2020 US Presidential Election

Biden's first great failure was Afghanistan. Even the liberal, Democrat-favoring Washington Post is aware of this. Biden is apparently not even aware of how badly he handed this situation, which is very, very disturbing. He is probably going to be thought of the worst President in over one hundred years. In fact, many people think today he is the worst President, of all time, and I am not sure that they are wrong
Americans are a forgetful bunch and have a short attention span for stuff like this. No one tops George W. Bush as far as I'm concerned. So I wouldn't put too much stock into that.

As for the Biden administration, their pledge to reinstate Net Neutrality rules which were undone by the Trump administration is what I need to see get through. Trump's former FCC chair, Ajit Pai decided to rollback Net Neutrality regulations to further the interests of greedy Internet service providers. This pissed me off.

The current administration has yet to reinstate these landmark open internet neutrality regulations... still waiting for the final FCC nomination to be confirmed, which will give the Democrats a 3-2 majority. But to the surprise of no one, this last nomination is being met with Republican opposition. ISPs and their lobbyists must be working overtime on this. Deadlocking the FCC is what they ultimately want.

Not getting my hopes though... Democrats always disappoint.
Americans are a forgetful bunch and have a short attention span for stuff like this. No one tops George W. Bush as far as I'm concerned. So I wouldn't put too much stock into that.

As for the Biden administration, their pledge to reinstate Net Neutrality rules which were undone by the Trump administration is what I need to see get through. Trump's former FCC chair, Ajit Pai decided to rollback Net Neutrality regulations to further the interests of greedy Internet service providers. This pissed me off.

The current administration has yet to reinstate these landmark open internet neutrality regulations... still waiting for the final FCC nomination to be confirmed, which will give the Democrats a 3-2 majority. But to the surprise of no one, this last nomination is being met with Republican opposition. ISPs and their lobbyists must be working overtime on this. Deadlocking the FCC is what they ultimately want.

Not getting my hopes though... Democrats always disappoint.
Net Neutrality is not an issue that I am overly concerned with right now. I think that there are more important concerns that face the American people: Crime, inflation, COVID-19, foreign policy, the borders, the "supply chain", the truckers, the education of our children, etc.

Biden has dementia, is not making any decisions nor is he capable of handling the biggest crises faced in America.

His poll numbers are extremely low, the majority of people do not want him to run again, and his VP is even less qualified than he is.
That moment when you realize that your greatest accomplishment is showing the world how great Donald Trump was.

Net Neutrality is not an issue that I am overly concerned with right now. I think that there are more important concerns that face the American people: Crime, inflation, COVID-19, foreign policy, the borders, the "supply chain", the truckers, the education of our children, etc.

Biden has dementia, is not making any decisions nor is he capable of handling the biggest crises faced in America.

His poll numbers are extremely low, the majority of people do not want him to run again, and his VP is even less qualified than he is.
You're probably much older than me, so I can understand why Net Neutrality would be further down your list of concerns.

The rise in violent crime is very concerning, but isn't this more of a State/local issue? Liberal hotspots like San Francisco sound like the Wild West with their policy enactments. Thefts under $950 are decriminalized there which is absolutely mind boggling. Then you have the rise of Anti-Asian hate crimes in New York and brutal killings of NYPD officers. On a State & local level, I feel like very little is being done to combat it. Weak leaders on a State and local level. On a federal level, border control is crucial in managing crime as well, so I can see the importance in that.

The education of children, I assume you're referring to things like Critical race theory being taught in schools or whatever postmodern "progressive" nonsense that's being promoted. I'm not overly concerned with that as I'm starting to see a lot of pushback against it. People are finally beginning to realize how silly and shallow wokeism is. It's going to take some time to correct though.

But yeah I get it, there's not much to like about the Biden administration. Lots of empty promises so far. But I wouldn't say he is the worse President in the last 100 years. That title belongs to the war criminal, George W. Bush who was an unmitigated disaster both in foreign and domestic policy. I'm flabbergasted when I see Liberals try to pull off some revisionist crap with Bush in a attempt to paint him in greater light. This has something to do with Trump I'd imagine. I'm not the biggest Trump fan, but holy heck this guy was living rent free in a lot of liberal's heads. I think they call it Trump Derangement Syndrome.
You're probably much older than me, so I can understand why Net Neutrality would be further down your list of concerns.

The rise in violent crime is very concerning, but isn't this more of a State/local issue? Liberal hotspots like San Francisco sound like the Wild West with their policy enactments. Thefts under $950 are decriminalized there which is absolutely mind boggling. Then you have the rise of Anti-Asian hate crimes in New York and brutal killings of NYPD officers. On a State & local level, I feel like very little is being done to combat it. Weak leaders on a State and local level. On a federal level, border control is crucial in managing crime as well, so I can see the importance in that.

The education of children, I assume you're referring to things like Critical race theory being taught in schools or whatever postmodern "progressive" nonsense that's being promoted. I'm not overly concerned with that as I'm starting to see a lot of pushback against it. People are finally beginning to realize how silly and shallow wokeism is. It's going to take some time to correct though.

But yeah I get it, there's not much to like about the Biden administration. Lots of empty promises so far. But I wouldn't say he is the worse President in the last 100 years. That title belongs to the war criminal, George W. Bush who was an unmitigated disaster both in foreign and domestic policy. I'm flabbergasted when I see Liberals try to pull off some revisionist crap with Bush in a attempt to paint him in greater light. This has something to do with Trump I'd imagine. I'm not the biggest Trump fan, but holy heck this guy was living rent free in a lot of liberal's heads. I think they call it Trump Derangement Syndrome.
If knowing someone is a fraud, liar, huckster, phony, cheater, and philanderer who is unfit to run the country, let alone his own business empire, is derangement, then thanks.

I also was deranged in knowing that Bush would be a complete disaster. I guess the GOP/RNC (Russian National Committee) is not deranged. They used to be the party that was against Russian criminals like Putin. They used to vote for people like Reagan, who at least had enough sense to understand the ozone environmental issue. Now they're boot lickers (i.e. not deranged).
If knowing someone is a fraud, liar, huckster, phony, cheater, and philanderer who is unfit to run the country, let alone his own business empire, is derangement, then thanks.

I also was deranged in knowing that Bush would be a complete disaster. I guess the GOP/RNC (Russian National Committee) is not deranged. They used to be the party that was against Russian criminals like Putin. They used to vote for people like Reagan, who at least had enough sense to understand the ozone environmental issue. Now they're boot lickers (i.e. not deranged).
The fact is, unemployment numbers, during Trump's presidency, pre-pandemic, were the lowest they'd been in 50 years. Black employment was the highest in history. The stock markets were at their highest points in history. A Middle East peace plan was accepted, thanks to Trump's presidency. We had no major wars or terrorism during Trump's term. In Sept. 2020, the head of the CDC predicted that a COVID-19 vaccine would not be available until the summer of 2021, and Trump's Operation Warp Speed resulted in the release of vaccines, at least six months earlier. Had Biden been in charge in 2020, I doubt, in fact I am sure, that a vaccine would not have been developed by this early date. Biden has dementia, is not fit for office and his VP is a disgraceful failure, who got to where she is by sleeping with the most powerful Democrat in California, 25 years earlier.

I would have voted for Democrats in the Presidential Election of 2020 if they had selected candidates that were better than this pathetic team. I am not sorry that I voted for Trump and if Biden by some miracle runs again in 2024, I will vote Republican again even if Trump is the Republican candidate.
Trump just kicked the can down the road, and Biden is left with all the work undone. Now Biden will have to fix the disaster he inherited, like rampant inflation, which was growing for years, and was ignored by the FED.

With house prices climbing by 30% in some US cities inflation cannot be ignored anymore. The FED would have to make a bold move, but they will not. The FED will fail, inflation will keep growing and Biden will be kicked out of the White House.
If knowing someone is a fraud, liar, huckster, phony, cheater, and philanderer who is unfit to run the country, let alone his own business empire, is derangement, then thanks.

I also was deranged in knowing that Bush would be a complete disaster. I guess the GOP/RNC (Russian National Committee) is not deranged. They used to be the party that was against Russian criminals like Putin. They used to vote for people like Reagan, who at least had enough sense to understand the ozone environmental issue. Now they're boot lickers (i.e. not deranged).
Bush's unpopularity has seen a complete 180 degree turn in the last few years which is ridiculous. Its like people forgot how destructive his administration was. Trump had a lot of terrible people in his administration, but they were largely incompetent and far less organized than the Bush Administration.

Bush created a domestic surveillance network that spied on all Americans and that is beyond unconstitutional. His administration had a policy of torturing prisoners of war. September 9/11 itself went down on his watch, as he ignored intelligence warning of an attack. His economic deregulation caused the last major recession. He let a whole city drown (Hurricane Katrina). Bush effectively created an endless war economy and put us into long-lasting conflicts with no actual end goals other than profit via destabilization in the Middle East. Countless of lives lost in the Middle East for needless war.

I think it's important to remind people just how awful and destructive Bush was. We get caught in this "Trump is the absolute worst" derangement that the media tries to sell us. As I said I don't even like Trump, but he isn't even the worst president this century... Hell, I would argue the Regan administration was worse. His polices have had a long lasting impact that we're still feeling today.

Perhaps with Trump, he does represent a threat to how American presidents traditionally present themselves in public, but in the end, I just saw him as another run of the mill GOP politician with some deviations in foreign policy. One term president too...
Trump just kicked the can down the road, and Biden is left with all the work undone. Now Biden will have to fix the disaster he inherited, like rampant inflation, which was growing for years, and was ignored by the FED.

With house prices climbing by 30% in some US cities inflation cannot be ignored anymore. The FED would have to make a bold move, but they will not. The FED will fail, inflation will keep growing and Biden will be kicked out of the White House.
He didnt even kick the can. He tried to flush it down his toilet. Then he took it to Mar-o-lago.

Where are his emails? Someone get the emails. Russia, China, North Korea. Someone help us with those emails.
With all these complaints about Trump, you'd think that he caused a world war, destroyed the stock markets, reinstituted slavery, kicked a dog, and outlawed baseball. He is a brash businessman, and with people like that it's a give and take situation - he put money in our pockets and jobs for the taking, all he expects is a little leeway to make it worth his while. Biden, however, promises everything and delivers nothing but inflation, bad policies, and favors for the progressives that helped get him elected.

There is a cliché, "I don't like Trump", but you don't have to like his personality, to vote for him, especially when his opponents are as bad as Biden and Harris.

The Democrats are going to be slaughtered in the midterms, next November, and they are still trying to blame Trump for the stupidity, incompetence, and failures of the Biden administration that came after him. It won't work: Biden's unpopularity is beyond repair and we are only at the beginning of his second year in office.
I just read Biden told the press he thinks Putin has decided to invade.

Almost as clever as that idiot Norwegian NATO leader who stutters forward some bombastic vomit.

I'll give Mr Bill and Obama thumbs up for various reasons :D
With all these complaints about Trump, you'd think that he caused a world war, destroyed the stock markets, reinstituted slavery, kicked a dog

▲ Amazing how a footballer in England, earning £77,000 a week, can actually be recorded doing such a thing and return to work a week later. No uproar, no protests.

Meanwhile a man whose "sexist" and "racist" exploits can be backed up by about as much evidence as a Snopes article, warrants a welcome of this magnitude by the average English twit when he visits:

He didnt even kick the can. He tried to flush it down his toilet. Then he took it to Mar-o-lago.

Where are his emails? Someone get the emails. Russia, China, North Korea. Someone help us with those emails.
I wonder where are Trump tax statements. If all the previous presidents made them public, he should make his tax statements available too.

Now the Trump Organization is being investigated.
The US is becoming a joke of a country. FED officials have been trading on the stock markets using insider information, incurring in a clear conflict of interest. They should stop apologizing or trying to cover up this scandal, or promising not to do it again in the future.

Those FED officials should go to jail and Jerome Powell should resign.

The Fed rolls out tough trading restrictions following a scandal.

Federal Reserve officials will be barred from owning many securities after a trading scandal and a series of prominent resignations.

The number of COVID-19 deaths in the United States is now 933,000.

Not only did Biden fail to fulfill his promise to end COVID-19, but there have been more deaths from this disease under his administration, despite the availability of vaccines, than there were during Donald Trump's term.

Flashback to Oct. 22, 2020:

Joe Biden on COVID-19: "220,000 Americans dead. If you hear nothing else I say tonight, hear this ... anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States of America."

"I will take care of this. I will end this. I will make sure that we have a plan."

JP Morgan expects 9 increases in interest rates in the US in the next 13 months.

However, Jerome Powell and his corrupt colleagues who devoted themselves to insider trading while deciding on rates and monetary policy have not make a single move yet and keep losing precious time.
Those Canadian truckers have set the path to follow. They stood for freedom and challenged their government.
It also cut auto production and shut down the Ford plant in Windsor, Ontario. And for what? 90% of Canadians met the restrictions. It also devolved into protests against whatever the government was about. I saw one sign saying stop healthcare - make it really free, free-for-all that is.

People have the freedom to do whatever job they want in Canada and the US. If you really feel that strong about it, don't drive your truck, or if you are going to produce, don't block a bridge. I am all for peaceful protests that are for something meaningful.

Wait til they start blocking your city or town. You live in Spain, right?
The following article was written by Congresswoman Angie Craig, a Democrat, from the heartland of America, Minnesota. Joe Biden had better wake up, if he is capable, and respond to the needs of the people because he is doing such a bad job, that the majority in his own party want to dump him.

What Americans need to hear from Joe Biden
We need to reach our new normal, and we need to know he has a plan to get us there.
By Angie Craig

FEBRUARY 20, 2022

When President Joe Biden stands before Congress on March 1, he should do so not as a politician proposing a grand domestic agenda — but as a focused commander in chief leading our nation in a fight against the greatest domestic health and economic challenges we've faced in decades.

The president gave his first address to Congress less than 100 days into his presidency. Looking ahead to a future with the pandemic in the rearview mirror, he laid out his vision for the next year. Unfortunately, one year later, our nation is still thinking about and finding our way to a new normal in the COVID-19 era. And, because of that, we find ourselves in a moment that demands an executive with laser focus.

It's true that America's economic growth overall expanded at a record rate last year. Unemployment was at 3.9% by the end of last year and wages are up for many. But until American lives are back to something close to normal, it will be nearly impossible for them to hear, truly hear, what's going well.

My constituents are exhausted and frustrated. They are still trying their best to avoid the latest COVID variant. Gas prices and grocery costs are up, and school closures have left parents to deal with uncertainty for months on end. It's been difficult for many people to access reliable testing for COVID-19. Many small businesses are struggling to survive, more than two years since the first case of COVID-19 was identified in the U.S. Crime is up, even in the suburbs.

Read the rest of the article here:

Hey anyone that I've blocked that is saying things about my comments. Well, you're blocked. Have fun.

One thing I can say to you all is I hope your tinnitus gets better. That's why we are here. That's what I want, no matter what you say.

I suffered a lot from 2016-2021. My tinnitus got bad in March 2017. I had it for 7 years prior. I made some bad choices, but stress levels went way up for a lot people since 2017.

I understand the Testosterone levels go up when you see someone like Trump. I understand the need for power and greed that you think are coming your way. You like autocrats, someone that will fix all of your problems. Someone you believe can make people do things just by their words.

"I'm a genius." "I alone will solve your problems." "I win at everything." "I don't lose" These are all of his quotes.

These are the words of a chronic narcissist. You can say someone has dementia, even though it is preposterous. I'd much rather have that than a crazy man.

A lot of people get suckered into crooks and conmen... It's very easy.
Those Canadian truckers have set the path to follow. They stood for freedom and challenged their government.
It also cut auto production and shut down the Ford plant in Windsor, Ontario. And for what?
Man... @Paul1980... You are some next level clueless.
90% of Canadians met the restrictions.
Yes, the majority of Canadians did as they were told, and observed regulations and guidances that were issued under emergency response plans, because they expected them to end at some point, and were frequently sold the promise of "we just have to do this one last thing and then we can return to normal". Like the rest of us (around the globe).

I doubt anyone would have acquiesced had they known that almost two and a half years later, they would still be expected to follow those same rules, but with even less choice in the matter this time, than before.
It also devolved into protests against whatever the government was about. I saw one sign saying stop healthcare - make it really free, free-for-all that is.
No one owns the damn protest, mate. It's not a dictatorship (unless it operates something like Canada/Australia/Germany/Austria or any other formerly free and democratic western nation).

There were people waving these ▼ during the anti-Trump demonstrations in London in 2017:


"WENGER OUT", as in Arsene Wenger, the previous manager of Arsenal Football Club.

Does that mean you now consider those anti-Trump protests to be irrelevant?
People have the freedom to do whatever job they want in Canada and the US. If you really feel that strong about it, don't drive your truck
LOL, really? You know it was people just like yourself that were saying several months ago - when Doctors and Nurses were getting terminated all over the world for refusing to give up bodily autonomy - "if you don't like it, don't work in healthcare". Now it's "if you don't like it, don't drive a truck".

And I suppose that's where it ends in your world, is it? They'll just stop at the unreasonable truck drivers who (just like healthcare workers) Trudeau was calling heroes two years ago.


Because similar to an abusive relationship, that's how power is taken and control is asserted; not in one fell swoop, but in quiet and sustained chipping away at an individual, or groups, freedom to manoeuvre.

The fact that you would simply quit your career rather than stand up for your own human rights, is simply evidence that you lack the foresight that those truckers don't.
I am all for peaceful protests that are for something meaningful.
Well I wrote all that stuff above, but then I reached this ▲ sentence of yours and suddenly I came around to your way of thinking. What the hell does bodily-autonomy actually matter? The state should be able to insert any technology or substance into our bodies they like. And it's not even like we don't get a choice is it? I mean if we don't want those things inside us, we can always choose to become homeless and starve to death, or die of hypothermia on a street corner, right? So what's the problem?

You're absolutely right @Paul1980. Let's keep the protests relevant shall we? Unless it's about a convicted fentanyl addict who put a gun to a pregnant woman's belly, dying as a result his severe heart disease and overdosing on said fentanyl while being arrested, it's probably not "meaningful".

But seriously, even @Ed209 - who was one of the biggest advocates of the COVID-19 measures when the "vaccine" debates were raging on Tinnitus Talk - acknowledges that Canada has now become nothing short of a police-state.

What I find most surreal here though, is that, based on what we know from history about the importance of a population's complicity in enabling the rise of fascism in any given country; you would absolutely fit the bill as an enabler.

And yet just several months ago you were in this same thread calling Donald Trump and his voters Nazis. So now I'm just confused, because it seems as though you like fascism. ¯\_ ( •́ ⍨ •̀)_/¯
Wait til they start blocking your city or town. You live in Spain, right?
I'll welcome it; because a short period of inconvenience and discomfort, is a small price to pay to avoid a lifetime as little more than human cattle.
Hey anyone that I've blocked that is saying things about my comments. Well, you're blocked. Have fun.
It always warms my heart to see a snowflake take such pride in refusing to have their views challenged. You must have a lot of faith in your argument.
Hey anyone that I've blocked that is saying things about my comments. Well, you're blocked. Have fun.

One thing I can say to you all is I hope your tinnitus gets better. That's why we are here. That's what I want, no matter what you say.

I suffered a lot from 2016-2021. My tinnitus got bad in March 2017. I had it for 7 years prior. I made some bad choices, but stress levels went way up for a lot people since 2017.

I understand the Testosterone levels go up when you see someone like Trump. I understand the need for power and greed that you think are coming your way. You like autocrats, someone that will fix all of your problems. Someone you believe can make people do things just by their words.

"I'm a genius." "I alone will solve your problems." "I win at everything." "I don't lose" These are all of his quotes.

These are the words of a chronic narcissist. You can say someone has dementia, even though it is preposterous. I'd much rather have that than a crazy man.

A lot of people get suckered into crooks and conmen... It's very easy.
Do you think that Biden is doing a good job? Is he a nicer guy, and more qualified, than Trump was? In my opinion, Biden is a total failure. The death rates from COVID-19, which he promised to end, are worse than they were under Trump's term without vaccines. Hew lied during his campaign. He had no plan, and we will soon have one million deaths from COVID-19, which he promised to end.

I'll take a competent narcissist any day over an incompetent like Biden, who does have dementia which is only getting worse. His poll ratings are terrible and the Democrats are going to be kicked in the butt, in November, due to his absolutely horrendous performance.

I'm glad that I didn't vote for him, and that useless VP that he chose for no other reason than to help himself get elected and have somebody worse than he is, to avoid impeachment if it comes to it - which it probably will, anyway, next year.
Man... @Paul1980... You are some next level clueless.

Yes, the majority of Canadians did as they were told, and observed regulations and guidances that were issued under emergency response plans, because they expected them to end at some point, and were frequently sold the promise of "we just have to do this one last thing and then we can return to normal". Like the rest of us (around the globe).

I doubt anyone would have acquiesced had they known that almost two and a half years later, they would still be expected to follow those same rules, but with even less choice in the matter this time, than before.

No one owns the damn protest, mate. It's not a dictatorship (unless it operates something like Canada/Australia/Germany/Austria or any other formerly free and democratic western nation).

There were people waving these ▼ during the anti-Trump demonstrations in London in 2017:

View attachment 49135

"WENGER OUT", as in Arsene Wenger, the previous manager of Arsenal Football Club.

Does that mean you now consider those anti-Trump protests to be irrelevant?

LOL, really? You know it was people just like yourself that were saying several months ago - when Doctors and Nurses were getting terminated all over the world for refusing to give up bodily autonomy - "if you don't like it, don't work in healthcare". Now it's "if you don't like it, don't drive a truck".

And I suppose that's where it ends in your world, is it? They'll just stop at the unreasonable truck drivers who (just like healthcare workers) Trudeau was calling heroes two years ago.

View attachment 49136

Because similar to an abusive relationship, that's how power is taken and control is asserted; not in one fell swoop, but in quiet and sustained chipping away at an individual, or groups, freedom to manoeuvre.

The fact that you would simply quit your career rather than stand up for your own human rights, is simply evidence that you lack the foresight that those truckers don't.

Well I wrote all that stuff above, but then I reached this ▲ sentence of yours and suddenly I came around to your way of thinking. What the hell does bodily-autonomy actually matter? The state should be able to insert any technology or substance into our bodies they like. And it's not even like we don't get a choice is it? I mean if we don't want those things inside us, we can always choose to become homeless and starve to death, or die of hypothermia on a street corner, right? So what's the problem?

You're absolutely right @Paul1980. Let's keep the protests relevant shall we? Unless it's about a convicted fentanyl addict who put a gun to a pregnant woman's belly, dying as a result his severe heart disease and overdosing on said fentanyl while being arrested, it's probably not "meaningful".

But seriously, even @Ed209 - who was one of the biggest advocates of the COVID-19 measures when the "vaccine" debates were raging on Tinnitus Talk - acknowledges that Canada has now become nothing short of a police-state.

What I find most surreal here though, is that, based on what we know from history about the importance of a population's complicity in enabling the rise of fascism in any given country; you would absolutely fit the bill as an enabler.

And yet just several months ago you were in this same thread calling Donald Trump and his voters Nazis. So now I'm just confused, because it seems as though you like fascism. ¯\_ ( •́ ⍨ •̀)_/¯

I'll welcome it; because a short period of inconvenience and discomfort, is a small price to pay to avoid a lifetime as little more than human cattle.

It always warms my heart to see a snowflake take such pride in refusing to have their views challenged. You must have a lot of faith in your argument.
I've been pro-choice since day one and I welcome people to go back in time and have a look. I try to remain as neutral as possible and let the data influence my views, but we all have an innate bias based on our personal experiences. My stance remains the same regarding the vaccines: they were beneficial to society and people were better off taking them. But, you cannot force them upon people.

What's happening in Canada is a power grab. Trudeau should be listening to his citizens and trying to resolve this matter in a democratic manner; he should not be hiding away whilst invoking emergency measures to freeze people's bank accounts. These are not the hallmarks of a good leadership as it strays into the territory of a dictatorship. It's do as I say or I'll take away some of your civil liberties.

It's also a situation that doesn't benefit anyone. The truckers don't want the vaccine, which is their right, but it's also another country's right to refuse entry to those who are unvaccinated. None of this is good for the economy or inflation either, so it's a no win situation that has been dealt with in a dreadful way.

There's a clip of Justin Trudeau below where he is asked which country he admires the most, and he responds by saying he admires China's dictatorship.

Screenshot 2022-02-21 at 14.17.31.png

I know these sound bytes can be taken completely out of context, but it's still not a good look considering his recent actions.
You don't have to love Trump, to hate Biden.


  • Let's Go Brandon.jpg
    Let's Go Brandon.jpg
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LOL, really? You know it was people just like yourself that were saying several months ago - when Doctors and Nurses were getting terminated all over the world for refusing to give up bodily autonomy - "if you don't like it, don't work in healthcare". Now it's "if you don't like it, don't drive a truck".

And I suppose that's where it ends in your world, is it? They'll just stop at the unreasonable truck drivers who (just like healthcare workers) Trudeau was calling heroes two years ago.


Because similar to an abusive relationship, that's how power is taken and control is asserted; not in one fell swoop, but in quiet and sustained chipping away at an individual, or groups, freedom to manoeuvre.

The fact that you would simply quit your career rather than stand up for your own human rights, is simply evidence that you lack the foresight that those truckers don't.
In that offensive statement what Trudeau is really saying is "I am scratching my balls pretending to work from home" while everyone else is working normally, navigating restrictions, regulations that change daily, and suffering all sort of burdens and new troubles they have to overcome at their jobs every single day.

The people who have been working non-stop during the pandemic are sick of those who are benefiting from this and receiving subsidies or profiteering (here in Spain there is a scandal about political corruption in the purchase of masks for COVID-19).

All this has to stop. And politicians have to be held accountable. If Trudeau is not prepared for his current role he should just quit. That's a good reason to "work" from home... when he is no longer president.
I am all for peaceful protests that are for something meaningful.

Wait til they start blocking your city or town. You live in Spain, right?
Truckers did not have much choice. Governments are trying to restrict fundamental rights and freedom. I am in favour of the protest, and I hope they spread to Spain too.
The Democrats are going to be slaughtered in the midterms, next November, and they are still trying to blame Trump for the stupidity, incompetence, and failures of the Biden administration that came after him. It won't work: Biden's unpopularity is beyond repair and we are only at the beginning of his second year in office.
Yes, they will. The fact that more than 30+ house democrats have announced they are leaving or resigning after their term is up is also very telling. They still haven't learned any lessons or don't realize how unattractive the party has become.

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