2020 US Presidential Election

Do you see what you Republicans and your Replacement conspiracies get us? 10 dead people in Buffalo, many more injured.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. If you don't want to be outnumbered, start having babies. Until you do, we need immigrants to fill jobs. That is not replacement. That is economics.

Stop watching FOX and Tucker Carlson. Stop being brainwashed.
Hey teacher! Leave them kids alone.
Or just let teachers teach and children learn :rolleyes: What else are schools for right?

Of course, conservative Republicans are free to put their kids in a utopian, laissez-faire preschool. Let's see if that works out:

This is true. In its current state, it's far too slow and clunky to be used as a payments system, and there are much faster and better blockchains that can be used for that purpose. Bitcoin can only do about 7 transactions per second (TPS). However, it does have a layer 2 solution that people use for payments called the Lightening Network that can do around 1,000,000 TPS. Visa does around 65,000 TPS.

I'm not a fan of Bitcoin for practicality purposes for the reasons listed above, but it continues to lead the market. Most people who hold it now are using it as a form of digital gold/property to retain value over time.

Its hardest test will come when we see how it performs under tightening conditions and a recession (the next 2-5 years should give us an idea).
The Buffalo shootings are a tragedy. This tragedy cannot be seen as a singular ''incident'', but as the very outcome of far-right news & xenophobia that are propagated by Faux News & Tucker Carlson. This ''news'' channel is a danger to society and needs to be removed asap.

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Remember the victims.

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Republicans are fueling extremism and terror like the Buffalo shooting (Mudde, 2022)

There is no easy fix to dealing with far-right terror. But we should stop assuming Republicans can help, when they are part of the problem

On Saturday a white teenager traveled almost 200 miles to a Black neighborhood in Buffalo, New York, where he brutally killed 10 people and injured three others in a grocery store. Like other far-right terrorists in the past years, he live-streamed his terrorist attack and left a "manifesto". And, as after other terrorist attacks, experts and journalists are happily amplifying his message and blaming social media and the government for this tragedy.

The problem is, we can talk endlessly about better regulating social media or calling for even more funding and powers for public and private "counter-terrorism" organizations, but none of that will make us safer as long as the broader conservative movement embraces and propagates far-right propaganda. This is a point worth repeating, even if I and others have made it many times before.

The so-called "manifesto" of the terrorist included a lot of the standard tropes of the far right, including the so-called Great Replacement Theory. Often linked to antisemitism, this conspiracy theory holds that "the Left" is supporting "open borders" to replace the "original people" with "immigrants", who are inferior and therefore easier to control. Variants of this theory go back to at least the original Populists of the mid-19th century, but in its current iteration it has been around since the start of the 1980s postwar far right in Europe.

When I started to study the far right in the early 1990s, similar theories were pushed by radical right parties like the Dutch Center party or the French National Front. At that time, these parties polled in the single digits and were kept out of political coalitions and the media by a so-called cordon sanitaire. Today, these actors and ideas have become part of the political mainstream.

In few countries has this process of mainstreaming has been as successful and visible as in the United States, where the main representatives of the mainstream right wing, like Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson, are propagating the Great Replacement Theory with great success. Just a few days before the terrorist attack, a poll showed that nearly half of Republicans believe the conspiracy theory.

Since the storming of the Capitol on 6 January 2021, I have had various informal conversations with people who work in Congress or in other state agencies about the far right. They tell me that they want to talk about the threat it poses, but then rapidly narrow the focus to "online radicalization" and violent groups with scary names like Atomwaffen Division or Feuerkrieg Division. This is not just because these groups get disproportionate attention in the media and the counter-terrorism industry, but because they are politically safe. These groups are so extreme that they are out of bounds for almost all political elites, even on the right. But they are also small and marginal.

This is not the case for most other more mainstream actors and ideas of the far right. In fact, their power is now so great in Washington, that it is almost impossible to come up with a term that is acceptable to both sides of the political spectrum. Republicans are skeptical about terms like "far right" and "racism", fearing this would include groups and ideas they sympathize with. This is not without reason. The Grand Old Party has become a far-right party that advances racist arguments in both implicit and explicit form. And many organizations within the broader "conservative" movement have followed suit, from Fox News to Turning Point USA.

I am not arguing that Tucker Carlson is responsible for the terrorist attack in Buffalo. But that terrorist did not develop his racist ideas by himself. There are few if any real "lone wolves". Far-right terrorists are part of a larger subculture, online and offline, which is connected to the broader conservative movement. We can ban a few more individuals from Twitter, but as long as similar conspiracy theories and ideas are propagated in Congress or on Fox News, these bans will not help much.

Similarly, most preventive and repressive policies will have little positive effect, and possibly even have a negative effect. I am a big fan of the work of my colleague Cynthia Miller-Idriss and her team at Peril, one of the few prominent voices that argues against further securitization of the far right. Inspired by efforts in Germany, she calls for a non-repressive measure to counter the far right, including some type of "civic education". The problem is, while that might make sense in California or New York, it would be impossible, even illegal, in states like Florida and Georgia, where recent "anti-CRT laws" have criminalized real anti-racism.

Obviously, I am not arguing that we should not do anything about this threat. The Democratic party and President Joe Biden should do more. In his inaugural speech, Biden said that "we must confront and we will defeat" the rise of political extremism, white supremacy and domestic terrorism. One and a half years later, the Republican party has declared the storming of the Capitol to be "legitimate political discourse" and is attacking both human rights and the democratic system across the country.

The sad reality is that fighting the far right has become a highly partisan affair in the United States. Any attempt to make this a bipartisan effort means watering down of measures and limiting them to the most extremist fringes. If Biden and the Democrats really want to fight white supremacy, including institutional racism, they must do it without the Republican party. Not only is the current Republican party not part of the solution, it is a big part of the problem.
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If your read on the situation is that after months of desperate diplomacy to prevent a war that it's actually the West/Biden who wanted it... and also we are in the wrong to help a country defend itself from the Russians, who are committing genocide... you may want to examine where your outlandish claims are coming from.

I've spoken with my conservative relatives recently and the handling of the Ukraine situation was the only thing that we are doing right in the country according to them.

Lobbyists are corrupting our government and many of our politicians fall under their influence. They all lurk in K-Street, so it's not exclusively Manchin who's bought and paid for only.

And just so you know... Manchin is a Senator in a state that went +39 points for Trump in the 2020 Presidential election and +42 points in 2016. Basically West Virginia is Trump land and when Manchin leaves office, that seat will be flipped to Republican. A candidate more left than Manchin would be almost guaranteed to lose a general election in West Virginia.

Manchin needs to walk the fine line between not pissing off his Trump loving constituents and approving some of the democratic party's legislative agenda. It's blessing in disguise for the Democrats really. If he wasn't registered as a Democrat, it would mean Mitch "the turtle" McConnell becomes majority leader, and the turtle would have unilateral power to stop all hearings for things like judicial appointments. 60 of Biden's judicial nominees have already been confirmed by the senate and Manchin has been instrumental in that. These are liberal federal judges we're talking about here and it's a lifetime position.

In short, he's a necessary evil for the Democratic Party and without him, their agenda gets completely stifled by Republican obstruction/opposition. He's popular in West Virginia (was a former Governor there) and it doesn't seem like it but Manchin votes with his party's majority most of time.
You've a point there that Manchin has deliberately chosen for a strategy that partly appeases the Trump supporter in hopes of maintaining popularity with his voters.

But on the other hand, we have seen that even a former red state like Georgia can turn blue if politicians are brave enough to inform their constituents about progressive policies and are willing to adopt those things in their platform.

It's even the case in West Virginia. Issues like For the People Act, tax hikes, lower drug prescriptions & the Build Back Better plan are very popular with voters. Manchin wouldn't have lost votes if he was willing to adopt Biden's agenda in that matter, but he has chosen not to do so.

Perhaps personalisation also plays a role in that state, meaning that voters strongly relate to their senator because he looks and acts like one of them, as as typical West-Virginian with whom they want to have a beer with in a local tavern.
A majority of Americans believe wealthy people hold too much sway in Washington and give undue advantages to friends and family. The greedy well known or famous have a voice and they control communication channels. Don't kid yourself, it's all about obtaining wealth.

Washington is surrounded with buildings filled with attorneys who belong to this and that association. These attorneys make money from disorder, uproar, turmoil, disarray, chaos and crime. All to be considered pandemonium. These 'rights' attorneys also make political donations.

My beef: All mentioned above don't care about the truly disabled and the elderly and for two reasons: not enough votes and not enough money can be made representing them.
The lies spread by the Hillary Clinton campaign, against Donald Trump, are being exposed.

Jury selection underway in trial tied to FBI's Russia probe
WASHINGTON (AP) — Jury selection got underway Monday in the trial of a lawyer for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign who is accused of lying to the FBI as it investigated potential ties between Donald Trump and Russia in 2016.

The case against Michael Sussmann, a cybersecurity attorney who represented the Clinton campaign in 2016, is the first trial arising from the ongoing investigation by special counsel John Durham and will test the strength of evidence he and his team have gathered while scrutinizing the early days of the Trump-Russia probe for potential misconduct.
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There's a link to the actual source there.

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Sorry the shooter is a POS regardless of what politics, but nonstop right wing everything lol.

The only wing that is good is the one with hot sauce haha.
Did you read the part that he said he considers himself further and further to the right? I am sure you've left that part out for some reason.

If you read parts of his manifesto, you'll see that he writes about far right conspiracies like the ''Great Replacement'' theory, supporting anti-semitism/racism, uses the ''Black Sun'' symbolism (a symbol that is used by neo-nazi organisations) and other insights from far right media. Does any of that ring a bell? It sure is something that Trump fans, white power organisations, OAN & Fox News would use. You won't see or hear that kind of garbage on MSNBC, CNN or from people like AOC & Bernie Sanders. So please use some common sense instead of parroting selective news from far right sympathisers like that Twitter guy.

By the way, the ''mild-moderate' part doesn't make any sense with authoritarianism, since it is an extreme ideology (as opposed to democracy). So politically, it doesn't make any logical sense. If you're familiar with the political structures of left-wing US organisations/factions like Democratic Socialists of America or the Progressive caucus of the Democratic Party, then you'd know that they firmly belief in grassroots, bottom-up democracy and thus it has nothing in common with authoritarianism.

Anyway, thanks for attending my Ted Talk.
A majority of Americans believe wealthy people hold too much sway in Washington and give undue advantages to friends and family. The greedy well known or famous have a voice and they control communication channels. Don't kid yourself, it's all about obtaining wealth.

Washington is surrounded with buildings filled with attorneys who belong to this and that association. These attorneys make money from disorder, uproar, turmoil, disarray, chaos and crime. All to be considered pandemonium. These 'rights' attorneys also make political donations.

My beef: All mentioned above don't care about the truly disabled and the elderly and for two reasons: not enough votes and not enough money can be made representing them.
It's a shame that people are overlooked in this matter. But aren't there political organisations or political action committees that are specifically focused on getting people elected on this platform?
So teachers are now indoctrinating children in kindergarten? It's indeed a diabolical plan to say to boys that's oke to play with a cooking set & allow girls to play with action figures. What is the world coming to ;P Sweden must be a living hell right now :ROFL:

I still don't get your fixation on LGBT+ rights and the demise of manhood, or in broader sense: society. It has already been said in this forum by other TTers that far right Republicans have a weird moral inconsistency, who like to proclaim that the state shouldn't interfere in the private lives of its citizens, but at the same time they are also very eager to demand state intervention in women's right to abortion, implementing voting restrictions for minorities and anti-LGBT+ laws like 'Don't say gay''. In a sense, a far right Republican is more in love with authoritarianism than upholding individual rights and democracy. It's no reason why the Reagan Foundation is in conflict with Trump and his gang of thugs: Trump aims barb at Reagan Foundation in fundraising coin kerfuffle

If anything, the perceived demise of Western society in economic sense has more to do with inadequate wealth distribution and the false promise of trickle-down economics that are propagated by Republicans and a few corporate Democrats. Like many radical conservative minded fellows, you've been duped by Faux News, Republicans and GOP's wealthy donors into thinking that ''woke'' politics has something to do with that perceived demise, all the while pickpocketing you and other citizens.
Again, you are introducing things that have little to nothing to do with the concept of letting children be children, who do not have the ability to understand transexuals, lesbian and gay sex, heterosexual sex, or anything related to this. Confusing and altering the lives of children is another sick method by the far left to destroy the family, which is the preferred method of dismantling a capitalist society.
Did you read the part that he said he considers himself further and further to the right? I am sure you've left that part out for some reason.

If you read parts of his manifesto, you'll see that he writes about far right conspiracies like the ''Great Replacement'' theory, supporting anti-semitism/racism, uses the ''Black Sun'' symbolism (a symbol that is used by neo-nazi organisations) and other insights from far right media. Does any of that ring a bell? It sure is something that Trump fans, white power organisations, OAN & Fox News would use. You won't see or hear that kind of garbage on MSNBC, CNN or from people like AOC & Bernie Sanders. So please use some common sense instead of parroting selective news from far right sympathisers like that Twitter guy.

By the way, the ''mild-moderate' part doesn't make any sense with authoritarianism, since it is an extreme ideology (as opposed to democracy). So politically, it doesn't make any logical sense. If you're familiar with the political structures of left-wing US organisations/factions like Democratic Socialists of America or the Progressive caucus of the Democratic Party, then you'd know that they firmly belief in grassroots, bottom-up democracy and thus it has nothing in common with authoritarianism.

Anyway, thanks for attending my Ted Talk.
I think the main problem is seeing Democrats as a better party than Republicans. Media likes to rile up the mass lol.

BTW, I'm just quoting what I've seen about the dude. He's trash and that's that. I hate the media portrays conservatives or white people as nazis and it's ridiculous lol.
@Christiaan, some of my neighbors have formed political action committees.

Many of my friendly Hispanic neighbors are knocking on my door asking us to vote GOP and to watch FOX News. Most of them have a small business. They say that Democratic politicians are liars, dishonest and crooks. That most of them never had a non-government job.

They have been saying that we're tired of lazy people wherever they were born getting everything for free, having children just to get more free money - government handouts - inflation - more taxes - illegal activity - drugs and crime.

They are tired of loud explosions that can be heard for miles from firecrackers being thrown into sewer drains.

I listened to several neighbors in the last week, and they were firm in saying were tired of Democrats trying to manipulate and control us - authoritarianism for their greedy benefit. They feel that Democrats have defrayed their lives more within the last 16 months.

They mention single males that commit serious crimes are let out of jail the next day.

I do hear the loud explosions, firecrackers day and night, sirens never stop, but calling 911 is a waste of time as there are not enough police.

Almost half of the people in my county are on total free government assistance with full medical coverage including ear, eye and dental care. Those who are truly disabled can't get disability and Medicare for the elderly is a joke with no payment for ear, eye, dental and many other exams. Social Security is taxed, but generous welfare money isn't.
@Christiaan, some of my neighbors have formed political action committees.

Many of my friendly Hispanic neighbors are knocking on my door asking us to vote GOP and to watch FOX News. Most of them have a small business. They say that Democratic politicians are liars, dishonest and crooks. That most of them never had a non-government job.

They have been saying that we're tired of lazy people wherever they were born getting everything for free, having children just to get more free money - government handouts - inflation - more taxes - illegal activity - drugs and crime.

They are tired of loud explosions that can be heard for miles from firecrackers being thrown into sewer drains.

I listened to several neighbors in the last week, and they were firm in saying were tired of Democrats trying to manipulate and control us - authoritarianism for their greedy benefit. They feel that Democrats have defrayed their lives more within the last 16 months.

They mention single males that commit serious crimes are let out of jail the next day.

I do hear the loud explosions, firecrackers day and night, sirens never stop, but calling 911 is a waste of time as there are not enough police.

Almost half of the people in my county are on total free government assistance with full medical coverage including ear, eye and dental care. Those who are truly disabled can't get disability and Medicare for the elderly is a joke with no payment for ear, eye, dental and many other exams. Social Security is taxed, but generous welfare money isn't.
This entire post is a joke, right? I think the funniest line is the one about the single males let out of jail. No statistics, no proof, just spewed out.

The Democrats and authoritarians is a close second.

And the firecrackers in the drain - sounds like an LSD trip.
I find it interesting when people like you and I complain about government hand outs to "welfare recipients."

When an oil company gets tax credits and government funding, like national defense, it's ok. Meanwhile oil companies make billions in profit. Their CEOs pay little to nothing in taxes. You and I pay to protect their seas, their land, and not just in money, but in lives. And some of those lives were kept going by food stamps. Meanwhile, it's getting hotter. Look at your thermometer.

When a family gets a drop in the bucket so they can feed themselves, it is called a handout, and they are called freeloaders.

When a CEO becomes the richest man ever, and laughs at selling billions in stock, billions which was funded by taxpayers, he is called an entrepreneur.

I will happily pay a child so he can eat. Are we not encouraging people to have children. Or would it be better if they had a certain color of child?
No statistics, no proof, just spewed out.
Males accounted for 80.1 percent of persons arrested for violent crimes and for 62.6 percent of persons arrested for property crimes. Males comprised 88.7 percent of persons arrested for murder and non-negligent manslaughter. Of the total number of persons arrested for drug abuse violations, 79.7 percent were males.

Source: FBI crime
And the firecrackers in the drain - sounds like an LSD trip.
Happened at least 20 times earlier this year and twice over the last weekend.

From my neighborhood watch - called next-door with internet access.

From a neighbor - "I haven't posted the video because the police are still investigating, but we can see two people lighting something and throwing it at the manhole."

I can't show you our site videos. Plenty of YouTube and other videos with firecrackers being thrown into street drains.
In 2020, George Soro didn't pay any taxes, but he gave $50 million to Democratic campaigns.

Starbucks, Nike and Netflix avoid taxes and look at who they support.

Hollywood cares about how much they can make selling mansions and they have plenty of security for protection. Congress has security paid by us, but yet the Progressive caucus wants to de-fund the police.

I wrote against greed many times and there's lots of greed to go around. I don't like irresponsibility, but everyone should have a place to live, food and medical care.

My beef is that many disabled and elderly go without having their needs met, while others on public assistance can go on cruises, buy lottery tickets, gamble, buy dirt bikes and expensive cars and trucks. Said many times the reason for this is legal special interests can't make money representing the homeless, disabled and elderly. Besides few within these groups vote.

Greed is everywhere, but those with tinnitus, hyperacusis and all that goes with that, should be able to get federal disability when those healthy who can work get cash not to work.
In 2020, George Soro didn't pay any taxes, but he gave $50 million to Democratic campaigns.

Starbucks, Nike and Netflix avoid taxes and look at who they support.

Hollywood cares about how much they can make selling mansions and they have plenty of security for protection. Congress has security paid by us, but yet the Progressive caucus wants to de-fund the police.

I wrote against greed many times and there's lots of greed to go around. I don't like irresponsibility, but everyone should have a place to live, food and medical care.

My beef is that many disabled and elderly go without having their needs met, while others on public assistance can go on cruises, buy lottery tickets, gamble, buy dirt bikes and expensive cars and trucks. Said many times the reason for this is legal special interests can't make money representing the homeless, disabled and elderly. Besides few within these groups vote

Greed is everywhere, but those with tinnitus, hyperacusis and all that goes with that, should be able to get federal disability when those healthy who can work get cash not to work.
Oh yeah George Soros. He must be up to something evil. Supporting those evil Democrats. Of course he is part of that banking conspiracy. And those Jewish Space Lazers are causing global warming.

All of which you mention is brought to you via Republicans. They want no restraints on campaign contributions and PACs. Citizens united is a republican PAC. Democrats generally want to limit campaign contributions. Republicans do not.

Way more greed on the Republican side. Trump is the master of greed, hands down. Healthcare is not a Republican concern for the most part, unless it is completely at profit. You should try that out and see who gets left behind then.

Obamacare, while not perfect, made things better for the 20 million or so people that are now on it. Yes, premiums went up for mostly wealthy people, mainly because the government made companies start to carry more on their policies, and those who were self-employed were not on an exchange. I have a family member who owns two 5 bedroom homes worth a million each, and the family worth is about 5 million. Their premiums went way up. They still own the homes, paid off, the fancy cars, the toys. Meanwhile, many millions of people can now get care.

And actually, that was modelled after Mitt Romney's Massachusettes model. But the Republicans, for mostly petty politics, didn't want it. And Mitt Romney is a RINO now. He might as well be an independent. Very little room for him in Trump Party.

How anyone thinks that they are going to get support for health causes and for the disadvantaged from Republicans blows my mind. I just don't get it.

But you keep believing your George Soros Jewish conspiracy.
My beef is that many disabled and elderly go without having their needs met, while others on public assistance can go on cruises, buy lottery tickets, gamble, buy dirt bikes and expensive cars and trucks. Said many times the reason for this is legal special interests can't make money representing the homeless, disabled and elderly. Besides few within these groups vote.
My parents are in the same boat. What my family has been through in recent times is indescribable, and I feel as though I have lost a part of myself that I'll never get back. It's been that brutal. A very close uncle of mine died suddenly out of the blue, and he was like a second father to my brother and me (as we shared all of our childhood holidays and Christmases with him).

Not long after this, there was a huge family fallout which drove my mom to make an attempt on her life. She was rushed to A&E where they managed to save her, even though there was a lethal dose of multiple drugs in her system.

Not long after this, my dad has diagnosed with bowel cancer and stage 4 kidney failure. This was a crushing moment that occurred about a month before Christmas. After many tests on his heart and other organs, he was offered surgery to remove his sigmoid colon. He was also losing around 2 units of blood a month via the tumour and had to have a transfusion. The decision over whether he should take the surgery or not was one of the most difficult times in our lives. This is because the surgeon said it was extremely risky, and when my mom asked if it was 50/50 in his opinion, he said that would be being optimistic. The problem was that if he did nothing, he'd continue to lose a lot of blood and would require regular transfusions, and the tumour would continue to grow and eventually block his bowel completely. A stent procedure was offered as a potential solution to this. If he did take the surgery he risked dying during surgery as his heart is incredibly weak; he risked becoming permanently disabled, and there was a strong probability that he'd need round the clock care.

It was the most impossible decision to make, but my dad finally opened up to my mom and said that he couldn't live life without her and that if he doesn't make it, he'd rather that than it be the other way around. This brought my mother to tears; my mom said it was incredibly moving as they just lay in each other's arms that night on the downstairs sofa.

The surgery went better than could be expected. His heart stopped during the procedure, and there was a moment of panic, but they managed to bring him back. For the first few weeks, he had loads of water in his legs and feet, but this has been controlled by an increase in the drugs he is on. It's a yo-yo act because they need to clear the water to reduce the stress from his heart and lungs, but the increase further damages his already failing kidneys. They had a lot of trouble with the stoma bag, but I think that's ok now. Things were looking up, but then his results came back from the lymph nodes they had taken. Out of 50, 1 had cancer in it and it's aggressive. We were informed that it's almost certainly spread, but my dad doesn't want any more tests, and he's refused chemo because he's too weak. I don't blame him. The GP went to my parents' house 2 weeks ago, and I went along so I could talk to him as well. He said he has 2 options, we try and fight the cancer and prolong his life, or we look at palliative care to make whatever time he's got left more comfortable. He chose the latter, and then we discussed his DNR status to which he said he doesn't want to be resuscitated.

His health is declining by the day. He can barely breathe, and he wakes up screaming in the night. My dad has always been a big eater as well, but his appetite is so poor now that he's only eating soups.

This is the part that frustrates me. My mom has been showering him and looking after him on her own for months, and he's supposed to be getting social care and a district nurse to help out, but so far she's had no help at all. Literally nothing. Macmillan applied for a disabled badge when he was first diagnosed as his mobility was appalling. The council didn't give it to him. They wrote a letter saying there wasn't enough information in the application - and I'm not making this next bit up - they wanted my mom to go and get statements from various Drs and nurses that included evidence of disability. Macmillan does all this stuff for you to take the pressure off, so if their application was no good, then what more can my mom do? It was outrageous.

We are still waiting for some kind of professional care assistance. The GP (who has been good in all fairness) said they should be getting help and he has applied for it. The system is so overwhelmed now that it's at breaking point, and people aren't getting the help they should be. My mom and dad have both worked since the age of 16 and have paid taxes their entire lives.

So, I can see what you mean when you say the elderly get neglected. They do here as well.
I think the main problem is seeing Democrats as a better party than Republicans. Media likes to rile up the mass lol.

BTW, I'm just quoting what I've seen about the dude. He's trash and that's that. I hate the media portrays conservatives or white people as nazis and it's ridiculous lol.
I share your opinion that the Dems have their faults, just like any party has.

But one should not normalise the things that some Republicans and their party have done so far. Trying to overthrow a democratically elected government, spreading conspiracies, imposing voter restrictions for minorities, restricting women's right to abortion & implementing anti-LGBT+ laws are clear signs that we're dealing with an anti-democratic, xenophobic party that would not be recognisable for Reagan era conservatives.

Even though I strongly disagree with their political point of view, I respect old school conservatives who firmly belief in the rule of law and in upholding democratic + individual rights. Unfortunately, people like governor Larry Hogan are getting fewer in number but at least you can have a more intellectually honest debate with those guys.

I don't think you can have that kind of discussion with MAGA Republican conservatives. There's no room for nuance, it's all about Dems being evil, that minorities are going to take over America, that windmills are causing cancer, that climate change isn't real, that the perceived demise of society is the outcome of attack on ''manhood'', that jews are using space lasers to create forest fires, that covid vaccins are BS because we're dealing with a ''Kung flu'' & that LGBT+ teachers are pedophiles who are grooming their pupils for the gay community...and the list goes on and on.

There's no empirical evidence to back up these claims, but people uncritically take the far right media's word for it. These people are actually living in a filter bubble because they only follow the type of (far right) news sources that already confirm their beliefs and discard information from other sources without any thought or reflection because it doesn't fit in their ideology. And for democracy to work, you need parties and politicians who are open to an intellectually honest debate, but I just can't see the happen with MAGA Republicans.
I share your opinion that the Dems have their faults, just like any party has.

But one should not normalise the things that some Republicans and their party have done so far. Trying to overthrow a democratically elected government, spreading conspiracies, imposing voter restrictions for minorities, restricting women's right to abortion & implementing anti-LGBT+ laws are clear signs that we're dealing with an anti-democratic, xenophobic party that would not be recognisable for Reagan era conservatives.

Even though I strongly disagree with their political point of view, I respect old school conservatives who firmly belief in the rule of law and in upholding democratic + individual rights. Unfortunately, people like governor Larry Hogan are getting fewer in number but at least you can have a more intellectually honest debate with those guys.

I don't think you can have that kind of discussion with MAGA Republican conservatives. There's no room for nuance, it's all about Dems being evil, that minorities are going to take over America, that windmills are causing cancer, that climate change isn't real, that the perceived demise of society is the outcome of attack on ''manhood'', that jews are using space lasers to create forest fires, that covid vaccins are BS because we're dealing with a ''Kung flu'' & that LGBT+ teachers are pedophiles who are grooming their pupils for the gay community...and the list goes on and on.

There's no empirical evidence to back up these claims, but people uncritically take the far right media's word for it. These people are actually living in a filter bubble because they only follow the type of (far right) news sources that already confirm their beliefs and discard information from other sources without any thought or reflection because it doesn't fit in their ideology. And for democracy to work, you need parties and politicians who are open to an intellectually honest debate, but I just can't see the happen with MAGA Republicans.
I voted for Trump and I agree some conservatives do take things very far. Again it's the media outlets showing the far left and far right radicals. My very much democratic friends who hate Trump tolerate me (I think) and I believe they wouldn't if every "trumptard" acted the way like on news clips.

Like for instance I don't agree with abortion but also don't agree with banning it fully because I don't have a solution.

I don't agree with any sexual identity being taught to very young kids at schools, only because they may become confused when so young, but once a little bit older than by all means go for it.

I believe in secure borders and legal immigration and so forth. I also recognize asylum seekers and it sucks I have no solution.

Not every Republican is a bible thumping white anti-gay machine gun shooting person and not every Democrat is like the poster above lol.

Moderate left or moderate right (me) is where it's at. Otherwise you'll get people like the dude above thinking every Republican is satan.

Just my 2 cents.
Again, you are introducing things that have little to nothing to do with the concept of letting children be children, who do not have the ability to understand transexuals, lesbian and gay sex, heterosexual sex, or anything related to this. Confusing and altering the lives of children is another sick method by the far left to destroy the family, which is the preferred method of dismantling a capitalist society.
Again, you're trying to magnify the LGBT+ issue in some weird, hyper sexual narrative that is often portrayed by far right media, while it more about allowing kids to make their own decisions that make them happy and allowing them to feel comfortable in a safe environment where being different is ok & normal. It's just about making decisions that are not imposed by cultural norms/traditional associations of what should be expected of a boy or a girl. So being LGBT+ is more than just sexual preference, it's about being accepted for who you are and about feeling comfortable in your own skin.

You're not making it any easier for yourself by talking about LGBT+ being a hidden agenda of the left to destroy families and capitalism, lol. Did you know that they have families in Bolivia, Vietnam and China? Yep, even socialists like to get married and have kids. Damn, the ''news'' that Faux News and OAN present is totally cuckoo-for-cocoa-puffs.
Again, you're trying to magnify the LGBT+ issue in some weird, hyper sexual narrative that is often portrayed by far right media, while it more about allowing kids to make their own decisions that makes them happy and allowing them to feel comfortable in a safe environment where being different is ok & normal. It's just about making decisions that are not imposed by cultural norms/traditional associations of what should be expected of a boy or a girl. So being LGBT+ is more than just sexual preference, it's about being accepted for who you are and about feeling comfortable in your own skin.

You're not making it any easier for yourself by talking about LGBT+ being a hidden agenda of the left to destroy families and capitalism, lol. Did you know that they have families in Bolivia, Vietnam and China? Yep, even socialists like to get married and have kids. Damn, the ''news'' that Faux News and OAN present is totally cuckoo-for-cocoa-puffs.
The main problem I have with that is teachers grooming, even if not on purpose. You would be surprised the agenda they want to push on students that reflects their own.

Believe me, I know. My wife worked in a very liberal school and they would be biased. Can't wear anything promoting trump but Obama or Hillary for sure.

I just worry about indoctrination because of teachers views. Like my son loves rainbows and the color pink, he shouldn't be pushed to explore his feminine side and taught about gender switching or whatever lol. If the time comes it comes I'll support him if that's the case.
I voted for Trump and I agree some conservatives do take things very far. Again it's the media outlets showing the far left and far right radicals. My very much democratic friends who hate Trump tolerate me (I think) and I believe they wouldn't if every "trumptard" acted the way like on news clips.

Like for instance I don't agree with abortion but also don't agree with banning it fully because I don't have a solution.

I don't agree with any sexual identity being taught to very young kids at schools, only because they may become confused when so young, but once a little bit older than by all means go for it.

I believe in secure borders and legal immigration and so forth. I also recognize asylum seekers and it sucks I have no solution.

Not every Republican is a bible thumping white anti-gay machine gun shooting person and not every Democrat is like the poster above lol.

Moderate left or moderate right (me) is where it's at. Otherwise you'll get people like the dude above thinking every Republican is satan.

Just my 2 cents.
You're clearly and deliberately misrepresenting my post by saying that I think that every Republican is satan. If you read my post, you'll see that I made a reference that ''some Republicans'' and ''MAGA Republicans/conservatives'' have a tendency to support authoritarianism, as opposed to conservative Reaganites who believe in the rule of law, individual rights & democracy.

Anyway, it's interesting that you call yourself a moderate, but often parrot far right talking points and refer to far right news organisations & twitter users. I respect your opinion, but I just want to point out that your previous posts are at odds with your claim of being a moderate.

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