2020 US Presidential Election

One of the best lines I've run across on Trump and the GOP...

The message of all the chuckling about Paul Pelosi is clear: The right believes its enemies have no rights, and no longer sees the need to pretend otherwise. Donald Trump taught the Republican Party that it needn't bother with hypocritical displays of decency, that it can revel in cruelty, transgression and the thrill of violence. Now it's taking that lesson into the first post-Jan. 6 election. The tense calm of the last 20 months has often felt like being in the eye of a hurricane. Now the terrible weather is coming back.​
Come off it, for chrissakes. I highly doubt a single Republican in the entire country wants anything less for the man that attacked Pelosi than for him to be tried, convicted, sentenced, imprisoned, and deported after he is eligible for release.

When Trump was in the White House, I heard many Democrats say that they hoped he would get Covid-19, and some even wished death upon him. I have never heard any Republicans express such cruel and deadly thoughts

Democrats are hypocrites, all of them.

They will be hearing from the voters, in five days, and hopefully, Biden and other Democrats' incredibly bad leadership for the past two years will be brought under better control, as it should be.
I love how the FED is again twisting its language to make it seem like they will raise interest rates less than expected... when actually they are saying the opposite: they will raise rates more than expected, and way over 5%.
Senators from BOTH parties visited Ukraine today and pledged "Robust support". So much for the anti-war Republicans. Watch what they do, not what they say.
If you stand on your head and look, the world isn't quite as upside-down as you thought. Standing on your feet and observing the world, it's a truly messed up situation. I'd say vote and vote the worst of them out.
This thread seriously needs a title change. MODS PLZ HALP!

My suggestion: The Official Politics Thread - Rage Against the Man-Babies
They will be hearing from the voters, in five days, and hopefully, Biden and other Democrats' incredibly bad leadership for the past two years will be brought under better control, as it should be.
Republicans in the last decade have thrived on obstruction. As policymakers, they are one-trick ponies. Their boner for trickle-down economics has proven to be a unmitigated disaster as evident by the staggering wealth gap and shrinking middle class that's transpired in the last 40 years. GOP won't do anything to fix these inequalities. The Democrats leave a lot to be desired too, but the GOP have been a dumpster fire of a party for a long time now.

Republicans want to privatize the last remaining social safety nets we have left. I'll tell you right now, the moment Social Security and Medicare gets gutted in favor of privatization, I'll be leaving the country for good. Sick and tired of corporations/wealthy elites getting what they want and the Democrats barely doing anything to reverse GOP's hard on for deregulation and big business. Biden and his FCC electees STILL haven't reinstated net neutrality yet... like WTF.
There is no politician in the U.S. government that will help the American citizen. It will be interesting to see what happens when the Republicans get in. I'm betting the Ukraine war will rage on with more of our tax money down the rat hole while our own country crumbles before our eyes. It's the uniparty. There aren't two parties, it's an illusion
Senators from BOTH parties visited Ukraine today and pledged "Robust support". So much for the anti-war Republicans. Watch what they do, not what they say.
I can definitely understand the frustration with not getting proper healthcare or free/affordable colleges in this country. And the military spending does seem to be very problematic when so many people struggle immensely inside the US. But let's make no mistake about it, the only thing that is keeping many dangerous dictators from acting too much is the formidable threat of military action by the US.

As it stands right now, the US is probably not very efficient with the money it spends on the military (or anything else really TBH), so you could probably cut it by a lot and still be as powerful. But I'm also under no illusion that many major countries like Russia and especially China are just waiting for the US to lag behind in military research (DARPA), leave their military bases in foreign countries and cut their military power by a significant amount. The US military with all its shortcomings and bad decisions that have led to countless deaths and questionable interventionism is also the one thing that has kept this world much more stable for the past 70 years than it would otherwise be.

Of course, this is definitely no excuse for not having health care and college. But American politics have long been polluted and poisoned well beyond the discussion of fiscal responsibility. That debate has long been over.
Senators from BOTH parties visited Ukraine today and pledged "Robust support". So much for the anti-war Republicans. Watch what they do, not what they say.
The US "supported" Zelensky to provoke this absurd war.

Zelensky has been "tricked" (that's the more favourable way to see it... the other way would be Zelensky is corrupt and has been greased with a ton of money) to think Ukraine is going to be a member of NATO and a member of the EU.

The reality is that neither NATO nor the EU of course want Ukraine as a member. EU citizens have nothing to do with this war and we should not bear any economic consequences stemming from the war.

It is the US who instigated the war and the US is making A TON OF MONEY selling overpriced gas and oil to the EU.

The EU has to wake up and look after its own interests. EU citizens cannot be ripped off every time billionaires from other countries want to make an extra buck.
The hard-core Democrats are bracing themselves for some major Midterm election defeats, today. Many independents and even some Democrats are voting Republican this time, due to inflation, crime, and lack of good leadership in Washington. These issues and more are going to take their toll on the party. Biden recently said that if the Democrats lose both the House and the Senate, it's going to be a "horrible two years". For him, maybe it will be, but he's given us a horrible two years, and what goes around comes around.
The hard-core Democrats are bracing themselves for some major Midterm election defeats, today. Many independents and even some Democrats are voting Republican this time, due to inflation, crime, and lack of good leadership in Washington. These issues and more are going to take their toll on the party. Biden recently said that if the Democrats lose both the House and the Senate, it's going to be a "horrible two years". For him, maybe it will be, but he's given us a horrible two years, and what goes around comes around.
So what would you think that country will be like when panty sniffer gets back in? You people voted these numbnuts in.
So what would you think that country will be like when panty sniffer gets back in? You people voted these numbnuts in.
I have no idea which candidate you are referring to, for the next Presidential Election. Trump was nowhere near as bad a President as Biden has been. I would prefer different choices in 2024, for both parties. In the meantime, Biden and Harris should both be impeached.
So what would you think that country will be like when panty sniffer gets back in? You people voted these numbnuts in.
Panty sniffer? He's still in office haha.


Btw that was the saddest red wave I've ever seen lol.

The only reason that Trump was dumped was because he shot his mouth off and the real people that pull the strings couldn't have that.

Biden can't find his way off the stage, does anyone think he's calling the shots?

Clinton, Obama, Bush, Bush, and Biden are war criminals and some allowed and oversaw torture. Obama increased Bushes' wars from 2 to 7, threw kids in cages long before Trump, and droned thousands of innocent people with his kill list.

As much as I dislike Trump, at least he wasn't a war monger.

Like I said before, we really don't have a choice, it's the uniparty so out of touch with reality that they don't even know we exist and if they do, they hate us.

80 billion down a rat hole to Ukraine, for what? They can only account for 30 percent of the military hardware we gave them, what about the rest? Black market and probably Zelinsky's pocket. To think that our tax dollars are going to the Azov Nazi battalion makes me sick. My old man hit Normandy for what, so I can give my tax dollars to a Nazi battalion.
The US "supported" Zelensky to provoke this absurd war.

Zelensky has been "tricked" (that's the more favourable way to see it... the other way would be Zelensky is corrupt and has been greased with a ton of money) to think Ukraine is going to be a member of NATO and a member of the EU.

The reality is that neither NATO nor the EU of course want Ukraine as a member. EU citizens have nothing to do with this war and we should not bear any economic consequences stemming from the war.

It is the US who instigated the war and the US is making A TON OF MONEY selling overpriced gas and oil to the EU.

The EU has to wake up and look after its own interests. EU citizens cannot be ripped off every time billionaires from other countries want to make an extra buck.
I think he's corrupt and is being well payed for his acting abilities. I think it's a proxy war by NATO and the west to fight Russia. IMHO.
If you stand on your head and look, the world isn't quite as upside-down as you thought. Standing on your feet and observing the world, it's a truly messed up situation. I'd say vote and vote the worst of them out.
Problem is the game is rigged.
Solid mitigation from the Democrats, much better than expected. The Democrats holding onto the governorship of key battleground states like Arizona, Michigan, and Wisconsin is one of the more crucial results. That should reduce any GOP shenanigans for 2024, i.e., redistricting process and gerrymandering.

The possibility of holding onto the Senate and barely losing the House is much better than expected too. John Fetterman (D) wining the Senate race in Pennsylvania is a major blow to the GOP and to Donald Trump. Similar to Trump, Fetterman shitposted his way to victory. That's proving to be an effective strategy, but I think a lot of it depends on who you are running against (you suck Dr. Oz). The GOP must be seething after all the money that went into this election cycle for this supposed 'red wave' that never came to be.

On a side note, the Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade (50 year landmark abortion case) and then Republicans campaigning on that afterwords in an election year has to be one of the more baffling things I've seen as far as electoral strategy and political marketing goes. I'll have whatever these GOPers were smoking please. Big fails.

As it stands, Trump is still rather popular within the Republican Party, but is declining in popularity outside that base. I think his constant nonsensical blabbering about the 2020 'rigged' elections likely has something to do with that. Dude is becoming a parody at this point.
Btw that was the saddest red wave I've ever seen lol.
The forecasts for the past couple weeks were probably inflated by some bad faith pollsters from Republican aligned sources (funded by Republicans too) and mainstream media ate it up for whatever reason. But even then, the final forecasts and its averages were still right on the money and within the margin of error well enough.

They had shit like this:

In the meantime, Biden and Harris should both be impeached.
Democrats retain control of US Senate after win in Nevada

Deep dive. The global housing market is heading for a brutal downturn

The real estate market is heading for A LOT of pain:

The Big Read. The mortgage time bomb ticking beneath Poland's banks

The global real estate bubble is about to burst.

When your local currency is the weak zloty and a "banker" (well... a bank CLERK) tells you to get a mortgage in one of the world's strongest currencies, the Swiss franc haha... WTF!!!

And the borrower is earning a salary in zlotys and paying back a mortgage in Swiss franc that doubled its value against the zloty.

I wonder if these mortgages in foreign currencies where also peddled in Hungary, Turkey and other countries with weak currencies.

The starting paragraphs look promising:

In 2006, Polish couple Marek and Małgorzata Rzewuski bought a house on the outskirts of Warsaw because they were expecting a child and "we wanted more space and our own garden".

Like hundreds of thousands of other Polish homebuyers at the time, they were advised by their bank to get a mortgage in Swiss francs to benefit from lower interest rates in Switzerland than in Poland. Nobody discussed the flip side of introducing a foreign exchange risk into a 30-year mortgage of SFr200,000 ($205,000).

"This was presented as the best opportunity on the market," Marek recalls. "The Swiss franc was very stable and very popular and we knew many people who were doing the same."

Two years later, however, the global financial crisis struck. Investors flocked to the Swiss franc as a haven from the market turmoil, and its value surged against the Polish zloty and other currencies. The franc is now worth more than double its exchange rate of 2 zlotys before the crisis.


I laughed a lot when reading this paragraph on the global housing market downturn:

"It is not clear yet how severe any crash might be. Globally, analysts are optimistic that in most large economies, the conditions of the property market do not suggest as deep a downturn as that experienced during the financial crisis.

Back then, house prices among the most industrialised countries fell by 13 per cent from the peak in 2007 to the lowest point in 2012."

--->>> As a matter of fact, in Spain it was more like a 50% collapse of real estate prices.

So now I understand all the ECB statements on the real estate market! When they say it will go down "by 10 to 15%" they are really meaning prices will drop by 50%.

A question for the Canadians: do you feel this statement is true?

"The US housing market is "evaporating," says Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody's Analytics. Paul Ashworth, chief US economist at Capital Economics, echoes this view, saying housing activity "has been absolutely decimated."

Figures for Toronto are even more dramatic. The Canadian city reported a 96 per cent nosedive in single family home sales and an 89 per cent fall for condos."
Solid mitigation from the Democrats, much better than expected. The Democrats holding onto the governorship of key battleground states like Arizona, Michigan, and Wisconsin is one of the more crucial results. That should reduce any GOP shenanigans for 2024, i.e., redistricting process and gerrymandering.

The possibility of holding onto the Senate and barely losing the House is much better than expected too. John Fetterman (D) wining the Senate race in Pennsylvania is a major blow to the GOP and to Donald Trump. Similar to Trump, Fetterman shitposted his way to victory. That's proving to be an effective strategy, but I think a lot of it depends on who you are running against (you suck Dr. Oz). The GOP must be seething after all the money that went into this election cycle for this supposed 'red wave' that never came to be.

On a side note, the Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade (50 year landmark abortion case) and then Republicans campaigning on that afterwords in an election year has to be one of the more baffling things I've seen as far as electoral strategy and political marketing goes. I'll have whatever these GOPers were smoking please. Big fails.

As it stands, Trump is still rather popular within the Republican Party, but is declining in popularity outside that base. I think his constant nonsensical blabbering about the 2020 'rigged' elections likely has something to do with that. Dude is becoming a parody at this point.

The forecasts for the past couple weeks were probably inflated by some bad faith pollsters from Republican aligned sources (funded by Republicans too) and mainstream media ate it up for whatever reason. But even then, the final forecasts and its averages were still right on the money and within the margin of error well enough.

They had shit like this:
View attachment 52057

View attachment 52056
During Biden's campaign, in October 2020, he said that Trump was not fit to be the President, because there were 220,000 COVID-19 deaths. He promised to end it. Within about one and a half years, there were more than 600,000 additional deaths. Does that smiling old man that you showed in the photo have even one shred of humanity decency in him? If he did, he would apologize to the country and the world, and resign for his failures.

Trump never promised to end COVID-19, but he at least was able to get the drugs produced ahead of schedule. If Biden had been president at that time, it would have taken much longer but, of course, we can't prove that and those with TDS will deny it.

For the record, once again, I did not vote for Trump in 2016, only in 2020 when Biden was the Democratic candidate.

How people can look at Biden and see a politician who is in any way capable of leading this country on the correct path, is beyond my ability to comprehend.
COVID-19 has been dominating the headlines over the last couple of years, but for the age group 18-39 - there's an even deadlier epidemic in the United States: the Fentanyl epidemic.

Donald Trump is half the reason why the Republicans did not do well. For half of the other 50% - who own homes, investments and IRAs - think that the economy will return to normal. It won't unless free money giving to the healthy is controlled. The homeless, disabled and elderly are not getting the help that they need. In the last two years, federal disability approval for tinnitus has become more difficult to get.

Biotech investment has been good. Traders that invest in organ drug treatment clinical trials could be up 500% to 1000% this year. Biotech traders investing in drug delivery that requires a procedure are down on average of 20% this year. Oil was a good investment with dividends, because of a sad depressed supply chain. Twitter was one of my more risky investments, but finally Musk gave me some of his money.
My old man hit Normandy for what
My dad did also. Since the wars after that, I wonder how some politicians sleep at night. I wonder how little is being done about crime, unless it affects someone with money and influence.

I would like to see someone with the consciousness of John Mackey, founder and now just retired CEO of Whole Foods Market, run for President. Mackey expressed his fear of a rising presence of socialism in the US.
First there was the boy who cried wolf. Then there was the boy(s) and girl(s) who cried election fraud.
Democrats retain control of US Senate after win in Nevada
Thanks for the update @Juan. Looks like big voter turnout for the Democrats (young voters delivered) and winning independent voters helped them big time.

Some key takeaways from this midterm for me:
  • The overturning of Roe v. Wade mobilized Democrats to go out and vote. Voter turnout favored Democrats.
  • Many Trump backed election deniers lost their races in key state offices. A clear indication of how incredibly unappealing this 'rigged' election rhetoric is to voters (especially for independents).
  • Republican Party have no real policy goals other than obstruction and tax cuts for the rich.
  • Republicans have no idea how to deal with Trump.
  • Under the right circumstance, shitposting can be an effective campaign strategy. Ex: Fetterman vs Oz.
  • Dark Brandon strikes again:
He promised to end it.
The issue is you took what he said at face value literally. The dude was running for office when he said that. You should expect campaign rhetoric of that nature in a presidential election year. Trump promised us a lot of things too like a 'beautiful' new healthcare system when he was running for office. We never got it, but I knew it was never going to happen from the start. Campaign rhetoric, however eye-catching, is never a guaranteed when they do get elected into office.
Trump never promised to end COVID-19, but he at least was able to get the drugs produced ahead of schedule. If Biden had been president at that time, it would have taken much longer but, of course, we can't prove that and those with TDS will deny it.
Our pandemic response was always going to be messy from the start. If you want to blame the pandemic response entirely on Biden, I won't stop you. But you do realize that our system of federalism needs to be taken into account here, right? You can't really blame Biden entirely when the handling of COVID-19 was done under a decentralized response which is how US government typically works. Much of the pandemic response was left up to state/local leaders and each state implemented their own policies (mostly uncoordinated) to try to suppress the virus. There are limitations on federal government's ability to carry out its policies because state governments have their own executive branches in the form of governors. It would be an obstacle for any President to 'end COVID-19'.

Besides, I thought you conservatives were in favor of states' rights anyhow? Not a good look when you guys can't even stick to your own principles.

In the end, we did all we could against COVID-19.
How people can look at Biden and see a politician who is in any way capable of leading this country on the correct path, is beyond my ability to comprehend.
Lay off the Fox News for a bit. They cloud your judgment. We've had the most productive Congress (117th) in the last two decades under Biden. And because of that, Biden has had massive legislative wins of the likes his predecessors (Obama, Trump) could only dream of. IRA, CHIPS, major gun safety bill, infrastructure bill. Definitely not all perfect, but at least we finally seeing some productivity in government rather than obstruction.
  • The overturning of Roe v. Wade mobilized Democrats to go out and vote. Voter turnout favored Democrats.
  • Many Trump backed election deniers lost their races in key state offices. A clear indication of how incredibly unappealing this 'rigged' election rhetoric is to voters (especially for independents).
  • Republican Party have no real policy goals other than obstruction and tax cuts for the rich.
  • Republicans have no idea how to deal with Trump.
My personal feeling is that Trump is done and over.

Trump can feel lucky if he doesn't end up in prison... he got away with too many dark stuff during his career as a "businessman"... he is a political corpse.

The average voter cannot really support a clown that attempted a coup d'état and then chickened out when the whole thing failed.
The FED is being too slow to implement QT and reduce its balance sheet, including the hefty amount it keeps in MBS, this is, the safety net that, for now, is preventing a complete and total collapse of real estate prices.
I would guess most Democrats speak and look just like John Fetterman (about 7 feet tall with a goatee). At least the Republicans took the House and will be able to possibly give some payback for Biden and his cronies for lunatic policies regarding important matters to most Americans. Crazy Liz Cheney is done and Nancy Pelosi will be soon. Good riddance for sure.

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