2020 US Presidential Election

The American electorate on the whole is poorly educated, does not really understand our political system's basic inputs and outputs, and is incredibly easy to sway with propaganda. This is why incumbent presidents generally get blamed for long lists of things which had nothing to do with them, and were a result of the previous 3-4 administrations. I can give you examples of Clinton either taking the blame or credit for stuff GHWB had done, GWB getting blamed or taking credit for stuff Clinton had done, Obama getting blamed and taking credit for things GWB did, and Trump getting blamed or taking credit for stuff the Obama admin set up. "The economy" is always a huge one here because boom / bust cycles don't really have anything to do with political cycles but on the other hand anyone with a 401(k) probably knows whether it's up or down over the last 4 years and that becomes a convenient mental shortcut, even if it leads you to completely incorrect ideas about how the economy works.

The inability to track long running issues and look beyond the current year's political horserace has become a mainstay of American politics; this may be one of the reasons our (shitty) founding fathers didn't want normal civilians to have the vote, didn't want permanent political parties, didn't want a permanent standing army etc. Too bad, tough titty, doesn't matter, we are where we are and so we've just got to move forward as best we can.

Next time something like COVID arrives we will wind up going through this same hell all over again, the denial, the wishful thinking, the resistance against masks and lockdowns and restrictions.

I have a relative who's studied infectuous diseases globally for 50 years. They consider COVID-19 a "fire drill event" even though they also project eventual death tolls well into the millions. Their point with the "fire drill" comment is, really -- if and when the "big one" comes, there's nothing we can do that will matter.

If there was a virus which had the transmissibility and incubation period of SARS-COV-2 but had the mortality of SARS-COV-1... that would lead to an apocalyptic situation where billions of people would die and all world governments would break down. There isn't really anything we can do about that.

On the other hand, just wearing masks in flu season does save lives and is... a pretty normal thing in large parts of the world and has been since the 1918 pandemic :)
I am a liberal that lives in an extremely rural area. I can identify most local wildlife by sound, feces and tracks. The same is true of 1/2 of the 15 people who also live on my road.

As for why cities tend to be liberal, no mysteries there, this has been subject to much study and writing.

How Democrats Conquered the City

I would generally agree with you that growing up in a place that is quieter, less polluted, and lower population density leads to a happier and healthier childhood. I don't think it has much to do with politics, beyond the externalities and history documented in that article, plus the general observation that people living more closely boxed in with each other are going to adopt more socialistic attitudes around the basics of sharing space / sidewalks etc, whereas people who have some amount of acres to themselves in the woods can be obstinately selfish and rarely have that cause them any problem, exactly because they don't have to share their space with anyone.

People have extensively researched the socio-economic, cultural and cognitive effects of growing up in urban vs rural areas, if you want like 2000 pages of peer reviewed fulltexts let me know where to shoot them.

It also comes down to parenting. If you grow up in the middle of beautiful wilderness, but just let your kids raise themselves on 10 hours of TV a day, that's not going to have a very different outcome than doing the same thing in a condo in Manhattan. Likewise, a kid that grows up in Manhattan but gets dragged around to parks and zoos and art events etc, is more likely to be an interesting adult than a country kid that gets raised by Nickelodeon.
Just because you are an 'exception' doesn't make Contrast's point any less valid. Democrats have ruined every city they took over, too.
Just because you are an 'exception' doesn't make Contrast's point any less valid. Democrats have ruined every city they took over, too.
His point is absurd and condescending. Cities can be great places to grow up. America's cities are full of art, culture and stuff to do. NYC is awesome. I don't see why you have to pick one or the other. It's not like the rural regions are thriving either.
I wonder why these weren't held before the vote was certified. Or why this isn't being argued in court right now. This has been going for a month man, they need to prove it in court or shut the hell up.
It does look suspicious in video above. I was starting to believe there was integrity in the voting process, now not so much.
I wonder why these weren't held before the vote was certified. Or why this isn't being argued in court right now. This has been going for a month man, they need to prove it in court or shut the hell up.
Maybe you are asking the wrong questions. You trust authorities too much. You have too much faith in judges, man. You think all these politicians, judges etc. care about the law? About being ethical? Lol. Wake up.
Maybe you are asking the wrong questions. You trust authorities too much. You have too much faith in judges, man. You think all these politicians, judges etc. care about the law? About being ethical? Lol. Wake up.
So once again the only sources that are trustworthy are far right media.
So once again the only sources that are trustworthy are far right media.
Well it will play out and we will see who is right if there is enough time. It's best to know the truth regardless. My noise and other health issues bothers me a lot more than the elections. If Biden won fair and square I'm okay with that. A lot of Trump voters are skeptical and you can't blame them at this point.
So once again the only sources that are trustworthy are far right media.
Huh? What far right sources?

I will take sources that don't censor AND REMOVE speech and expression like the biased left wing sources that you probably champion. They also spin and omit information.

Anything that doesn't fit your narrative and isn't part of the mainstream chain of pro-censorship MSM is labeled "far right." It's odd when such sites are the only ones telling truths.
Huh? What far right sources?

I will take sources that don't censor AND REMOVE speech and expression like the biased left wing sources that you probably champion. They also spin and omit information.

Anything that doesn't fit your narrative and isn't part of the mainstream chain of pro-censorship MSM is labeled "far right." It's odd when such sites are the only ones telling truths.
No, sources like Newsmax, Breitbart and OANN are far right. I find it ironic that you have no problem quoting them and Trump's YouTube page as sources yet you tell me that Snopes and Fact-check.org are too left leaning. It's just amazing,
So once again the only sources that are trustworthy are far right media.

A lot of Trump voters are skeptical and you can't blame them at this point.
You can't blame them if you see them as helpless drones who take whatever programming Trump hands down.
View attachment 41937

You can't blame them if you see them as helpless drones who take whatever programming Trump hands down.
You think 74 million people are all dumb huh? Perhaps they think the alternative that you're so fond of is worse. Trump got a vaccine way quicker than Biden would have. You always think you're right and are extremely negative. Have you ever thought of climbing a tree? You'll probably fall out while raking leaves.
You think 74 million people are all dumb huh? Perhaps they think the alternative that you're so fond of is worse. Trump got a vaccine way quicker than Biden would have. You always think you're right and are extremely negative. Have you ever thought of climbing a tree? You'll probably fall out while raking leaves.
Hi just1morething,

I think the scientists made the vaccine independent of Trump, or Boris Johnson in the UK etc...

Not sure politicians should be so quick to take credit for it... they would better take credit for public policy managing the pandemic and for supporting science in general e.g. NIH funding, research funding, building and maintaining the pandemic response unit and appointing scientists who's qualifications make them appropriate i.e the appointment of Kushner, inexperienced son-in-law, and the present head of the COVID-19 team who is neither an epidemiologist or virologist.

COVID-19 and topsy-turvy management hurt Trump's re-election bid. Even with all the social upheaval I think he still would have got in if he had managed the pandemic better. More empathy about deaths and less nepotism to family members or so called friends... who knows.

Hope your static hiss settles... I was thinking about your neck exercises that seemed to have helped you... maybe you could fabricate a chair with a roll bar for your neck. Something custom built as opposed to the bed? I am better at fabricating and making stuff than politics... clearly.

Take care.
Hi just1morething,

I think the scientists made the vaccine independent of Trump, or Boris Johnson in the UK etc...

Not sure politicians should be so quick to take credit for it... they would better take credit for public policy managing the pandemic and for supporting science in general e.g. NIH funding, research funding, building and maintaining the pandemic response unit and appointing scientists who's qualifications make them appropriate i.e the appointment of Kushner, inexperienced son-in-law, and the present head of the COVID-19 team who is neither an epidemiologist or virologist.

COVID-19 and topsy-turvy management hurt Trump's re-election bid. Even with all the social upheaval I think he still would have got in if he had managed the pandemic better. More empathy about deaths and less nepotism to family members or so called friends... who knows.

Hope your static hiss settles... I was thinking about your neck exercises that seemed to have helped you... maybe you could fabricate a chair with a roll bar for your neck. Something custom built as opposed to the bed? I am better at fabricating and making stuff than politics... clearly.

Take care.
Do you know that vaccines take years to develop?

But, you guys are arguing over whether Biden or Trump is claiming credit? Don't you think those two puppets are playing you?

How come no one answered my questions on October 27?
Do you know that vaccines take years to develop?

But, you guys are arguing over whether Biden or Trump is claiming credit? Don't you think those two puppets are playing you?

How come no one answered my questions on October 27?
I was giving the scientists credit whose hard work and knowledge enabled them to make the thing.

I thought my comment was pretty clear about politicians taking credit weather it be Trump or Johnson in the UK or Biden. Did you read what I wrote?

As far as October 27th, I have no idea what you are referring to? I didn't get a notification... my apologies.

Peace Out PeteJ.
I was giving the scientists credit whose hard work and knowledge enabled them to make the thing.

I thought my comment was pretty clear about politicians taking credit weather it be Trump or Johnson in the UK or Biden. Did you read what I wrote?

As far as October 27th, I have no idea what you are referring to? I didn't get a notification... my apologies.

Peace Out PeteJ.
Hi Daniel. I read your post. :)

Sorry, I think I am often over the top sarcastic and serious in the same post.

My first question was serious. Want to answer it?

All these politicians are claiming a vaccine is coming, downplaying or ignoring side effects.


In my previous post, I mentioned that PCR tests don't work and the inventor never meant them to be a diagnostic tool. But, no one replied to me.

I didn't notify any particular poster. I invite anyone to (reasonably) answer.
Trump got a vaccine way quicker than Biden would have.
That's a worthless statement. You have no way of knowing that, and Pfizer at least developed its vaccine independently of Project Warp-speed. Also, Trump's vaccine-first approach comes at the cost of a ton of avoidable deaths. On top of it all, the post-truth era which Trump promulgated has led to more antivaxxers, not less. So Trump's base may praise him for the vaccine on the one hand (to simply score a political point) and proceed to NOT take it on the other.


The only reason Trump turned around on his antivaxx position is it was seen by him as the solution to getting out of COVID-19 crisis with minimal personal sacrifice on the part of the public or (more importantly) the business sector.

So yes, I do think 74 million Americans are dumb. Even if they voted for Trump as the lesser of two evils, their calculus on what constitutes the lesser of two evils is what's dumb, since in large part they are making a choice based on little more than wedge issues (like abortion) and aren't seeing the larger cost of Trump's incompetence.

Hi Daniel. I read your post. :)

Sorry, I think I am often over the top sarcastic and serious in the same post.

My first question was serious. Want to answer it?

All these politicians are claiming a vaccine is coming, downplaying or ignoring side effects.

View attachment 41973

In my previous post, I mentioned that PCR tests don't work and the inventor never meant them to be a diagnostic tool. But, no one replied to me.

I didn't notify any particular poster. I invite anyone to (reasonably) answer.
I thought you might find this piece interesting, since you were questioning the efficiency of the testing. I think this article was pretty honest about the limitations:


This article shows that the PCR test and the newer 15 minute test, draw the same results a vast majority of the time. While the source is a little suspect, it does support the use of PCR tests:

Every Trump supporter in the thread: Trump got the vaccine.

Every Biden voter in the thread: Politicians had nothing to do with the vaccine.

By the way, when the pandemic improves under Biden because scientists solved the problem, I don't plan on giving him much credit.

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