2020 US Presidential Election

So to be clear, everyone that supports Trump agrees with his edict to avoid the constitution, right?
Not necessarily. A person can support a candidate without agreeing with everything they say or do. What exactly is the wording of this edict?
Labeling those people who "stormed" the capitol Trumpers is an effort by our own government to divide the poor and working class. Guess what, it's working. My dad said a long time ago to not look down on people unless you're admiring their shoes.
Newt Gingrich: Biden willing to sell out America to make Europe happy
Newt Gingrich: Made in America to Biden is a slogan and not a policy.
The question is who's really in charge?
Labeling those people who "stormed" the capitol Trumpers is an effort by our own government to divide the poor and working class.
I don't know. It seems to me that those who stormed the Capitol don't believe in the U.S. Constitution. And Trump has just tweeted out he believes all rules, laws, and articles pertaining to elections should be suspended, even those in the Constitution.

Doesn't that make ALL of them Trumpers, you know, the ones who don't believe in the Constitution? I sometimes wonder what it takes for people to see Trump and his most fervent followers for who they are. They're telling us loud and clear. Shouldn't we start listening to them?
How 'bout "eviscerate" the constitution?
Trump never said that, a columnist did.

The media, Democrats, and a fair amount of Republicans had it in for Trump, before he even got the nomination - and set out to destroy his presidency from the beginning, doing whatever they felt was necessary.

Despite the problems of impeachments and COVID-19, the nation did at least as well under Trump, as it would have under any average president, certainly better than we have, under Biden IMHO.
I don't know. It seems to me that those who stormed the Capitol don't believe in the U.S. Constitution. And Trump has just tweeted out he believes all rules, laws, and articles pertaining to elections should be suspended, even those in the Constitution.

Doesn't that make ALL of them Trumpers, you know, the ones who don't believe in the Constitution? I sometimes wonder what it takes for people to see Trump and his most fervent followers for who they are. They're telling us loud and clear. Shouldn't we start listening to them?
Maybe they believe it's their constitutional right to overthrow a government that is no longer of the people, by the people, and for the people?
Maybe they believe it's their constitutional right to overthrow a government that is no longer of the people, by the people, and for the people?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds as if you're all for seditious conspiracy. This would be the same charge that two so called "oak keepers" were convicted of this past week, and for which they're now facing up to as much as 20 years in prison. It's also the same charge that is being considered by the Justice Dept. against Trump himself. Why people are willing to throw their lives away for such a dishonest, reprehensible, narcissistic, New York conman is clearly beyond me.
Do "oak keepers" hoard oak trees? I suppose they burn the wood for heating their homes.
Why people are willing to throw their lives away for such a dishonest, reprehensible, narcissistic, New York conman is clearly beyond me
I thought Joe Biden was from Pennsylvania, not New York? I think "the big man"could be in a lot of trouble with recently released Twitter statements made available by Elon Musk. The Biden's appear to be very corrupt from what I've heard so far.
.....Why people are willing to throw their lives away for such a dishonest, reprehensible, narcissistic, New York conman is clearly beyond me.
I do not think that anybody expected to get 20 years for entering that building. If they did, it means that they had the courage of their convictions.

What kind of President do you want, somebody akin to Mr. Rogers? Do you have any idea of the absolute scum that represents the leadership of much of the world? Trump is a tough businessman that has spent his entire life dealing with real estate businesses, unions, the entertainment industry, the gambling industry, sports events, casinos, organized crime, corrupt politicians, and much more.

We had no invasion of Ukraine while Trump was in office because Putin was afraid of him. The economy was better, inflation was non-existent, unemployment was extremely low, African American employment levels were the highest in history, crime was low, and if it wasn't for COVID-19 and other unfortunate events such as the BLM riots that were not Trump's fault, and perhaps a better election process, he would have been elected again in 2020.

Now we have somebody who has been very successful at making America worse, which was and still is the goal of those who are behind him, pulling the strings. Harris, who is next in line if Biden is unable to perform his duties, is completely unqualified to handle anything above a very simple, rote clerical position. If or when she has to deal with inflation, food shortages, disease, North Korea, Iran, China, and Putin, it will become very clear that Trump should have been elected.
I don't know. It seems to me that those who stormed the Capitol don't believe in the U.S. Constitution. And Trump has just tweeted out he believes all rules, laws, and articles pertaining to elections should be suspended, even those in the Constitution.

Doesn't that make ALL of them Trumpers, you know, the ones who don't believe in the Constitution? I sometimes wonder what it takes for people to see Trump and his most fervent followers for who they are. They're telling us loud and clear. Shouldn't we start listening to them?
Your assumptions are correct. Trump and those rioters on January 6 don't believe in the U.S. Constitution. The events leading up to January 6th along with the Capitol attacks itself showed that.

If I may refresh people's memory:
  • Trump made the baseless claim of wide spread voter fraud after Biden was projected to win 2020 elections.
  • Trump was given a chance to be heard by the courts under DUE PROCESS, a right granted to us by the Constitution.
  • Trump gets laughed out of court after failing to produce genuine evidence of wide spread voter fraud.
  • Trump continues to peddle this false claim after countless fails to overturn election results.
  • Trump organizes a rally for January 6th (the day of counting electoral votes officially), demanding former Vice President, Mike Pence to reject election results.
  • Pence rejects Trump's false claim and becomes 'traitor' Pence in the eyes of the mob.
  • Mob were chanting 'hang Mike Pence' as they made their way to the Capitol building.

It's mind-boggling how anyone could support those January 6 rioters. And labeling them as Trumpers is correct. The makeup of the rioters who raided the Capitol building were either election deniers, far right anti-government militias, Qanon crazies, conservative evangelical Christians, or a combination of these together. All fanatical supporters of Trump with no regard for our institutions nor US Constitution.
Maybe they believe it's their constitutional right to overthrow a government that is no longer of the people, by the people, and for the people?
The Q shaman approves.


And speaking of Qanon, could any Trumpers here fill me in on what's the latest with that fringe group? I lost contact with those lunatics after Biden became President, but I know they've sadly been gaining some traction amongst the American populace.

If I recall, these nutjobs believe the world is run by a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles. This cabal includes top Democrats like President Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Obama and George Soros as well as a number of Hollywood celebrities and entertainers like Oprah Winfrey, Tom Hanks and religious figures like Pope Francis and the Dalai Lama. Furthermore, in addition to molesting children, the members in this cabal kill and eat their victims to extract a life-extending chemical called adrenochrome.

And can anyone guess who their lord and savior is?
That's right, The DONALD. They say Donald Trump was recruited by top military generals to run for president in 2016 to break up this criminal conspiracy and bring its members to justice. Trump has been fighting this cabal in secrecy.

Qanon nutcases like the Q shaman above is the kind of mind Trump attracts. Imagine wanting these idiotic cultists to topple governments. If these are people you want to see overthrow governments, then you've lost the plot.
Joe Biden (The Big Guy) caused a fraudulent election by suppressing evidence to Facebook and Twitter. Elon Musk released the corruption with Twitter files and emails. Now we'll see how everything pans out from here. The Biden family are the real crooks in many different ways. Elon Musk is just exposing the truth.

Watch Fox News or NewsMax instead of the MSM.
Europe should just by Russian oil... simple as that. Europeans are bearing crazy inflation and that useless Lagarde and her useless ECB do nothing to contain inflation.

Actually the ECB and the Federal Reserve have fuelled a global housing bubble. Their policy errors during the last 10 years has produced crazy prices.

Oil tanker jam forms off Turkey after start of Russian oil cap
Thanks for confirming my suspicion regarding Trump supporters. Please hand in your citizen credentials since you don't believe in the Republic or Democracy.
Many people did better under Trump? No way, I love paying $5 for bread and double for meat. Trump allowed me to purchase more food and just end up eating more. Biden for the win!
The economy was better, inflation was non-existent, unemployment was extremely low, African American employment levels were the highest in history,
Obama started his presidency during the financial crisis and by the end of his 2 terms, the country was well past the point of a full recovery. So Trump basically inherited a recovered economy well on its way to growth. But in typical Trump fashion, he took full credit for it and constantly bragged about it. But there's no denying it though, he did provide a short term boost to the economy by passing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 ala Trump Tax Cuts. He increased Corporate profits for shareholders and gave individuals more money to spend. Those tax breaks were more lucrative for everyone in the first 2 years of the bill's enactment. In the long term, the tax breaks start to benefit the middle class and working class less and less. Trump's tax cuts and spending has increased the federal debt (in the trillions) and that's going to eventually weigh down the economy. Trump's tax cuts were basically a 'sugar high' boost to the economy and its effects would wean off shortly. There was no long term planning.

If Trump was serving his 2nd term right now, we'd likely be in the same situation that we are in now.
Joe Biden (The Big Guy) caused a fraudulent election by suppressing evidence to Facebook and Twitter.
I can't make sense of this.

If you're talking about the 2020 elections, then it was by the far the most secured election. Again, Trump filed many lawsuits that were quickly dismissed in federal and state courts. Election officials in each state also refuted his claims of voter fraud. And even Trump's own officials in the Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) at the time confirmed the elections were secured. By that point, he was making a mockery of our institutions. What a man baby.
Watch Fox News or NewsMax instead of the MSM.
Fox News is considered MSM. And they were one of the first ones to project Biden winning Pennsylvania btw, and thereby winning the presidency.

And I have to say, as much as I despise Fox News for what they are, when it comes time for Election Day, their pollsters are top notch and deliver the goods. Their exit polls are masterfully worded and pretty much give us a good idea who is going to win which seat.

Back in 2012, my Professor worked at Fox News as a pollster and he brought me and a few other students to Fox News as interns on the day of Election Day. We saw those pollsters go to work and one of them was giving us accurate predictions of who was going to win which seat based on the polling data (exit polls) that they were receiving on the spot. They later told us Obama was going to win Ohio and they were right. I'm not sure how well Fox News pollsters fare now, but a decade ago they were excellent (like my Professor at the time).
Listen to Rand Paul and Ron Johnson. Rand Paul had a clip on Fox News yesterday if you google him. Actually my left ear is screaming when I woke up and that is my main concern right now. You can think what you want about Trump or Biden. Trump isn't perfect for sure but he's not a career politician like Biden. Trump at least listened to the people. Biden won't even go to the border or listen to Governor Abbott or DeSantis. He is also mentally impaired.

I just listen to whomever makes the most sense to me that's all. I do watch a lot of NewsMax and some of Fox News, so they influence me the most. I'm on this forum more for my tinnitus than politics discussion. This thread is too divisive anyway and none of us individually are going to affect anything. I never even followed politics much at all until recently. Most of the people I know are pro-life and think the southern border situation is serious. Biden and Harris are a joke and from what I've heard are even influencing the FBI.
Obama started his presidency during the financial crisis and by the end of his 2 terms, the country was well past the point of a full recovery. So Trump basically inherited a recovered economy well on its way to growth. But in typical Trump fashion, he took full credit for it and constantly bragged about it. But there's no denying it though, he did provide a short term boost to the economy by passing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 ala Trump Tax Cuts. He increased Corporate profits for shareholders and gave individuals more money to spend. Those tax breaks were more lucrative for everyone in the first 2 years of the bill's enactment. In the long term, the tax breaks start to benefit the middle class and working class less and less. Trump's tax cuts and spending has increased the federal debt (in the trillions) and that's going to eventually weigh down the economy. Trump's tax cuts were basically a 'sugar high' boost to the economy and its effects would wean off shortly. There was no long term planning.

If Trump was serving his 2nd term right now, we'd likely be in the same situation that we are in now.
Like I said, Biden for the win!
I just listen to whomever makes the most sense to me that's all. I do watch a lot of NewsMax and some of Fox News, so they influence me the most. I'm on this forum more for my tinnitus than politics discussion. This thread is too divisive anyway and none of us individually are going to affect anything. I never even followed politics much at all until recently.
I understand where you are coming from. It's not like people's minds are going to be changed anyway. When it comes to politics, we're all stuck in our own ways, myself included.

Hoping that spike in your left ear settles down for you soon, sir.
Like I said, Biden for the win!
Wrong, Herschel Walker for the win!
Both Biden and Trump are too old to run for president in 2024. If Biden runs and wins, we better hope that Harris is not his VP, because the odds are not very good for his being able to remain in office until 2028.
Two Trump organizations were found guilty of tax fraud and other crimes, in a New York court. The chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, is expected to be sentenced to five months in prison. Nothing will happen to Trump or any of his family members, and this case cannot prevent him from running for President in 2024.

Trump Organization found guilty on all charges in tax fraud trial in New York
I see Trump going to jail soon. The chap has been avoiding jail all his life despite all his wrongdoings. He's a professional of bankruptcy who has left the US in shambles. All the mistakes of his mandate are evident now. Printing money non-stop, dictating the FED what to do... all wrong, all mistakes that now need to be amended, and the consequences are evident, the economic pain, the rampant inflation.

Trump Organization convicted of tax fraud in Manhattan trial
Trump's lawyers turned over some classified documents, from a Florida storage facility, which Trump has never been to. The former President has cooperated with all investigations and claims that he has done nothing wrong. So far, there is no evidence that he has not been telling the truth as he understands it. Trump was the President of the United States for four years and had special privileges which all presidents have had, regarding documents.

Over the past six or seven years, there have been numerous attempts to "get" him, and none have yet been successful. Why don't the Democrats just forget about him, and try to find a good candidate, other than Biden or Harris, to run in the 2024 Presidential Election which will be happening before long?

Additional items marked classified found in Trump storage unit
A search for documents at various Trump properties turned up two documents marked classified in a Florida storage facility, sources confirmed to NBC News.
This has to be a joke: the ECB personnel, those guys who underestimated inflation, who cooked data, and who said it would be "temporary" now are complaining about the inflation they underestimated and demanding a pay rise:

ECB staff in pay dispute to hold talks about potential strike

It would be great if the ECB went on strike, as that institution, the ECB, is the disgrace of Europe: Lagarde and Guindos should be fired and the ECB personnel should take a big pay cut for all the damage they've done.

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