2020 US Presidential Election

Ain't this the truth:

A large percentage of our population only receives news via the MSM and these people have been so brain washed they cannot think independently. Try to reason with them and they become hostile. Dictators globally must be in awe of what the left has been done to destroy this country without any of them having to use one weapon.
Ain't this the truth:

A large percentage of our population only receives news via the MSM and these people have been so brain washed they cannot think independently. Try to reason with them and they become hostile. Dictators globally must be in awe of what the left has been done to destroy this country without any of them having to use one weapon.

Ok, I'm being genuine here.

I'm actually starting to worry about you.
Ain't this the truth:

A large percentage of our population only receives news via the MSM and these people have been so brain washed they cannot think independently. Try to reason with them and they become hostile. Dictators globally must be in awe of what the left has been done to destroy this country without any of them having to use one weapon.

How can you say that without any sense of irony when the right elected a congresswomen who is on video saying the Parkland shootings didn't happen and the California wildfires were controlled by Jews from space satellites?

There are now two QAnon Republicans in Congress now. What is QAnon if not serious brain washing?

The MSM has its problems but c'mon. Look at the alternatives the right is using: Giuliani and Lidell (even Newsmaxx is refuting their BS now). And you have Sidney Powell, Lin Wood and Watkins/8kun Q drops (until they stopped, likely because the FBI is looking into Ron and Jim). Lin Wood is such an "independent thinker" that he has said Trump is a secret agent exposing a pedophile ring and will save the world.

I swear the kind of guy who would have had a photocopied zine (and pass it out on the corner) in the 80s can now have a YouTube video and just say "the MSM is lying!" and present literally anything as a fact now and since he isn't mainstream it will be immediately accepted.
Ain't this the truth:

A large percentage of our population only receives news via the MSM and these people have been so brain washed they cannot think independently. Try to reason with them and they become hostile. Dictators globally must be in awe of what the left has been done to destroy this country without any of them having to use one weapon.
You had me until "the left". Some of the MSMs biggest lies were in service of right wing goals. Like when they all lied to support the invasion of Iraq.
Ain't this the truth:

A large percentage of our population only receives news via the MSM and these people have been so brain washed they cannot think independently. Try to reason with them and they become hostile. Dictators globally must be in awe of what the left has been done to destroy this country without any of them having to use one weapon.
Literally everyone who says this is being brainwashed by the far right. They all sound the same, but think they are original.

"Try to reason with them and they become hostile." Really? Most people on here (not me) have been spoon feeding you factual rebuttals to your conspiracy theories with extra helpings of kindness. Instead of showing why they're wrong, you say they are brainwashed by the MSM.

By the way, I don't think many people on here watch much MSM anyways. The MSM doesn't lie. There's truth to the fact that they don't contextualize all of America's suffering, but they don't literally make things up the way all of the right wing nut jobs do.
Senator Ben Sasse (R) Nebraska:

"You are welcome to censure me again – but let's be clear about why: It's because I still believe (as you used to) that politics is not about the weird worship of one dude."
Donald J. Trump on Jan. 6, 2021 @ 6:00 p.m.

"These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long," Trump tweeted. "Go home with love & peace." -- He added: "Remember this day forever!"​
Literally everyone who says this is being brainwashed by the far right. They all sound the same, but think they are original.

"Try to reason with them and they become hostile." Really? Most people on here (not me) have been spoon feeding you factual rebuttals to your conspiracy theories with extra helpings of kindness. Instead of showing why they're wrong, you say they are brainwashed by the MSM.

By the way, I don't think many people on here watch much MSM anyways. The MSM doesn't lie. There's truth to the fact that they don't contextualize all of America's suffering, but they don't literally make things up the way all of the right wing nut jobs do.
All MSM has a left-wing spin, even Fox. They criticized Trump big time in his last year for his "COVID-19 response." The others don't need any mention. You guys parrot them like there's no tomorrow.

Big Tech and MSM censor and spin "right wing" theories as "misinformation" or "conspiracy theories." Right-wingers are evil Trumpers (even if many don't support Trump) or "terrorists" or "white supremacists." It goes on and on.

You guys invent this "right-winger" boogeyman who has all this power and they're dangerous. Oh no! Lol! They have no power. Liberals and left wingers want to decide and dictate what right-wingers they accept or you are banned, censored or tagged with one of the buzz words I mentioned.

You guys ARE draconian dictators or support them. Your take is wrong but ridiculous.

It will only get worse in the USA and elsewhere that has leftist administrations which is practically everywhere.
Believing in something--no matter how strongly--doesn't make it true. What makes things true is whether they're true.
I would love to see the math on this. If souls are put in at fertilization, then twins only have half a soul each?

How can you say that without any sense of irony when the right elected a congresswomen who is on video saying the Parkland shootings didn't happen and the California wildfires were controlled by Jews from space satellites?

There are now two QAnon Republicans in Congress now. What is QAnon if not serious brain washing?

The MSM has its problems but c'mon. Look at the alternatives the right is using: Giuliani and Lidell (even Newsmaxx is refuting their BS now). And you have Sidney Powell, Lin Wood and Watkins/8kun Q drops (until they stopped, likely because the FBI is looking into Ron and Jim). Lin Wood is such an "independent thinker" that he has said Trump is a secret agent exposing a pedophile ring and will save the world.

I swear the kind of guy who would have had a photocopied zine (and pass it out on the corner) in the 80s can now have a YouTube video and just say "the MSM is lying!" and present literally anything as a fact now and since he isn't mainstream it will be immediately accepted.
That was not my words. I found it someplace. I prefer Newsmax and OAN. Zuckerberg and Dorsey did not want Trump to be reelected President. Senator Johnson interviewed them both regarding censorship.
Flying under the radar, Biden is pulling out of Saudi-led Yemen invasion. Seriously, he has to be outperforming progressive expectations, right?

Also, lol at this article from the NYT about how Biden is issuing too many executive orders. Haven't they figured out by now that Republicans are abusers and NYT and other MSM are the abused? They are trying to prove how objective they are.

It's taken Joe Biden a couple of weeks to undo some of Trump's craziest actions. Nope, turns out I don't want Marjorie Taylor Greene's permission on anything.

Ignore the morons who voted her in. If that means they secede, we'll see how that works out.
Literally everyone who says this is being brainwashed by the far right. They all sound the same, but think they are original.

"Try to reason with them and they become hostile." Really? Most people on here (not me) have been spoon feeding you factual rebuttals to your conspiracy theories with extra helpings of kindness. Instead of showing why they're wrong, you say they are brainwashed by the MSM.

By the way, I don't think many people on here watch much MSM anyways. The MSM doesn't lie. There's truth to the fact that they don't contextualize all of America's suffering, but they don't literally make things up the way all of the right wing nut jobs do.
I found that paragraph, it was not mine.
View attachment 43182

Ok, I'm being genuine here.

I'm actually starting to worry about you.
It was just copy/pasted, not my words.
Believing in something--no matter how strongly--doesn't make it true. What makes things true is whether they're true.
That was Rand Paul's words. You mentioned spirituality in some of your posts, so you must believe in something. I thought you said something about reincarnation. Are you coming back as a chicken or something? Are you Buddhist?
Senator Ben Sasse (R) Nebraska:

"You are welcome to censure me again – but let's be clear about why: It's because I still believe (as you used to) that politics is not about the weird worship of one dude."
Donald J. Trump on Jan. 6, 2021 @ 6:00 p.m.

"These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long," Trump tweeted. "Go home with love & peace." -- He added: "Remember this day forever!"​
I seriously miss those Republicans. I could talk policy with them, find common ground and sometimes we could even learn from each other. I have changed my position on a few things (like gun control) because of them and vice versa (I changed someone's mind about the death penalty once).

Trumpism is just about the cult of Trump and not questioning anything he says no matter how absurd.
Lin Wood is such an "independent thinker" that he has said Trump is a secret agent exposing a pedophile ring and will save the world.
Is he talking about the same Trump I'm thinking about where he said Jeffrey Epstein was a terrific guy and how both liked them on the "younger side"?

Is he sure that Trump is part of the pedophile ring too?
You had me until "the left". Some of the MSMs biggest lies were in service of right wing goals. Like when they all lied to support the invasion of Iraq.
"Right wing" goals?

So when Clinton and Obama continue the status quo military foreign policy, are they right wingers? Obama was called Obomber for nothing? Dose darn Republicans, right? The farcical fighting and arguing between the parties about who did what and who was the one invading whatever country.
Prominent Senators said there was fraud. One of them wanted to repeal Biden's reinstatement of taxpayer funded abortions. Do you really think someone with those kind of ethics would lie? What are you smoking my friend? Once the state's certify, it's very hard to overturn the results, regardless if there was fraud. You've seen the early morning Biden spikes in 4 swing states in the early morning hours of November 4th. A lot of Trump supporters voted by mail too you know because of the pandemic.

Advocating for Sanctity of Life | Senator Rand Paul

I am 100% pro-life. I believe life begins at conception and that abortion takes the life of an innocent human being. It is the duty of our government to protect this life as a right guaranteed under the Constitution.
Can I ask you a question?

Have you ever heard of Dr. Gisella Perl? It's ok if you haven't. Most people haven't. But have you heard of her?
No. I can google her.
Let me save you the trouble. Fair warning, this is really rough.

She was a doctor, a gynecologist to be more exact.

A jew, she was sent to Auschwitz. There, she was identified as a gynecologist and was brought before Josef Mengele. Now, this sick son of a bitch loved doing experiments on his prisoners.

This included vivisection of pregnant women at various stages of pregnancy. And it was now her new job to 'care' for these women before they met their fate. Mengele wanted healthy subjects. She did this with little equipment and resources.

Perl, faced with this horror, decided to do the only thing she could to save as many women as possible: She gave out abortions.

Without any medical equipment, or anything to dull their pain or put them to sleep. She did this secretly in the cramped and filthy barracks. By doing this, she saved lives.

In these cases, where abortion is the most humane option, be it when it's a form of mercy, or when the pregnancy is so filled with complications or the mother is so young that it would be fatal to deliver the child, are you still "100% Pro Life"?
"Right wing" goals?

So when Clinton and Obama continue the status quo military foreign policy, are they right wingers? Obama was called Obomber for nothing? Dose darn Republicans, right? The farcical fighting and arguing between the parties about who did what and who was the one invading whatever country.
Those were definitely right wing actions, yes. This is why I think it's ridiculous that people call Obama some sort of radical leftist. His foreign policy was very much Bush 2.0.
Flying under the radar, Biden is pulling out of Saudi-led Yemen invasion. Seriously, he has to be outperforming progressive expectations, right?

Also, lol at this article from the NYT about how Biden is issuing too many executive orders. Haven't they figured out by now that Republicans are abusers and NYT and other MSM are the abused? They are trying to prove how objective they are.

It's taken Joe Biden a couple of weeks to undo some of Trump's craziest actions. Nope, turns out I don't want Marjorie Taylor Greene's permission on anything.

Ignore the morons who voted her in. If that means they secede, we'll see how that works out.
Thank goodness, that was one of the few real differences between their foreign policy positions in the Middle East and I'm happy he kept his word on that.
Those were definitely right wing actions, yes. This is why I think it's ridiculous that people call Obama some sort of radical leftist. His foreign policy was very much Bush 2.0.
That makes no sense. My point is it's not necessarily right-wing or left-wing. It's America's foreign policy no matter which party is in. Industrial military complex and all that. American foreign/military agenda etc.

Not going to elaborate because I don't think I need to.
Let me save you the trouble. Fair warning, this is really rough.

She was a doctor, a gynecologist to be more exact.

A jew, she was sent to Auschwitz. There, she was identified as a gynecologist and was brought before Josef Mengele. Now, this sick son of a bitch loved doing experiments on his prisoners.

This included vivisection of pregnant women at various stages of pregnancy. And it was now her new job to 'care' for these women before they met their fate. Mengele wanted healthy subjects. She did this with little equipment and resources.

Perl, faced with this horror, decided to do the only thing she could to save as many women as possible: She gave out abortions.

Without any medical equipment, or anything to dull their pain or put them to sleep. She did this secretly in the cramped and filthy barracks. By doing this, she saved lives.

In these cases, where abortion is the most humane option, be it when it's a form of mercy, or when the pregnancy is so filled with complications or the mother is so young that it would be fatal to deliver the child, are you still "100% Pro Life"?
That term was used by Rand Paul in the link on my post.
Those were definitely right wing actions, yes. This is why I think it's ridiculous that people call Obama some sort of radical leftist. His foreign policy was very much Bush 2.0.
ELI5: Why do progressives think it's so easy to just put an end to the Middle East involvement? Obviously, Iraq was a mistake, but I genuinely don't understand the logistics of our foreign policy enough to know why we are still there and why it's easy to not be there.

Without any thought, personally, it sounds nice to not be involved, but assuming Obama doesn't love killing innocent people for fun, I have to imagine it's a lot more complicated. Is this true? Why or why not?

I know about supplying the Kurds in order to fight ISIL, but when Trump left them high and dry, progressives lost their mind. I don't understand this situation and why progressives make it sound so simple.

Here's a good article explaining the situation, but I'm curious what people here think.
That term was used by Rand Paul in the link on my post.
Since you both qouted Rand Paul and linked his website, I assumed that you share his seniment.

If that was an unreasonable assumption, my aplogies. If it wasn't, than can you please answer my question? The same question goes for everyone in this thread who considers themselves 100% Pro life.
Those were definitely right wing actions, yes. This is why I think it's ridiculous that people call Obama some sort of radical leftist. His foreign policy was very much Bush 2.0.
Don't forget the country Obama bombed was a socialist state, so if he was truly a "radical leftist", then he's a pretty crap one and lack principles by bombing a socialist country for imperialist gains.

When I say they're socialist, I don't mean they are ruled by a socialist party; I mean their whole government was designed by socialists (not the traditional kind, as apparently Islam still played a decent part, just the less conservative side of it). The country's official name was Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and their official motto was "freedom, socialism and unity".

Fun fact: Before the invasion, Libya was the richest and most developed country in Africa. Here's the human development index of Libya compared to all the other African countries. It's the only one in green which is in the "High" development category, which also happens to host a bunch of countries from Western Europe, East Asia, North America, Australia/NZ etc:


After the invasion, terrorism skyrocketed and slavery came back. It's still a bad place to live a decade later:


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