2020 US Presidential Election

The guy is a disaster as President but must be fun to hang out with and share a few pints:

Biden has messed up every single thing that he possibly could. This is the fault of those who voted for him, and now many of them are beginning to realize the damage that his election has brought to America and the world.

71 percent don't want Biden to run for reelection: poll

Seven in 10 Americans say they do not want President Biden to run for a second term, according to a new poll that comes as Biden's approval numbers remain low and his party braces for losses this November.

A Harvard CAPS–Harris Poll survey shared exclusively with The Hill found that 71 percent of respondents polled do not think Biden should run for a second term, compared to 29 percent who say he should run.

Among the contingent of respondents who believe the president should not run, 45 percent said Biden should not make another bid because he is a bad president, while about one-third of respondents said he is too old and about one-quarter said because it is time for a change.

"President Biden may want to run again but the voters say 'no' to the idea of a second term, panning the job he is doing as president. Only 30 percent of Democrats would even vote for him in a Democratic presidential primary," Mark Penn, the co-director of the Harvard CAPS–Harris Poll survey, said.

Read more here:

How anybody in their right mind could have voted for a ticket with this woman as the VP candidate, is simply beyond my ability to comprehend.
It's not whose vote counts but who counts the votes. Both parties are a sham and answer only to their masters, not you or me, the voter. Why do you think they make it so hard for a third party to get on state ballots? The Democratic Party has been known to funnel money to a Republican opponent of a progressive Democrat because they don't what a real progressive in the party. The Democratic Party today is the Republican Party of the eighties IMHO.

Nixon looks like a liberal today compared to all the right wing nuts in both parties. The squad are nothing but frauds and sellouts. Obama bombed Syria so much that the US actually ran out of bombs. Liberal? I think not.
The UK is not making friends... they are trying to break the Brexit deal, and this non-compliance with international law will pile up on the ton of economic problems the UK already has:

Germany and Ireland attack Boris Johnson over Northern Ireland rules

EU nations say there is 'no legal or political justification' for legislation to scrap parts of the Brexit deal
Bezos used to like Biden. He apparently has realized what I have been saying since 2020, which is that Biden is incompetent and would be very bad as the president of the United States.

Jeff Bezos blasts Biden for blaming gas companies for high pump prices
By Sam Raskin
July 3, 2022

Jeff Bezos chastised President Biden Saturday for blaming gas station companies for sky-high prices at the pump — declaring the commander-in-chief either employed "misdirection" or displayed a "deep misunderstanding" of economic fundamentals.

In a Saturday afternoon tweet, the official presidential account wrote, "My message to the companies running gas stations and setting prices at the pump is simple: this is a time of war and global peril."

"Bring down the price you are charging at the pump to reflect the cost you're paying for the product," Biden added. "And do it now."

Later Saturday, the United States' second richest person blasted Biden's tweet.

"Ouch. Inflation is far too important a problem for the White House to keep making statements like this," posted Bezos, Amazon's founder and owner of the Washington Post.

Michael O'Leary from Ryanair should quit too:

EasyJet executive quits over flight chaos

Chief operating officer Peter Bellew resigns after low budget carrier becomes mired in cancellations
O'Leary is probably the worst CEO of Ryanair. The company boasts cheap flights, load of bulls#%t, by the time your 45 euro flight is, it has become 345 euros, buy a seat, preferred boarding, and you pay for carry on.
In 2020 Biden's election was celebrated all over the world. Are they still happy? Apparently not, at least in the United States.

Biden Is Now Polling Worse Than Trump Was at the Same Point in His Presidency

At this point in 2018, Trump's average job-approval rating at RealClearPolitics was 43.2 percent. Biden's today is at 38.2 percent, five full points lower. When Election Day arrived in 2018, Trump's job-approval rating was virtually unchanged, and his party lost 41 House seats, though thanks to an extremely favorable Senate landscape, the GOP made a net gain of two seats in the upper chamber. It's possible, of course, that Biden's popularity may rebound by November, but his job-approval rating hasn't been above 43 percent this year, and the overall trend is an excruciatingly slow but steady erosion of support.

In 2020 Biden's election was celebrated all over the world. Are they still happy? Apparently not, at least in the United States.
For many people, the 2020 elections was more about getting rid of Trump rather than thinking Biden was the ideal candidate. Biden was essentially the "not Trump" vote regardless if he was liked or not.

It didn't matter in the end because Donnie's coming back with a vengeance no less. I do wonder if Ron DeSantis will crap on Trump's return though. Dude is primed to take over should Trump become an afterthought. It's like when Andy got bored of Woody and shifted his focus and excitement towards Buzz Lightyear in the Pixar movie, Toy Story.

Ronald DeSantis has the potential to attract a lot more votes from all demographics more so than Trump. He's like a much more refined and polished up version of Trump and the GOP should honestly capitalize on that if the Republican primaries were to happen.

Now would be a good time to post this:

The BBC is reporting Boris Johnson IS GONE!

BoJo is going to RESIGN!

Christine Lagarde, look at that! Follow Boris' example and go too! We need you gone!
Very complex lyrics:

You say, "Yes", I say, "No"
You say, "Stop" and I say, "Go, go, go"
Oh no
You say, "Goodbye" and I say, "Hello, hello, hello"
I don't know why you say, "Goodbye", I say, "Hello, hello, hello"
I don't know why you say, "Goodbye", I say, "Hello"
I say, "High", you say, "Low"
You say, "Why?" And I say, "I don't know"
Oh no
You say, "Goodbye" and I say, "Hello, hello, hello"
I don't know why you say, "Goodbye", I say, "Hello, hello, hello"
I don't know why you say, "Goodbye", I say, "Hello"
Why, why, why, why, why, why, do you
Say, "Goodbye, goodbye, bye, bye"?
Oh no
You say, "Goodbye" and I say, "Hello, hello, hello"
I don't know why you say, "Goodbye", I say, "Hello, hello, hello"
I don't know why you say, "Goodbye", I say, "Hello"
You say, "Yes", I say, "No" (I say, "Yes", but I may mean, "No")
You say, "Stop", I say, "Go, go, go" (I can stay still it's time to go)
Oh, oh no
You say, "Goodbye" and I say, "Hello, hello, hello"
I don't know why you say, "Goodbye", I say, "Hello, hello, hello"
I don't know why you say, "Goodbye", I say, "Hello, hello, hello"
I don't know why you say, "Goodbye", I say, "Hello-wow, oh, hello"
Hela, heba, helloa, hela heba, helloa, hela, heba, helloa
Hela, heba, helloa, (hela) hela, heba, helloa, hela, heba, helloa
Hela, heba, helloa, hela, heba, helloa, hela, heba, helloa...

HOWEVER... that's the feeling I got when I heard BoJos resignation speech: the UK was saying him GOODBYE and he kept stuck saying HELLO...

Boris Johnson's resignation speech: what he said, and what he meant


This bit was really really hillarious; BoJo said: "In the last few days I've tried to persuade my colleagues that it would be eccentric to change governments when we're delivering so much" :ROFL:
The Democrats are hopeful that the overturning of Roe vs. Wade will help stop Biden's sinking popularity, as well as give them something to talk about for the November elections.But, as the article below explains, this isn't enough to convince voters who are paying five dollars a gallon for gas, to vote Democrat.

Will anger over Supreme Court ruling save Democrats from Biden's plunging poll numbers?

The outcome of the midterm elections will be determined by two numbers: Do voters care more about a 5-4 Supreme Court ruling on abortion or paying $5 a gallon for gas?

Just hours before the court's decision in the Dobbs case was released last month, political pundits thought the shocking news of the day was President Joe Biden's record-low poll numbers. He was underwater with voters by 17 points in the Real Clear Politics average (39 percent approve/56 percent disapprove) and the most unpopular president at this point in his term in modern polling history.

But Biden's problems were pushed off the front page by the political avalanche unleashed by the court's decision.

The passion and political energy behind the pro-choice movement are at a thunderous peak. If the midterms were held today, Democrats would almost certainly outperform their moribund polling.

But the election is not today. It is still four months away, and many things will happen between now and Nov. 3. For one thing, voters will have four months of real-life experience in the post-Roe world.

Read the rest here:

Disturbing thought of the day: Certain people, who are considered by many to be among the most intelligent in the world, actually voted for this man.

If there is anybody who actually approves of what Biden has done, I don't even know what to say about them.

Biden's approval rating craters to 30% after brutal week: poll
How low can he go?

President Biden's approval rating has crashed to just 30%, its lowest mark yet, in a new national poll.

The Civiqs Poll's daily tracking survey of registered voters found less than a third of Americans giving the thumbs-up to Biden's on-the-job performance — and a whopping 57% disapproving.

"Joe Biden's presidency is sinking from a thousand holes in the boat," said GOP consultant Ryan Girdusky.

The poll, released Friday, found Biden deep underwater with voters in every age bracket, every educational level, and both genders. Every one of those groups showed approval rates under 40%, with the youngest voters, age 18 to 34, among the most dissatisfied at a dismal 21%.

In only two states out of 50, deep-blue Hawaii and Vermont, do Biden's supporters outnumber his detractors.

Democrats and black voters are the two groups still in the president's corner, the survey found — and not by much.

Read the rest, here:
The FED should raise rates at least 100 basic points in July. They are far from being able to reduce inflation. The FED is behind the curve and has to raise rates faster and reduce their balance faster.
Everybody is getting on Biden's case: The right, the left, progressive, center, left of center, far right. far left, and especially people from his own party - Democrats. Demonstrations, marches, and civil disobedience are happening in Washington, to demand that he "do something" about the overturning of Roe Vs. Wade.

Thousands turn out for Women's March in D.C. to pressure Biden on abortion rights
The rally aims to pressure President Joe Biden and his administration to declare a national public health emergency on the issue and take executive action to protect abortion rights.

Instead of a mass march similar to the one organized in May following the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion overturning Roe, organizers of the Women's March have described Saturday's demonstrations as "targeted civil disobedience," even hosting trainings for attendees ahead of the event in response to the increased likelihood of arrests.

Hannah Warren traveled from New Jersey to take part in the demonstration Saturday. She joined a training session Friday night before joining crowds in front of the White House Saturday.

"Everyone felt calm. Mad, angry, rageful, yes. But calm," Warren told NBC News.

After demonstrators made it to the White House amid rain, with many wearing green bandanas, they started chanting "bans off our bodies" and "stand up Joe Biden."

A sit-in that lasted about 45 minutes was also set up directly in front of the White House fence.

No arrests had been reported as of early Saturday afternoon.


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