2020 US Presidential Election

That's a worthless statement. You have no way of knowing that, and Pfizer at least developed its vaccine independently of Project Warp-speed. Also, Trump's vaccine-first approach comes at the cost of a ton of avoidable deaths. On top of it all, the post-truth era which Trump promulgated has led to more antivaxxers, not less. So Trump's base may praise him for the vaccine on the one hand (to simply score a political point) and proceed to NOT take it on the other.


The only reason Trump turned around on his antivaxx position is it was seen by him as the solution to getting out of COVID-19 crisis with minimal personal sacrifice on the part of the public or (more importantly) the business sector.

So yes, I do think 74 million Americans are dumb. Even if they voted for Trump as the lesser of two evils, their calculus on what constitutes the lesser of two evils is what's dumb, since in large part they are making a choice based on little more than wedge issues (like abortion) and aren't seeing the larger cost of Trump's incompetence.

You're included in that group, apparently.
Every Trump supporter in the thread: Trump got the vaccine.

Every Biden voter in the thread: Politicians had nothing to do with the vaccine.

By the way, when the pandemic improves under Biden because scientists solved the problem, I don't plan on giving him much credit.
Every voter here except me?: vaccines are coming... thanks to Biden, thanks to Trump, thanks to the health community...

Me: Hello, Earth to morons... it takes several years even decades or more to develop a vaccine... Hello, anybody there????????!? :rolleyes:
Hey, @weab00, you think that it's funny that development of vaccines can take many years even decades but governments and MSM claim it's just around the corner? Plus, the number of claims regarding side effects etc... You're pretty strange.
Hey, @weab00, you think that it's funny that development of vaccines can take many years even decades but governments and MSM claim it's just around the corner? Plus, the number of claims regarding side effects etc... You're pretty strange.
Not when you have pretty much every researcher on Earth collectively focusing on it as well as an actual sense of urgency from the FDA. They were already developing vaccines for viruses similar to the novel sars covid, so they could just pick right back up where they left off. But arguing with you seems like an endless loop of conspiracies, so I'm not gonna bother.

Source: https://www.statnews.com/2020/07/30...-much-progress-on-a-covid-19-vaccine-so-fast/
Every Trump supporter in the thread: Trump got the vaccine.

Every Biden voter in the thread: Politicians had nothing to do with the vaccine.

By the way, when the pandemic improves under Biden because scientists solved the problem, I don't plan on giving him much credit.
There's a saying that I've taken to heart. Success has a thousand fathers but failure is an orphan.

BTW, I expect some die-hard fans who are desperately searching for some positive legacy to pin on Trump will start peeling away from him if the Dems take the senate via the Georgia runoff. Note that the current super-spike in COVID-19 really hit critical mass after the election, and that combined with Trump's handling of the loss may wind up being the deciding factor in that race, differentiating it from the more favorable response state and local republicans during the general election. If Trump establishes himself as an albatross who drags the party down then Trumpism will lose its luster. Time will tell. Angry people tend to be motivated people too so we don't know how this will impact future elections.
Not when you have pretty much every researcher on Earth collectively focusing on it as well as an actual sense of urgency from the FDA. They were already developing vaccines for viruses similar to the novel sars covid, so they could just pick right back up where they left off. But arguing with you seems like an endless loop of conspiracies, so I'm not gonna bother.

Source: https://www.statnews.com/2020/07/30...-much-progress-on-a-covid-19-vaccine-so-fast/
Lol. Yeah, so similar that the economy had to be locked down, everyone's lives rearranged, constant media announcements about infections, infection rates, being arrested or having police visits for not wearing a mask or quarantining.

AGAIN, it takes decades and some of them are still in ongoing development.

But, yeah... the *MEDIA* says they are similar so it should be ready next year! lol

Yeah, don't bother, idiot.
As somewhat of a history buff, I found the following linked article fairly fascinating. I think others who appreciate what history has to teach us will likely find it quite interesting as well. The parallels between McCarthy and his tactics and Trump are really quite astounding.

Which perhaps shouldn't be too surprising since they both had the same lawyer (Roy Cohn) advising them. -- Below the link is a short introduction to the (fairly long) article. It's a rather sad tale on the depravity politicians will allow themselves to stoop to just for the sake of (perceived) political expediency.

GOP silence on Trump's false election claims recalls McCarthy era

(CNN) The silence of congressional Republican leaders as President Donald Trump's unfounded claims of election fraud grow wilder and more venomous increasingly resembles the party's deference to Sen. Joe McCarthy during the worst excesses of his anti-Communist crusade in the early 1950s.

In McCarthy's era, most of the GOP's leaders found excuses to avoid challenging conspiracy theories that they knew to be implausible, even as evidence of their costs to the nation steadily mounted. For years, despite their private doubts about his charges and methods alike, the top GOP leadership -- particularly Senate Republican leader Robert A. Taft, the Mitch McConnell of his day -- either passively abetted or actively supported McCarthy's scattershot claims of treason and Communist infiltration.

A significant faction of Senate Republicans didn't join with Democrats to curb McCarthy's power until the senator immolated himself with his accusations, in highly publicized 1953 and 1954 hearings, that the Army was riddled with Communists during the presidency of fellow Republican Dwight Eisenhower...​
More proof that COVID-19 is a hoax:

Network newscasts ignore Dr. Fauci saying kids should be in school

Isn't Fauci supposed to be a respected health professional that the MSM swears by? I guess not when he says something contrary to what the Elites want. Maybe he made a mistake? I guess a few dozen cops or agents will visit his house now asking if he feels like changing his mind (i.e. recommendations).
More Election fraud: (again)

Dominion contractor drops BOMBSHELL that what she witnessed in Michigan was 'complete fraud'

Reports Of Election Fraud Keep Piling Up In Michigan. What's Going On?

But, MSM doing their collaborated see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil thing. It's all just *conspiraSAY!*
So your second article is actually old. Meaning we actually got to see the results already. The President's campaign has voluntarily pulled out of the case surrounding it. The case being Donald Trump For President vs Benson.

So that's just another unsuccessful case in Trump's history.

Lot of people smarter than you voted for Trump. Pro-life and against career politicians. Maybe instead of talking about wedge issues someone should give you a wedgie?

Lot of people smarter than you voted for Trump. Pro-life and against career politicians.
All you are guaranteed to get when you vote against is someone who panders to you by exploiting grievance. That's not smart and in fact means you're getting played--like those who are paying off Trump's 400 mil in debt to the tune of 170 mil and counting while deluding themselves into thinking they can overturn an election. Trump voters are SUCKERS, plain and simple.

Not only that, but it's been proven time and again that Trump's base are not college educated. He appeals to easily manipulated dummies.

He's now on the verge of going on a pardon spree so I don't see how being against "career politicians" is a benefit when he and his cabinet are the epitome of grift and corruption. But again, he can fool the rubes into thinking any and all criticism is a "witch hunt". He laughs all the way to the bank.

All this because millions of Americans really want women to go back to using coat-hangers in back-alleys, eh? That's what it's all about?
All you are guaranteed to get when you vote against is someone who panders to you by exploiting grievance. That's not smart and in fact means you're getting played--like those who are paying off Trump's 400 mil in debt to the tune of 170 mil and counting while deluding themselves into thinking they can overturn an election. Trump voters are SUCKERS, plain and simple.

Not only that, but it's been proven time and again that Trump's base are not college educated. He appeals to easily manipulated dummies.

He's now on the verge of going on a pardon spree so I don't see how being against "career politicians" is a benefit when he and his cabinet are the epitome of grift and corruption. But again, he can fool the rubes into thinking any and all criticism is a "witch hunt". He laughs all the way to the bank.

All this because millions of Americans really want women to go back to using coat-hangers in back-alleys, eh? That's what it's all about?
74 million Americans voted for Trump. Are they all "Rubes" and "Suckers"? I have more money now, even with the pandemic, than I've ever had. Is this because I was suckered and Trump is laughing all the way to the bank? Do you expect Biden and his affirmative action phony minority VP to do better for the middle class than Trump did? We can't overturn a rigged election, or reverse the violence that the Democrats staged, but there's a lot that 74 million pissed off people can do.
Every Trump supporter in the thread: Trump got the vaccine.

Every Biden voter in the thread: Politicians had nothing to do with the vaccine.

By the way, when the pandemic improves under Biden because scientists solved the problem, I don't plan on giving him much credit.
Hi ZZ,

Every Biden supporter shits themselves quietly when he speaks that he won't make a gaff or forget what he was saying. (Mind you, he's been in brilliant form).

Every Trump supporter just closes their ears any eyes over the last month as he and Giuliani slip faster into the abyss of conspiracies, fraudulent claims, and just bad calls for the US. (There's a freaking pandemic if they haven't noticed)...

What do average Republicans think about Trump not accepting defeat? - Republican Attorney General and election officials all say it was legit. Crazy days...
It's more about blame than credit. The culture of denial Trump fostered is largely responsible for the bodycount in this country. Even if you disregard everything up through the summer (and you shouldn't) how Trump dismissed his own COVID-19 case only to go superspreading his way saying "rounding the curve" and doubling-down on anti-mask, demonizing Fauci, etc... primed the public for the spike we're now entering, a spike far worse than what happened back in the spring. Long after Trump's out of office, the lasting effect of his disinformation and marginalization will be TAKING MORE AND MORE AMERICAN LIVES. Apparently die-hard Trumpites won't care, maybe not even if they lose their own immediate family. No amount of personal stories of loss will move them in any way. They may have been riled up to fight Afghansistan after 911 on the basis of a fraction of the number of dead Americans but they won't throw their favored politician under the bus for what is, essentially, treasonous levels of incompetence. It's a glorified suicide-cult.

"It's just the sniffles."

--Donald Trump
It's more about blame than credit. The culture of denial Trump fostered is largely responsible for the bodycount in this country. Even if you disregard everything up through the summer (and you shouldn't) how Trump dismissed his own COVID-19 case only to go superspreading his way saying "rounding the curve" and doubling-down on anti-mask, demonizing Fauci, etc... primed the public for the spike we're now entering, a spike far worse than what happened back in the spring. Long after Trump's out of office, the lasting effect of his disinformation and marginalization will be TAKING MORE AND MORE AMERICAN LIVES. Apparently die-hard Trumpites won't care, maybe not even if they lose their own immediate family. No amount of personal stories of loss will move them in any way. They may have been riled up to fight Afghansistan after 911 on the basis of a fraction of the number of dead Americans but they won't throw their favored politician under the bus for what is, essentially, treasonous levels of incompetence. It's a glorified suicide-cult.

"It's just the sniffles."

--Donald Trump

Hi GlennS, Chomsky is anti-American? Kidding, I miss Ma. It would be nice to meet for a coffee and go to the Charles near MIT. One of my many stomping grounds in my youth... One day I hope.

COVID-19 cost the old boy the election. He was caught out and found lacking when faced with a real challenge. If the pandemic didn't happen, he would have sailed through and cleaned up on the law and order message and the economy.

Why lay all the blame on the President when the State's governors can mandate what they want? Listen to Kayleigh McEnany. You should respect her as she has a law degree from Harvard. I would guess that you are just a little bit jealous of her superior intellect to yours. Have your wife (or acquaintance) try the wedgie below on you, it may help straighten you out a bit.

74 million Americans voted for Trump. Are they all "Rubes" and "Suckers"? I have more money now, even with the pandemic, than I've ever had. Is this because I was suckered and Trump is laughing all the way to the bank? Do you expect Biden and his affirmative action phony minority VP to do better for the middle class than Trump did? We can't overturn a rigged election, or reverse the violence that the Democrats staged, but there's a lot that 74 million pissed off people can do.
Yeah yeah yeah, rigged election. How many cases has Trump won in court again.
It was said originally, by medical authorities, that if the United States did nothing, regarding COVID-19, the death toll would be in the millions. If the Democrats had been in charge, and not cut off air traffic from China, a measure they opposed when Trump did it, perhaps the death toll could have been in the millions by now. The 1918 pandemic killed 675 thousand in the United States. The population at the time was 106.5 million, which is about 1/3 of today's population. So, if we do a quick calculation, this means that in today's numbers the 1918 pandemic deaths would equal about three times that of 675,000, which would mean 2,025,000 million deaths, in 2020. We have had 274,000 deaths, so far from COVID-19. I think that Trump did OK, given that there has been no vaccine and the doctors didn't have a clue about how to handle much of it.

Go ahead and blame Trump, if it makes y0u feel superior to those who support him. If you think that Biden, Hillary, or Obama would have done much better, and refuse to acknowledge that they could have done worse than Trump, you are living in a fantasy world.
Now we have a new VP, who is an Affirmative Acton educated and coddled, upper middle class woman who moved up in politics by going to bed with a man who was the most powerful person in the Democratic Party of California.

"Smart as a whip", or "Whip smart", are the type of complements we hear her admirers utter, regarding Harris' experience and intelligence. They sound like they're talking about a child, or a trained animal, not a Vice President. The irony is sublime but, in reality, it is a disgrace that she is even in the White House. The only hope that we have, if she becomes President over the next four years, is that the Democratic Party will make sure that Obama, and others with experience, will be on call to help run the country, which is something that she is eminently unqualified to do.

Why lay all the blame on the President when the State's governors can mandate what they want? Listen to Kayleigh McEnany. You should respect her as she has a law degree from Harvard. I would guess that you are just a little bit jealous of her superior intellect to yours. Have your wife (or acquaintance) try the wedgie below on you, it may help straighten you out a bit.

View attachment 42033
I am much more of a fan of Democratic representative Katie Porter who also went to Harvard Law. No really, she's a badass.
Yeah yeah yeah, rigged election. How many cases has Trump won in court again.
They should have signature matched the ballots in the swing states. That's the only way to know if the ballots were legal. I voted this year in person and they signature matched with my driver's license. I don't really know how mail in ballots work. Do they have a signature on file?
Now we have a new VP, who is an Affirmative Acton educated and coddled, upper middle class woman who moved up in politics by going to bed with a man who was the most powerful person in the Democratic Party of California.
Does it feel dirty when you think about her with that much older guy ;)?

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