2020 US Presidential Election

Isn't there a demographic shift going in the South though? Just like how Georgia turned blue in the last election and how Texas is leaning more towards blue as time goes on.

A lot of tech companies are moving to Texas as well, which should bring all those software developers, who in my experience happen to lean very left no matter where they are. I don't know any conservative software developers in my experience.

Texas starts to look more like a more vibrant state, like how California looks to some people. Austin gives a good picture of what I am explaining here (the video I will link will talk about this in detail) and they happen to vote Democrat.

That should attract more middle class liberals to move to Texas and next thing you know, it becomes just like California where it's too expensive to live because of all the wealthy people and corporations driving up the prices. Then the government has to put in "socialist" policies in to solve the economic issues that came with the skyrocketing rent prices.

After that some will just call Texas a communist dictatorship (while being unable to explain what the words they're using means) because they increased the minimum wage to stop people resorting to shoplifting to make ends meet.

When you tell them the reality of it, they just come back with "Where did you get that from? CNN!?"

In before someone replies to this saying:

"Ackchyually, Communism did destroy California!"

Until California embraces single payer healthcare and nationalisation like Norway, then it isn't a communist dictatorship lol. If California is communism compared to some other states, then California is anarcho capitalism compared to Norway (even that is ridiculous to say, but it's just as ridiculous as calling it a communist state).
Sure but after the results in Texas, it definitely shows Democrats still have a lot of work in front of them to turn that state blue. But I agree that things are slowly trending in that direction and Republicans really have to watch themselves. If they lose Texas, I don't know they ever win the EC again.

A blue Texas would've flipped the 2016 election back to Clinton.
Isn't there a demographic shift going in the south though? Just like how Georgia turned blue in the last election and how Texas is leaning more towards blue as time goes on.

A lot of tech companies are moving to Texas as well, which should bring all those software developers, who in my experience happen to lean very left no matter where they are. I don't know any conservative software developers in my experience.
Same in NC due to places like the Raleigh-Durham attracting tech talent from all over the country. NC gets closer to blue every year in fact (and has a Democratic Governor). Even going back, NC was the last state to join the Confederacy and only did so once it was surrounded and felt forced to.

People who haven't spent any time in the South assume it's all rural Mississippi or something. The South gets lumped together and stereotyped in ridiculous ways (again by people who have never lived here largely).

Remember too that Virginia which is now solidly blue was a Confederate State.

Anyway, I think part of the confusion is also people not recognizing the difference between "Tidewater"/Coastal South and "Deep" South. I think seceding could have only worked in the "Deep" South and those States' economies would put the Confederate States of America solidly in third world territory.
Sure but after the results in Texas, it definitely shows Democrats still have a lot of work in front of them to turn that state blue. But I agree that things are slowly trending in that direction and Republicans really have to watch themselves. If they lose Texas, I don't know they ever win the EC again.

A blue Texas would've flipped the 2016 election back to Clinton.
Lol. Yep, you two. ;)

Businesses are moving to Texas for favorable tax conditions and away from California that leftists ruined. Even YouTube allows ranters to describe how leftists and Democrats ruined California. Homelessness, drug problems, housing and whatever other problems. Democrats have held that state for how long? I bet people on BitChute are even more explicit about it.

If Software Developers lean left, why are they moving to a state which generally votes red? Why is there a secession movement in Texas? Sure, things might be changing there but not everyone likes it. They don't want it to become the next California.

Good try, fellas.
Lol. Yep, you two. ;)

Businesses are moving to Texas for favorable tax conditions and away from California that leftists ruined. Even YouTube allows ranters to describe how leftists and Democrats ruined California. Homelessness, drug problems, housing and whatever other problems. Democrats have held that state for how long? I bet people on BitChute are even more explicit about it.

If Software Developers lean left, why are they moving to a state which generally votes red? Why is there a secession movement in Texas? Sure, things might be changing there but not everyone likes it. They don't want it to become the next California.

Good try, fellas.
Texas has its own problems. For starters it remains the State with the highest uninsured rate, with a whopping 18% of its population lacking health insurance, almost one in five.

Texas also has a higher number of people living below the federal poverty line than California (13.6% vs 11.8%).

Texas and California have similar opioid abuse rates as well, with California having just slightly more overdoses but Texas having slightly more prescriptions for 100,000 people. Neither state is particularly bad however.

There are problems in California but while under Democrats' control it has still remained the wealthiest State in the country with the highest GDP. Texas still has quite a ways to catching up and has plenty of their own poverty problems to worry about.
Anyway, I think part of the confusion is also people not recognizing the difference between "Tidewater"/Coastal South and "Deep" South. I think seceding could have only worked in the "Deep" South and those States' economies would put the Confederate States of America solidly in third world territory.
I reckon those areas should just have their own country. They get to live happy in their fantasy Confederate States of America. They can get to cosplay as the losers of the civil war in public every day and be patriotic about it.

Then there's even more over the top paranoia about Marxists ruling the government, except this time it's accusing the right wing one party republican state because for some reason their policies aren't working. They would rather blame it on an invincible Marxist enemy though.

The country collapses because there's an uprising due to wages being unliveable because minimum wage is socialism apparently, so they have a civil war about whether or not to increase the minimum wage.

The end.
Texas has its own problems. For starters it remains the State with the highest uninsured rate, with a whopping 18% of its population lacking health insurance, almost one in five.

Texas also has a higher number of people living below the federal poverty line than California (13.6% vs 11.8%).

Texas and California have similar opioid abuse rates as well, with California having just slightly more overdoses but Texas having slightly more prescriptions for 100,000 people. Neither state is particularly bad however.

There are problems in California but while under Democrats' control it has still remained the wealthiest State in the country with the highest GDP. Texas still has quite a ways to catching up and has plenty of their own poverty problems to worry about.
Actually, I have read about problems in Texas and from my understanding, it's due to people moving from liberal/blue States and voting for the same policies that ruined the State they are running from.

The secession movement came about from those who want to avoid another failed liberal State. That was my impression anyway.

California had a lot of wealthy entrepreneurs, silicon Valley businesses and corporations that made it a wealthy State but with all liberal policies that try to tax and regulate, these people eventually decide it's easier to find a more tax friendly State even if some lean left on some policies or find it's profitable to be left or appear to be left at times. The bottom line is people and businesses want to avoid unreasonable taxation and prohibitive/punitive financial or economic measures if possible.
I reckon those areas should just have their own country. They get to live happy in their fantasy Confederate States of America. They can get to cosplay as the losers of the civil war in public every day and be patriotic about it.

Then there's even more over the top paranoia about Marxists ruling the government, except this time it's accusing the right wing one party republican state because for some reason their policies aren't working. They would rather blame it on an invincible Marxist enemy though.

The country collapses because there's an uprising due to wages being unliveable because minimum wage is socialism apparently, so they have a civil war about whether or not to increase the minimum wage.

The end.
It is kind of interesting to think about what would happen if the Confederacy was left to their own devices.

Would they stick to their principles or when the economic policies they create leave millions in poverty, would they end up instituting some welfare? Without welfare or a high enough minimum wage, you'd have millions of people unable to live. It'd be pretty awesome if they just rose up and started a civil war to raise the minimum wage.

But it goes beyond just wages, with no welfare of any kind, upward mobility would be drastically cut as there'd be no assistance to help pay for higher education or preschool. There'd be no Medicaid or Medicare, so at least a third of the country would be without health insurance at all. The bottom half of confederate society would live like a third world nation.
Texas has its own problems. For starters it remains the State with the highest uninsured rate, with a whopping 18% of its population lacking health insurance, almost one in five.

Texas also has a higher number of people living below the federal poverty line than California (13.6% vs 11.8%).

Texas and California have similar opioid abuse rates as well, with California having just slightly more overdoses but Texas having slightly more prescriptions for 100,000 people. Neither state is particularly bad however.

There are problems in California but while under Democrats' control it has still remained the wealthiest State in the country with the highest GDP. Texas still has quite a ways to catching up and has plenty of their own poverty problems to worry about.
Texas sure sounds more like the "communist shit hole" that gets described about the very famous Soviet State of California, except somehow there's less "socialism" over there??

As you mentioned, Texas has a higher poverty rate and more likely to go bankrupt for being sick with no health insurance.

So how come the famous "communist shit hole" California with no socialized healthcare has lower poverty rates than Texas?

Does that give people the right to call Texas an anarcho capitalist shit hole? Texas is a cool place to visit, but I don't see how they're so much superior here than California based on these data.

The thing is, I and I'm sure many others here at least know what the hell anarcho capitalism is so obviously I'm not going call Texas a name that doesn't make sense.

Can't say the same about people who call California communism, but whatever I guess haha.
Actually, I have read about problems in Texas and from my understanding, it's due to people moving from liberal/blue States and voting for the same policies that ruined the State they are running from.

The secession movement came about from those who want to avoid another failed liberal State. That was my impression anyway.

California had a lot of wealthy entrepreneurs, silicon Valley businesses and corporations that made it a wealthy State but with all liberal policies that try to tax and regulate, these people eventually decide it's easier to find a more tax friendly State even if some lean left on some policies or find it's profitable to be left or appear to be left at times. The bottom line is people and businesses want to avoid unreasonable taxation and prohibitive/punitive financial or economic measures if possible.
Texas has the highest uninsured rate in America, and it's not even close. The second highest is neighboring state Oklahoma. At just 15%, California is way down at 7.8%, less than half that of Texas. That's a policy failure of Texas.

Health Insurance Coverage of the Total Population

But just as importantly, I just showed you that Texas has a higher poverty rate than California. How can California's bad ideas be responsible for Texas having a higher poverty rate than California? That seems unlikely.

Of course California isn't perfect but it's not some third world country. The State has lower poverty levels, more people with health insurance and higher GDP per Capita than Texas.

To prove it's not California's people moving in that led Texas to having a higher poverty rate then California, this has been consistent.

In 2009, Texas had a poverty rate of 17.2% while California had one of 14.2%. In 2019, Texas had a poverty rate of 13.6% while California had one of 11.8%. Meaning that California for the last decade has consistently had a lower poverty level than Texas. This is not new. Texas has more people living in poverty than California and has for over a decade.

Distribution of Total Population by Federal Poverty Level
Texas sure sounds more like the "communist shit hole" that gets described about the very famous Soviet State of California, except somehow there's less "socialism" over there??

As you mentioned, Texas has a higher poverty rate and more likely to go bankrupt for being sick with no health insurance.

So how come the famous "communist shit hole" California with no socialized healthcare has lower poverty rates than Texas?

Does that give people the right to call Texas an anarcho capitalist shit hole? Texas is a cool place to visit, but I don't see how they're so much superior here than California based on these data.

The thing is, I and I'm sure many others here at least know what the hell anarcho capitalism is so obviously I'm not going call Texas a name that doesn't make sense.

Can't say the same about people who call California communism, but whatever I guess haha.
It really is ridiculous. People think anything of left of center is communism. People even think Joe Biden is a communist. They called Obama a communist. They just don't know what a political spectrum is I suppose.

But yes, in Texas, you are more likely to live in poverty and you are more than twice as likely to not have health insurance than if you were living in California. And that is not the fault of California people moving to Texas. Texas has low taxes because it doesn't provide any kind of welfare for the citizens and that is not sustainable long term.

It's not just Texas either, that's actually the one example where conservative policies are somewhat working. Look at the rest of the conservative south. The entire region basically makes up the list of most uninsured states and the most impoverished states, the fucking region is poor as shit. If they left, they'd be a third world country.
It is kind of interesting to think about what would happen if the Confederacy was left to their own devices.

Would they stick to their principles or when the economic policies they create leave millions in poverty, would they end up instituting some welfare? Without welfare or a high enough minimum wage, you'd have millions of people unable to live. It'd be pretty awesome if they just rose up and started a civil war to raise the minimum wage.

But it goes beyond just wages, with no welfare of any kind, upward mobility would be drastically cut as there'd be no assistance to help pay for higher education or preschool. There'd be no Medicaid or Medicare, so at least a third of the country would be without health insurance at all. The bottom half of confederate society would live like a third world nation.
I do know that in Western Europe after colonialism fell, they started to embrace some social democratic reforms to provide some stability because at one point there was civil unrest similar to what we have seen during 2020, although things are looking to boil up in Europe too. When the ruling class couldn't make a huge surplus of profit from imperialism and the economy which depended on it went down the toilet, then they started to make some compromises.

An example I can think of right now is when Britain who used to have the world's largest empire basically collapsed overnight and some civil unrest came along with it. After WW2 the UK was in bad shape, loads of people were in poverty, their colonies were rapidly breaking off from the empire etc. The ruling class had to make some compromises such as coming up with a single payer healthcare system called the NHS in 1948 because the country was showing some signs of instability and if they didn't do anything about it then there would have been a full blown uprising.

Unless the Confederates become a technological powerhouse overnight or successful at imperialism without being so dependent on the North's much more powerful economy (who could sanction them if they got involved in their business in the Middle East), then they won't be able to maintain such an unregulated market economy without so many people in poverty. It might evolve into a similar case to Poland where they're still ruled by an extremely socially conservative party (as in they probably have the most restrictive abortion laws in Europe), but there's still universal healthcare and they spend quite a bit of money on their welfare system.

The difference is that the US has the material conditions to maintain the current system, which would be chaotic in Poland's situation as there's a reason why they have a universal healthcare system in the first place. Even though the pharmaceutical companies in Poland could make a profit out of this by privatizing the healthcare system, but at the same time they don't want Molotov's thrown at them. You might be better off in Poland if you are poor and sick (at least according to inequality-adjusted HDI), but for being middle class? The US is better for that, however the middle class is shrinking anyways.

The worse the living conditions are, the more common civil unrest would be. This is why I brought up how European colonial empires started to embrace some social democratic reforms when their imperialism started to fall apart and there was growing instability back home. It's also one of the reasons why I see the US going through something similar in the future where there'll be social democratic reforms of what Bernie Sanders proposes. Similar to what happened in Europe after they realized they had to reform their system as they couldn't let millions of people go homeless, because then they're just letting a violent uprising grow.
@Zugzug, @Daniel Lion, 57% of primary voters support Trump for 2024. The only other candidate in modern history to lose the primary after having this much support was Hillary Clinton in 2008. This puts Trump in a commanding position imo. Thoughts on this poll?

Trump 2024 Analysis
I don't know. I always find that I underestimate how prone to misinformation mankind is. The Republican base hasn't made the connection that Trump truly lost the ticket (and Georgia). He somehow, by sheer conning, has convinced 72% of Republicans that he didn't lose. It's remarkable, as I see his con as really easy to see through -- I wouldn't even claim to be like incredibly bright or anything, it's just so obvious.

A lot of it depends on his competition. If Carlson or even someone like Mark Cuban with populace rhetoric steps up to the plate, I think he's toast. If they offer another Marco Rubio, or God forbid Ted Cruz, Trump will win the ticket. He'll probably lose the general again and his conned base will say there was fraud again.

For the love of God, can we all agree on no Ted Cruz? I would maybe vote for Trump over Cruz. Ted Cruz is just awful. Thankfully, he botched his chances with the objections right before the insurrection. Then again, based on the polling, maybe he helped his chances.

By the way, I also think we are still early on -- people have raw feelings still from the loss. If Biden helps the middle class, Trump will have tough sledding winning over the moderate.

What those polls don't tell you is that even though such a large percentage support him, the people that don't hate his guts and would vote for a trash can over him. Trump lost the general because he burned the moderate vote. That certainly will be an even bigger problem for 2024 after the insurrection.

Another point: I've been on the record saying it's not necessarily right, but Biden will falsely get credit for the COVID-19 vaccine -- falsely, not as in Trump should get credit, but that scientists should. When the economy recovers, I hope liberals aren't afraid to take all of the credit. Trump did the same thing. Biden has the chance to look like an amazing president, even if he personally has little to do with it.
Hey, @Lucifer, since you have brought up "Cancel Culture" a lot. What's your take on canceling this poor child?

Owasso second-grader reportedly expelled from private Christian school over a girl crush
I was just reading this before you posted. This is definitely not right. I feel so sorry for the poor girl and her family. They even expelled her brother as well. This is really shit for a Christian school to do. This is not the Christian thing to do. The school should be ashamed of themselves. This backlash will cause parents to not send their children to that school.
I don't know. I always find that I underestimate how prone to misinformation mankind is. The Republican base hasn't made the connection that Trump truly lost the ticket (and Georgia). He somehow, by sheer conning, has convinced 72% of Republicans that he didn't lose. It's remarkable, as I see his con as really easy to see through -- I wouldn't even claim to be like incredibly bright or anything, it's just so obvious.

A lot of it depends on his competition. If Carlson or even someone like Mark Cuban with populace rhetoric steps up to the plate, I think he's toast. If they offer another Marco Rubio, or God forbid Ted Cruz, Trump will win the ticket. He'll probably lose the general again and his conned base will say there was fraud again.

For the love of God, can we all agree on no Ted Cruz? I would maybe vote for Trump over Cruz. Ted Cruz is just awful. Thankfully, he botched his chances with the objections right before the insurrection. Then again, based on the polling, maybe he helped his chances.

By the way, I also think we are still early on -- people have raw feelings still from the loss. If Biden helps the middle class, Trump will have tough sledding winning over the moderate.

What those polls don't tell you is that even though such a large percentage support him, the people that don't hate his guts and would vote for a trash can over him. Trump lost the general because he burned the moderate vote. That certainly will be an even bigger problem for 2024 after the insurrection.

Another point: I've been on the record saying it's not necessarily right, but Biden will falsely get credit for the COVID-19 vaccine -- falsely, not as in Trump should get credit, but that scientists should. When the economy recovers, I hope liberals aren't afraid to take all of the credit. Trump did the same thing. Biden has the chance to look like an amazing president, even if he personally has little to do with it.
Can you imagine if the GOP 2024 nomination was between Carlson and Trump? God help us. If Carlson runs though, I do think we might see Trump's chance drop though. Tucker is very popular on the right and I could see him being a candidate that could unite the party, so long as the very act of running against President Trump isn't seen as a betrayal.

I do agree with you that Trump won't win moderates for the nomination. My concern is that he doesn't need to. His base alone could be big enough to win nomination without the moderates.

I agree with you on credit for the vaccines, Joe better take the credit. He's going to need it for the midterms.
I was just reading this before you posted. This is definitely not right. I feel so sorry for the poor girl and her family. They even expelled her brother as well. This is really shit for a Christian school to do. This is not the Christian thing to do. The school should be ashamed of themselves. This backlash will cause parents to not send their children to that school.
It's weird because Owasso is a small town but it's about 15 minutes from Tulsa and I can't imagine this happening in Tulsa without a large community backlash against the school. The country is so divided on everything on even a microscale.
Biden intended to start implementing his COVID-19 "plan", by giving vaccinations to the terrorists in Guantanamo Bay, before Americans who are in need.

Pentagon halts plan to offer COVID-19 vaccinations to Gitmo detainees, amid backlash
They're being held in American custody and American prisons have been rampant with COVID-19. It should also be noted that people held there aren't always convicted, so you really should be writing "alleged terrorists".

Honestly though, Guantanamo Bay prisoners shouldn't even be there. The Bay should be closed because of its unconstitutional practices.
I can't believe there's a McDonald's at Guantanamo Bay:

There are currently 40 prisoners. Vaccinating them also protects the staff there. If this is what counts for a COVID-19 controversy in the Biden years, we are on the right track.
The vaccine is in limited supply. Why are they vaccinating 40 terrorists, rather than the guards? Is this what we can expect during he next four years, from Biden and that half-wit VP he picked?
The worse the living conditions are, the more common civil unrest would be. This is why I brought up how European colonial empires started to embrace some social democratic reforms when their imperialism started to fall apart and there was growing instability back home. It's also one of the reasons why I see the US going through something similar in the future where there'll be social democratic reforms of what Bernie Sanders proposes. Similar to what happened in Europe after they realized they had to reform their system as they couldn't let millions of people go homeless, because then they're just letting a violent uprising grow.
Sign me up for some social democracy, please and thank you. There are some days where I feel like going total socialist but then I remind myself of just how unfettered U.S. capitalism is. The innovation from capitalism is great (Frequency Therapeutics), but the inequality needs to be addressed and greed has to be held in check. If we look to the Scandinavian model and Nordic countries, we can see that social democracy is a way better path forward than free-market capitalism and unchecked neoliberalism. That's where my ideology stands.

As a social democrat, progressive, whatever have you — it's exhausting trying to advocate for a social program or policy such as Medicare for All or the Green New Deal only to be labeled a socialist. Here in the U.S., we are taught to embrace individualism and this vague notion of "liberty" — and reject anything that resembles a policy striving to help the greater good. The indoctrination runs so deep.
Sign me up for some social democracy, please and thank you. There are some days where I feel like going total socialist but then I remind myself of just how unfettered U.S. capitalism is. The innovation from capitalism is great (Frequency Therapeutics), but the inequality needs to be addressed and greed has to be held in check. If we look to the Scandinavian model and Nordic countries, we can see that social democracy is a way better path forward than free-market capitalism and unchecked neoliberalism. That's where my ideology stands.

As a social democrat, progressive, whatever have you — it's exhausting trying to advocate for a social program or policy such as Medicare for All or the Green New Deal only to be labeled a socialist. Here in the U.S., we are taught to embrace individualism and this vague notion of "liberty" — and reject anything that resembles a policy striving to help the greater good. The indoctrination runs so deep.
The killer is what common sense Medicare For All really is. It has literally no negatives at all.
Sign me up for some social democracy, please and thank you. There are some days where I feel like going total socialist but then I remind myself of just how unfettered U.S. capitalism is. The innovation from capitalism is great (Frequency Therapeutics), but the inequality needs to be addressed and greed has to be held in check. If we look to the Scandinavian model and Nordic countries, we can see that social democracy is a way better path forward than free-market capitalism and unchecked neoliberalism. That's where my ideology stands.

As a social democrat, progressive, whatever have you — it's exhausting trying to advocate for a social program or policy such as Medicare for All or the Green New Deal only to be labeled a socialist. Here in the U.S., we are taught to embrace individualism and this vague notion of "liberty" — and reject anything that resembles a policy striving to help the greater good. The indoctrination runs so deep.
What you mentioned about capitalism and innovation can be applied to feudalism. Textiles came out of feudalism for example.

It's just a way of organizing things. In theory, profits go to the owners in capitalism, while under socialism the profits go to the workers. Just that in the former, it only goes to a minority of people which at some point is not sustainable without the majority getting a little angry. If there's surplus profits from imperialism then yeah it's sustainable, but Iran overthrowing the CIA backed dictatorship shows that doesn't last forever either. Before Operation Ajax happened, Iran was about to nationalize their oil industry that would have benefited the average Iranian instead of a small number of ultra-rich foreigners. The result of this "free" market? Iranians got piss poor and angry enough to overthrow the government after decades of their wealth being sucked out of them dry.

If all the governments just spent their money on getting the cure for hearing loss and tinnitus decades ago instead of the military for pointless wars, then we wouldn't be on this forum.

Are you using your phone right now to read this? A lot of the earliest research on touch screen technology, were actually government projects. The first people from Russia that went to space weren't exactly done by private companies either, to say the least. There's many examples like this.

Stuff like intellectual property stunts progress which is basically a monopoly on an idea. Imagine if one single corporation had complete control of the production of cars where they can charge whatever they want on this essential product. Only that organization can contribute to the development, and nobody else, except that they would only improve the technology by 1% every year just to show that off in their advertisements (ads can be considered propaganda).

My opinion? You can't own an idea and these things should be public knowledge, because imagine if all those companies working on treatments for hearing loss and tinnitus just shared their knowledge and resources, then we would have a cure by Friday. Hopefully you get where I am coming from here.

Funny enough, socialists and anarcho capitalists tend to agree on the "you can't own an idea" part despite both ideologies being radically different. The difference is that anarcho capitalists advocate for a system that would just end up forming a government anyways, because that's simply more profitable and they would have the power to do as they're still the rulers.

If I was part of the ruling class in the hypothetical anarcho capitalist society (even in theory, it's still the ultra-rich, unlike the normal anarchism), then I would definitely advocate for forming a government that serves my class and interests, because it's way more profitable if I can have some sort of protection racket. Then I can just blame the government for all the problems in society, even though I helped form it. When there's a potential hungry and angry mob outside my house, then I would just advocate for a band-aid.

There's a reason why many billionaires advocate for universal basic income, and it's not because they care about their workers, just that they're saving their own ass. They have a chance to turn their companies into worker co-ops like Mondragon or Huawei, but they don't and mind you those companies are extremely successful despite technically not having owners ruling them like Jeff Bezos.

This explains why I don't believe in the free market and the "free" is simply propaganda.
Perhaps you should correct wiki, which refers to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who is being held at Guantanamo, as a "Pakistani terrorist". This is the person who was responsible for the 9/11 attacks, as well as many others. Biden wanted to give him the vaccine ahead of 9/11 victims who need it.

No, I think I'll stick to correcting you. Because you can't say everyone in Guantanamo is a terrorist when they can be held there without due process.

And again prisons have been COVID-19 dens, it's not nonsensical to give the vaccine to prisoners.
No, I think I'll stick to correcting you. Because you can't say everyone in Guantanamo is a terrorist when they can be held there without due process.

And again prisons have been COVID-19 dens, it's not nonsensical to give the vaccine to prisoners.
They are not prisoners entitled to "due process", as citizens who are arrested here are. Amnesty International and other watchdog groups I am sure are not saying that we have innocent people detained in Cuba. The detainees should not be entitled to receive the vaccine ahead of their guards, and the victims of their terrorist acts. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was scheduled for a trial that could sentence him to death, on Jan. 21st, but I believe that it has been delayed. I hope that the guards are vaccinated. It would be best if Khalid Sheikh Mohammed dies, soon, from COVID-19, heart attack, or whatever, which will save us the trouble and cost of the trial and eventual execution of this terrorist.
Fascinating stuff - check it out.

This guy has worked in the Republican Party for 3 decades and has an interesting and honest take on the Republican Party, the Capitol riot and President Trump.

@Lane @just1morething, all posters, if you get a chance.


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