2020 US Presidential Election

Yep. Texas is off the federal grid to avoid regulations that interfere with maximum power company profit. Their power companies don't have to winterize or maintain infrastructure to standards.

Windmills are a small fraction of the power supply in Texas, but besides that, they have wind turbines in cold climates. Illinois has them and they work fine in very harsh cold.
Look how that's working out. Texas infrastructure was already far from world class and it's in a state of decay now. I got told the lack of regulations would make improve it, yet why did a widespread power outage happen which is a third world country problem? Where's the high speed rail replacing the outdated trains? Whatever their opinion is of high speed rail, they need to ride on one because they would change their mind knowing how much superior they are than the current ones that aren't much faster than old steam trains.

Guess who has power in Texas? I'll tell you, it isn't the ordinary working folks, if you get what I'm saying.


Of all the right wing talking points that's easy to disprove, this ranks near the top.
Unfortunately, being easy to disprove also doesn't make it any easier to convince them either as some live in an alternate reality.
But I cited you an article, with a lot of citations within it btw, saying that the problem in Texas was not caused by green energy. The losses from green energy were "dwarfed 5 to 6 times" by losses from plants relying on fossil fuels. Texas is only powered 10% by wind and yet its power went out.

Why would I admit that it's a problem with green energy when the fossil fuel plants had a worse track record?
I showed a link disputing that exact info and also provided another similar situation in Germany, a country which has a much more developed green energy setup than Texas.

What more do you want? I guess this is your first excuse and I am not interested in arguing about it. It's a waste of my time.
Looks like someone can't handle Born To Slay's FACTS and LOGIC.

Whoever I put on ignore, as Ben Shapiro says: "Facts don't care about your feelings" lel.
Logic? Lol.

They aren't facts either... more lies by the media. Gas/oil and coal has been used all over the world in cold areas, dude. Get with the program. Sure, it might have some problems in the cold but the problems in Texas in which people are sleeping in their cars is because of the transition to wind and solar that is frozen and covered by snow. Lol. MSM doesn't like the narrative.

Why am I replying to some *** who has me on ignore anyway? At least, I don't have to care about your reply. Consider this my last response on the subject. You can be in denial all you want.
I showed a link disputing that exact info and also provided another similar situation in Germany, a country which has a much more developed green energy setup than Texas.

What more do you want? I guess this is your first excuse and I am not interested in arguing about it. It's a waste of my time.
Wait, so just because some problems occurred in Germany, as a result you can now blame every power wide outage on green energy?

And it should also your noted ur articles did not actually dispute the stats that I posted, they just wrote about how green energy is increasing in Texas, which while true, can not explain why most of a state lost power when a majority of its energy comes from fossil fuels.

According to the US Energy Information Administration only 20% of Texas energy is coming from renewable energy meaning that they could lose all of it and still operate at 80%. Is that what's happening in Texas? Absolutely not, the power outages are effecting most of the state. It's literally impossible for renewable energy to bring the state to its knees, it's just not enough of the power in Texas.


And just so you know, I responded for the good of the readers. Otherwise arguing would be a waste of my time. You only believe far right think tanks and media and seem to unquestionably believe them while calling any media left of center biased.
That was PeteJ. Does it actually stop you from seeing that's who I quoted when you put someone on ignore?
Ahh, I see. Yeah basically, so every once in a while I sometimes wonder what's up with the mysterious messages. I assumed a lot of people here already put him on ignore before I did because at one point he posted something and wondered why no one even replied to him after he posted a bunch of things. If I recall correctly, he was probably foaming in the mouth over it knowing how emotionally charged and aggressive he comes off to people whenever facts don't agree with his feelings (sometimes it sounds like he's 1 step away typing up a death threat. I mean he did tag someones post about someone they knew who died from coronavirus as funny. Even Hazel called him out for it). Someone said a similar thing on the covid thread about so many people putting him on ignore. Poor PeteJ :*( . The only person that responded was you, and so many mysterious messages happen to come from you too. I assume that is you talking to him, and this one other person I have that I forgot about.
Ahh, I see. Yeah basically, so every once in a while I sometimes wonder what's up with the mysterious messages. I assumed a lot of people here already put him on ignore before I did because at one point he posted something and wondered why no one even replied to him after he posted a bunch of things. If I recall correctly, he was probably foaming in the mouth over it knowing how emotionally charged and aggressive he comes off to people whenever facts don't agree with his feelings (sometimes it sounds like he's 1 step away typing up a death threat. I mean he did tag someones post about someone they knew who died from coronavirus as funny. Even Hazel called him out for it). Someone said a similar thing on the covid thread about so many people putting him on ignore. Poor PeteJ :*( . The only person that responded was you, and so many mysterious messages happen to come from you too. I assume that is you talking to him, and this one other person I have that I forgot about.
I wouldn't feel right about putting him on ignore, other than political disagreements, I have no issue with him. We've had some nice conversations in other threads and frankly, he's suffering very badly and if he ever posts saying he's going to kill himself, I'd like to see it so that I can try to talk him out of it.
Here's a good video on the misinformation coming from the right regarding climate change and frozen wind turbines being the main issue.

It's more or less similar to what @Born To Slay said. He slayed it, as always.
Here's a good video on the misinformation coming from the right regarding climate change and frozen wind turbines being the main issue.

It's more or less similar to what @Born To Slay said. He slayed it, as always.
It's not working in cold climates which makes sense.

But, go ahead and believe MSM lies.

You're good at that.
Wait, so just because some problems occurred in Germany, as a result you can now blame every power wide outage on green energy?

And it should also your noted ur articles did not actually dispute the stats that I posted, they just wrote about how green energy is increasing in Texas, which while true, can not explain why most of a state lost power when a majority of its energy comes from fossil fuels.

According to the US Energy Information Administration only 20% of Texas energy is coming from renewable energy meaning that they could lose all of it and still operate at 80%. Is that what's happening in Texas? Absolutely not, the power outages are effecting most of the state. It's literally impossible for renewable energy to bring the state to its knees, it's just not enough of the power in Texas.


And just so you know, I responded for the good of the readers. Otherwise arguing would be a waste of my time. You only believe far right think tanks and media and seem to unquestionably believe them while calling any media left of center biased.
You have a reading comprehension problem. Go read it again. They quoted an association which cited the MSM's fabrications.

It's simple. The wind and solar cannot power an entire grid especially in winter and this problem is exacerbated in extremely cold temperatures. Texas is not accustomed to such cold temperatures and the move to wind and solar power ran into problems with the cold temperatures.

Thus, they had to rush to the more traditional fossil fuels to take up the slack (and restore power).

The MSM doesn't want to admit the negatives with green energy since it's the current agenda. You're gullible so there's not much point continuing this.

Don't mention my tinnitus issues because I am not interested in discussing them with you. Thanks.
@Zugzug, apparently, Texans aren't the only ones left in the cold by Ted Cruz...

Ted Cruz Abandons Millions of Freezing Texans and His Poodle, Snowflake

After jaunting off to Cancún with his family Wednesday night, Senator Ted Cruz explained that he was merely escorting his teenage girls on a vacation trip with their friends. In an apparent bid for sympathy, he noted that, like millions of other Texans, "our family lost heat and water." Cynics immediately cast doubt on this claim, so this afternoon I decided to check out the senator's power situation for myself. Supplied with Cruz's address by a knowledgeable friend, I drove the fifteen minutes from my Houston apartment to the uber-rich River Oaks neighborhood where Cruz lives.

From the street, Cruz's white, Colonial Revival-style mansion looked dark and uninhabited. A neighbor informed me that the block had indeed lost power before finally getting it back late Wednesday night. A glance at the lighted lanterns flanking the doorways of other homes on the block confirmed this. The senator's story appeared to check out. But then I heard barking and noticed a small, white dog looking out the bottom right pane of glass in the senator's front door. Had Cruz left his dog behind?

As I approached to knock, a man stepped out of the Suburban parked in Cruz's driveway. "Is this Senator Cruz's house?" I asked. He said it was, that Cruz wasn't home, and identified himself as a security guard. When asked who was taking care of the dog, the guard volunteered that he was. Reassured of the dog's well-being, I returned to my car. Before leaving, though, I took a photo of the house from my car window, making sure not to include the house address.

A 2014 Facebook post by Cruz, apparently showing a picture of the dog, identifies it as a rescue puppy named, aptly enough, Snowflake (gender unknown). Some on Twitter have questioned whether the dog is in fact a poodle, suggesting alternative breeds such as a Bichon Frise. I couldn't get close enough to tell, and I'm no canine expert, but "Ted Cruz's poodle" just sounds funny.

As soon as I posted the photo on Twitter, noting that Cruz "appears to have left behind the family poodle," all hell broke loose. "Tell me they really didn't leave that dog home alone," one person replied. "That pooch deserves better," grumbled another. People tagged the ASPCA and PETA. Then there were what I have come to call the Poodle Truthers. "Where's the snow and ice?" "I don't think this is really @tedcruz house, where's the snow?" I tried to explain that after two sunny, 40-degree days, the snow and ice had melted, but some continued to insist the photo was fake.

For most, though, especially Texans like me who have suffered through a week without heat or water in freezing overnight weather, the notion of Cruz leaving his dog behind to hit the beach was all too much — especially the thought of the power being out when they left. (The New York Timesreported that Cruz's wife Heidi had complained that the house was "FREEZING" in a group chat to friends and neighbors that proposed leaving the blackout behind for the Ritz-Carlton in Cancún.)

Like far too many of us, I've been without power and water for most of the week. I spent one night at the apartment of a friend who still has power, but the rest of the time I've been bundled up in multiple layers of clothing, shivering beneath four blankets, leaving the apartment only to charge devices in my car. With only an electric stove, I couldn't heat up food. I haven't showered since Sunday. And it could be worse — my parents in Austin still have no power or water, and yesterday one of their pipes burst, flooding the first floor of their house. To watch our junior senator escape to Cancun while the rest of us freeze is the ultimate indignity.

Capture d’écran 2021-02-19 à 10.27.08.png

@Zugzug, apparently, Texans aren't the only ones left in the cold by Ted Cruz...

Ted Cruz Abandons Millions of Freezing Texans and His Poodle, Snowflake

After jaunting off to Cancún with his family Wednesday night, Senator Ted Cruz explained that he was merely escorting his teenage girls on a vacation trip with their friends. In an apparent bid for sympathy, he noted that, like millions of other Texans, "our family lost heat and water." Cynics immediately cast doubt on this claim, so this afternoon I decided to check out the senator's power situation for myself. Supplied with Cruz's address by a knowledgeable friend, I drove the fifteen minutes from my Houston apartment to the uber-rich River Oaks neighborhood where Cruz lives.

From the street, Cruz's white, Colonial Revival-style mansion looked dark and uninhabited. A neighbor informed me that the block had indeed lost power before finally getting it back late Wednesday night. A glance at the lighted lanterns flanking the doorways of other homes on the block confirmed this. The senator's story appeared to check out. But then I heard barking and noticed a small, white dog looking out the bottom right pane of glass in the senator's front door. Had Cruz left his dog behind?

As I approached to knock, a man stepped out of the Suburban parked in Cruz's driveway. "Is this Senator Cruz's house?" I asked. He said it was, that Cruz wasn't home, and identified himself as a security guard. When asked who was taking care of the dog, the guard volunteered that he was. Reassured of the dog's well-being, I returned to my car. Before leaving, though, I took a photo of the house from my car window, making sure not to include the house address.

A 2014 Facebook post by Cruz, apparently showing a picture of the dog, identifies it as a rescue puppy named, aptly enough, Snowflake (gender unknown). Some on Twitter have questioned whether the dog is in fact a poodle, suggesting alternative breeds such as a Bichon Frise. I couldn't get close enough to tell, and I'm no canine expert, but "Ted Cruz's poodle" just sounds funny.

As soon as I posted the photo on Twitter, noting that Cruz "appears to have left behind the family poodle," all hell broke loose. "Tell me they really didn't leave that dog home alone," one person replied. "That pooch deserves better," grumbled another. People tagged the ASPCA and PETA. Then there were what I have come to call the Poodle Truthers. "Where's the snow and ice?" "I don't think this is really @tedcruz house, where's the snow?" I tried to explain that after two sunny, 40-degree days, the snow and ice had melted, but some continued to insist the photo was fake.

For most, though, especially Texans like me who have suffered through a week without heat or water in freezing overnight weather, the notion of Cruz leaving his dog behind to hit the beach was all too much — especially the thought of the power being out when they left. (The New York Timesreported that Cruz's wife Heidi had complained that the house was "FREEZING" in a group chat to friends and neighbors that proposed leaving the blackout behind for the Ritz-Carlton in Cancún.)

Like far too many of us, I've been without power and water for most of the week. I spent one night at the apartment of a friend who still has power, but the rest of the time I've been bundled up in multiple layers of clothing, shivering beneath four blankets, leaving the apartment only to charge devices in my car. With only an electric stove, I couldn't heat up food. I haven't showered since Sunday. And it could be worse — my parents in Austin still have no power or water, and yesterday one of their pipes burst, flooding the first floor of their house. To watch our junior senator escape to Cancun while the rest of us freeze is the ultimate indignity.

View attachment 43374

Nice. He threw his dog and his family under the bus.

His excuse of "my daughters were cold, had the week off and wanted to take a immediate trip to Cancun with friends so I'm a good father and went but planned to fly down with them, leave them with their mom and fly immediately back" is honestly among the most ridiculous political excuses I have ever heard.

Honorable mention:

"I didn't inhale".
@Zugzug, apparently, Texans aren't the only ones left in the cold by Ted Cruz...

Ted Cruz Abandons Millions of Freezing Texans and His Poodle, Snowflake

After jaunting off to Cancún with his family Wednesday night, Senator Ted Cruz explained that he was merely escorting his teenage girls on a vacation trip with their friends. In an apparent bid for sympathy, he noted that, like millions of other Texans, "our family lost heat and water." Cynics immediately cast doubt on this claim, so this afternoon I decided to check out the senator's power situation for myself. Supplied with Cruz's address by a knowledgeable friend, I drove the fifteen minutes from my Houston apartment to the uber-rich River Oaks neighborhood where Cruz lives.

From the street, Cruz's white, Colonial Revival-style mansion looked dark and uninhabited. A neighbor informed me that the block had indeed lost power before finally getting it back late Wednesday night. A glance at the lighted lanterns flanking the doorways of other homes on the block confirmed this. The senator's story appeared to check out. But then I heard barking and noticed a small, white dog looking out the bottom right pane of glass in the senator's front door. Had Cruz left his dog behind?

As I approached to knock, a man stepped out of the Suburban parked in Cruz's driveway. "Is this Senator Cruz's house?" I asked. He said it was, that Cruz wasn't home, and identified himself as a security guard. When asked who was taking care of the dog, the guard volunteered that he was. Reassured of the dog's well-being, I returned to my car. Before leaving, though, I took a photo of the house from my car window, making sure not to include the house address.

A 2014 Facebook post by Cruz, apparently showing a picture of the dog, identifies it as a rescue puppy named, aptly enough, Snowflake (gender unknown). Some on Twitter have questioned whether the dog is in fact a poodle, suggesting alternative breeds such as a Bichon Frise. I couldn't get close enough to tell, and I'm no canine expert, but "Ted Cruz's poodle" just sounds funny.

As soon as I posted the photo on Twitter, noting that Cruz "appears to have left behind the family poodle," all hell broke loose. "Tell me they really didn't leave that dog home alone," one person replied. "That pooch deserves better," grumbled another. People tagged the ASPCA and PETA. Then there were what I have come to call the Poodle Truthers. "Where's the snow and ice?" "I don't think this is really @tedcruz house, where's the snow?" I tried to explain that after two sunny, 40-degree days, the snow and ice had melted, but some continued to insist the photo was fake.

For most, though, especially Texans like me who have suffered through a week without heat or water in freezing overnight weather, the notion of Cruz leaving his dog behind to hit the beach was all too much — especially the thought of the power being out when they left. (The New York Timesreported that Cruz's wife Heidi had complained that the house was "FREEZING" in a group chat to friends and neighbors that proposed leaving the blackout behind for the Ritz-Carlton in Cancún.)

Like far too many of us, I've been without power and water for most of the week. I spent one night at the apartment of a friend who still has power, but the rest of the time I've been bundled up in multiple layers of clothing, shivering beneath four blankets, leaving the apartment only to charge devices in my car. With only an electric stove, I couldn't heat up food. I haven't showered since Sunday. And it could be worse — my parents in Austin still have no power or water, and yesterday one of their pipes burst, flooding the first floor of their house. To watch our junior senator escape to Cancun while the rest of us freeze is the ultimate indignity.

View attachment 43374

I wonder if what happened was that he got so used to calling liberals "snowflakes" that he thought he was screwing over a liberal by leaving his dog home in the cold.

Seriously, he's a special kind of swamp monster in Washington.
Nice. He threw his dog and his family under the bus.

His excuse of "my daughters were cold, had the week off and wanted to take a immediate trip to Cancun with friends so I'm a good father and went but planned to fly down with them, leave them with their mom and fly immediately back" is honestly among the most ridiculous political excuses I have ever heard.

Honorable mention:

"I didn't inhale".
Do you also wonder how much political capital he has left after his involvement in all the weird shit that has taken place so far e.g. inciting violence in the Capitol riot, denying Biden's legitimate win, allowing Trump to insult his wife, now being negligent of caring for his dog and constituents. Even AOC is raking in money to help the people in need in Cruz' state. I almost have the feeling that not a lot of people in Texas really care what he is doing, as long as he has an R spelled on his chest. Hopefully Beto O'Rourke will kick his ass when the next senate elections take place.
I wonder if what happened was that he got so used to calling liberals "snowflakes" that he thought he was screwing over a liberal by leaving his dog home in the cold.

Seriously, he's a special kind of swamp monster in Washington.
Hah, I didn't know ''snowflake'' was a pejorative term until you mentioned it :confused:. These Republicans are doing really everything they can to own the libs.
I wonder if what happened was that he got so used to calling liberals "snowflakes" that he thought he was screwing over a liberal by leaving his dog home in the cold.

Seriously, he's a special kind of swamp monster in Washington.
I'm sure he has someone looking after his dog and house. We don't have to slam him Jimmy Kimmel style. Jimmy never picks on Biden or Harris.

Biden is President, what more do you want? We are going to use fossil fuels for quite some time. When gas prices start to climb everyone will complain about that. Cruz was for the XL pipeline to be completed as far as I know.
I'm sure he has someone looking after his dog and house. We don't have to slam him Jimmy Kimmel style. Jimmy never picks on Biden or Harris.

Biden is President, what more do you want? We are going to use fossil fuels for quite some time. When gas prices start to climb everyone will complain about that. Cruz was for the XL pipeline to be completed as far as I know.
"Quite sometime"? Biden is planning a fairly quick withdrawal.
I'm sure he has someone looking after his dog and house. We don't have to slam him Jimmy Kimmel style. Jimmy never picks on Biden or Harris.

Biden is President, what more do you want? We are going to use fossil fuels for quite some time. When gas prices start to climb everyone will complain about that. Cruz was for the XL pipeline to be completed as far as I know.
He did have someone to feed and let him out, etc obviously but personally there is no way I'd leave my pets alone in a sub freezing house even if someone was around to check on them. Little dogs have a much higher surface to body ratio and are much more prone to hypothermia. A poodle would be at the very least utterly stressed and miserable in that environment on top of having its family leave. Just seems incredibly selfish to me.

Sometimes people's actions deserve criticism.
I don't know why, but I like to check out conservative media to see what they are saying. It's incredible, how they approach these things.

Ben Shapiro is harping on the fact that it's not hypocrisy, by the definition, because Cruz isn't advocating for freezing weather and then leaving to warm weather. He then cites Andrew Cuomo's nursing home failure (and cover-up) and Nancy Pelosi's haircut as better examples of hypocrisy.

I swear that guy lives in a reality where he invents the positions of the goal posts for the game or constructs a straw man to demolish. Most people think that Cruz's vacation (and blaming his daughters lmao) is a display of low empathy because his constituents don't have that opportunity. They don't care to get tangled in the weeds of whether it fits the definition of hypocrisy.

Who the hell on the left (outside of maybe some MSM elites like Chris Cuomo) has a hard time condemning Andrew Cuomo? I've never heard of such a person -- the left is a lot better at just admitting when something went wrong. Also, it's unbelievable that he brings this up, while missing the biggest picture, which is that Trump completely mishandled the pandemic, downplayed it, and then the ultimate hypocrisy of getting top medical care to survive COVID-19 and having the doctor lie about his situation.

Two things can be true. Nancy Pelosi shouldn't have gotten a haircut, but her mistakes are nothing compared to the biggest mistake.

Also, how the hell can anyone, left or right, revere Rush Limbaugh? I don't wish harm on anyone, but damn, that guy took the asshole position on literally every single political or social topic.
I don't know why, but I like to check out conservative media to see what they are saying. It's incredible, how they approach these things.

Ben Shapiro is harping on the fact that it's not hypocrisy, by the definition, because Cruz isn't advocating for freezing weather and then leaving to warm weather. He then cites Andrew Cuomo's nursing home failure (and cover-up) and Nancy Pelosi's haircut as better examples of hypocrisy.

I swear that guy lives in a reality where he invents the positions of the goal posts for the game or constructs a straw man to demolish. Most people think that Cruz's vacation (and blaming his daughters lmao) is a display of low empathy because his constituents don't have that opportunity. They don't care to get tangled in the weeds of whether it fits the definition of hypocrisy.

Who the hell on the left (outside of maybe some MSM elites like Chris Cuomo) has a hard time condemning Andrew Cuomo? I've never heard of such a person -- the left is a lot better at just admitting when something went wrong. Also, it's unbelievable that he brings this up, while missing the biggest picture, which is that Trump completely mishandled the pandemic, downplayed it, and then the ultimate hypocrisy of getting top medical care to survive COVID-19 and having the doctor lie about his situation.

Two things can be true. Nancy Pelosi shouldn't have gotten a haircut, but her mistakes are nothing compared to the biggest mistake.

Also, how the hell can anyone, left or right, revere Rush Limbaugh? I don't wish harm on anyone, but damn, that guy took the asshole position on literally every single political or social topic.
That excuse for going to Cancum was shit. Senator Cruz shouldn't have left Texas while millions of Texans are without power. This is going to look bad for Republicans when the 2022 elections happen.

They have said some wacked up shit and at this rate, if they continue down this dark path I would not be surprised if the Republican Party becomes defunct. They are digging into their own graves.
"Quite sometime"? Biden is planning a fairly quick withdrawal.
For decades. Green energy on a large scale isn't practical right now. It will be a very slow transition. We've been dependent on fossil fuels for the past century. Everyone will complain about utility costs going up and power outages if we go green too fast. Hybrid cars haven't even caught on that great so far. Elon Musk will push for EVs because he owns Tesla or a good percentage of it. He probably has a private jet like Bill Gates polluting far more than the average person.
That excuse for going to Cancum was shit. Senator Cruz shouldn't have left Texas while millions of Texans are without power. This is going to look bad for Republicans when the 2022 elections happen.

They have said some wacked up shit and at this rate, if they continue down this dark path I would not be surprised if the Republican Party becomes defunct. They are digging into their own graves.
It's a sad thing to see. I don't really care about party, I just want more competency.
I don't know why, but I like to check out conservative media to see what they are saying. It's incredible, how they approach these things.

Ben Shapiro is harping on the fact that it's not hypocrisy, by the definition, because Cruz isn't advocating for freezing weather and then leaving to warm weather. He then cites Andrew Cuomo's nursing home failure (and cover-up) and Nancy Pelosi's haircut as better examples of hypocrisy.

I swear that guy lives in a reality where he invents the positions of the goal posts for the game or constructs a straw man to demolish. Most people think that Cruz's vacation (and blaming his daughters lmao) is a display of low empathy because his constituents don't have that opportunity. They don't care to get tangled in the weeds of whether it fits the definition of hypocrisy.

Who the hell on the left (outside of maybe some MSM elites like Chris Cuomo) has a hard time condemning Andrew Cuomo? I've never heard of such a person -- the left is a lot better at just admitting when something went wrong. Also, it's unbelievable that he brings this up, while missing the biggest picture, which is that Trump completely mishandled the pandemic, downplayed it, and then the ultimate hypocrisy of getting top medical care to survive COVID-19 and having the doctor lie about his situation.

Two things can be true. Nancy Pelosi shouldn't have gotten a haircut, but her mistakes are nothing compared to the biggest mistake.

Also, how the hell can anyone, left or right, revere Rush Limbaugh? I don't wish harm on anyone, but damn, that guy took the asshole position on literally every single political or social topic.
If you've never seen Vaush destroy Ben Shapiro, look that up on YouTube. Most of the videos have closed captioning.
If you've never seen Vaush destroy Ben Shapiro, look that up on YouTube. Most of the videos have closed captioning.
I've seen Vaush. He's an interesting dude, to put it mildly.

Ben Shapiro scares me because he's an actual con man. He does a lot of sneaky things when he speaks and uses proper inflection during his transitions from straw man to straw man. I would imagine some pretty bright people have been pulled in by his tricks. Ultimately, he approaches politics like a lawyer defending his side, not someone genuinely out for an intellectual discovery. It's sad too, because he's an extremely intelligent person. He's just, ironically, so blinded by his feelings and loyalty to his party that he's too partisan to think straight. I also think he has an empathy problem. I often see him assume people's motives are political when they are clearly genuine.
Texas power power companies have been warned for over a decade that this could happen, and they apparently didn't listen, and/or do enough. Texans hate New York, so I'm not shy about saying that Texans are well known to be fiercely independent, arrogant, and believe that they know everything. People wanted to save money, and now they are paying the price. It does't pay to be cheap. I hope that this situation improves, ASAP.

Texas Was Warned a Decade Ago Its Grid Was Unready for Cold

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