2020 US Presidential Election

Yikes! Up until five years ago, I was quite skeptical of Chomsky's manufactured consent. But seeing all this makes one wonder how much is coordinated between the rich and powerful in trying to manipulate people in what they should think about certain issues. It's scary just to think about it.

It may not be the main antidote against garbling up info without thinking whether it's true or not, and maybe you do not agree on this point, but I really do think that philosophy should be mandatory as a subject in every middle/high school. It should be considered as an essential subject; on the same level as maths and English. It may not make us infallible people in discerning what is true or not, but it helps us in developing critical thinking. This is so fundamental in trying to find the truth in what matters to us, what makes theories and assumptions more probable than others and that we not unconditionally accept the things that some people say just because we like their personality for instance. This is probably just wishful thinking on my part.
Yep, that's what I like to say that we live in an invented reality where everything is a lie. Freedom is subjective and ignorance is slavery.

I have a question: what comes into your mind when I say North Korea?

I'm assuming negative emotions? Propaganda is designed to inspire negative emotions. They bombard you non-stop with over the top scary stories about this country which hasn't been to an actual war for decades, yet is somehow the world's worst problem, even though I haven't heard about them dropping a single bomb in a foreign country recently.

The media likes using these buzzwords that inspire negative emotions like calling their army "death squads" (oh wow, glad our armies have nothing to do with death) and their prisons as "slave camps" (I swear the 13th amendment in the US specifically allows slave forced labour in prisons while also having the worlds highest incarceration rate). After a while you assume every scary story about this country is true without verifying the source. If the source is a Pro-War NGO then I wouldn't believe a word of it.

What if I told you the majority of it is pure lies.

For example: There was a huge story about Kim Jong-Un executing his girlfriend. CNN, BBC, Fox News etc constantly kept talking about this story and confirming she was dead. Turns out she was alive! I'm not joking, she literally went on TV to tell everyone she is alive. Some here might be thinking "oh I bet she can't leave the country", well nope, turns out she has left North Korea plenty of times, but she always goes back home anyways. She could literally claim asylum every time she left the country because news stations like CNN would have loved to talk to her soon she was KJU's ex. I heard about guys who beat up their ex for less, yet this dude who supposedly has absolute power in North Korea, somehow didn't execute his girlfriend? Didn't even lock her inside the country where he allows her to go outside? It sounds like they had a normal breakup which is quite rare nowadays.

There's even jokes about this saying "North Korea's healthcare is so good that they bring dead people back to life":


Seriously looking into debunking the propaganda against North Korea was the single most eye opening thing I have ever looked into.

Remember when they said the North Korean government forced everyone to have the same haircut? The media and talk shows kept running this for ages. Turns out it was total bullshit. Watch this as it debunks and analyses propaganda about North Korea, but in a really entertaining way. They even went there to get a haircut and they ended up getting a normal haircut like the ones in Australia where they live:

By the way, those guys are 'I did a thing' and they have a second unrelated channel that does things like this:

I remember a South Korean messaged me this. This ones extremely eye-opening as it goes more into details about the structure of propaganda in South Korea and brings up Pro-War organisations that are also involved with Iran, Syria and Venezuela currently:

There's a reason why this country has nukes, because Libya gave up their nuclear program and look what happened to the most developed country in Africa where it now has a thriving slave market. That country was destroyed based on lies. The countries economy is already crippled by the embargo where before at one point they were actually richer than South Korea (I'm being serious. Take a look into it).

Just to say, but the videos I posted are also suitable for people who lean right wing because they are not glorifying North Korea's political ideology at all, as it's more about debunking obvious lies. Being against wars based on mere conjecture is not left or right wing.
So you support increasing the number of members in the SCOTUS?

These days it seems as if the Supreme Court has taken up legislation duties too.
I didn't support it until Mitch McConnell stole a Supreme Court and then hypocritically seated one. If Republicans won't play fair, Democrats shouldn't either.
Can we call it a coup yet? They just stormed the capital building.
But remember, we've been told for months on this thread that Trump supporters are civilized and non-violent. I swear everything is always completely opposite of what a Trump supporter says.
I cannot wrap my head around the situation that I'm seeing now on CNN. Armed people walking around Congress? These people should be ashamed of themselves and I blame the Republicans & Trump for feeding them with fear and hate for their own political gain. There is no other way to put this: the Republican Party has just attacked democracy.
This nostalgia for an idealised communist past is something that really intrigues me. Did you do research on communism in Eastern Europe/Russia? Sounds like you really went all in on this one :)

A similar story that I have read about during German class is ''Ostalgie' (ost= east + nostalgia). It's actually about nostalgia that East Germans have for their communist past. It basically means that older generations longed to the warm and close knitted community that they once had and a government that took care of them. This all slowly disintegrated when East Germany became part of Germany again. Despite their material improvement in comparison to their communist past, the older generations still miss the old days. So this story is a bit different to the one that you have heard about life in former communist countries. BTW There is even a movie about this subject that might interest you: Good Bye Lenin! It is a pretty good movie.
Oh yeah I have researched about it quite a bit and only really took it into consideration after speaking to some seniors who lived in those times. Personally, my information about the Soviet days consists of Rocky 4 so I can't really make much of a judgement saying the societies I lived in were any better. I have looked into something about East Germany and I remember reading something about around 57% preferring the old days, which I wasn't expecting because I thought West Germany's wealth and support from other western states would have lowered that number down to less than 5%.

A thing I always heard about people living under the old red states was that the "people were kinder" which you could find in every video asking Russian seniors about the old days. I spoke to a few of my friends from China who told me their grandparents said the same thing about the "people being kinder" before the economic reforms despite the country being extremely poor just coming out of WW2 and a long civil war. Blew my mind, when I heard about that. I guess people naturally like feeling like in a community?

I have never watched that movie, but I'll check it out, thanks :)
I cannot wrap my head around the situation that I'm seeing now on CNN. Armed people walking around Congress? These people should be ashamed of themselves and I blame the Republicans & Trump for feeding them with fear and hate for their own political gain. There is no other way to put this: the Republican Party has just attacked democracy.
I try to compartmentalize and say it's just a few bad actors, but it's really not. It's enough to conclude that the Republican party is batshit crazy. Ted Cruz was on the floor objecting to the results in Arizona for no reason other than to usurp democracy.

This is just insanity. And all for what? Because they can't handle Joe Fucking Biden being President?

Earlier today, @Pulsing Ear made the point that according to polls, most Republicans support this nonsense. It's a bad day to be right about that.
Thanks for pointing out to your source on IHDI. This one is way more accurate in terms of conceptualisation and operationalisation on living standards.

I think that the embargo's are not the main reason they have a failed state. Chavez did run a relatively successful government during the first part of his reign, but the last few years before his dead, it all went downhill by corruption, nepotism, human rights abuse and almost an unhealthy blind faith in a planned economy. His successor, Nicolas Maduro, continued on this path and even went further as a quasi-dictator by ignoring the democratic legitimacy of the parliament, which has voted in majority for another candidate-president in 2018: Juan Guaido.


Norway is a good example of state capitalism, just like you said. Their economy is not entirely planned from top-down bureaucracy like we have seen of communist states in the past, but they have made the right decisions in setting up an oil fund to finance and improve their public services & facilities (oil fund = investment in stocks and shares by using surplus revenue of their petroleum sector). This has made Norway one of the best countries in terms of healthcare, education and infrastructure
Personally I don't really focus too much on Venezuela so I can't really comment too much on what you said, however I will say there is a lot of things aren't true or are missing some detail (not specifically what you said, but based on some things I learned). Even Wikipedia can be quite questionable when it involves geopolitics, because sometimes they do allow questionable sources from Pro-War NGO's so always go deep into it. I wouldn't put too much faith into Juan Guaido either as I wouldn't put faith into Jeanine Áñez (look up the Gray Zones video on her. They showed support to Juan Guiado too and let's say she's a Pinochet wannabe).

A country not so far from there is Bolivia, which actually has close ties to Venezuela. There was claims of voter fraud after Evo Morales won in a landslide who also happens to be a guy who wanted to nationalise the lithium (never nationalise, because Iran did that to their oil and that led to Operation Ajax which is a proven false flag to justify decades of foreign oppression on Iranians) and he striked a deal to sell it to China. A coup then happened that Washington approved of. Anyways the crazy Pinchochet wannabe woman stepped down after civil unrest. They had another election and Evo Morales party won in a landslide again by over 20% which kinda disproves the point about Evo Morales being a dictator.

'No evidence of fraud' in Morales poll victory, say US researchers

2020 Bolivian General Election

Can't forget about this:

I cannot wrap my head around the situation that I'm seeing now on CNN. Armed people walking around Congress? These people should be ashamed of themselves and I blame the Republicans & Trump for feeding them with fear and hate for their own political gain. There is no other way to put this: the Republican Party has just attacked democracy.
It's crazy, isn't it?
There is no other way to put this: the Republican Party has just attacked democracy.
From what I remember you referred to the Trump voters as "cuckoo". Senator Cruz from Texas said we need an audit to prove if there was or was not fraud in the elections. I don't see what's wrong with that with the country divided.
I think it should be noted that this dynamic was primarily fostered by the Republicans, with Newt Gingrich essentially basing his entire political strategy on. He regularly tutored his fellow Republicans on how to use of various words and phrases to demonize their political opponents, as apposed to disagreeing with them on policy. Trump built on New Gingrich's earlier work and took it to a whole new level. -- As a reflection of the changing times, a young black woman now holds Newt Gingrich's former seat.

Lucy McBath Wins Georgia Rematch, Holding House Seat for Democrats
Please, lol. Democrats do it too. Look at Maxine Watters encouraging Democrats to confront Conservatives wherever they find them. Some politicians were driven out of restaurants like they were villains.
I didn't support it until Mitch McConnell stole a Supreme Court and then hypocritically seated one. If Republicans won't play fair, Democrats shouldn't either.
The Republicans did "play fair". They had the majority in the Senate both times. When you have the majority you are going to be able to control nominees. If a Supreme Court Justice dies or retires now then the Democrats have their turn.
But remember, we've been told for months on this thread that Trump supporters are civilized and non-violent. I swear everything is always completely opposite of what a Trump supporter says.
Do you see them burning their own cities down? Do you see them looting and attacking police? Do you see them taking over city blocks and not allowing any EMTs in? One teen died from a gunshot in that liberal "city" they formed out west. He died because they wouldn't let EMTs enter.
Armed people walking around Congress?
Kinda gives new meaning to Hillary's reference to some of Trump's supports as "deplorables". She was roundly criticized for using such language, but I think today's breaching of Congress vindicates the mostly accurate words she used back then (which I agreed with at the time).
The Republicans did "play fair". They had the majority in the Senate both times. When you have the majority you are going to be able to control nominees. If a Supreme Court Justice dies or retires now then the Democrats have their turn.
Okay fine, it's perfectly legal and fair when you have the majority to expand the court then.
Do you see them burning their own cities down? Do you see them looting and attacking police? Do you see them taking over city blocks and not allowing any EMTs in? One teen died from a gunshot in that liberal "city" they formed out west. He died because they wouldn't let EMTs enter.
You are defending this LMFAO. Holy shit. They stormed the capitol, broke in, attacked police officers. One guy sat in Nancy Pelosi's office and tried to intimidate her!

There was literally a coup on the capitol building and you are defending it and saying it's not that bad. Seriously, Trump supporters are deplorable. I know it takes a lot of pride to admit being wrong, but Jesus. That's a lot of pride.
Seriously considering ending some friendships after this. I know two Trump supporters IRL, one of whom is like a brother to me. But I can't accept anyone who supports this shit.
Do you see them burning their own cities down? Do you see them looting and attacking police? Do you see them taking over city blocks and not allowing any EMTs in? One teen died from a gunshot in that liberal "city" they formed out west. He died because they wouldn't let EMTs enter.
They found an explosive near the Capitol building. They tried to blow up the Capitol. They took over the Capitol building. Threatened and intimidated our lawmakers. Someone was shot in the neck. It was wrong for rioters to burn things during the summer, but today, I think it'd be extremely hypocritical to suggest the right wing is any better.
Seriously considering ending some friendships after this. I know two Trump supporters IRL, one of whom is like a brother to me. But I can't accept anyone who supports this shit.
Are they also supporting the violence that is happening as well? If they do condone the violence then maybe you should end your friendship with them.
Well... I was active in local politics until hardcore tinnitus came into my life. How about you? You seem well informed about what's going on, even about things in the US.

What I see is that mainstream media is slowly turning less hostile to Bernie Sanders and his ilk than a few years ago, but overall they still lack media representation. This would only amplify the idea that social democrats/socialists are ''radical'' or on the fringe vis-à-vis to what people consider moderate and practical. It's just sad that some people often forget that FDR basically ran on a social democratic platform, which got the US economy out of a deep recession. So socialism shouldn't be feared as a boogey man like some people try to make of it.

Funnily enough, I don't see this happening with ''tea party'' libertarians who are sometimes invited on outlets like CNN. People like Rick Sanctorum and Rand Paul often give their views without much pushback, although Van Jones might be the only one who dares to say something about it. So it seems like libertarianism, which most Europeans consider as radical/impractical, is considered as an acceptable ideology in American politics, whereas socialism is a ''pie in the sky'' kind of thing for some Americans.
Many disagree with me on this, but I strongly believe that the media has a huge part to play in the political direction of a country. They're arguably more powerful than the politicians themselves. That's one way I agree with Trump.

I'm sorry to hear that your tinnitus has prevented you from participating in local politics recently. Hopefully that will change soon, and you can get back to it again. I'm not particularly well informed, especially compared to others in this thread including yourself, but I find it interesting and a bit of a distraction from tinnitus for a while :)
They found an explosive near the Capitol building. They tried to blow up the Capitol. They took over the Capitol building. Threatened and intimidated our lawmakers. Someone was shot in the neck. It was wrong for rioters to burn things during the summer, but today, I think it'd be extremely hypocritical to suggest the right wing is any better.
I agree with you that there is violence happening on both sides.

What I'm seeing now is that a lot of Republican Senators and House of Representatives are condemning online the violent protesting that is happening near the US Capitol. It should always be a peaceful protest rather than violent rioting and looting.

The only problem I have is why didn't the Democrat Senators and House of Representatives condemn online the violent rioting and looting during all the BLM protests happening last year.

Republican officials had no problem condemning the violence that is happening today but it seems Democratic officials couldn't do the same when all of last year there was violent rioting and looting due to BLM protests.
Okay fine, it's perfectly legal and fair when you have the majority to expand the court then.
Certainly not against the constitution, so yeah. It does set a dangerous precedent though. If that happens, how many people are going to be on the SCOTUS in another 20 years? Will it be 25 people? IMO it needs to be kept the size it has been for awhile now, at 9. The party in power could certainly try to increase it but where does it end?
You are defending this LMFAO. Holy shit. They stormed the capitol, broke in, attacked police officers. One guy sat in Nancy Pelosi's office and tried to intimidate her!

There was literally a coup on the capitol building and you are defending it and saying it's not that bad. Seriously, Trump supporters are deplorable. I know it takes a lot of pride to admit being wrong, but Jesus. That's a lot of pride.
LOL! I'm not saying what they are doing is good. I don't approve. But the left portrays all of the "prostests"from this summer, really just riots, as being "peaceful" The hypocrisy is strong in this one.
Are they also supporting the violence that is happening as well? If they do condone the violence then maybe you should end your friendship with them.
They might as well have. They listened to the fucker spout his hateful, fraudulent bullshit and still voted for him.

Leaving this thread for awhile. I'm so fucking angry that I can't even think.
Seriously, man, some in this thread will gleefully plug you with a rifle if we have a second civil war. Stop expecting them to reassess.
Come on man! Do you have to be so dramatic? I am married to a liberal now. You don't see me pulling out my gun and plugging her full of bullets.

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