2020 US Presidential Election

Dark Brandon showed up at the SOTU and mops the floor with the lost and helpless Republicans. Biden bounded through a speech that acknowledged the nation's struggles while remaining unerringly optimistic. He went off script regularly, parrying Republican lawmakers who heckled him, at one point backing the whole party into a corner and getting them to swear to protect Medicare and Social Security benefits. What a win!

Ol' Joe, at the ripe age of 80, came out with plenty vim and vigor and proceeded to mop the House floor with the howling, discombobulated remains of the Republican Party. They ran at him like a pack of lemmings and, with a wink and a grin, he politely directed them to the cliff.

Biden talked about a boom in infrastructure projects and his 300+ pieces of bipartisan legislation signed. Republicans kept quiet. Biden quipped, "I'll see you at the groundbreaking." Biden said the unemployment rate is the lowest it has been in decades. Some offered tepid applause while others kept quiet. If you don't cheer for democracy, improved infrastructure and a low unemployment rate, people are going to wonder whose team you're on.

The Republican lawmakers' unwillingness to applaud popular accomplishments that help people, coupled with repeated acts of childish heckling that Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, seated behind Biden, tried and failed to shush, showed how weak and devoid of ideas their party has become.

When the president was speaking about a man who lost his child to a fentanyl overdose, Republicans began shouting him down, one yelling, "It's your fault!" Biden responded by asking them to join him and launch "a major surge" to stop fentanyl production and provide border agents with "more drug detection machines to inspect cargo."

That, of course, shut the Republicans up, because they don't want to consider a solution, they just want to have something to holler and complain about.

The midterm elections showed clearly that the American people are not buying the kind of performative outrage Republicans are selling. But on Tuesday night, while the older guy they routinely describe as "senile" was energetically promoting hope and ideas that might make the country a better place, performative outrage was, again, all GOP lawmakers had.
Appreciate the kind words. I sometimes have this sense of obligation to push back on any BS assumptions, half truths, or flat out lies that gets propagated whenever I see it because if we let their preconceived notions or misjudged beliefs slide, then it will be used in arguments and passed off as definitive fact. Best to challenge it and stop them in their tracks. It's kinda like James Randi lol.

But truth be told, mopping up people in political debates is a pastime of mine. I don't mind :blackalien:
Did you vote for Biden too? Everything went wrong in the past 2 years under Biden. The Republicans never said they would drop Medicare and Social Security. Why did Biden even bring this up last night when it's a blatant lie. I'm glad we got Kevin McCarthy as Speaker as he listens to the American people.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who is the new governor of Arkansas, gave a good response to Biden's State of the Union speech.

I believe she referred to the Democrats as a bunch of "crazies" versus the Republicans as normal people. Her father is a former governor of Arkansas and also a pastor.

No offense to the Democrats on this forum. I actually haven't voted for years except for 2020 and 2022.
He went off script regularly, parrying Republican lawmakers who heckled him, at one point backing the whole party into a corner and getting them to swear to protect Medicare and Social Security benefits. What a win!
This was the best moment in Biden's SOTU address last night. I've never seen such a smooth and witty reverse psychology so effortlessly delivered. He lays down a trap and the GOP fell right into it lol. Masterclass.

And everyone is telling us he's senile and has dementia. Go figure.

The GOP will still try to cut though.
This was the best moment in Biden's SOTU address last night. I've never seen such a smooth and witty reverse psychology so effortlessly delivered. He lays down a trap and the GOP fell right into it lol. Masterclass.

And everyone is telling us he's senile and has dementia. Go figure.

The GOP will still try to cut though.
Even if you voted for him, how can you be content with the last 2 years under the Biden administration? Elon Musk had been a Democrat for years and changed to a Republican after he had seen the corruption in Twitter favoring the Democrats. The FBI shouldn't be sending Twitter 3.4 million dollars to censure free speech, as that is totally against the 1st Ammendment.
This was the best moment in Biden's SOTU address last night. I've never seen such a smooth and witty reverse psychology so effortlessly delivered. He lays down a trap and the GOP fell right into it lol. Masterclass.

And everyone is telling us he's senile and has dementia. Go figure.

The GOP will still try to cut though.
I agree with you; it definitely was the high point of the speech. Sleepy Joe turned Dark Brandon and completely snookered them. Now they can't use Social Security and Medicare as leverage for their debt limit negotiations.

Biden for the win!
Did you vote for Biden too.
I'm not telling you nothing other than Andrew Yang is my guy.

But I'll have you know, I live in the state of NY. It is an uncontested blue state which means the Democratic presidential candidate is favored heavily there. NY state will award all 29 electoral votes to a Democratic presidential nominee 99% of the time. Voting for a presidential candidate that's not a Democrat in New York is a fruitless endeavor and a waste of time. It's one of the drawbacks of having a winner-take-all system, more so when political parties are factored into the equation. Everyone knows it's the swing states that are far more important for presidential elections.
Everything went wrong in the past 2 years under Biden.
You are a victim of partisan mass hysteria and rhetorical hyperbole. Step outside your tribalistic bubble for a bit.

Biden's definitely not perfect, but he's also done some real good for the country. While his policy on immigration has been weak and Afghanistan was handled very poorly, Biden's the only president in the last decade who's racked up big legislative victories. The CHIPS Act is a big winner for us. It's a 'MAGA' inspired bill, why aren't you celebrating with joy? Granted, you won't see the effects of this legislation right now because it's going to time to build those semiconductor plants, but once they're up and running, it's going to be a beautiful (Trump's favorite word) thing to see.

IRA is another great bill in the sense that it's trying to make America into an industrial center of the clean technology revolution. By investing more in this technology, this will lead to more sources of energy which will mean lower energy costs. Making America great requires long term planning and Biden understands this. It's not all black and white.
The Republicans never said they would drop Medicare and Social Security.
Huh, Republicans have always floated with the idea of cutting medicare and social security in favor of privatizing it. This is nothing new lol. But definitely not all Republicans.
So I've skimmed through Scalise's bullet points and while a few of them might have some merit, the majority of his points has me rolling my eyes.
Thanks to President Biden's out-of-control spending and destructive economic policies, inflation has reached its highest level in 40 years, with the Consumer Price Index rising by 7.5 percent from January 2020 to January 2021.
Inflation peaked around 9% in June 2022 and has since fallen to a little higher than 6% since. Inflation has been going down. This bit of information was left out.
Ever since President Biden abandoned Americans in Afghanistan, Putin believes that he will do nothing to help the Ukrainian people against a Russian invasion.
President Biden's bad energy policies have emboldened Moscow to expand its energy foothold throughout Europe.
Putin's aggression toward Ukraine can be traced directly back to President Biden's far-left energy policies that have limited American energy production and made the United States more reliant on countries, like Russia, for oil.

If you're going to demonstrate to me how Biden has ruined this country in a span of 2 years which is a very bold claim to make, try using some actual data instead, rather than having to rely on a well known partisan hack to do your bidding.
I'm glad we got Kevin McCarthy as Speaker as he listens to the Freedom Caucus.
The FBI shouldn't be sending Twitter 3.4 million dollars to censure free speech, as that is totally against the 1st Ammendment.
I haven't been up to date with this whole Twitter drama thing. So I can't really comment much. Would you care to go into the specifics? What exactly was the FBI trying to 'censure'? And how has this been proven? It seems like you're not giving me the full story here. You could also be conflating different things here. I know the FBI has Twitter accounts. They are allowed to flag any accounts that they feel violates Twitter's terms of service just like everyone else. It's up to Twitter if they want act on it. Secondly, under the Stored Communication act, the FBI can request confidential information from Twitter. Companies can demand compensation for disclosing information to government agencies which likely explains the 3.4 million dollar amount Twitter received. Seems like this censorship you speak off and the money they got from the FBI are completely unrelated with one another.

And FYI, the 1st Amendment protects people from government action, not from corporations. Unfortunately, the first amendment does not prohibit companies from restricting free speech. You can thank conservative judges and corporate shills for that. I personally think it's bullshit because corporations already have enough power as it is. Oh well...

The topic on whether Twitter should be considered a public utility is an interesting debate too. The main reason government controls public utilities is because it is a vital function to our way of life. Think electricity, gas, and water. Should twitter be included? Not something I want to get into right now, but personally, I hate social media and wish they were all gone, Twitter included. It's has had a negative impact on society.

Nonetheless, it's funny seeing Republicans calling for government regulation on companies. I thought pro business and limited government was their motto...
@ZFire, right now my head is too noisy to think straight. You should watch The House Oversight Committee chaired by James Comer. You probably listen to the talking heads on the left while I listen to the sensible people on the right like Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
I actually thought Hillary would be a good presidential candidate in 2016 as she could lean on Bill, but I did not vote. Then when Trump won I thought he did a good job at listening to the people and had decent press conferences. I decided I liked his policies for the most part. Why fix something that ain't broke? I don't like most of Biden's policies. He reversed most of Trump's good ones on his very first day.
You should watch The House Oversight Committee chaired by James Comer
Thanks. I'll definitely take a look at their sessions. It's one of the top committees in the House after all.
@ZFire. You probably listen to the talking heads on the left while I listen to the sensible people on the right like Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
I don't follow CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News at all. I sometimes read the New York Times and Wall Street Journal. The Hill is my go to news source. It's where I keep myself up to date with the latest in politics. And don't forget C-SPAN!

I don't follow much talking heads either. I like listening to Krystal Ball (she's cute) and Saagar Enjeti (a conservative) from Breaking Points. I don't necessarily agree with everything they have to say, but I find them both sensible despite being polar opposites on the political spectrum.

Not really talking heads, but I also like listen to Bill Maher, Bret Weinstein, and Steven Kenneth Bonnell (goes by the name of Destiny also). I watch the Joe Rogan show from time to time as well.
I'm not telling you nothing other than Andrew Yang is my guy.

But I'll have you know, I live in the state of NY. It is an uncontested blue state which means the Democratic presidential candidate is favored heavily there. NY state will award all 29 electoral votes to a Democratic presidential nominee 99% of the time. Voting for a presidential candidate that's not a Democrat in New York is a fruitless endeavor and a waste of time. It's one of the drawbacks of having a winner-take-all system, more so when political parties are factored into the equation. Everyone knows it's the swing states that are far more important for presidential elections.
I'm in Minnesota, and it's a blue state like New York, so I guess my vote doesn't matter much if I vote Republican. It's a about 60% Democrat. Recently Minnesota passed an extreme abortion law that many protesters were against. I have a friend that is extremely pro-life and he was very upset with the ruling. We have a slight majority of Democrats in the Minnesota Senate and a Democratic governor.
You are a victim of partisan mass hysteria and rhetorical hyperbole. Step outside your tribalistic bubble for a bit.
Maybe so, but he sure isn't doing much about the southern border and all the Fentanyl deaths. Biden can be blamed for a lot of those deaths. Texas is building more wall itself as its governor declared the massive illegal migrants an invasion. I'll have to look into what Biden accomplished so far in his 2 years as President versus the damage he caused.

I know the majority of Americans aren't happy with him or election integrity in this country. I'm quite sure there was some funny business going on in the Arizona governor election. I personally think Katie Hobbs pulled a bunch of shenanigans on election day. Kari Lake is taking her case to the Arizona Supreme Court I believe.
You are a victim of partisan mass hysteria and rhetorical hyperbole. Step outside your tribalistic bubble for a bit
The same can be said for you I guess, but I don't see any reason to use your words unless you are being provocative or you see yourself as superior in some manner. I never hear wording you use on conservative media or MSM for that matter. You sound a bit like @Jammer.
Donald Trump's Facbook and Twitter accounts have been reinsated. Notice that the last time he was on Facebook was Jan. 6, 2021, the day of the capital riot. As shown here, he promoted peaceful behavior.

"I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!"

"Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!"

In a tight labor market, some states look to another type of worker: children
"Bills advancing in the Iowa and Minnesota state legislatures would roll back child workplace protections to address worker shortages."
WaPo.com, 02/11/23

The Iowa measure would allow 14- and 15-year-olds to work certain jobs in meatpacking plants, introduced by state Sen. Jason Schultz (R), would permit children as young as 14 to work in industrial freezers and meat coolers ...

Our meat packing industry—always in the vanguard, providing employment opportunities to our recent immigrants, no matter how young, bless them. Imagine our mining industry will quickly follow their lead. Good thing we have beat back our unionized labor movement, those godless commies.

Oh well. Maybe if we put children back to work in industry it will justify lowering the age of the national franchise from 18 to 14 y/o.
In a tight labor market, some states look to another type of worker: children
"Bills advancing in the Iowa and Minnesota state legislatures would roll back child workplace protections to address worker shortages."
WaPo.com, 02/11/23

The Iowa measure would allow 14- and 15-year-olds to work certain jobs in meatpacking plants, introduced by state Sen. Jason Schultz (R), would permit children as young as 14 to work in industrial freezers and meat coolers ...

Our meat packing industry—always in the vanguard, providing employment opportunities to our recent immigrants, no matter how young, bless them. Imagine our mining industry will quickly follow their lead. Good thing we have beat back our unionized labor movement, those godless commies.

Oh well. Maybe if we put children back to work in industry it will justify lowering the age of the national franchise from 18 to 14 y/o.
I don't know what this has to do with the presidential elections, but it's a good idea.

Allowing teenagers to work in industries will help to make young people more mature and responsible. Nobody is talking about a 40 hour or more work week for 15 year olds, it's only part time, but of course school is their main priority. It can't hurt, and they'll be glad, later in life, that they had this experience.
I'm in Minnesota, and it's a blue state like New York, so I guess my vote doesn't matter much if I vote Republican. It's an about 60% Democrat. Recently Minnesota passed an extreme abortion law that many protesters were against. I have a friend that is extremely pro-life and he was very upset with the ruling. We have a slight majority of Democrats in the Minnesota Senate and a Democratic governor.
Just to be clear, when I say it's the votes in the battleground states (swing) that matter more, I'm talking about presidential elections exclusively. Electors have to cast their electoral votes. Blue and Red states are pretty much locked in to give each respective presidential candidate for each party their electoral votes. The purple states (swing) hold the balance of power to determine which presidential candidate will get elected. Think Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Your vote obviously holds more weight on a local and state level. Also on a federal level too when casting a vote for a candidate running for House for example. You can have a congressperson representing a district whose voting record and party aligns with that person, but the district differs completely with the overall voting pattern of the whole state. Look at any congressional map for any red or blue state, you will always see a combination of blue and red districts in each state (ignoring population size at the moment). Congressional districts are a good showcase of how a democratic republic is suppose to work.
The same can be said for you I guess, but I don't see any reason to use your words unless you are being provocative or you see yourself as superior in some manner. I never hear wording you use on conservative media or MSM for that matter. You sound a bit like @Jammer.
The rules I've always go by—wait for the facts to come out and make my conclusions based on said facts without having to rely on mainstream media telling us what to think or how to react. NewsMax engages in hyperbole for most Biden related stories.

In today's heavily polarized world, I would be considered somewhere in the middle. Four things I like in US governance: Common sense, compromise, productivity, and fairness. If you can do this, I will commend it. Conservatives in Congress are currently obstructionists. It's all they ever want to do nowadays as opposed to coming up with good legislation that helps working class people. Can you recall any meaningful legislation that's ever been proposed by them in recent time? All they have are tax cuts that mostly benefit the rich.

I've criticized plenty on the left btw. Mostly the far left lunatics who are obsessed with stuff like intersectionality, critical theories, 'equity', outrage culture, and whatever other postmodern garbage that's infecting their minds today. They fully oppose meritocracy which is bizarre.

Cancel culture is dumb as rocks and I side-eye anyone with an extreme Marxist bent. They are not to be taken seriously. These people are indoctrinated by a new religion called 'wokeism' and you can see how this ideology is already having an impact in the real world like the workplace for instance. Ever taken a mandatory sensitivity training course at work? Very cringe.
Koch Political Machine Vows to Fight to Deny Trump GOP Nomination in 2024
The Koch political machine, which fuels the most powerful donor network in conservative politics, is declaring itself as part of the NeverTrump effort for 2024, aiming to deny former President Donald Trump a third nomination for the White House.
The declaration, released in a recent memo to staffers and activists, never explicitly mentions Trump, but it's abundantly clear from the tone in Americans for Prosperity CEO Emily Seidel's message that the grassroots behemoth she leads has no plans of being a passive player in Republican politics when it comes to the White House. "Our country must move past the current political situation—we've got to turn the page on the past several years," she wrote. "If we want to elect better people, we need better candidates. And if we want better candidates, we've got to get involved in elections earlier and in more primaries."
Charles Koch and his political machine are now NeverTrumpers, but they lack the courage to even explicitly mention Trump by name in their internal memos lol.

Trump is not going quietly into the night. It's gonna be interesting to see how the GOP will react when Trump threatens to run as a third party if he doesn't get the nomination.
Trump is not going quietly into the night. It's gonna be interesting to see how the GOP will react when Trump threatens to run as a third party if he doesn't get the nomination.
Well Biden is as dumb as a box of rocks, so any GOP presidential nominee would be an upgrade from him. I can't believe Biden brought up Medicare and Social Security being dropped by the Republicans at the SOTU address Kevin McCarthy clearly stated they were off the table. Biden was just antagonizing the Republicans with his lies.

I would much sooner have Trump right now as President. He probably would be if not for corrupt elections. Same goes for Kari Lake. Elon Musk exposed a lot since he took over Twitter. Plus all the hearings from the House Oversight Committee chaired by James Comer and Jim Jordan are shedding some light on the corruption of the Biden family and the some of the Democratic members of the FBI. I guess they call it weaponization of the government to suppress any negative information relating to the Biden family. Jim Jordan is a real bulldog and James Comer is a no nonsense bright guy.

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