@just1morething, fine fine you talked me into continuing with the rest

I'm on Dana Smith's testimony now. It's really immaterial because the Trump campaign got their signature audit and it passed. So her cherry picking her daughter's signature as looking different isn't really proof of anything in light of the fact that the later audit showed 99.9% accuracy -- maybe her daughter was the .1%, but that's not enough to change an election. I actually thought this was, by far, the weakest testimony in the whole thing (so far anyway).
Onto Susie's testimony (my hearing didn't catch her last name): She was shocked at 100 ballots of people who voted for Biden all voted identically down ballot and thought the ballots looked too clean? Nevermind, this is the weakest one. She is quoting bible versus and complaining about her boss, too. And she's actually said "Trump has to win or we become Venezuela!!" (paraphrased). Hmm... I wonder if she's super objective. Lol.
What is even this kangaroo court ("thank you! You're so brave!" by the presiders on this, meanwhile none of the actual election supervisors were invited to this)?
Still haven't gotten to the statistics that were promised yet but maybe that's in the last 45 minutes (I'm going to try to do that last bit as one chuck if I can but again, it's very tiring straining my hearing).
It's *clear* Giuliani entirely put this together with the help of Georgia state senators who were interested in finding "fraud" at all cost so that Trump would win. Because otherwise, you wouldn't a) have doctored the video footage in the beginning (huge red flag) and b) would have invited the people who have repeatedly shown evidence there was no fraud and have offered (but were turned down) to show the Giuliani and Trump campaign.
Onto the Wifi poll pad guy. This has been debunked a number of times:
Fact Check: Georgia Senate Masquerades Failed Treasure Hunter as Hacker and Election Security Expert
Okay, I'm at the hour mark. I'll try to finish next week (again, do you have a time stamp on the bit you want me to watch?)