2020 US Presidential Election

The Democrats know that, but the fix is in. For the first time in history, a president has been arrested and it is clear that the reason is to keep him from winning for a second time. Rather than do this, all that the Democrats would have to do is dump Biden and nominate RFK, Jr. or somebody else of his caliber, and they could beat Trump without having to resort to methods that are only used in dictatorships.
The Democratic machine will never let RFK Jr. in. He is against the policies of the current MIC. He says he wants to end the never-ending wars, close overseas military bases and bring our troops home. Meanwhile Biden is planning WWIII with China. No sir, they will not let RFK Jr. near the nomination.
The Democratic machine will never let RFK Jr. in. He is against the policies of the current MIC. He says he wants to end the never-ending wars, close overseas military bases and bring our troops home. Meanwhile Biden is planning WWIII with China. No sir, they will not let RFK Jr. near the nomination.
Hypothetically, would you vote for him vs. Trump in the election?
There are going to be a lot of unwanted children in the custody of the state in the next 20 years thanks to overturn of abortion and family planning options. In ten years, child labor will be framed as a way for these unwanted children to "give back" and "earn their keep."

Just look around your own town and see who is already working the jobs that these lawmakers are "struggling to fill."

It's a different picture than the rosy cheeked, saving for gas money, saving to pay for college, next door neighbor kids that Republicans try to paint. We last saw any of that back in the 70s when it was actually possible for this tier of employment to fill the tank and pay anything significant into the cost of a college semester. That's long gone.

"Kids these days refuse to work" is bullshit. Most middle class would counsel their kids to shun such exploitative field labor, food service, service industry and hospitality, low level meat packing and assembly, etc, etc. Look around you. The people generally employed at this level are comparatively desperate today. Paycheck to paycheck. Often semi homeless. It was not like that 30 years ago but it was visibly trending that way. Today? Well here we are.

Republicans see an untapped reservoir of... NOT their neighbor's children who are otherwise college bound and busy with after school sports and activities but... kids from the poorest families. Children of immigrants. The children who are already the most vulnerable. So that they can labor alongside of the other most vulnerable ranks that are already employed at these jobs.

It is simply not an honest argument they make to "open these opportunities to employers and young people who wish to work for them."
The Trump rape case in civil court is coming to a close in NYC. The former president did not attend or testify at the trial and is currently in Ireland for golfing and business. The alleged assault took place nearly 30 years ago in a women's dressing room of Bergdorf Goodman, in Manhattan His accuser did not call out for help, or notify the police. Trump has denied that it happened.

The other pending trial concerns hush money that he allegedly paid to porn star Stormy Daniels, to keep her from revealing a relationship that she claims happened between Trump and herself. The alleged payoff is not illegal, but how the money was moved, and the reason claimed, is where the criminal charges are concerned. Trump denies having sex with her and says he has no knowledge of anybody paying her off on his behalf. His lawyers are trying to have it moved to Federal Court, out of the jurisdiction of NYC District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

If he is found guilty in one or both of these cases, it will not prevent him from running for president again, in 2024.
Hypothetically, would you vote for him vs. Trump in the election?
I probably would. RFK Jr. doesn't strike me as a grifter but Trump certainly does. Kennedy has done decades of work fighting corporations that poison and pollute our land. That tells me something about the guy. Notice how mainstream news is already smearing or ignoring him. But as I said earlier, the DNC will not let him win the nomination. I would vote for Trump over Biden though just to jam the gears up.
The Trump rape case in civil court is coming to a close in NYC. The former president did not attend or testify at the trial and is currently in Ireland for golfing and business. The alleged assault took place nearly 30 years ago in a women's dressing room of Bergdorf Goodman, in Manhattan His accuser did not call out for help, or notify the police. Trump has denied that it happened.

The other pending trial concerns hush money that he allegedly paid to porn star Stormy Daniels, to keep her from revealing a relationship that she claims happened between Trump and herself. The alleged payoff is not illegal, but how the money was moved, and the reason claimed, is where the criminal charges are concerned. Trump denies having sex with her and says he has no knowledge of anybody paying her off on his behalf. His lawyers are trying to have it moved to Federal Court, out of the jurisdiction of NYC District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

If he is found guilty in one or both of these cases, it will not prevent him from running for president again, in 2024.
Thanks for the obvious updates on some of Trump's legal cases. One correction: Trump is rushing back to NY to make an appearance to try to salvage his rape case.

How about an update on Trump's classified doc case? This case is currently heating up in not a good way for Trump; insider in Trump's orbit speaking to the DOJ.
Thanks for the obvious updates on some of Trump's legal cases. One correction: Trump is rushing back to NY to make an appearance to try to salvage his rape case.

How about an update on Trump's classified doc case? This case is currently heating up in not a good way for Trump; insider in Trump's orbit speaking to the DOJ.
Trump has until Sunday to decide whether he will appear at the case before it's over. Since the court is stacked against him, his accuser will probably win a settlement award from him, which he'll contest in court.

I don't think that there is a classified doc case against him, at least nothing that he has been charged with.

In other news, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky has resigned.

"Good riddance. She turned one of the most trusted institutes in the world into something less trustworthy than a Nigerian prince email..." — Dr. Eli David on Twitter
Thanks for the obvious updates on some of Trump's legal cases. One correction: Trump is rushing back to NY to make an appearance to try to salvage his rape case.

How about an update on Trump's classified doc case? This case is currently heating up in not a good way for Trump; insider in Trump's orbit speaking to the DOJ.
In the end he will be convicted of tax evasion, like Al Capone :D
Biden's approval rating has dropped to a new low of 36%, two weeks after he announced that he will be running for president. Most Democrats do not want him to run.

Trump's handling of the economy receive a 56% favorable approval rating, compared to Biden who received a 36% rating for doing a better job.

In the latest presidential poll, Biden has 38%, Trump 44%, and 18% are undecided. Most undecided voters said that they would lean toward Trump.

This is not good news for Joe Biden.
The jury in the Trump civil trial has found him guilty of sexual abuse and defamation. He will have to pay five million dollars. This does not affect his ability to run for president.
The jury in the Trump civil trial has found him guilty of sexual abuse and defamation. He will have to pay five million dollars. This does not affect his ability to run for president.
Yes, Trump is now a convicted sexual abuser and his MAGA cult will willingly pay the orange grifter's $5 million judgment, because "witch hunt" is something they all believe in. Sad, but true.
Yes, Trump is now a convicted sexual abuser and his MAGA cult will willingly pay the orange grifter's $5 million judgment, because "witch hunt" is something they all believe in. Sad, but true.
This woman, E. Jean Carroll, was born in 1943, and was about 52 years old, three years older than Trump, when the alleged "rape" took place in a large, luxurious NYC department store's female dressing room, 27 years ago in 1996. She did not scream, got to the store's security, or call the police. Trump was married to the beautiful, much younger than E. Jean Carroll, Marla Maples a the time of the alleged incident.

If I had been chosen for that jury, regardless of whether I felt he was innocent, I would have felt it necessary to vote guilty on something or other, to avoid the rioting and bloodshed that would no doubt have happened if he was acquitted. These types of disgraceful actions are typical of leftists in our current age.
If I had been chosen for that jury, regardless of whether I felt he was innocent, I would have felt it necessary to vote guilty on something or other, to avoid the rioting and bloodshed that would no doubt have happened if he was acquitted. These types of disgraceful actions are typical of leftists in our current age.
Good you didn't have the opportunity to be chosen.

Six men and three women only needed 3 hours to find him guilty; many people say that the paperwork alone took half that time before they rendered their verdict.
Biden has started up the coronavirus bat research, again, which Trump stopped funding three years ago. Since COVID-19 has run its course, in order to shut down the country, force people to take shots while taking away our rights, make huge amounts of money for the Pharmaceutical industry, and kill more people, they apparently need a new variant of coronavirus to infect us all with.
Biden > Trump

1/6/2021 happened on WHOSE WATCH again :bookworm: :pompous:
Trump > Biden. Trump isn't perfect, but he's a hell of a lot better than Biden policy wise. Watch James Comer's investigation into the Biden family influence peddling money tomorrow on Fox at 9:00 am.

Trump said to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard at the Capital. I'm not sure it wasn't a setup with FBI agents in the crowd. No one was killed except unarmed Ashley Babbit by a Capital police officer. Compare that to Biden's botched Afghanistan withdrawal where 13 Americans were killed.

Look at Biden's terrible border crisis causing many illegal aliens to enter the U.S. and then the Fentanyl causing about 100,000 deaths/year.
Trump > Biden. Trump isn't perfect, but he's a hell of a lot better than Biden policy wise. Watch James Comer's investigation into the Biden family influence peddling money tomorrow on Fox at 9:00 am.

Trump said to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard at the Capital. I'm not sure it wasn't a setup with FBI agents in the crowd. No one was killed except unarmed Ashley Babbit by a Capital police officer. Compare that to Biden's botched Afghanistan withdrawal where 13 Americans were killed.

Look at Biden's terrible border crisis causing many illegal aliens to enter the U.S. and then the Fentanyl causing about 100,000 deaths/year.
Hey brother, at the end of the day...

NO means NO :unsure: :blackalien:

10 years & no parole is my final offer.
Thanks for the obvious updates on some of Trump's legal cases. One correction: Trump is rushing back to NY to make an appearance to try to salvage his rape case.

How about an update on Trump's classified doc case? This case is currently heating up in not a good way for Trump; insider in Trump's orbit speaking to the DOJ.
Georgia will be a doozy!

Stay well @Jammer.
Trump is encouraging his fans to tune in tonight to his bigley event on CNN, where he will take questions from the audience live. HE'LL DO IT LIVE!.

"They made me a deal I couldn't refuse!!!" Trump posted on Truth Social. "Could be the beginning of a New & Vibrant CNN, with no more Fake News, or it could turn into a disaster for all, including me."

I'm gunna watch to see him deflect, with his masterful, well articulated "it's a WITCH HUNT" response, especially to questions about his new official title of sexual abuser. How about you? What will be the key thing you'll watch for that will get your vote?

I'm sure some will say "that's my man!" if he successfully respirates.
Hey brother, at the end of the day...

NO means NO :unsure: :blackalien:

10 years & no parole is my final offer.
Biden needs to be put away for influence peddling money and also the enormous Fentanyl deaths under his watch. It appears the whole Democrat machine is corrupt as they support their crook Biden. Even MSM defends Biden for some reason. Maybe MSM is changing by allowing Trump to hold a town hall meeting tonight on CNN.

Biden's approval rating of 36% tells us that most Americans don't approve of him or his administration. House Oversight Chair James Comer said the Biden family corruption stinks to high heaven.
Most people, including those who voted for Trump in the past, do not want him to run again, but when you have a corrupt, lying, warmongering, geriatric basket case like Biden, with a VP who is even worse, Trump looks like a knight in shining armor in comparison.
Biden's approval rating has dropped to a new low of 36%, two weeks after he announced that he will be running for president. Most Democrats do not want him to run.

Trump's handling of the economy receive a 56% favorable approval rating, compared to Biden who received a 36% rating for doing a better job.

In the latest presidential poll, Biden has 38%, Trump 44%, and 18% are undecided. Most undecided voters said that they would lean toward Trump.

This is not good news for Joe Biden.
Trump's approval rating has dropped to a new low of 42%.

In the latest presidential poll, Biden has 44%, Trump 42%, and 14% are undecided. Most undecided voters said that they would lean toward Biden.

This is not good news for David Dennison.
Leader Hakeem Jeffries said this today regarding the Republican's "The Default on America Act":
Hakeem Jeffries said:
What the record shows is that Democrats are the party of job creation and fiscal responsibility. And Republicans have been the party of tax cuts for the wealthy, the well-off and the well-connected and exploding deficits.

This reckless Republican effort to lead us down the road of a dangerous default will hurt working families, hurt the middle class, hurt all those Americans who aspire to be part of the middle class, hurt young people, hurt seniors, hurt veterans, hurt the poor, the sick and the afflicted, hurt people in urban America and rural America and exurban America and small town America and Appalachia and the heartland of America, hurt the least, the lost and the left behind.
Really appreciate how Leader Jeffries lays out the public records of the Reagan, Bush and Trump presidencies to show that they ALL began their administrations w/ massive tax cuts for "the wealthy, the well-off and the well-connected" which ALL resulted in exploding deficits.

Yet the shameless liars on the right persist in spreading one of their favored Big Lies that the Republican Party is the party of "fiscal responsibility". That's about as credible as Donald Trump claiming to be an honest man while sporting a record of 30,000+ documented lies told during his 4-year nightmare reign.

No question that the criminal enterprise known as the Republican Party w/ their horrifically damaging hostage note presents a threat much greater than any terrorist or hostile nation could ever hope to dream up.

The Reckless MAGA Republicans must FULLY retract what is essentially their love letter to America's corporate oligarchs to avoid placing America in default just for their miserable partisan advantage.
Trump's approval rating has dropped to a new low of 42%.

In the latest presidential poll, Biden has 44%, Trump 42%, and 14% are undecided. Most undecided voters said that they would lean toward Biden.

This is not good news for David Dennison.
The latest poll results showing Trump only two points behind Biden in a poll, just 48 hours after his court loss, does not speak very well for the current president. They'll mount more cases to drag Trump down, but in the end, if Biden wins, America loses.

If Hunter Biden is charged, this may bring Trump's poll numbers back up.

More bad news for the Biden Crime Family includes allegations that Biden family members received millions in payments from foreign entities.

CNN: House Republicans allege Biden family members received millions in payments from foreign entities in new bank records report
The latest poll results showing Trump only two points behind Biden in a poll, just 48 hours after his court loss, does not speak very well for the current president. They'll mount more cases to drag Trump down, but in the end, if Biden wins, America loses.

If Hunter Biden is charged, this may bring Trump's poll numbers back up.

More bad news for the Biden Crime Family includes allegations that Biden family members received millions in payments from foreign entities.

CNN: House Republicans allege Biden family members received millions in payments from foreign entities in new bank records report
If only the money received was illegal, then it would be a crime, but unfortunately for Republicans and their investigations, it was not. End of story.

Now do the Trump crime family.
If only the money received was illegal, then it would be a crime, but unfortunately for Republicans and their investigations, it was not. End of story.

Now do the Trump crime family.
The Biden investigations are just beginning. Some say that the Hunter Biden laptop was stonewalled by the Democrats, and false allegations about Trump and Putin, etc., were created, but if they (Democrats) had not done so, Trump would have won in 2020. That is equivalent to stealing an election.

If Trump or anybody in his family has peddled influence, then they deserve to be prosecuted. So far, the worst allegation they've charged him with has been for paying off a porn star.
In a truly democratic country, someone who has been found guilty in court, like Trump, should not be able to hold any position in the public sector.

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