2020 US Presidential Election

The Keystone XL project plus finish the Mexican wall. Why do a half ass job when both are partially done? We don't need more illegal immigrants and drug smuggling into the US. Also Biden is Catholic so he should be more influenced by the Pope and Pro-Life people than the Pro-Choice people that want everything taxpayer funded. They could probably come up with a compromise of some sort somewhere in the middle. I'm not sure on the Paris Agreement as China and India will continue to be the largest polluters by far and having the US stay oil independent is preferable. The US is going green on its own slowly.
Because we (the people who voted for Biden) don't want them. Both were highly contentious issues and the owners and workers for both knew that the next administration would likely kill the project. That's a risk they took.

Joe Biden did campaign as pro life and he said over and over that he'd put us back in Paris day one (also the US pollutes more per capita then either one of those countries, they just happen to have populations almost 4 times ours).
Saying that about Europe because of World Wars is like saying no one should listen to America because of the Native American genocide. World War 2 ended over 75 years ago. No one who ran Europe at the time is even still alive, much less in power.

Foreign aid has always been in the budget, targeting it to certain countries to try to stop them coming here is far from abnormal. Trump signed bills with foreign aid, he included it in his proposed budgets to Congress. Why do people act like Democrats are the only ones doing this?

It's so self righteous to act like 4 billion is a lot of money anyway. The country spends 4 trillion plus a year, that's kinda like rich parents getting upset that a kid bought a candy bar because it cost too much. We can afford it, the fact that we just did kinda proves that. We control our own currency, we can afford anything we want.
If Europe is "laughing" at us, all I'm saying is that people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. There certainly were injustices towards Indians, but there was no deliberate "genocide" of the American Indian, that is absurd. There's 6.8 million Indians alive today. The reason so many died when the Europeans first came, was due to virus' brought on the ship which they (Indians) did not have immunity to.

As for the 95 million people killed due to wars of European origin, in the 20th Century, that's a hell of a lot and there are senior citizens alive today who were alive during the majority of these slaughters. There are people alive who still have the Auschwitz tattoos, not to mention those whose whole families and towns were wiped out in Europe during WWII. No civilization has ever been worse than Europe, as far as war, so if they want to laugh their hideous selves into a drunken stupor, at America, the country that sacrificed and helped them settle both WWI and WWII, that is fine with me. I am proud to be an American, and of our ancestors who helped drive foreign control out of this country. It is in our best interest to keep America free, things are going fully stupid, and dangerous, very quickly out there.
The Keystone XL project plus finish the Mexican wall. Why do a half ass job when both are partially done? We don't need more illegal immigrants and drug smuggling into the US. Also Biden is Catholic so he should be more influenced by the Pope and Pro-Life people than the Pro-Choice people that want everything taxpayer funded. They could probably come up with a compromise of some sort somewhere in the middle. I'm not sure on the Paris Agreement as China and India will continue to be the largest polluters by far and having the US stay oil independent is preferable. The US is going green on its own slowly.
1) Trump only built 80 miles of new wall in 4 years and he vastly overpaid for them:

Trump's wall: How much has been built during his term?

It was never practical/feasible and political only. Most smuggling of human traffic does not involve walking over the border anyway. It occurs through truck cargo (like in Breaking Bad, that really happens), planes, boats and through building to building tunnels. So Trump was selling people a false and ineffective sense of security that he was saving them from cartels (which are already here in mass anyway).

It was expensive, and dumb. Biden said he wants to monitor the border with technology (e.g. drones and infrared cameras) which is both cheaper and more effective for the foot traffic.

2) Are you cool with ripping up your house to put up a auxiliary, additional part of the pipeline? Because that's what they want to do to native American lands. That part should have never been approved.
I'm not sure on the Paris Agreement as China and India will continue to be the largest polluters by far and having the US stay oil independent is preferable. The US is going green on its own slowly.
Isn't it more honest and factually correct by saying China and the US are the biggest polluters in the world? India isn't the second biggest polluter as was stated here.

US is a bigger polluter than India by far with over double the emissions despite India having over 1 billion people and a way higher population density (imagine having all the cars and factories very close together which explains why smog happens in certain cities).

Below is some facts and you can also see who has the highest emissions per capita between the 3 as Born To Slay mentioned.

US: 5,107.393
India: 2,454.774

List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions
If Europe is "laughing" at us, all I'm saying is that people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. There certainly were injustices towards Indians, but there was no deliberate "genocide" of the American Indian, that is absurd. There's 6.8 million Indians alive today. The reason so many died when the Europeans first came, was due to virus' brought on the ship which they (Indians) did not have immunity to.

As for the 95 million people killed due to wars of European origin, in the 20th Century, that's a hell of a lot and there are senior citizens alive today who were alive during the majority of these slaughters. There are people alive who still have the Auschwitz tattoos, not to mention those whose whole families and towns were wiped out in Europe during WWII. No civilization has ever been worse than Europe, as far as war, so if they want to laugh their hideous selves into a drunken stupor, at America, the country that sacrificed and helped them settle both WWI and WWII, that is fine with me. I am proud to be an American, and of our ancestors who helped drive foreign control out of this country. It is in our best interest to keep America free, things are going fully stupid, and dangerous, very quickly out there.
Okay I was a little hyperbolic but America treated the native Americans like complete and utter shit, even after the country was founded we committed atrocity after atrocity on them.

Yes there are still some Holocaust survivors but come on, that'd be grasping at straws. The vast majority of people, including pretty much all high ranking leaders like Churchill and Hitler, etc are dead. The governments of countries like Germany are completely different then the ones then. Europe now has nothing to do with Europe 80 years ago. So they can laugh as much as they want.

Now should they? Personally, I don't think so. They're far from perfect over there, though some of their policies I'd like to see implemented here, plus they still take our money. But the World Wars isn't something you can hold over modern day Europe imo.
Okay I was a little hyperbolic but America treated the native Americans like complete and utter shit, even after the country was founded we committed atrocity after atrocity on them.
In before they start downplaying the atrocities committed against the Native Americans.

It normally sounds like this where they say it's all okay because Native Americans own the casinos (as if every Native American is a rich casino owner lol) then 5 minutes later insult them:

) Trump only built 80 miles of new wall in 4 years and he vastly overpaid for them:
I thought he put up over 400 miles?
It was expensive, and dumb. Biden said he wants to monitor the border with technology (e.g. drones and infrared cameras) which is both cheaper and more effective for the foot traffic
If you wanted someone out of your yard would you use a camera or wall? A wall is much better and you could also have cameras in certain areas. Mexicans are not like Canadians.

The XL pipeline is partially done anyway. It must have extra capacity where it intersects because of its eastward leg there so the southern line must not run full.
I thought he put up over 400 miles?

If you wanted someone out of your yard would you use a camera or wall? A wall is much better and you could also have cameras in certain areas. Mexicans are not like Canadians.

The XL pipeline is partially done anyway. It must have extra capacity where it intersects because of its eastward leg there so the southern line must not run full.
He did build almost 400 miles but most of that was replacement for pre-existing wall. Of the miles he built, only 15 miles were new wall and not either rebuilding or just beefing up what was already there.

Trump wall: How much has he actually built?

Also, if my yard had several hundred miles of land that no one was right there guarding, I think I'd take the technology, they'll just scale the wall anyway.
I thought he put up over 400 miles?
That's what he *said* but he deceptively included existing walls he renovated (arguably that didn't need it but it was a lucrative contract for donors of his).
If you wanted someone out of your yard would you use a camera or wall? A wall is much better and you could also have cameras in certain areas. Mexicans are not like Canadians.
First off, what do you mean by the last sentence? And secondly, if I had infrared cameras and drones that were monitored/patrolled 24/7 in my yard, that would be *way* more effective than a wall.

Secondly the wall design was so dumb. The billion plus contract was given to a crony contractor:

Trump's preferred construction firm lands $1.3 billion border wall contract, the biggest so far

It has slats in it that allow you to slide down. So all you need is a ladder on the Mexican side. There are a ton of YouTube videos like this:

I think the economy was already in trouble before COVID-19 appeared. Central banks were trying to disguise the underlying problems of the real economy flooding the stock market and the bond markets with freshly printed money.

Salaries have been stagnant for so long I can't remember a significant salary raise and this is widespread. So central banks are just bailing out rich people and irresponsible corporations with taxpayers money.

The whole thing is ridiculous and I don't think it will end up well.
Yeah, but the point I was making is they are actively accelerating the demise.

I know you subscribe to the COVID-19 narrative but if you only look at the economic consequences of "COVID-19 measures," it is contributing to crippling the economy which might not happen if you didn't implement them in the first place. Or at least not as quickly. I think it's obvious that the Biden administration be taxing the "crap out of the populace." You guys will think it is to pay for a 1 trillion dollar stimulus package but I say it is to contribute towards a collapse of the economy/capitalist system you are familiar with so they can transition towards the communist system they want.

Regardless, you will see tax increases and new taxes appear.


New tax on number of miles you drive? Incoming Transportation Secretary Buttigieg likes the idea
Illegal immigration from Mexico has been going down before Trump came into power and as Mexico continues to develop, then you will see less Mexicans wanting to leave their country.

Just like when Trump asked why Norwegians won't live in the US and it's because Norway is already very developed, but Trump is an asshat so no wonder he didn't have a clue. I don't think he can point out where Norway is on a map either, like him being unable to pronounce countries names.


Not only that, but Trump technically helped Mexico by fucking up with his trade war against the country and because of this, Mexico will become richer at the expense of Trumps failures (pretending Biden won't reverse the sky high trade deficit Trump failed to control). Trump actually did more to lower future illegal immigration by simply giving Mexico the benefits of letting the US lose the trade war instead of building a fence at the border.

If you gave Trump 4 more years, then he would turn the US into a third world country as he almost did last year (not even Mexico had riots to Trumps scale). I assume less Mexicans will move to the US in about 10-20 years time when they develop more and feel the benefits Trump gave them by simply being a failure for 4 years.

"While he is not the first to bemoan deficits nor will he be the last, Trump made taming them a key part of his campaign.

On that score, he will have failed. The three largest U.S. deficits in history will have occurred during the Trump Administration." - From Forbes


Instead of "BUILD THE WALL! And make Mexico pay for it!", it should be "LOSE THE TRADE WAR! And make America poorer!" because if Trump supporters were really pragmatic and efficient about these things, then they would choose the latter tactic to lower future illegal immigration lol. I mean if you're okay with wasting money on a wall that will become useless very soon, then you should be okay wasting the countries money in other ways. No Mexicans will move out of their country if Trump stayed in for another 4 years because he will be guaranteed to help develop Mexico (accidentally) and turn the US into a worse place to live.
Secondly the wall design was so dumb. The billion plus contract was given to a crony contractor:
Trump is a business man so it seems like it was probably done right. Not worth arguing though.

This whole thread is dumb. Some people didn't even donate to Tinnitus Talk. I think I donate $25/month.
First off, what do you mean by the last sentence? And secondly, if I had infrared cameras and drones that were monitored/patrolled 24/7 in my yard, that would be *way* more effective than a wall.
That would take too much manpower for hundreds of miles and then they could still walk through. I think originally it was a short fence line like on a farm.
The wall was a scam. Trump is a master marketer, I will give him that. He knows how to tell his supporters exactly what they want to hear.

Same with his tax cuts:

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017

"Many tax cut provisions, especially income tax cuts, will expire in 2025, and starting in 2021 will increase over time"

It was a smart plan. When people start to see an increase this year, he would a) have already been re-elected so he doesn't care or b) can blame the next guy, in this case Biden. Meanwhile, the tax cuts on the wealthy do not expire and are permanent.

He also pardoned countless ponzi scheme/fraud creeps and even pardoned Bannon who ripped off MAGA folks directly. And they still support him. It boggles.
That would take too much manpower for hundreds of miles and then they could still walk through. I think originally it was a short fence line like on a farm.
The wall just doesn't work. You can go over, under or through it. It's an expensive way to get MAGA cheers:

Washington Post: Border agents say smugglers are sawing through parts of Trump's border wall

The wall is useless. Trump didn't consult any experts. He just likes to build big physical things and have people praise him for it.
The wall just doesn't work. You can go over, under or through it. It's an expensive way to get MAGA cheers:

Washington Post: Border agents say smugglers are sawing through parts of Trump's border wall

The wall is useless. Trump didn't consult any experts. He just likes to build big physical things and have people praise him for it.
Locks keep honest people honest, walls keep honest people out. I'm sure Trump consulted a lot of people. If Mexico was like Canada we wouldn't need a wall.
2) Are you cool with ripping up your house to put up a auxiliary, additional part of the pipeline? Because that's what they want to do to native American lands. That part should have never been approved.
I don't know what part of Keystone XL is done or other details about Native American land involved. Keystone would have to pay a high rate to the Native Americans or do a bypass route. I'm guessing the original pipeline is not running full south of the intersect point because some is being siphoned off on the East run.
The wall just doesn't work. You can go over, under or through it. It's an expensive way to get MAGA cheers:

Washington Post: Border agents say smugglers are sawing through parts of Trump's border wall

The wall is useless. Trump didn't consult any experts. He just likes to build big physical things and have people praise him for it.
You forgot one more thing; Trump didn't make Mexico pay for the wall either lol, so there's more bullshit he sprouted to get MAGA cheers.

Even if the wall did work, it's not like a lot of them wouldn't just save up for a flight as it's not exactly impossible to save money. A huge percentage of illegal immigrants in the US came in by plane, and many came from countries way poorer than Mexico.

The difference is that the flights from Mexico to the US are a lot cheaper than from Botswana. What are you going to do then? Build a dome around the country? And make the whole world pay for it?

It would actually be easier if you gave Mexicans less strict work visas so they come to the country to work and pay taxes (don't want to be losing out on this if you care about the country not falling apart as someone has to build the roads).

Both countries benefit because certain US businesses having trouble employing locally can finally have an easier time finding workers.

The Mexicans on the work visa then make their money and send some of it back to their families back home. Mexico gets richer and develops with this.

Some folks might say "yeah but it sounds like those Mexicans are not only taking our jobs, but they're stealing our money!"

Well Mexico is getting dollars out of this, and they need to spend it somehow. You make money to spend it. So Mexico uses the dollars to invest in the US and the cycle continues as long as money moves around.

Mexico continues to develop to the point where people don't want to leave the country, just like how not many people leave developed countries.

After that, illegal immigrants from Mexico becomes a thing of the past. No wall was needed for this.
Isn't it more honest and factually correct by saying China and the US are the biggest polluters in the world? India isn't the second biggest polluter as was stated here.

US is a bigger polluter than India by far with over double the emissions despite India having over 1 billion people and a way higher population density (imagine having all the cars and factories very close together which explains why smog happens in certain cities).

Below is some facts and you can also see who has the highest emissions per capita between the 3 as Born To Slay mentioned.

US: 5,107.393
India: 2,454.774

List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions
India is easily the most dirty, unhygienic and filthy country in the world. Picking up from here, our Prime Minister had rightly launched the Swachh Bharat campaign to clean up India.

I have seen videos of India people dumping garbage into a river... nasty. Can't imagine what their beaches look like.

Look at these idiots:

Locks keep honest people honest, walls keep honest people out. I'm sure Trump consulted a lot of people. If Mexico was like Canada we wouldn't need a wall.
How about the people that come in by plane who happen to make up a huge proportion of undocumented immigrants coming in?

Building a dome to fit on the US wouldn't work because the aviation and airlines business is a huge industry and money maker for the country. That and the fact you could be spending the money on building a city on Mars instead of a massive dome to keep immigrants out.

Certain undocumented immigrants come into the US through Canada and some of them happen to do that because the flights to Canada were cheaper flying from their country of origin. If Trump couldn't make Mexico pay for the wall, then he sure as hell won't make Canada pay for it either, never mind tell them to shutdown their airports.
Yeah, but the point I was making is they are actively accelerating the demise.

I know you subscribe to the COVID-19 narrative but if you only look at the economic consequences of "COVID-19 measures," it is contributing to crippling the economy which might not happen if you didn't implement them in the first place. Or at least not as quickly. I think it's obvious that the Biden administration be taxing the "crap out of the populace." You guys will think it is to pay for a 1 trillion dollar stimulus package but I say it is to contribute towards a collapse of the economy/capitalist system you are familiar with so they can transition towards the communist system they want.

Regardless, you will see tax increases and new taxes appear.


New tax on number of miles you drive? Incoming Transportation Secretary Buttigieg likes the idea
Here in Europe the European Commission is already saying that all the pandemic money will only be received by countries in exchange for changes to the labour market, pensions etc I did expect this from the beginning.

My personal opinion on the pandemic is that politicians are not being honest and are not disclosing enough information to citizens. They know the virus is here to stay for years, but do not say it aloud.
Locks keep honest people honest, walls keep honest people out. I'm sure Trump consulted a lot of people. If Mexico was like Canada we wouldn't need a wall.
Everyone consults a lot of people, that doesn't make a policy good. It also doesn't make it bad, don't get me wrong but for example, I'm sure Joe Biden consulted a lot of people on on doing Trump's orders. That doesn't make Biden's orders immune from criticism.
Speaking of Trump being an idiot, Canada and also someone mentioning how Europe was laughing at Trump, it wasn't only Europe but Canada too.

Not only Europe and Canada but the whole world laughed at Trump anyways which includes New Zealand, Australia Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, UAE etc etc etc

Trumps comment on Obama: "The whole world is laughing at us

Also Trump: "Hold my beer"

I know Trump supporters hate this guy, but it's the only compilation I can find of the whole world laughing at Trump because he is one big fat joke:


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