2020 US Presidential Election

Okay I will ignore the child that doesn't donate to Tinnitus Talk.
I'll remind you that many folks on Tinnitus Talk are unable to work full time or at all due to their hearing conditions and I'll also remind you that many here are young and living with their parents and, because of their hearing impairments, don't have any income they're bringing in. Berating people for (allegedly) not donating only comes across as classist and tone deaf to the reality of the forum you're participating on. Therefore I kindly implore you to not do so.

In addition, people's financial situation and donor status have nothing to do with the topic of this thread, which is current events and politics.
Rudy Giuliani used election conspiracy theories to hawk vitamins, gold, and cybersecurity products: lawsuit

Giuliani used conspiracy theories about the election to personally profit. This would at least partially explain why he doctored video footage in Georgia for one:

"He 'cashed in by hosting a podcast where he exploited election falsehoods to market gold coins, supplements, cigars, and protection from 'cyber thieves,''" reported Drew Harwell. "The lawsuit frames Giuliani not as an ideological crusader but as a shrewd marketer eager to monetize his growing fan base, using the kinds of social-media-influencer techniques popular across YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, including infomercial-style endorsements and promotional discount codes...one example highlighted in the lawsuit, the report noted, "For just $596, an online fraud-protection company that Giuliani called 'the only folks to trust that I know of' was selling four years of online defense from home-stealing 'cyber thieves.' 'Use code 'Rudy' — that's me — and sign up for 30 free days of protection,' Giuliani said, before resuming a diatribe about an international communist vote-stealing plot — and, later, another advertisement, in which he hawked dietary supplements.""

Bill Barr had said a lot of the conspiracies that Trump repeated came directly from Giuliani. I actually wonder now if Trump only saw the doctored footage. Trump did refuse the unedited footage when offered on the SOS tape but still. Interesting.

Also, recently Madison Cawthorn finally admitted he saw no evidence of fraud but thought "in general" things like drop boxes were "unconstitutional". Full interview here:

Rep. Madison Cawthorn, who sought to overturn Biden's win, acknowledges the election 'was not fraudulent'
Looked like fraud to me in the Georgia election hearings. Why would they spend 11 hours on testimonials? I thought more were upcoming this month.
Looked like fraud to me in the Georgia election hearings. Why would they spend 11 hours on testimonials? I thought more were upcoming this month.
Did you catch that a significant number of those testimonials were based on video Giuliani altered?

And remember all of those people were recruited by Giuliani himself. As for the why, the article I posted outlines his financial motives.

I think I'm going to cancel my internet and cry in my bedroom after that very hurtful comment :cry:.

Not really, I'm here to stay :LOL:.

Have you ever taken the Myers Brigg test by any chance (it's fun and a nerd hobby of mine)?

Strong ENTP vibes all around.
I'll remind you that many folks on Tinnitus Talk are unable to work full time or at all due to their hearing conditions and I'll also remind you that many here are young and living with their parents and, because of their hearing impairments, don't have any income they're bringing in. Berating people for (allegedly) not donating only comes across as classist and tone deaf to the reality of the forum you're participating on. Therefore I kindly implore you to not do so.

In addition, people's financial situation and donor status have nothing to do with the topic of this thread, which is current events and politics.
Okay then I'll drop out. Who's going to support this forum then? If some people get cocky, how do you treat them?
I'll remind you that many folks on Tinnitus Talk are unable to work full time or at all due to their hearing conditions and I'll also remind you that many here are young and living with their parents and, because of their hearing impairments, don't have any income they're bringing in. Berating people for (allegedly) not donating only comes across as classist and tone deaf to the reality of the forum you're participating on. Therefore I kindly implore you to not do so.

In addition, people's financial situation and donor status have nothing to do with the topic of this thread, which is current events and politics.
Right? I agree. I would absolutely love to do more to financially support Tinnitus Talk but as an unemployed graduate currently living at home with my parents, I don't really have the means to do so right now. This time last year I could barely even leave my house due to my hyperacusis. I've started to get back into job-hunting again but it's difficult when you struggle with essential communications methods, such as a phone or video call.
If some people get cocky, how do you treat them?
No personal attacks are appropriate is how I'd answer that. TeeOh hasn't done that, unless I missed in which case you can correct me. There's a difference between playful banter and an insult. I usually don't say anything because that line can be a little blurry but in this case, you've now repeatedly made comments berating people to donate.

I don't want you to leave the thread, that's really not at all what I'm encouraging you to do. But personal comments like that just aren't appropriate.
I've started to get back into job-hunting again but it's difficult when you struggle with essential communications methods, such as a phone or video call.
In my disability rejection letter, they said "blah blah blah, you aren't that disabled. You struggle with complicated tasks. You can do every day tasks. blah blah blah".

Then the next sentence is like "if you have any questions, call this number". LOL I can't talk. Is that a "complicated task"? Is bathing and showering considered a "complicated task", because I struggle through that too.

All you can do is cry or laugh, really. Hyperacusis patients are just beaten to the turf every day -- by their conditions and by any system that could be empathetic towards this life-ruining disability.
In my disability rejection letter, they said "blah blah blah, you aren't that disabled. You struggle with complicated tasks. You can do every day tasks. blah blah blah".

Then the next sentence is like "if you have any questions, call this number". LOL I can't talk. Is that a "complicated task"? Is bathing and showering considered a "complicated task", because I struggle through that too.

All you can do is cry or laugh, really. Hyperacusis patients are just beaten to the turf every day -- by their conditions and by any system that could be empathetic towards this life-ruining disability.
They all say this stereotypical shit. You need to apply again and get a disability lawyer. 3-5 times is the average needed to win.

Have you ever taken the Myers Brigg test by any chance (it's fun and a nerd hobby of mine)?

Strong ENTP vibes all around.
I have actually and you're surprisingly correct because that's the exact result I got. Funny enough Saul Goodman from Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul always gets used an example of an ENTP, and a few guys I know personally say I remind them of him. I'm not a crooked lawyer though and don't plan on being because I'm terrified of prison after watching way too many documentaries about it (I had a phase of learning about prisons after I got bored of the space documentaries). If it ever came down to that then I'll be going straight to the vacuum store to order a dust filter for a Hoover Max Extract Pressure Pro Model 60 (if someone is confused with the last sentence, it's a small reference from Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul).
Just embrace Trumpism and throw political correctness out of the window.

"When Trump sends his supporters to the capitol, he's not sending his best! He is bringing people with lots of problems. He's bringing racism, he's bringing crime, they're rapists and some... I assume are good people"
Lol. You should start a comedy club.
Lol. This is the guy who couldn't get anyone to his speeches and campaign events (rallies etc.).

But, at least, the MSM is here to say how popular he is now. Lmao.
Lol. You should start a comedy club.

Lol. This is the guy who couldn't get anyone to his speeches and campaign events (rallies etc.).

But, at least, the MSM is here to say how popular he is now. Lmao.
It's actually very common for incoming presidents to have "honeymoon periods" at the beginning of their presidency. It rarely lasts though. By summer these numbers will likely be down no matter what Joe does.
They all say this stereotypical shit. You need to apply again and get a disability lawyer. 3-5 times is the average needed to win.
What duration is equivalent to 3 - 5 times?
Every state is different, right?
In Canada, you can count on practically 1 - 2 years in the process including 2 or 3 appeals. Good times.
In my disability rejection letter, they said "blah blah blah, you aren't that disabled. You struggle with complicated tasks. You can do every day tasks. blah blah blah".

Then the next sentence is like "if you have any questions, call this number". LOL I can't talk. Is that a "complicated task"? Is bathing and showering considered a "complicated task", because I struggle through that too.

All you can do is cry or laugh, really. Hyperacusis patients are just beaten to the turf every day -- by their conditions and by any system that could be empathetic towards this life-ruining disability.
I almost guarantee the US and American systems (noted that each state had their own system) are different but there are still fundamental similarities. You have to be detailed on how every day is a struggle and concentrate on mental health aspects. The judges or doctors that decide your case won't care about your hyperacusis or tinnitus.
Berating people for (allegedly) not donating only comes across as classist and tone deaf to the reality of the forum you're participating on. Therefore I kindly implore you to not do so.
Some people are just plain cheap and think these platforms don't cost anything to operate. I'll probably leave anyway because I've been here too long and still have significant noise. Frequency Therapeutics etc. will be front page news anyway if it works and comes to market. It may not work for certain tinnitus etiologies anyway.
It's actually very common for incoming presidents to have "honeymoon periods" at the beginning of their presidency. It rarely lasts though. By summer these numbers will likely be down no matter what Joe does.
Okay. But, Trump wasn't popular according to the MSM all throughout his term from start to finish. After he won, many in the MSM, entertainment industry, liberal political pundits and others, were saying he wasn't even legit e.g. "Not My President" and many vowed they would leave the USA.

Do you think that challenges your theory/assertion? If not, how am I wrong?
Okay. But, Trump wasn't popular according to the MSM all throughout his term from start to finish. After he won, many in the MSM, entertainment industry, liberal political pundits and others, were saying he wasn't even legit e.g. "Not My President" and many vowed they would leave the USA.

Do you think that challenges your theory/assertion? If not, how am I wrong?
Trump was an exception although even he had his highest approval rating at the beginning of his presidency. When Trump took office his approval was briefly higher than disapproval on average.

Trump was a unique figure, unlike anyone we'd elected in modern history. He was uniquely brash and had a unique temperament, this kind of behavior definitely was a liability for his popularity. Most presidents pretend to be unifiers and the public then kinda goes along with it until the president inevitably doesn't unify the public because that'd be impossible to please everyone.

Trump really never pretended to unify people. He never went in there saying the "not red and blue states but United States" garbage and therefore, he didn't really get the full honeymoon period that's common with presidents. I'm not even saying this is bad, I find the whole unity platitude stuff to be boring and dishonest. For me that crap was actually a liability for Joe but most people like it.

This is why Trump had a very stable approval. He cut to the chase, people knew exactly what they got. Trump was never a super popular president but his approval barely changed for four years. Which is also unique.

Trump and Bush Jr. are the only presidents to not start their term with a majority (50+%) approval rating since Truman, so the honeymoon period is certainly real for most presidents. Trump just had a unique way of communicating with the public. Bush had the contentious election stuff going on that got him literally zero Democratic support.

This link with just the numbers kinda backs up what I'm saying. You can see every president's approval rating since Truman:

Why aren't you liberals talking about the 30,000 troops in DC? There's around 10,000 left?

Nothing happened. You told everyone that 'white supremacist' terrorists were gonna do something. Lmao.

Instead, the Biden Communists had thousands of troops usher in their commie administration. No fans but plenty of military. Bravo.
Some good ol' statistics from Pew (who are apparently the most reliable or at least up there) that shows Trump has a tough uphill battle if he's planning to re-run in 2024.

Will he even attempt it? Never mind win it if he lost a decent chunk of the moderate vote after everything that happened. The opposition to Trump will constantly replay the scenes that happened during the Capitol riots which will inspire some uneasy memories in some people, specifically for the moderates. That and the fact he will become more irrelevant over time and soon a lot will forget about him:

View attachment 43022

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Pew "Research" lol.

Why Pew Charitable Trusts Should Never Be Considered "Non-Partisan"
Why aren't you liberals talking about the 30,000 troops in DC? There's around 10,000 left?

Nothing happened. You told everyone that 'white supremacist' terrorists were gonna do something. Lmao.

Instead, the Biden Communists had thousands of troops usher in their commie administration. No fans but plenty of military. Bravo.
Why does this even matter? Why should I care that DC has more security now?

If only Biden was as far left as his critics seem to think he is...
Isn't Trump thinking about starting his own "Patriot Party"? Wouldn't it make more sense running as a Republican again? He's basically splitting the Republican Party up and giving the Democrats an advantage. Then some people will get angry about the country being a "muh one party state!!" if Democrats just keep winning every election with the Republicans and Patriot Party sharing the other half together.

Not only did Trump try to destroy the country and its reputation around the world, but he also wants to destroy the Republican Party lol.

Maybe Trump is just an agent of chaos and enjoys the KKKarnage.

Or maybe the conspiracy theories about the Democrats being "communists" stretches to Trump technically helping Biden to win by being a complete fuck up:


I have proof that Trump is a communist just like the famous communist Obama who is a Muslim that wasn't born in the US:

In Vietnam, Trump finds a 'socialist' country he likes


Why does this even matter? Why should I care that DC has more security now?

If only Biden was as far left as his critics seem to think he is...
Joe Biden as far left? Jesus Christ, no wonder the whole world laughed at Trump supporters hahahahaha.

He's considered centre right at the most to people from Europe and some other countries outside I can't be bothered to list. Don't believe me? Even the conservative party of the UK introduced same-sex marriage and Biden at one point opposed it:

The conservative leader of the UK (who are one of the least left wing country in Europe) introduced same sex marriage. Yes the conservatives of the UK were more left than "far left" Biden was. Oh and the difference between David Cameron the conservative leader and Joe Biden the far left communist? Joe Biden is against "socialized" healthcare:

David Cameron gets award for introducing same-sex marriage
Isn't Trump thinking about starting his own "Patriot Party"? Wouldn't it make more sense running as a Republican again? He's basically splitting the Republican Party up and giving the Democrats an advantage. Then some people will get angry about the country being a "muh one party state!!" if Democrats just keep winning every election with the Republicans and Patriot Party sharing the other half together.

Not only did Trump try to destroy the country and its reputation around the world, but he also wants to destroy the Republican Party lol.

Maybe Trump is just an agent of chaos and enjoys the KKKarnage.

Or maybe the conspiracy theories about the Democrats being "communists" stretches to Trump technically helping Biden to win by being a complete fuck up:

View attachment 43039

I have proof that Trump is a communist just like the famous communist Obama who is a Muslim that wasn't born in the US:

In Vietnam, Trump finds a 'socialist' country he likes

View attachment 43040

View attachment 43041
Lol at that screen shot. When the crazy QAnon stuff didn't come true, they think it's because they didn't go deep enough.
Joe Biden as far left? Jesus Christ, no wonder the whole world laughed at Trump supporters hahahahaha.

He's considered centre right at the most to people from Europe and some other countries outside I can't be bothered to list. Don't believe me? Even the conservative party of the UK introduced same-sex marriage and Biden at one point opposed it:

The conservative leader of the UK (who are one of the least left wing country in Europe) introduced same sex marriage. Yes the conservatives of the UK were more left than "far left" Biden was. Oh and the difference between David Cameron the conservative leader and Joe Biden the far left communist? Joe Biden is against "socialized" healthcare:

David Cameron gets award for introducing same-sex marriage
That makes Biden a far right white supremacist then? Okay. :-D
If you don't care about your country being a police state, that's your prerogative.
Did those police officers actually do anything to anyone? Or do they just stay there to look tough to disincentivize anyone do anything in Capitol?

I haven't heard any reports of police brutality from them but it could've slipped by.
That makes Biden a far right white supremacist then? Okay. :-D
Joe Biden's politics are well to the right of Europe, only in America could anyone call him far left. And even in America, his politics are really only center left.

If you think Joe Biden is a commie, I'd love to know what you think of Sanders.
Did those police officers actually do anything to anyone? Or do they just stay there to look tough to disincentivize anyone do anything in Capitol?

I haven't heard any reports of police brutality from them but it could've slipped by.
They're in tactical gear. You call them police officers?

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