2020 US Presidential Election

Does it feel dirty when you think about her with that much older guy ;)?
If something unfortunate happens to Biden, who at 78 is no spring chicken, are you going to be laughing then, when a bimbo takes his place?
If something unfortunate happens to Biden, who at 78 is no spring chicken, are you going to be laughing then, when a bimbo takes his place?
It's obvious you don't think she deserved the job but are you claiming she is also unintelligent?
If something unfortunate happens to Biden, who at 78 is no spring chicken, are you going to be laughing then, when a bimbo takes his place?

Y-you mean, Kamala Harris is a sl-sl... Oh mercy, I can even finish the word!

If only we had known!

If only someone had been obnoxiously informing us over and over again repeatedly for over a dozen pages now.
@just1morething, check out this article and see if it's worth showing your liberal friends here?


There's so many examples of fraud or showing that fraud is a possibility yet no one can criticize the Americans that are so obtuse to keep denying it.
Some big problems with that article. I'll provide one for now though. One of the article's biggest citations is a study by Jesse Richman. Richman himself says that the President and his allies are misinterpreting his data and his study was already under fire for a terrible sample size.

It's obvious you don't think she deserved the job but are you claiming she is also unintelligent?
It seems like it. She is not experienced in running anything, seems like the only thing she can do is flip flop, throw people in prison for weed and cackle about it, jail parents when their kids play hooky, and come up with hairbrained ideas such as prosecuting men for being johns while letting the prostitutes go free (I support legal prostitution). She somehow was able to get affirmative action in college or grad school, with resulted her being coddled in programs which were meant for underprivileged minorities, which she was not one of. She was elected Porker of the Year 2018, as well.

What is this woman going to do if we are attacked by terrorists, or another national emergency happens to occur if she is president, call her sponsor and lover Willie Brown, who was still defending is friend Bill Cosby against the rape charges as late as 2014? Is this the best we could do? Biden must have been either off his rocker, or found a brilliant way of guaranteeing himself job security. The last thing we need now, is to have him leave due to sickness, mental decline, or impeachment.


Y-you mean, Kamala Harris is a sl-sl... Oh mercy, I can even finish the word!

If only we had known!

If only someone had been obnoxiously informing us over and over again repeatedly for over a dozen pages now.
Kamala is the s-word?? I can't believe that! What the FUCK?! I thought she was a role model!

Kamala is finished.

On a serious note, I just gave up on reading the full thing of those posts you mentioned because at this point I think I have read like 20 essays about how Kamala Harris is a prostitute.
This is a daily reminder that Vice President elect Kamala Harris is not a virgin. Picture her having sex.
It seems like it. She is not experienced in running anything, seems like the only thing she can do is flip flop, throw people in prison for weed and cackle about it
I can't imagine anyone liking her smile and cackle laugh. If she lived during the Cuban missile crisis era she would probably be cackling about that too.
It seems like it. She is not experienced in running anything, seems like the only thing she can do is flip flop, throw people in prison for weed and cackle about it, jail parents when their kids play hooky, and come up with hairbrained ideas such as prosecuting men for being johns while letting the prostitutes go free (I support legal prostitution). She somehow was able to get affirmative action in college or grad school, with resulted her being coddled in programs which were meant for underprivileged minorities, which she was not one of. She was elected Porker of the Year 2018, as well.

What is this woman going to do if we are attacked by terrorists, or another national emergency happens to occur if she is president, call her sponsor and lover Willie Brown, who was still defending is friend Bill Cosby against the rape charges as late as 2014? Is this the best we could do? Biden must have been either off his rocker, or found a brilliant way of guaranteeing himself job security. The last thing we need now, is to have him leave due to sickness, mental decline, or impeachment.

Considering how many prostitutes are in abusive situations, I'd be pretty horrified if we were routinely throwing in prison. Who does that even help?

At least if the boss is imprisoned, some of them can go free.
@just1morething, I have an experiment for you to try.

Use GOOGLE Chrome. I am using Chrome via Android on my phone. Google search 'election fraud' (no quotes). Now do the same in Duck Duck Go.

A Google search has endless hits about "unfounded allegations" CNN, NBC MSNBC, MSM sources and others saying the allegations are invalid, false, whatever.

Duck Duck Go has a mix of hits including this one:





The MSM claims election fraud is rare. Of course, it is, when you collude or it's what your elite friends want. Nothing to see, here!
Thank you to everyone in this thread who is speaking up against the horrific sexism and racism posted here, and for being smart enough to see it for exactly what it is.

Can I politely suggest not arguing with someone who uses the word 'bimbo' to describe a woman? What's the end game? That he suddenly says 'You're right! Women have equal value. Of COURSE they should be judged by exactly the same standards as men. So let's discuss her politics and not which people she has slept with, because women can have sex too.'

Take it from someone who has to exist as a woman - they don't change their minds. Forget about them, and focus on moving forward. As Jane Fonda recently said - and watch her get called a bimbo too - the world will always have these kinds of people, but we don't need them. Leave them behind.
Georgia's Senate race is going to be fairly tight. Recent polls suggest that the Democratic candidates Ossoff and Warnock are making gains, especially in independent land and Biden's unexpected win has motivated Democratic leaning voters that turning the state blue is within their grasp.

Capture d’écran 2020-12-04 à 19.29.14.png

Another good point about the rise in support for Democrats is, we guessed it, Trump. His rants about fraud has lowered the credibility of a fair election in the eyes of hard core GOP and Trump supporters, so it may seem likely that they will not even bother to vote in the runoff elections.

''One interesting thing about the SurveyUSA poll is that it offers a window into whether Republican turnout is likely to drop because of efforts by President Trump and his allies to diminish confidence in US elections. Briefly, the poll suggests that a small but significant number of Georgia Republicans do plan to sit out the election due to those efforts — enough to potentially flip these races to Warnock and Ossoff''

''Some of Trump's allies have even gone so far as to urge Republicans to boycott the Georgia runoff elections. At a rally in Atlanta this week, for example, former Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell said that she "would encourage all Georgians to make it known that you will not vote at all until your vote is secure."'

Link: https://www.vox.com/2020/12/3/22150...ossoff-loeffler-purdue-boycott-senate-runoffs
''Some of Trump's allies have even gone so far as to urge Republicans to boycott the Georgia runoff elections.

Does this mean that some Republican politicians actually believe Trump's claims of fraud? Or is something else going on here that I've missed?

Why don't they cut ties with him, before they're dragged down as well? Very bizarre.
''One interesting thing about the SurveyUSA poll is that it offers a window into whether Republican turnout is likely to drop because of efforts by President Trump and his allies to diminish confidence in US elections. Briefly, the poll suggests that a small but significant number of Georgia Republicans do plan to sit out the election due to those efforts — enough to potentially flip these races to Warnock and Ossoff''

''Some of Trump's allies have even gone so far as to urge Republicans to boycott the Georgia runoff elections. At a rally in Atlanta this week, for example, former Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell said that she "would encourage all Georgians to make it known that you will not vote at all until your vote is secure."'
Thank you for sharing this. It's the funniest thing I've seen in a while.
Does this mean that some Republican politicians actually believe Trump's claims of fraud? Or is something else going on here that I've missed?

Why don't they cut ties with him, before they're dragged down as well? Very bizarre.
It's hard to say. Some Republicans do it for electoral reasons; they don't want to alienate themselves from the Trump voter base, which is pretty substantial. That's why the Georgian Republican senators Loeffler and Perdue are repeating Trump's false claims about fraud without any substantive evidence, despite the efforts of state officials, some of whom Republicans, who argue that the general elections were fair play and went accordingly to the principles of the rule of law.

Gabriel Sterling, a Georgian top election official and Republican, is one of the few with a spine who blasts Trump and his ilk on their falsehoods (and especially threats to election officials by Trump supporters)

Gabriel Sterling of Sec of State's Office Blasts Those Threatening Election Workers

Some Republicans do it for electoral reasons; they don't want to alienate themselves from the Trump voter base

That kind of makes sense, but it's playing a very short game, isn't it? What happens in four years' time when a Republican wins the election, and the Democrats claim fraud also?

More importantly, what happens in the future when people look back on this attempted coup and see that the Republican party not only stood by and watched, but in many cases actively supported it? It could destroy the party.

Either nobody in the Republican party is thinking long term, or they actually believe that fraud has taken place. Both are worrying for very different reasons.
Gabriel Sterling, a Georgian top election official and Republican, is one of the few with a spine who blasts Trump and his ilk on their falsehoods (and especially threats to election officials by Trump supporters)

Gabriel Sterling of Sec of State's Office Blasts Those Threatening Election Workers
Trump after he refuses to leave office:

I prefer this version though:

That kind of makes sense, but it's playing a very short game, isn't it? What happens in four years' time when a Republican wins the election, and the Democrats claim fraud also?

More importantly, what happens in the future when people look back on this attempted coup and see that the Republican party not only stood by and watched, but in many cases actively supported it? It could destroy the party.

Either nobody in the Republican party are thinking long term, or they actually believe that fraud has taken place. Both are worrying for very different reasons.
The calculation they made is that hypocrisy is irrelevant to the voter base.
That kind of makes sense, but it's playing a very short game, isn't it? What happens in four years' time when a Republican wins the election, and the Democrats claim fraud also?

More importantly, what happens in the future when people look back on this attempted coup and see that the Republican party not only stood by and watched, but in many cases actively supported it? It could destroy the party.

Either nobody in the Republican party is thinking long term, or they actually believe that fraud has taken place. Both are worrying for very different reasons.
The Democrats did do it 4 years ago. It seems every election in America is illegitimate to the losing side. Obama was born in Kenya, Trump is a Russian agent, Biden stole it thru voter fraud.
It's hard to say. Some Republicans do it for electoral reasons; they don't want to alienate themselves from the Trump voter base, which is pretty substantial. That's why the Georgian Republican senators Loeffler and Perdue are repeating Trump's false claims about fraud without any substantive evidence, despite the efforts of state officials, some of whom Republicans, who argue that the general elections were fair play and went accordingly to the principles of the rule of law.

Gabriel Sterling, a Georgian top election official and Republican, is one of the few with a spine who blasts Trump and his ilk on their falsehoods (and especially threats to election officials by Trump supporters)

Gabriel Sterling of Sec of State's Office Blasts Those Threatening Election Workers
The fact that there are some elected Republicans standing up to Trump and his behaviour honestly gives me hope.
That kind of makes sense, but it's playing a very short game, isn't it? What happens in four years' time when a Republican wins the election, and the Democrats claim fraud also?

More importantly, what happens in the future when people look back on this attempted coup and see that the Republican party not only stood by and watched, but in many cases actively supported it? It could destroy the party.

Either nobody in the Republican party is thinking long term, or they actually believe that fraud has taken place. Both are worrying for very different reasons.
It seems short sighted, but I think this is part of their strategy to remodel the GOP in a ''[IMO White] Working class party''.

Even if they lose face by playing dice with democracy and the rule of law, in the long run they want to keep the Trump base and expand it even further. McConnell and other ''Trumpites'', like senator Josh Hawley, have mentioned that embracing the working class has lots of electoral potential if you keep focusing on things that has made Trump irresistible to them: protectionism (e.g. tariffs on metal from China), trade agreements that benefit American manual labourers (redrawing the NAFTA treaty) and patriotism (made in America).

And as we have seen so far, during the Trump administration era and in the general elections, is that most Trump supporters will stay loyal as long as Trump and other Trumpites present themselves as working class heroes, as outsiders who will challenge the ''deep state'' and all else (like the'' Socialist'' Joe Biden) who will stop at nothing to keep them deprived of a good future.

Here's a good article about how the GOP is trying to reshape itself into a working class party:


It doesn't stop there. Not only are Republican politicians trying to adept popular Trumpian selling points, they are also trying to change their looks to look more appealing to the average Joe. Take David Perdue for instance. In 2015, during his first term, David Perdue presented himself as a successful businessman who knows what's best for America, who is willing to work with Democrats to get deals done and who wants a small government to civil society will proliferate. Pretty moderate for American standards, you might think. Now he is in many respects a total different guy.

As you can see in the pictures here below, he remodelled himself from a businessman (2015) to an average working class Joe (notice the jean jacket) as a way to appeal to the Trump base and the working class in particular (2020). He even calls himself an outsider, despite sitting there in the senate for 5 years. Perdue has also adopted some of Trump's talking points, such as the threat of a Socialist takeover of the Biden administration, of a preservation of a protectionist state in a world of ''it's us [Americans] vs. them'' and of foreigners that are ''going to steal your jobs''. And like David Perdue, there are many others in the Republican Party who try to make a shift to another political direction in the hopes of gaining popularity in the same way that Trump has garnered for himself


The Democrats did do it 4 years ago. It seems every election in America is illegitimate to the losing side. Obama was born in Kenya, Trump is a Russian agent, Biden stole it thru voter fraud.
Very true. The Democrats claimed Russian collusion when Trump was elected. Makes you worry for elections in general. If Americans lose confidence in them, what happens then? No more democracy? Which speaks to my point of all politicians needing to protect the integrity of the election over protecting Trump, or they'll be paying for it in the long term.
The fact that there are some elected Republicans standing up to Trump and his behaviour honestly gives me hope.
Doesn't that set the bar a bit low, or am I just not understanding the political climate in the US? If our PM tried to overthrow an elected leader, I'm pretty sure all party members would condemn him outright, as we would expect them to.
After Trump is done, do you reckon a Republican is ever going to be President again? At this stage is looks like the USA will lean more left than ever before.
The fact that there are some elected Republicans standing up to Trump and his behaviour honestly gives me hope.
After Trump is done, do you reckon a Republican is ever going to be President again? At this stage is looks like the USA will lean more left than ever before.
Ever again? Almost certainly. The question is what will it take to get there.

But honestly, the GOP already has a clear path to winning 2024. Let the economy crash with no new stimulus, win the Georgia Senate races, then pass no stimulus or a very weak one that'll let the economy just sit there dying and then blame Biden for the economic failure.
After Trump is done, do you reckon a Republican is ever going to be President again? At this stage is looks like the USA will lean more left than ever before.
Trump lost because of Trump. In fact, the GOP picked up a lot of Senate seats this election.

Romney would have beat Biden easily imo.
After Trump is done, do you reckon a Republican is ever going to be President again? At this stage is looks like the USA will lean more left than ever before.
If Biden is pulling the ''Back to brunch liberalism'' card, a continuation of Obama's pro-market centrist policy without really substantive support for the working class & the poor (accessible education, medicare and social security), I think it's fair to say that a more wicked and conniving Trump politician (such as Tom Cotton) could have a fair chance of winning in 2024.
Very true. The Democrats claimed Russian collusion when Trump was elected. Makes you worry for elections in general. If Americans lose confidence in them, what happens then? No more democracy? Which speaks to my point of all politicians needing to protect the integrity of the election over protecting Trump, or they'll be paying for it in the long term.

Doesn't that set the bar a bit low, or am I just not understanding the political climate in the US? If our PM tried to overthrow an elected leader, I'm pretty sure all party members would condemn him outright, as we would expect them to.
Fortunately the American people are lazy and comfortable, so even tho people think our democracy is broken (it's not), no one will actually do something about their allegation.

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