2020 US Presidential Election

The Dems are gonna get slaughtered in November and it's not just because of Biden's record inflation.
Just a correction: "Powell's and the FED's record inflation".

Salaries are shrinking in real terms at the fastest pace in the last 4 decades. Soon there will be strikes everywhere, and people will prefer staying at home than working. Anyway the are paid in a currency that is losing value by the minute...
This tax loophole costs $180bn a decade. Why won't Democrats close it?


The sole reason the 'carried interest' loophole survives is fierce lobbying by the private equity industry.

Anyone remember the "carried interest" loophole that lets hedge fund executives and private equity managers – among the wealthiest people in America – pay a tax rate no higher than most Americans? It's a pure scam. They get the tax break even though they invest other peoples' money rather than risk their own.

Barack Obama promised to get rid of the loophole. He failed. So, remarkably, did Donald Trump. Guess what happened? Nothing.
The FED today... mumbling blah blah blah... maybe 3 rate rises next year (maybe not) and more blah blah...

In the meantime inflation is eating away salaries and purchasing power, everyone is living worse... for the benefit of a handful of billionaires.

Powell should quit. They guy does not know how to do his job...
The FED today... mumbling blah blah blah... maybe 3 rate rises next year (maybe not) and more blah blah...

In the meantime inflation is eating away salaries and purchasing power, everyone is living worse... for the benefit of a handful of billionaires.

Powell should quit. They guy does not know how to do his job...
It's highly predictable. They haven't got much of a choice with the debt they've run up and all the money printing. It's a choice between fighting inflation or collapsing the economy and defaulting. I don't think people realise how bad the situation really is. Some banks in America have been using 100% of peoples money instead of keeping 10% in reserve (some fractional reserve model!). This kind of stuff shouldn't happen, but it does. People couldn't withdraw large sums of their own cash because the banks couldn't cover it.

They've been rigging the Forex and precious metals markets for years and nothing is ever done about it. A slap on the wrist and a small fine is about all that ever happens because they control too much and have too much power. In 1933, there was an emergency banking act known as Executive Order 6102, where they seized everyone's gold.

As many respected economists say: the banks make tons of profit using your money, and they pay you nothing for it. The model is broken and it's time for a change.
As many respected economists say: the banks make tons of profit using your money, and they pay you nothing for it. The model is broken and it's time for a change.
The change consists on doing a general strike. Fighting for workers rights and for consumer rights, as it has been done in the past.

People need to force central banks to do their jobs and raise interest rates.

The world cannot be held hostage by a bunch of corrupt central bankers and selfish Big Tech billionaires who do not pay any tax.
And Nick Clegg is now selling crap on behalf of Facebook... this brings together the most sinister company in the world and probably one of the most pathetic politicians...
It's amazing the Bank of England raised interest rates before the FED... that Powell is a disgrace as a central banker.
Biden accidentally calls VP 'President' Kamala Harris
By Steven Nelson
December 17, 2021

President Biden mistakenly promoted his vice president in a Friday speech, touting "President" Kamala Harris — before claiming that humans would be able to travel commercially at 15 times the speed of a bullet in 20 years.

"All kidding aside, of course President Harris is a proud Howard alum," Biden said during graduation remarks at South Carolina State University, repeating a gaffe that he's made at least twice before, most recently in March.

The misspeak came as Democrats — including Harris and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg — vie to replace Biden, 79, if he chooses not to seek a second term in 2024.

Biden says he plans to run again, but he's already the oldest-ever president and many Democrats don't believe he will run again as polls find broad concern about his mental acuity.

Biden went on to tell new graduates from the historically black college of seemingly implausible technological advances in their lifetimes — while outlining a Democratic election strategy that focuses heavily on the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and anti-racism as his legislative agenda stalls amid high inflation and a drop in his approval ratings.

Read more, and about how he is still talking about Trump as the great satan:

Biden's economic ratings are worse than Carter's
Analysis by Harry Enten, CNN
Updated 8:01 AM ET, Tue December 21, 2021

(CNN) President Joe Biden is struggling in the minds of the American public. While his approval rating is down on a slew of issues, his difficulties are perhaps most noticeable on the economy.

Biden now sports the lowest net economic rating of any president at this point through their first term since at least Jimmy Carter in 1977.

In the latest CNN/SSRS poll, Biden comes in with a 44% approval rating to 55% disapproval rating among registered voters on his economic performance. This makes for a -9 point net approval rating. The average of all polls taken in December is quite similar with Biden at -13 points on the economy.

To put that in perspective, the average president at this point in the last 44 years (since we have been polling on the topic) had a net economic approval rating of +5 points. That means Biden's is 18 points worse than the average.

The best rating, perhaps unsurprisingly, belonged to George W. Bush following the September 11 attacks. He was at +37 points at a time when his approval ratings on all issues were high thanks to the "rally around the flag" effect.

Notably, Biden's net rating is worse than his two immediate predecessors, Barack Obama in December 2009 and Donald Trump in December 2017. Both Obama and Trump had net approval ratings on the economy of -4 points.

The economy was, by a lot of measures, in deep trouble in December 2009. The University of Michigan consumer sentiment index was well below average at 72.5. Today, it's at a similar 70.4. Yet, Biden's ratings on the economy are considerably worse.

Trump was a different story. Consumer sentiment was at 95.9 in December 2017, but Trump's overall net approval ratings (-20 points) were so bad that they were dragging down his popularity on a host of issues.

Interestingly, Trump's problem then is the opposite of Biden's now. Back in late 2017, most voters were not concentrated on the economy. It was not the nation's top problem. Ergo, what Americans saw as a relatively stronger economy wasn't translating into helping Trump.

Today, the economy is viewed as the top problem for both the nation and for people's families, so the low consumer sentiment is dragging Biden down. A Monmouth University poll released earlier this month found that 41% listed economic concerns (either everyday bills and groceries; inflation; job security and employment; or the economy overall) as the top issue for their family. That's far more than for any other issue.

Inflation, in particular, seems to be a big issue for Biden. Just 28% of Americans approved of the job he is doing to handle inflation in a recent ABC News/Ipsos poll. This comes as more voters said they were concerned about inflation than any other issue in a December Fox News poll, and only 22% said the Biden's administration efforts to get inflation and rising prices under control were helping. The plurality (47%) said they were hurting.

Indeed, the issue of inflation hurting a president helps to put Biden's bad position in perspective. The public reaction now looks at least somewhat similar to how the public was reacting to another president under whom inflation was an issue: Carter.

A lot of Republicans like to draw parallels between Carter (who was a one-term president) and Biden. And at least early on, when it comes to public perceptions of the economy and inflation, there are some similarities between them.

Carter's economic net approval rating of -8 points in an early January 1978 CBS News/New York Times poll was the lowest around this point in a presidency before Biden's -13 points. The economy, and particularly inflation, was listed as the nation's top problem in a late October 1977 Gallup poll.

Importantly, far more Americans (52%) in a November 1977 Time Magazine poll thought that Carter was not making a good start to fighting inflation than thought he was (21%). In other words, Americans felt his efforts were not enough to control inflation.

The good news for Biden is that it's far from clear what the economy and inflation will look like in the future. Carter ended up losing in 1980, in part, because voters felt he didn't solve the economic crisis. Biden, on the other hand, still has nearly three years until the 2024 election, although his party may still suffer in the midterms because of fears voters have about the economy.

Biden's economic ratings are worse than Carter's - CNNPolitics
Biden has finally thanked Trump for the vaccines, and getting them out early. It took him almost a year to do this, after blaming him for all of his own failures. Trump must have been shocked. I do not think that Biden could have gotten those vaccines out in the amount of time that Trump did. At the rate he (Biden) does things, we probably would not have gotten it for a least half a year after Trump did, if ever.

Americans continue distracted by their politicians while their finances are being eaten by inflation and the incompetence of Jay Powell's Federal Reserve.
Maybe Biden should quit handing out trillions of dollars of free money. Ya think that has anything to do with this record inflation?
I have younger neighbors living rent free in what once was a beautiful home and is now trash. The family gets about $6000 a month tax free from California and Federal. Their food and medical/dental is also free. Each child gets $3600 a year extra where the parents use that money for beer, lottery tickets and gambling. No one in the family works. They have Tesla cars, new 4 door trucks and plenty of money to party with. Now they want to give free child day care when the parents don't work.

Then there are those (retired, old and ill) who worked all their lives and paid social security taxes. Most get a lousy $1000 -$1500 a month in social security and it's taxable. From that they have to pay for part of their social security Medicare which doesn't cover dental, eye care and some medications. Many other medical expenses for those on social security need to come from their pocket if they have one. In-home care isn't covered and dumpy nursing homes that may cost thousands a month aren't covered after 3.5 months.

Trying to get federal disability for tinnitus/hyperacusis, and/or for most associated physical problems, would take many years.
I have younger neighbors living rent free in what once was a beautiful home and is now trash. The family gets about $6000 a month tax free from California and Federal. Their food and medical/dental is also free. Each child gets $3600 a year extra where the parents use that money for beer, lottery tickets and gambling. No one in the family works. They have Tesla cars, new 4 door trucks and plenty of money to party with. Now they want to give free child day care when the parents don't work.

Then there are those (retired, old and ill) who worked all their lives and paid social security taxes. Most get a lousy $1000 -$1500 a month in social security and it's taxable. From that they have to pay for part of their social security Medicare which doesn't cover dental, eye care and some medications. Many other medical expenses for those on social security need to come from their pocket if they have one. In-home care isn't covered and dumpy nursing homes that may cost thousands a month aren't covered after 3.5 months.

Trying to get federal disability for tinnitus/hyperacusis, and/or for most associated physical problems, would take many years.
That's messed up.
How do they manage to live in a home rent-free and to receive $6K a month without working?
$3,600 Child Tax Credit (each child) - 4 children - son said his father bought him a dirt bike and he used the rest for beer.

Dependent grandmother and on welfare who home cooks for profit under the table.

Father works under the table fixing car bumpers and car doors in side yard next to my property and porch - makes a lot of noise.

State and federal rental assistance. Welfare, WIC, AFDC, EITC, SNAP - food stamps, Medicaid.

Their mail is often in my mailbox.
I hope that those who voted for this man are happy with themselves, now that it's apparent to everybody just how bad a President he is.

Joe Biden was the most powerful man in the world as it fell apart around him in 2021
The sad thing is everything you're saying falls on deaf ears. Most know he sucks, they just don't want Trump. Could be an ape and they would be happy lol.
The sad thing is everything you're saying falls on deaf ears. Most know he sucks, they just don't want Trump. Could be an ape and they would be happy lol.
Another sad part is, we are stuck with this brain-dead moron and the cheap, incompetent, immature VP he chose, for the next three years.
The sad thing is everything you're saying falls on deaf ears. Most know he sucks, they just don't want Trump. Could be an ape and they would be happy lol.
How do they get that? That story is missing some content. Everyone would move to California if that was happening.

I read that California is broke or having major problems with revenues and public payments. In SF, there's actual feces and homeless all over the streets. So, maybe some people are collecting for doing nothing but that state is very fragmented in terms of some people easily getting $ and others being ignored or rejected.
Kamala Harris had no previous experience other than acquiring lucrative political appointments as a reward for dating, She is a token, window dressing, and was never expected to do anything in her position. Her only purpose was to get Biden elected.
Just going to leave this here for all the tinnitus sufferers who thought Obama was the best thing since silent electric vehicles.

Obama Signs 'Bell Bill' To Make Electric Cars Better Heard - Electric Vehicle Forums

Yes, this is old (from the year 2011, to be precise). Yes, of course, it has long since been out of his hands (and is now being steered by the EU and UK government).

But the point is, this is where it all started.

I remember reading this when it was first published, and narrowly avoiding the urge to literally tear my hair out.

We finally had the ability to produce quiet vehicles that would eliminate road noise and cut noise pollution in half, and this *expletive* signed this bill.

Anyway, it's snowballed since then. So, coming to a road near you soon: V8 exhaust sound for electric vehicle | Sound Booster Pro (sound-booster.com)

Biden disapproval hits new high as voters give him bad grades on economy, new CNBC/Change poll says
  • President Joe Biden's overall disapproval rating reached a new high in December as more voters signaled their unhappiness with his handling of the economy and the Covid pandemic.
  • Results from a CNBC/Change Research poll show 60% of respondents said they disapprove of Biden's handling of the economy as he nears the conclusion of his first year in office.
  • A 55% majority of survey respondents also signaled disapproval of his leadership during the pandemic, an area in which he previously excelled.
Police State in the USA - in NYC, anyway. 10 cops show up to kick a family out of a restaurant because a kid doesn't have a COVID-19 vaccination card! 10 cops! Lol. Wow.


I counted at least 6 cops in another video I watched. Apparently, there was more.

Another problem is a lot of people just shrug this off - including people on here. Indifference is often a typical attitude and believing this is just a conspiracy theory even though the video shows it's accurate. There's a lot of examples like this. There's a % of the population that is infuriated by this and they protest and chant "let's go Brandon" but they are vilified. Lol.

This clown world is so unbelievable, I cannot get past it.
Police State in the USA - in NYC, anyway. 10 cops show up to kick a family out of a restaurant because a kid doesn't have a COVID-19 vaccination card! 10 cops! Lol. Wow.


I counted at least 6 cops in another video I watched. Apparently, there was more.

Another problem is a lot of people just shrug this off - including people on here. Indifference is often a typical attitude and believing this is just a conspiracy theory even though the video shows it's accurate. There's a lot of examples like this. There's a % of the population that is infuriated by this and they protest and chant "let's go Brandon" but they are vilified. Lol.

This clown world is so unbelievable, I cannot get past it.


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