2020 US Presidential Election

Ugh, that sounds like it would piss me off honestly. Maybe I'll watch it. Sounds like more classic Trump. Peddling conspiratorial garbage from hack sources. I saw the part where he once again talked about masks. That was so dumb.
It's dumb that you think it's dumb only because you hate Trump so much.
@FGG I just finished the townhall from Trump and dear god, it was pretty bad. Hearing him talk about healthcare is the worst part, I'm convinced he doesn't even know how the ACA works to be honest.
My country Canada, is increasingly an authoritarian one and becoming a police state. So far, the only countries I think may be worse are Australia, France and Italy. Although, there are similar incidents in the US but at least you have the Constitution.

The Canadian government ignores the Charter.

It might as well be printed on toilet paper. It's ignored.

Canadian police perform midnight COVID quarantine check on terrified woman home alone

Lawyers are asserting that Charter is ignored by Police and the government levels are authoritarian. They don't care and use COVID-19 as an excuse.

"However, such incidents are not unusual in a Canada that is "descending down a scary path towards medical authoritarianism," says Jay Cameron, lawyer with the Calgary-based Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom (JCCF)."
Trump won the debate with Savannah Guthrie, and perservered well in a hostile environment. It was a set-up. Guthrie wasted a lot of time on COVID-19 and masks for the first 10-15 minutes; no one learned anything new. Trump has always said people can wear masks if they choose. Questions on white supremacy/taxes are getting boring. Trump has already denounced white supremacy multiple times, and no one cares about his taxes especially when the Democrats are picking on a small/insignificant amount when compared to his net worth. The highlight was the "Nodding Lady" who gave a big thumbs up at the end.
I think Trump doesn't denounce conspiracy theories because he (and many on the Right) likes to keep the Left on edge. Most conservatives do not believe in conspiracy theories.
His corruption is more in the typical but disappointing ways all corporatists are.

For instance, his supportive position on fracking (which is extremely environmental damaging) despite running on a platform of green jobs (contrast that with say Bernie who ran on transitioning away from fracking into green jobs).

I don't see Biden as a foreign asset the way Trump is and in fact it seems like a disinformation campaign to distract from Trump's dealings.

Which, btw he admitted last night the tax information the NYT had was in fact real and not "fake news" as he originally said but said the 400 million wasn't "owed to Russia".
The fact that he's corrupt at all means he is questionable, but, hey, maybe to be a politician one has to be corrupt.

I watched both town halls. I fell asleep watching Biden's lol. Maybe I'm getting old or he's just boring to listen to lol.
Actually, it was just late and time to sleep.

I just can't see Biden being a good, never mind great, President. Honestly though, I hope he does a a good job and doesn't allow the chance for Harris to get in, i.e. I see her as being a possible nightmare.

I don't know what to make of the 400 million Trump owes, i.e. I don't know enough about business. He sees it as nothing when compared to the assets he has, and just part of business, but then I suppose he would say that.

How much of an asset Biden is or isn't is debatable, if he is one at all, but his son's dealings with Russia bring him under the spotlight. It's really naive of them to think that dealing with the Russians, in any way, is an OK thing to do. It isn't, these people are not the US' friends.

Trump mistook the news satire site Babyon Bee as a legitimate news source.
Trump is just expressing an interest in expiring alternative views and theories, which he has a right to do on his own time, on Twitter. Lots of people do this.

The media absolutely hates Trump because he calls them out on BS. I respect him for this. Whether you agree with him or not, he is not afraid to express his opinion, more so than any other president in recent times. Would I like to hang out with Trump, were he not a president? The answer is probably not, but simply because I don't like his personality 100%, doesn't mean that he can't be an effective president.

It's not going to make a hell of a lot of difference to me whether Biden or Trump wins, but I'm voting for Trump. I wish that those who prefer Biden could see things this way, and not become totally unhinged if Trump wins. I guess they all have TDS, I can't think of another reason. This is even true of the celebrities, and wealthy people who hate Trump. You can't even SAY that you prefer Trump, in some parts of the country, and wearing a MAG hat is totally taboo - you literally risk your life if appear in public with a Trump hat, button, or bumper sticker. These anti-Trump zealots are all mentally ill and in some cases, criminally so.

I believe in freedom, the Trump haters do not. I will not side with these people.
"Earlier this fall, the World Giving Index ranked the U.S. as the world's most generous country. The index, annually released by the U.K.-based nonprofit Charities Aid Foundation, based its ranking on 10 years of data from annual World Poll surveys by Gallup, the U.S. analytics and advisory firm. Dec 20, 2019"

Quotation above, from https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2019-12-20/the-worlds-most-generous-countries

The United States is the country that the world currently hates the most Perhaps it is time to relinquish this title of the worlds most generous country, since apparently nobody cares. I would cut off all foreign aid, for an indeterminate amount of time. If we're so terrible, than we should stop giving away the store, and let these countries that hate us find out who their real friends are.
"Earlier this fall, the World Giving Index ranked the U.S. as the world's most generous country. The index, annually released by the U.K.-based nonprofit Charities Aid Foundation, based its ranking on 10 years of data from annual World Poll surveys by Gallup, the U.S. analytics and advisory firm. Dec 20, 2019"

Quotation above, from https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2019-12-20/the-worlds-most-generous-countries

The United States is the country that the world currently hates the most Perhaps it is time to relinquish this title of the worlds most generous country, since apparently nobody cares. I would cut off all foreign aid, for an indeterminate amount of time. If we're so terrible, than we should stop giving away the store, and let these countries that hate us find out who their real friends are.
Religious tithes and donations are counted and the US are one of the more religious (if not the most) of the wealthy countries so it makes sense.

Some Christian charities are fantastic (my friend works for one who gives every possible cent to the at risk youth programs it funds) whereas others like the Mormon church gives less than 1% of its tithes given by members to charity.

Mormon Church has misled members on $100 billion tax-exempt investment fund, whistleblower alleges
"Earlier this fall, the World Giving Index ranked the U.S. as the world's most generous country. The index, annually released by the U.K.-based nonprofit Charities Aid Foundation, based its ranking on 10 years of data from annual World Poll surveys by Gallup, the U.S. analytics and advisory firm. Dec 20, 2019"

Quotation above, from https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2019-12-20/the-worlds-most-generous-countries

The United States is the country that the world currently hates the most Perhaps it is time to relinquish this title of the worlds most generous country, since apparently nobody cares. I would cut off all foreign aid, for an indeterminate amount of time. If we're so terrible, than we should stop giving away the store, and let these countries that hate us find out who their real friends are.
Charity starts at home. The UK needs to learn this too.

How much of that aid falls into the wrong hands? Lots, I reckon.

Believe me though, not everybody hates the US. Far from it!! I know numerous Russians who long to come to live in the US.

In the UK we keep hearing about how giving foreign aid has allowed the UK to remain a power... a soft power!! Sometimes I feel more like the UK is simply a soft touch.
The United States is the country that the world currently hates the most Perhaps it is time to relinquish this title of the worlds most generous country, since apparently nobody cares. I would cut off all foreign aid, for an indeterminate amount of time. If we're so terrible, than we should stop giving away the store, and let these countries that hate us find out who their real friends are.
So you only do the right thing because it benefits you?
I think Trump doesn't denounce conspiracy theories because he (and many on the Right) likes to keep the Left on edge. Most conservatives do not believe in conspiracy theories.
Divider in Chief. Also, it is most certainly true that many conservatives are open-minded to conspiracy theories like the "deep state."
Also, it is most certainly true that many conservatives are open-minded to conspiracy theories like the "deep state."
This is the whole reason he won't admit QAnon is bonkers. While maybe not the majority of his base believe stuff like that, a sizable enough minority do where he wouldn't want to ruffle their feathers before election.
This is the whole reason he won't admit QAnon is bonkers. While maybe not the majority of his base believe stuff like that, a sizable enough minority do where he wouldn't want to ruffle their feathers before election.
Honestly, it's all one giant joke; Republicans don't stand for anything. Imagine if Obama or Harris casually tweeted "on their own time" conspiracies that the Bin Laden raid (or an equivalent, like 9/11) was staged. This is so deeply unamerican that I can't even process it.

Trump supporter: "Ah, I just don't love his tweets."

Everyone hates talking about race. Believe it or not, even liberals are sick of it. But you have to be a little bit stupid to not be able to make the connection that a non-white person could never spew unamerican bullshit like that.

"But the TROOPS!"

Give me a fucking break. And these people have the nerve to get off on calling others unamerican. We are doomed. RIP America, the country I've always loved.
So you only do the right thing because it benefits you?
To some extent, yes - because everybody else does what benefits themselves. Various minorities, feminists, alternate lifestyle people, welfare queens, fat people, etc. Do they worry about anybody else that is hurting? Of course not, they're special and must be catered to, for their votes, by the Democrats. It' s not even the fault of the voters, it's the greedy SOBs who lie, like Obama.

When is the middle class going to stop being ignored, stepped on and over taxed? Many of us have had our medical plans replaced, and have been forced to join expensive subpar healthcare programs in order to make it possible for others to get it for free. Next, we get cut out of jobs or promotions due to various affirmative action programs in the workplace.

The Democrats consider anybody who has been hurt by their dictatorial policies, and speaks up, to be the enemy. Four years ago, a significant amount of angry people struck back and elected Trump, and may do so again in 2020. There comes a point when you just say, "Screw it, I've done enough and taken enough of this garbage from the Democrats, and past Republicans to some extent. No more Mr. Nice Guy or Gal." This is what got Trump elected. And in my opinion, he's done a good job as president - at least as good as Obama, with things that negotiations that Obama could not accomplish, particularly in foreign matters such as the Israel UAE peace deal.

Even if Trump loses, there will be others at various levels of government to take his place, who get it.
"Earlier this fall, the World Giving Index ranked the U.S. as the world's most generous country. The index, annually released by the U.K.-based nonprofit Charities Aid Foundation, based its ranking on 10 years of data from annual World Poll surveys by Gallup, the U.S. analytics and advisory firm. Dec 20, 2019"

Quotation above, from https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2019-12-20/the-worlds-most-generous-countries

The United States is the country that the world currently hates the most Perhaps it is time to relinquish this title of the worlds most generous country, since apparently nobody cares. I would cut off all foreign aid, for an indeterminate amount of time. If we're so terrible, than we should stop giving away the store, and let these countries that hate us find out who their real friends are.
People don't hate the United States, the rest of the world just can't believe we elected Donald Trump. But people making jokes at the expense of our president doesn't mean they hate us. We're still a respected superpower who is preferred over Russia and China.
Trump is just expressing an interest in expiring alternative views and theories, which he has a right to do on his own time, on Twitter. Lots of people do this.

The media absolutely hates Trump because he calls them out on BS. I respect him for this. Whether you agree with him or not, he is not afraid to express his opinion, more so than any other president in recent times. Would I like to hang out with Trump, were he not a president? The answer is probably not, but simply because I don't like his personality 100%, doesn't mean that he can't be an effective president.

It's not going to make a hell of a lot of difference to me whether Biden or Trump wins, but I'm voting for Trump. I wish that those who prefer Biden could see things this way, and not become totally unhinged if Trump wins. I guess they all have TDS, I can't think of another reason. This is even true of the celebrities, and wealthy people who hate Trump. You can't even SAY that you prefer Trump, in some parts of the country, and wearing a MAG hat is totally taboo - you literally risk your life if appear in public with a Trump hat, button, or bumper sticker. These anti-Trump zealots are all mentally ill and in some cases, criminally so.

I believe in freedom, the Trump haters do not. I will not side with these people.
Ya know, you are saying this as if there's not tons of Trump supporters acting like a Biden presidency would destroy America and turn America into a dystopian socialistic hellscape. Do those people have Biden derangement syndrome?
Charity starts at home. The UK needs to learn this too.

How much of that aid falls into the wrong hands? Lots, I reckon.

Believe me though, not everybody hates the US. Far from it!! I know numerous Russians who long to come to live in the US.

In the UK we keep hearing about how giving foreign aid has allowed the UK to remain a power... a soft power!! Sometimes I feel more like the UK is simply a soft touch.
Who says that?
Honestly, it's all one giant joke; Republicans don't stand for anything. Imagine if Obama or Harris casually tweeted "on their own time" conspiracies that the Bin Laden raid (or an equivalent, like 9/11) was staged. This is so deeply unamerican that I can't even process it.

Trump supporter: "Ah, I just don't love his tweets."

Everyone hates talking about race. Believe it or not, even liberals are sick of it. But you have to be a little bit stupid to not be able to make the connection that a non-white person could never spew unamerican bullshit like that.

"But the TROOPS!"

Give me a fucking break. And these people have the nerve to get off on calling others unamerican. We are doomed. RIP America, the country I've always loved.
I thought being American stood for rights and freedom? I guess not, eh?

Cuz 'conspiracy.'
Ya know, you are saying this as if there's not tons of Trump supporters acting like a Biden presidency would destroy America and turn America into a dystopian socialistic hellscape. Do those people have Biden derangement syndrome?
Do leftists have Leftist Derangement Syndrome?
That is so not an acceptable reason for the President to not denounce something.
Divider in Chief. Also, it is most certainly true that many conservatives are open-minded to conspiracy theories like the "deep state."
The Democrats started it, with the Russia hoax, impeachment hoax/scam, Kavanaugh abuse, etc. plus the daily lies from fake news media. There is no way to "rise above" that sort of treatment.
The Democrats started it, with the Russia hoax, impeachment hoax/scam, Kavanaugh abuse, etc. plus the daily lies from fake news media. There is no way to "rise above" that sort of treatment.
You say that as if every president isn't slammed by the media and the opposition party.

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