in the house with no light (sometimes I'll click my tongue (echo relocation))
1) when your afraid of running into a wall your brain is more likely to focus on sounds made by echo
or touch! rofl
2) darkness calms my SNS response
D) Nature sounds on my phone b/c white noise now exacerbates condition (no more oscillating fan :meh:)
E) Nutrition
1) Eating consistently
*low blood sugar > anxiety > stress > increased SNS activity > ringing
2) Staying hydrated
F) Eustachian tube exercises (kinda help)
G) Massage
H) Going shopping at goodwill! I love that place and the music's great! lol
I) Consistent sleep

A) Stimulant reduction
1) caffeine (still consume on occasion)
2) any type of media when possible
3) blue light
a) reduction or elimination passed sundown
b) candles in the shower and before bed
B) Meds
1) occasional use of benzodiazepines (as needed only in low doses)
2) occasional use of kratom (as needed only in low doses)
*reduces tension and pain in the back of my head, neck, and shoulders
C) Staying socialized (HUGE) because i'm kinda introverted, but I force myself anyways because it's
1) I attend 3 different bible studies
2) I maintain social interaction with neighbors
3) I maintain social interaction with co-workers and clients
4) I try to stay as social as possible with family and also let them know what's going on
D) Positive self-talk a.k.a Speaking life to yourself (Also hugely important)
1) Either non-verbal or verbally (I believe aloud is more important) stating your good attributes,
worth, and progress, even if progress is small.
2) changing perception of sound.
3) being grateful for what I still have.
"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial
into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a
home, a stranger into a friend." -Melody Beattie
E) Counseling
1) My counselor doesn't specialize in tinnitus, but she is very skilled at what she does.
2) I have several men and women in my life, available at all hours, who I can call or meet up with.
"Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed." ~ Proverbs 15:22
3) the bible has been a great source of guidance during these trying times
4) there are many other sources of literature or knowledge that I go to when I need calming or
F) Body based therapy - focusing on other senses instead of always fixating on my hearing.
1) Sometimes I notice i'll get in this mode of aural fixation and actually have to get up and start
looking around at objects and pay attention to specific attributes such as color or texture.
2) I may go and interact with objects around me and shift my focus and energy to a new task or idea.


Ive also been to doctors, but yeah, they don't help :LOL::ROFL:

so yup!

There's my intro! I'm sure ya'll have already heard of all of these coping mechanisms before but if you haven't, hopefully some of the stuff i've listed may help!


Groovy post :)

I dig it!!!
Wonder whom it could be ?
Keep it to yourself or you might need duck from the bullets....:D:LOL::D
Love glynis

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