2020 US Presidential Election

Due to the acquittal, Donald Trump has retained his Secret Service protection for life, and his right to run for office, including the Presidency, in the future. He is also entitled to his pension, and an annual allowance for office space and staff. He will not be eligible for health insurance, a President needs to be in federal office for at least five years to get that perk, so neither Trump nor Carter qualify for it.

Although he was defeated in the 2020 Presidential Election, Trump was 100% victorious in the impeachment trial. This trial was a waste of time, and taxpayers' money.
Not surprising. Democrats love to waste taxpayer money. The whole thing was a complete disaster right from the get go. Donald Trump fucked up and did some stupid shit, so did Bill Clinton, Richard Nixon, etc. I don't even like the guy and didn't vote for him either. However it did not seem that the man could lift a finger without the scumbags in the House losing their shit. We need term limits now. Just think if the tens of millions was spent on tinnitus research instead of this waste.

Overall dumb in my opinion.
Unfortunately, having been on jury duty, and grand jury duty, I'm sorry to say that many trials are. This impeachment trial was not only a waste of money, in the middle of a pandemic it was a waste of valuable human resources as well.

It probably won't happen, but I am hoping that in time, we will see impeachment proceeding against Kamala Harris.
Can you elaborate a bit more on the point that many trials are a waste of taxpayers' dollars? I'm curious what made you think that of the trials you were involved in.
He is right that the right and left need to come together to some middle ground, and that MSM is biased.
Considering how partisan Trump governed, ramming 3 Supreme Court justices, a massive tax reform package and almost a massive healthcare reform package on a thin party line vote, why should Democrats not do the same now under Biden?
Can you elaborate a bit more on the point that many trials are a waste of taxpayers' dollars? I'm curious what made you think that of the trials you were involved in.
I sat on the jury of a man accused of rape. It later became clear that the woman was a prostitute, and was angry about something to do with her fee. The trial was for an innocent man, admitted to by those who carried out the prosecution, afterwards. The Assistant DA told us, after the not guilty verdict, that the DA's office did not want to take this to trial, but the law said that they had to. Prostitution should be legal, and if it was, this sort of BS would be far less.

Drugs. A huge number of criminal trials are for illegal drug possession, use, and sale. I am in favor of legalization of all drugs, with age restrictions of course on availability. At Grand Jury duty, we had a guy, somewhat well known as a bicyle athlete, facing a Grand Jury for possession of a meth lab or some such thing. I had to vote to bring this to trial, even though I did not agree with the law.

There's simply way too much litigation, and citizens who have done no wrong, are forced by law to sit on juries, which is very much against the freedom that we hold cherish. I don't believe in juries of peers. I am not a "peer" of a criminal, nor do I know enough about the law to properly judge anybody. This is best left to professionals.
I sat on the jury of a man accused of rape. It later became clear that the woman was a prostitute, and was angry about something to do with her fee. The trial was for an innocent man, admitted to by those who carried out the prosecution, afterwards. The Assistant DA told us, after the not guilty verdict, that the DA's office did not want to take this to trial, but the law said that they had to. Prostitution should be legal, and if it was, this sort of BS would be far less.

Drugs. A huge number of criminal trials are for illegal drug possession, use, and sale. I am in favor of legalization of all drugs, with age restrictions of course on availability. At Grand Jury duty, we had a guy, somewhat well known as a bicyle athlete, facing a Grand Jury for possession of a meth lab or some such thing. I had to vote to bring this to trial, even though I did not agree with the law.

There's simply way too much litigation, and citizens who have done no wrong, are forced by law to sit on juries, which is very much against the freedom that we hold cherish. I don't believe in juries of peers. I am not a "peer" of a criminal, nor do I know enough about the law to properly judge anybody. This is best left to professionals.
Wow, these are interesting experiences and I agree with you on legalization of all drugs. I think if someone wants to do drugs, they're going to do them and no one has ever said "ya know, I would try crack cocaine but it's illegal". All the prohibit on drugs has done is waste taxpayer resources in the way you said plus the resources we put into trying in vain to stop them from selling drugs.

I'm curious, would you go a step further and end the prescription firewall, thus making it so anyone could buy any drug hey want that in the current system you'd need a prescription for?
Wow, these are interesting experiences and I agree with you on legalization of all drugs. I think if someone wants to do drugs, they're going to do them and no one has ever said "ya know, I would try crack cocaine but it's illegal". All the prohibit on drugs has done is waste taxpayer resources in the way you said plus the resources we put into trying in vain to stop them from selling drugs.

I'm curious, would you go a step further and end the prescription firewall, thus making it so anyone could buy any drug hey want that in the current system you'd need a prescription for?
Many if not most non-narcotic drugs should probably remain Rx only. I'm not a medical professional, it just seems like the right thing. Opioids should remain Rx, for the average patient, but also a market could be created for non-Rx customers, as opposed to certified medical patients. Many people are in pain right now, and cannot get opioids for any reason, legally. The doctors are afraid to prescribe them due to laws meant to prevent non-medical patients from getting them. The average person with a need for opioid-strength painkillers, is expected to suck it up and suffer, in order for these drugs to be inaccessible to non-patients who have become addicted. It's all very, very wrong.
Why can't Norman do this to Biden and Harris?
Hey, which Trumpy look is you ;)?

None of them, but here is a deer picture I took today. -23F tonight and then warms up.

View attachment 43351
Poor things.

I'm gonna put my vet hat on for a second though (very sorry)... Deer are not supposed to feed in groups. The close saliva contact has led to the spread of the prion disease Chronic Wasting Disease.

It's a sweet gesture and it is brutally cold but the disease is already pretty rampant in the Upper Midwest (mainly because hunters bait with piles of grain).
I'm gonna put my vet hat on for a second though (very sorry)... Deer are not supposed to feed in groups. The close saliva contact has led to the spread of the prion disease Chronic Wasting Disease.

It's a sweet gesture and it is brutally cold but the disease is already pretty rampant in the Upper Midwest (mainly because hunters bait with piles of grain).
Learnt something new today. Thanks @FGG.
Poor things.

I'm gonna put my vet hat on for a second though (very sorry)... Deer are not supposed to feed in groups. The close saliva contact has led to the spread of the prion disease Chronic Wasting Disease.

It's a sweet gesture and it is brutally cold but the disease is already pretty rampant in the Upper Midwest (mainly because hunters bait with piles of grain).
They must be from the same litter as other deer don't eat together from what I have seen. These same three always show up together. Has to be tough on wildlife. There must have been 7-8 squirrels earlier and they seem to be doing okay. Wild turkeys didn't show up today. I not a hunter myself. They say wild animals need food to survive the extreme cold. I would be feeding the squirrels and birds the same thing even if the deer and turkeys didn't show up.
Trump was the "People's President". Biden is just a puppet for special interest groups. He signed more executive orders in less than a month than his predecessors did in a year I would guess, and some of them are very bad decisions IMO.
Nope. Trump was a puppet too. You don't have any choice there. Just the illusion of choice. Trump had access to corruption but did nothing to expose anyone. Kept making comments about draining the swamp. All he did was tweet. He just played a part. How come people there can't figure it out?
I'm gonna put my vet hat on for a second though (very sorry)
Haha, I actually had some vet questions earlier this week and I thought about asking you, but I thought it would be rude since we are paying another vet for service.

My wife and I resolved the issue, but basically our adopted cat has to take an allergy med. She's supposed to have it under her tongue. The vet showed my wife how to do it, but she had to scruff our cat during the demonstration. We tried chasing her around, but it was unsustainable and not worth it at all.

We eventually settled on just putting it in her food, which our cat doesn't mind. She may not be maximizing the medication, but it's far better than the headache of chasing her around twice a day and having her be afraid of us.

This is totally off topic so to make it a political post, fuck Donald Trump.
Haha, I actually had some vet questions earlier this week and I thought about asking you, but I thought it would be rude since we are paying another vet for service.

My wife and I resolved the issue, but basically our adopted cat has to take an allergy med. She's supposed to have it under her tongue. The vet showed my wife how to do it, but she had to scruff our cat during the demonstration. We tried chasing her around, but it was unsustainable and not worth it at all.

We eventually settled on just putting it in her food, which our cat doesn't mind. She may not be maximizing the medication, but it's far better than the headache of chasing her around twice a day and having her be afraid of us.

This is totally off topic so to make it a political post, fuck Donald Trump.
I fucking almost choked at the end of that.
Climate change froze Texans so badly, many had to sleep in their cars. Windmills and Green Energy couldn't save them.
That's not what I read, the stats show the opposite.

"Some turbines did in fact freeze — though Greenland and other northern outposts are able to keep theirs going through the winter," The Washington Post reports. "But wind accounts for just 10 percent of the power in Texas generated during the winter," and the losses tied to thermal plants mostly "relying on natural gas dwarfed the dent caused by frozen wind turbines by a factor of five or six." According to ERCOT, wind power generation is actually exceeding projections.

One nuclear reactor and several coal-fired plants went offline, but "Texas is a gas state," Michael Webber, an energy resources professor at the University of Texas, told The Texas Tribune. And "gas is failing in the most spectacular fashion right now." Instruments and other components at gas-fired power plants iced over, and "by some estimates, nearly half of the state's natural gas production has screeched to a halt due to the extremely low temperatures," as electric pumps lost power and uninsulated pipelines and gas wells froze, the Tribune reports.

The Texas power grid failed mostly due to natural gas. Republicans are blaming wind turbines.
That's not what I read, the stats show the opposite.

"Some turbines did in fact freeze — though Greenland and other northern outposts are able to keep theirs going through the winter," The Washington Post reports. "But wind accounts for just 10 percent of the power in Texas generated during the winter," and the losses tied to thermal plants mostly "relying on natural gas dwarfed the dent caused by frozen wind turbines by a factor of five or six." According to ERCOT, wind power generation is actually exceeding projections.

One nuclear reactor and several coal-fired plants went offline, but "Texas is a gas state," Michael Webber, an energy resources professor at the University of Texas, told The Texas Tribune. And "gas is failing in the most spectacular fashion right now." Instruments and other components at gas-fired power plants iced over, and "by some estimates, nearly half of the state's natural gas production has screeched to a halt due to the extremely low temperatures," as electric pumps lost power and uninsulated pipelines and gas wells froze, the Tribune reports.

The Texas power grid failed mostly due to natural gas. Republicans are blaming wind turbines.
They are trying to move to Green Energy and by all accounts, it fails in cold environments/weather. Is that really difficult for you to understand? Seriously?


Use common sense.

Germany is having a similar problem and they have progressed to wind/solar much more extensively already than Texas.


I am not pro-coal or anything, either. It's just common sense that these "green" sources have problems like this one and people don't want to accept or admit it.
How many years had you've been a vet? I hope you can be a vet again some day. These body afflictions can sure disrupt our lives. I still hindsight some but it does no good.
15 years.

Thank you.

Me too. I have lost literally everything to this: my career, music, my social life, joy, my marriage (turns out it wasn't worth saving but still), my ability to have a family. Possibly my house soon unless things get better.

Honestly, as much as losing my career bothers me, it wouldn't make top 5 of things I have lost.
That's not what I read, the stats show the opposite.

"Some turbines did in fact freeze — though Greenland and other northern outposts are able to keep theirs going through the winter," The Washington Post reports. "But wind accounts for just 10 percent of the power in Texas generated during the winter," and the losses tied to thermal plants mostly "relying on natural gas dwarfed the dent caused by frozen wind turbines by a factor of five or six." According to ERCOT, wind power generation is actually exceeding projections.

One nuclear reactor and several coal-fired plants went offline, but "Texas is a gas state," Michael Webber, an energy resources professor at the University of Texas, told The Texas Tribune. And "gas is failing in the most spectacular fashion right now." Instruments and other components at gas-fired power plants iced over, and "by some estimates, nearly half of the state's natural gas production has screeched to a halt due to the extremely low temperatures," as electric pumps lost power and uninsulated pipelines and gas wells froze, the Tribune reports.

The Texas power grid failed mostly due to natural gas. Republicans are blaming wind turbines.
But, Republicans told me Texas is a conservative paradise that is superior to communist California in every way. Widespread power outages tend to be more common in third world countries, so how come it's happening in the conservative utopia of Texas?? Isn't Texas the state with the most oil in the country? I got told we should focus more on fossil fuels, yet this still happens? How is wind turbines even getting blamed for this? I know they said noise from wind turbines causes cancer, but I thought they would have learned by now.

Plus, didn't the Texas government refused to be regulated by the federal government because apparently that's socialism? Is this the free market at play? Did the free market even solve the decaying infrastructure which contributed to this mess? Yeah... no thanks, I prefer my heater still working because I'm not willing to freeze myself to death to own the liberals. Being free includes not being dead.
They are trying to move to Green Energy and by all accounts, it fails in cold environments/weather. Is that really difficult for you to understand? Seriously?


Use common sense.

Germany is having a similar problem and they have progressed to wind/solar much more extensively already than Texas.


I am not pro-coal or anything, either. It's just common sense that these "green" sources have problems like this one and people don't want to accept or admit it.
But I cited you an article, with a lot of citations within it btw, saying that the problem in Texas was not caused by green energy. The losses from green energy were "dwarfed 5 to 6 times" by losses from plants relying on fossil fuels. Texas is only powered 10% by wind and yet its power went out.

Why would I admit that it's a problem with green energy when the fossil fuel plants had a worse track record?
But, Republicans told me Texas is a conservative paradise that is superior to communist California in every way. Widespread power outages tend to be more common in third world countries, so how come it's happening in the conservative utopia of Texas?? Isn't Texas the state with the most oil in the country? I got told we should focus more on fossil fuels, yet this still happens? How is wind turbines even getting blamed for this? I know they said noise from wind turbines causes cancer, but I thought they would have learned by now.

Plus, didn't the Texas government refused to be regulated by the federal government because apparently that's socialism? Is this the free market at play? Did the free market even solve the decaying infrastructure which contributed to this mess? Yeah... no thanks, I prefer my heater still working because I'm not willing to freeze myself to death to own the liberals. Being free includes not being dead.
Yep. Texas is off the federal grid to avoid regulations that interfere with maximum power company profit. Their power companies don't have to winterize or maintain infrastructure to standards.

Windmills are a small fraction of the power supply in Texas, but besides that, they have wind turbines in cold climates. Illinois has them and they work fine in very harsh cold. Of all the right wing talking points that's easy to disprove, this ranks near the top.
But I cited you an article, with a lot of citations within it btw, saying that the problem in Texas was not caused by green energy. The losses from green energy were "dwarfed 5 to 6 times" by losses from plants relying on fossil fuels. Texas is only powered 10% by wind and yet its power went out.

Why would I admit that it's a problem with green energy when the fossil fuel plants had a worse track record?
Looks like someone can't handle Born To Slay's FACTS and LOGIC.

Whoever I put on ignore, as Ben Shapiro says: "Facts don't care about your feelings" lel.

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