2020 US Presidential Election

Preach! As you know, it takes certain kind of people to handle the truth™.

But to be honest, it's pretty tiring to see the same thing over and over again. Right wing politicians being relentlessly labeled as Nazis.

It's the same thing in Sweden. The Social Democrats & Co can't stand having a calm and factual discussion with the opposition. The racist card is being used indefinitely to silence those who disagree. The parliament mostly consists of a sandbox with five-year olds. They don't do what's best for Sweden, and that's why almost every part of this once rich and fully functional welfare state has tanked within two decades. Now it's too late, and Sweden is going down the drain.

Facts over emotions, I say.

Yet, Swedes vote for them.

I still don't see why they had no COVID-19 restrictions. To me, a genuine right wing party is likely to implement such a policy. Swedes didn't die out and ironically, it's probably the only policy they'll ever do that I 100% support.

But, every other policy has resulted in Sweden's overall decline.
In fact, SD had its roots in Swedish fascism; but you are not wrong and I understand your point. To me it's a completely incomprehensible mystery how, from Olof Palme, we ended up with Stefan Löfven. That "glorious Sweden" you are talking about was imagined, architected and built by Social Democrats who had a specific forward-looking idea in mind; but then, governments ruled by the same party, years later, seemed to have started a process of dismantlement of that same so precious welfare state. My fear is that SD will put the last nail in the coffin; they claim to strongly support the welfare state, but do they really? I guess we will see, they will probably have their chance in September next year.
You can't support a welfare state if you are causing people to flee the country (due to high taxes, crime, decaying schools, migrant insanity etc.).

I read not too long ago that a Swedish finance minister conceded that Sweden was basically broke and had to *borrow money.* It was definitely shocking.

Yet, people keep voting for these politicians, calling the SD "nazis" (when, in reality, they are neocon cucks), all the while they continue to import migrants by the many hundreds of thousands, if not more.

The people never learn.
Yet, Swedes vote for them.
It amazes me too. But in my opinion, there's a broader issue in the entire parliament. No one seem to have a long term plan to set things right, and most debates I've seen has rarely been objective, just a bunch of name calling.
I still don't see why they had no COVID-19 restrictions. To me, a genuine right wing party is likely to implement such a policy.
If I'm not mistaken, the right wing did at least raise objections as the situation started to escalate. The problem was that the politicians in charge did not think for themselves, but relied purely on what the Swedish Public Health Agency said.
You can't support a welfare state if you are causing people to flee the country (due to high taxes, crime, decaying schools, migrant insanity etc.).
I pay 1/3 of my income in tax, and I'm totally okay with that, as I support the idea of a welfare state. I'd say most people here, except the very rich, are alright with this high tax. The problem with crime and education are complex, and I don't think it's necessarily due to it being a welfare state, as both of those things have been much better historically.

I believe it's due to politicians making very irresponsible decisions. I don't think any of the key decisions made, that has made Sweden decline, has ever gone through a consequence or risk analysis, and I think that says a lot.
Preach! As you know, it takes certain kind of people to handle the truth™.

But to be honest, it's pretty tiring to see the same thing over and over again. Right wing politicians being relentlessly labeled as Nazis.

It's the same thing in Sweden. The Social Democrats & Co can't stand having a calm and factual discussion with the opposition. The racist card is being used indefinitely to silence those who disagree. The parliament mostly consists of a sandbox with five-year olds. They don't do what's best for Sweden, and that's why almost every part of this once rich and fully functional welfare state has tanked within two decades. Now it's too late, and Sweden is going down the drain.

Facts over emotions, I say.

Right wing has been calling left wing socialist or communist since 1950 at least. That is getting old. Hard to have a discussion with someone. Did you ever here of the McCarthy hearings, since I suppose you arent in US? I am sure Sweden has a healthy Nazi contingent, and they probably love Trump too.

Actually, I call right wingers communist since the RNC (Republican National Committee) now stands for Russian National Committee. They love Putin almost as much as Trump since they are both Alpha Males.

And here we have the Alt Right, which I suppose brands themselves as kinder, gentler extremists, yet they are supposedly mainstream right wing, doing Nazi salutes, calling the press by Hitler's own words lugenpressen, and who knows what? Well, I know what. Do you call these people Nazis?

Stereotyping, ethnic jokes and slurs directed at any group are not acceptable. This is a partial history of insults towards Irish people, by President Joe Biden:

October 2021, Biden makes Irish slur to the pope
19th Ward Chicago: Biden insults the Irish

March 2021, Biden insults Protestants in Northern Ireland
Internet uproar as Biden gaffe resurfaces: 'I may be Irish, but I'm not stupid' | The Irish Post

2015 - Joe Biden makes 'orange' joke while greeting Irish Republic politician Enda Kenny
Joe Biden makes 'orange' joke while greeting Enda Kenny

2015 - Northern Irish MP asks for apology over Biden St. Patrick's Day joke
Northern Irish MP asks for apology over Biden St. Patrick's Day joke
Right wing has been calling left wing socialist or communist since 1950 at least. That is getting old. Hard to have a discussion with someone.
Nobody should be subject to name calling, regardless of where one is placed on the political scale. I guess the difference here is that pretty much every party in the Swedish parliament supports a good welfare state, everyone's Socialists. Pretty much the only ones who are being called communists today are "Left Party" whose official name was "Left Party – the Communists" up until the 1990s.

I think, If anyone puts forth a great motion or idea, it should be taken into consideration, but more often than not, it doesn't matter if a certain motion is good or bad, what matters is who puts it forth, and I don't think that constitutes a objective and factual debate. That's a big problem for us, in my opinion.
Actually, I call right wingers communist since the RNC (Republican National Committee) now stands for Russian National Committee. They love Putin almost as much as Trump since they are both Alpha Males.
You do you.
And here we have the Alt Right, which I suppose brands themselves as kinder, gentler extremists, yet they are supposedly mainstream right wing, doing Nazi salutes, calling the press by Hitler's own words lugenpressen, and who knows what? Well, I know what. Do you call these people Nazis?
If they obviously hold a Nazi ideology, then yes, but if they simply have conservative values, then no. I'm not going to comment on that because I do not know the details. I only share what is my experience in the Swedish debate.
Right wing has been calling left wing socialist or communist since 1950 at least. That is getting old. Hard to have a discussion with someone. Did you ever here of the McCarthy hearings, since I suppose you arent in US? I am sure Sweden has a healthy Nazi contingent, and they probably love Trump too.

Actually, I call right wingers communist since the RNC (Republican National Committee) now stands for Russian National Committee. They love Putin almost as much as Trump since they are both Alpha Males.

And here we have the Alt Right, which I suppose brands themselves as kinder, gentler extremists, yet they are supposedly mainstream right wing, doing Nazi salutes, calling the press by Hitler's own words lugenpressen, and who knows what? Well, I know what. Do you call these people Nazis?
How can Trump be both be pro-Israel and be a Nazi? Besides having some family who are Jews, he moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem which is what the more religious Jews wanted.

The NPI is a fringe organization. No one with a normal mind does Nazi salute, what I suspect is that many of them who did this at the NPI meeting were Leftist plants. Just this past weekend, there were Leftist plants carrying tiki torches outside Youngkin's bus. The Left has lost all credibility, including the reporter trying to cover up what was truly said about Biden with LGB. I have never seen people doing Nazi salutes at the televised Trump rallies (the media would have surely picked this up), if anything that is where these salutes would happen.
How can Trump be both be pro-Israel and be a Nazi? Besides having some family who are Jews, he moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem which is what the more religious Jews wanted.

The NPI is a fringe organization. No one with a normal mind does Nazi salute, what I suspect is that many of them who did this at the NPI meeting were Leftist plants. Just this past weekend, there were Leftist plants carrying tiki torches outside Youngkin's bus. The Left has lost all credibility, including the reporter trying to cover up what was truly said about Biden with LGB. I have never seen people doing Nazi salutes at the televised Trump rallies (the media would have surely picked this up), if anything that is where these salutes would happen.
People like Paul and Juan use the same media talking points. Conservatives harbor hate, are racists, homophobic etc and paints that picture that EVERYONE is this way. This is just not true, I have yet to meet anyone that meets that criteria who votes Republican. A little nuts yeah lol, but that applies to both sides. My democratic friends say the same crap as these guys do here... I've heard it so much I just go "yup, sure, mmhmm" and carry on.
Nobody should be subject to name calling, regardless of where one is placed on the political scale. I guess the difference here is that pretty much every party in the Swedish parliament supports a good welfare state, everyone's Socialists. Pretty much the only ones who are being called communists today are "Left Party" whose official name was "Left Party – the Communists" up until the 1990s.

I think, If anyone puts forth a great motion or idea, it should be taken into consideration, but more often than not, it doesn't matter if a certain motion is good or bad, what matters is who puts it forth, and I don't think that constitutes a objective and factual debate. That's a big problem for us, in my opinion.

You do you.

If they obviously hold a Nazi ideology, then yes, but if they simply have conservative values, then no. I'm not going to comment on that because I do not know the details. I only share what is my experience in the Swedish debate.
You see that is the thing. It isn't obvious, people don't realize they have been sucked into something. Propaganda works.

When people start blowing off things like putting kids in cages and separating them from their parents, then I personally think you have the makings of a blind following of people. That bothers me. It can happen in any Country. I will definitely do me.
It amazes me too. But in my opinion, there's a broader issue in the entire parliament. No one seem to have a long term plan to set things right, and most debates I've seen has rarely been objective, just a bunch of name calling.

If I'm not mistaken, the right wing did at least raise objections as the situation started to escalate. The problem was that the politicians in charge did not think for themselves, but relied purely on what the Swedish Public Health Agency said.

I pay 1/3 of my income in tax, and I'm totally okay with that, as I support the idea of a welfare state. I'd say most people here, except the very rich, are alright with this high tax. The problem with crime and education are complex, and I don't think it's necessarily due to it being a welfare state, as both of those things have been much better historically.

I believe it's due to politicians making very irresponsible decisions. I don't think any of the key decisions made, that has made Sweden decline, has ever gone through a consequence or risk analysis, and I think that says a lot.
They are not trying to "set things right." If anything, they create a problem and then declare themselves as the rightful problem solvers or the best candidates to "fix" it.

The situation you have is by design. You all enable it and support the status quo by voting them in again. There might be slight name changes in the parties and politicians, but it's the same shit pile.

You have no real right wing. I think there are some recent new parties in Sweden who *might* be right-wing. I dunno as I would need to hear more of their opinions and perspective.

The SD aren't "right-wing." All these parties are leftists or collaborators who the media tags as leftist or right wing. They don't decide. The people don't. The actions dictate and they're not.

Sure, keep your crumbling welfare state but the healthcare system is in shambles, big cities are becoming ghettos and there is no freedom (although more liberal allowances regarding general behavior- no or limited restrictions regarding COVID-19 crap).

Yes, the problems are due, simply, being a welfare state, but you are not free to discuss it. Part of it is due to the loose immigration policy and crime.
Nobody should be subject to name calling, regardless of where one is placed on the political scale. I guess the difference here is that pretty much every party in the Swedish parliament supports a good welfare state, everyone's Socialists. Pretty much the only ones who are being called communists today are "Left Party" whose official name was "Left Party – the Communists" up until the 1990s.

I think, If anyone puts forth a great motion or idea, it should be taken into consideration, but more often than not, it doesn't matter if a certain motion is good or bad, what matters is who puts it forth, and I don't think that constitutes a objective and factual debate. That's a big problem for us, in my opinion.

You do you.

If they obviously hold a Nazi ideology, then yes, but if they simply have conservative values, then no. I'm not going to comment on that because I do not know the details. I only share what is my experience in the Swedish debate.
In Western nations, if not all nations, most mainstream parties are some variation of leftist/left-wing party, with various degrees of ideology, fitting into a related category of socialism, communism and nowadays, increasingly far-left. Or they enable or support far-left organizations, groups and far-left ideology in general.

All of them including the mainstream media, even alternative leftist media (obviously) label people, whether they belong to some political party or not, a Nazi or extremist, fascist or far-right - if they don't agree with you or/and your opinion or perspective challenges their narrative. It is especially applicable, when they are concerned about losing the argument or perceive losing influence and control.

Leftist politics have a political monopoly everywhere and so-called conservism or right-wing politics is just for show - it's a mirage or faux.
When people start blowing off things like putting kids in cages and separating them from their parents, then I personally think you have the makings of a blind following of people. That bothers me. It can happen in any Country. I will definitely do me.
Obama actually built the cages, look it up. Carry on lol.
I pay 1/3 of my income in tax, and I'm totally okay with that, as I support the idea of a welfare state.
I pay even more tax and I live in Spain.

We pay a lot of taxes because those selfish American billionaires have decided WE have to pay the tax they do NOT pay. They have also lobbied central bankers to keep interest rates artificially low even in the face of rampant inflation.

In the meantime, they buy 500 million USD yatchs (Jeff Bezos).

And look at the biggest hypocrite (the full article is worth a read):

"Peter Thiel, a vocal opponent of higher taxes, is one of a number of ultra-rich Americans to use a Roth individual retirement account (IRA) to amass a tax-free fortune."


And now Biden says he will not tax the 700 billionaires that are making the world worse every day due to their extreme selfishness.
Nobody should be subject to name calling, regardless of where one is placed on the political scale. I guess the difference here is that pretty much every party in the Swedish parliament supports a good welfare state, everyone's Socialists. Pretty much the only ones who are being called communists today are "Left Party" whose official name was "Left Party – the Communists" up until the 1990s.

I think, If anyone puts forth a great motion or idea, it should be taken into consideration, but more often than not, it doesn't matter if a certain motion is good or bad, what matters is who puts it forth, and I don't think that constitutes a objective and factual debate. That's a big problem for us, in my opinion.

You do you.

If they obviously hold a Nazi ideology, then yes, but if they simply have conservative values, then no. I'm not going to comment on that because I do not know the details. I only share what is my experience in the Swedish debate.
The left's logic in a nutshell (re: Paul's comment):

Call the media "lügenpresse" - you're automatically a "nazi." Lol.

It simply means, literally, lying press, in German.

So, now, you can't call the media, liars.

It's not a bad word to call someone a communist. Some people even find pride in it.

It doesn't matter that communist regimes have killed the most people and all of the current communist regimes are pretty oppressive.

Leftists love using labels but condemn others who do it to them.
I pay even more tax and I live in Spain.

We pay a lot of taxes because those selfish American billionaires have decided WE have to pay the tax they do NOT pay. They have also lobbied central bankers to keep interest rates artificially low even in the face of rampant inflation.

In the meantime, they buy 500 million USD yatchs (Jeff Bezos).

And look at the biggest hypocrite (the full article is worth a read):

"Peter Thiel, a vocal opponent of higher taxes, is one of a number of ultra-rich Americans to use a Roth individual retirement account (IRA) to amass a tax-free fortune."


And now Biden says he will not tax the 700 billionaires that are making the world worse every day due to their extreme selfishness.
Corporations support leftist policies since they perceive it as profitable in our modern world and for most, they can find advantages. Also, they perceive most of their customers as liberal and left-leaning, politically, so they only care about image and profit.

Think about it.

Their financial support, marketing, promotion and advertising is towards what most will perceive as leftist/western culture (leftist "values").

Another e.g. even though BLM set fire to corporate businesses, they went out of their way to assert their support.

There's so many examples, yet people still try to claim as these billionaires and billion dollar businesses with the right - they're affiliated with "Republican donors," they must be on the right. :rolleyes:
They are not trying to "set things right."
The situation you have is by design. You all enable it and support the status quo by voting them in again.
You have no real right wing.
No one seem to have a long term plan to set things right
It amazes me too.
pretty much every party in the Swedish parliament supports a good welfare state, everyone's Socialists.
I already addressed those remarks
Sure, keep your crumbling welfare state but the healthcare system is in shambles, big cities are becoming ghettos and there is no freedom (although more liberal allowances regarding general behavior- no or limited restrictions regarding COVID-19 crap).

Yes, the problems are due, simply, being a welfare state, but you are not free to discuss it. Part of it is due to the loose immigration policy and crime.
I agree that part of it was the loose immigration policy, but also things like the major reorganization of the police, reorganization of the schooling system, e.t.c. key decisions that turned out to be not very good. I fail to see how the problems are just because it's a "welfare state". Crime can thrive regardless of whether it's a welfare state or not, how's that even related? And we got plenty of freedom, we can't just buy a gun however we want. ;)
In Western nations, if not all nations, most mainstream parties are some variation of leftist/left-wing party, with various degrees of ideology, fitting into a related category of socialism, communism and nowadays, increasingly far-left.
That's the reason it's hard to compare the Swedish political climate to many other nations, because all parties just make up varying degrees of Socialism. As you said, there are not really any true hardcore "right wing", but I think it's more about "conservative values" vs. "progressive ones", to put it loosely.
I pay even more tax and I live in Spain.

We pay a lot of taxes because those selfish American billionaires have decided WE have to pay the tax they do NOT pay. They have also lobbied central bankers to keep interest rates artificially low even in the face of rampant inflation.

In the meantime, they buy 500 million USD yatchs (Jeff Bezos).

And look at the biggest hypocrite (the full article is worth a read):

"Peter Thiel, a vocal opponent of higher taxes, is one of a number of ultra-rich Americans to use a Roth individual retirement account (IRA) to amass a tax-free fortune."


And now Biden says he will not tax the 700 billionaires that are making the world worse every day due to their extreme selfishness.
Another great example is Elon Musk. His companies get tax breaks on building their plants and the government heavily subsidizes his industries. I read SpaceX is seeking a 16 billion in subsidies. Tesla has received billions in subsidies. He is worth 313 billion, several times the subsidies and loans he receives. He is now richest in the world. If he is smart, he pays next to zero on federal taxes.

The World Hunger Organization challenged him to put out 6 billion to put a dent in world hunger, and he said he would if they are transparent. I think he is full of it. I won't buy his car just because he is a butt.

Juan, can I ask, do you live in Spain? What is it like there?
I already addressed those remarks

I agree that part of it was the loose immigration policy, but also things like the major reorganization of the police, reorganization of the schooling system, e.t.c. key decisions that turned out to be not very good. I fail to see how the problems are just because it's a "welfare state". Crime can thrive regardless of whether it's a welfare state or not, how's that even related? And we got plenty of freedom, we can't just buy a gun however we want. ;)

That's the reason it's hard to compare the Swedish political climate to many other nations, because all parties just make up varying degrees of Socialism. As you said, there are not really any true hardcore "right wing", but I think it's more about "conservative values" vs. "progressive ones", to put it loosely.
Where did you address it?

Sweden's political climate is the same as other ones. Any genuine debate does not happen. There is collusion with media. Media is concentrated within mostly one group (duopoly, at best) and there is heavy bias, censorship and leftist agendas galore.

The "right wing" SD party is a farce. Your "conservative" party or 'Christian" conservative party is a farce.

Look at the CDU in Germany: these parties implemented or support leftist policies like high immigration and promote leftist ideals.

It's the same everywhere, especially, in Western countries or (faux) democracies. The media and corporations are "in on it."

There's no freedom either. Gun control is just one of many examples.
Where did you address it?
Check my quotations above;
I already addressed those remarks
I don't know if we're arguing or what, because I kinda do agree with most of what you're saying. I've stated that the issue is in the entire parliament. I don't believe any certain party will be able to save us, as of right now at least.

The only thing I disagreed with is that the problems that has lead to Swedens decline is simply because it's a welfare state, I don't believe so. I believe the decline of Sweden is due to a chain of very unthoughtful decisions made by politicians in charge since 2-3 decades back. My understanding is that Sweden was a very well functioning welfare state before this. Of course, there has never been a Swedish "utopia", but there sure has been better times than this.
Juan, can I ask, do you live in Spain? What is it like there?
Yes, I live in Spain. This is a tax hell, and very bureaucratic. It's hard to do anything. There is always tons of paperwork, licences etc involved.

Rich people do not pay taxes either. They source all their investment through foreign tax havens. There are a few at hand, like Andorra or Gibraltar. Then in Europe we have Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Ireland, tax havens for big corporation.

So this is a very serious issue.

I never thought I would become such an "ethical consumer" but I try to buy the least I can. My car is 15 years old and I will try to make it last as much as I can. Of course I can afford a nice new car, but I will not buy it if I can avoid it.

I try to cycle to do my errands, and I do not use any of those social networks, apps etc I do not have Netflix or pay for any TV suscription, cable or anything like that...

Of course I think Musk is one of the biggest hypocrites out there, as well as Zuckerberg and all those billionaires. The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation must be a tax scheme for not paying anything and still those hypocrites call themselves "philanthropists".

WE, the taxpayers are the philanthropists. In Spain the maximum income tax is close to 50%. And Google and the like are "paying" through their tax havens less than 2.5% in real and effective tax.
Corporations support leftist policies since they perceive it as profitable in our modern world and for most, they can find advantages. Also, they perceive most of their customers as liberal and left-leaning, politically, so they only care about image and profit.

Think about it.

Their financial support, marketing, promotion and advertising is towards what most will perceive as leftist/western culture (leftist "values").

Another e.g. even though BLM set fire to corporate businesses, they went out of their way to assert their support.

There's so many examples, yet people still try to claim as these billionaires and billion dollar businesses with the right - they're affiliated with "Republican donors," they must be on the right. :rolleyes:
For me the important issue is getting results on this and making those billionaires pay taxes like we all do. In Spain the maximum income tax is close to 50%.

That summit that has been held in Rome, and the previous meetings of G20 and other groups have advertised a minimum global corporate tax of 15%. They just forgot to mention that this is scheduled for 2030, in case it is ever enforced (I doubt it).
Yes, I live in Spain. This is a tax hell, and very bureaucratic. It's hard to do anything. There is always tons of paperwork, licences etc involved.

Rich people do not pay taxes either. They source all their investment through foreign tax havens. There are a few at hand, like Andorra or Gibraltar. Then in Europe we have Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Ireland, tax havens for big corporation.

So this is a very serious issue.

I never thought I would become such an "ethical consumer" but I try to buy the least I can. My car is 15 years old and I will try to make it last as much as I can. Of course I can afford a nice new car, but I will not buy it if I can avoid it.

I try to cycle to do my errands, and I do not use any of those social networks, apps etc I do not have Netflix or pay for any TV suscription, cable or anything like that...

Of course I think Musk is one of the biggest hypocrites out there, as well as Zuckerberg and all those billionaires. The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation must be a tax scheme for not paying anything and still those hypocrites call themselves "philanthropists".

WE, the taxpayers are the philanthropists. In Spain the maximum income tax is close to 50%. And Google and the like are "paying" through their tax havens less than 2.5% in real and effective tax.
All solid points.
On the news today:

US sues to stop Penguin Random House and Simon & Schuster merger.

However the US has tolerated the monopolistic abuse of Facebook, Amazon, Google, Microsoft etc

It's quite ironic.
The five stages of grief: central banker edition

Denial: There is no inflation, it's all base effects. If there was any it would be temporary anyway. Nothing to see here, move along now.

Bargaining: There might be a small amount of inflation that refuses to go away. On the bright side our past models have consistently shown it's all gone by now and it's clearly, continuously about to become transitory. If not, don't despair, once the OTPI (one true price index, 84th revision) is finally adopted all your problems will vanish at the stroke of midnight. Any day now.

Anger: If there was substantial inflation, and we don't admit there is, it's absolutely not our fault. That's because the scale of all that QE money printing which stimulated demand at a time of constrained supplies was like totally without alternative. If anything, it was too little stimulus (we know, because it always is). Who are you to question divine decree, the tablet delivered straight from mount Blackrock? We never wanted to find out how liquid our bond ETFs are in a real crisis, and thanks to us, you didn't have to either.

Depression: There is inflation, and it won't go away any time soon. Sadly, there is nothing we can do about it, even if we wanted to. We cannot raise rates or unwind QE before launching QE+ (three times more powerful, but only twice the damage to price discovery in other markets). So, we better talk a strong game, make concerned faces, and do nothing that might lead to something. Dang, it's so draining to be constantly vigilant. It's all in the supply chains, you know.

Acceptance: Acceptance is for the little people. We are still conducting a strategic review that will identify superior alternatives.
Biden arrives back in Washington to a political nightmare
President Joe Biden on Wednesday received an unwelcome wake-up call for his still-new presidency as the Democrat arrived back in Washington from a European excursion suddenly facing a transformed political landscape.

Republican Glenn Youngkin's projected gubernatorial victory over Democratic former Gov. Terry McAuliffe in Virginia, which Biden won by 10 points last year, and a too-close-to-call race in New Jersey made for dispiriting news for the President as he flew over the Atlantic.

Returning to the White House in the dark, Biden declined to answer questions about the race, which he'd incorrectly predicted Democrats would win eight hours earlier. The results had been called a half-hour before Biden touched down at Joint Base Andrews. Aboard Air Force One, people familiar with the matter said the mood was grim as a weary team returned to what has become a swirl of recrimination and second-guessing.

Biden has been wrong about everything else, and his incorrect prediction regarding the results of this very important election in Virginia is no surprise. Biden and Obama both recently went there to help the Democrat Terry McAuliffe's campaign.

The people of America who vote have had enough of this stupid wokeness, and have spoken against it at the ballot boxes. Will the Democrats listen to them? Time will tell.
Biden arrives back in Washington to a political nightmare
President Joe Biden on Wednesday received an unwelcome wake-up call for his still-new presidency as the Democrat arrived back in Washington from a European excursion suddenly facing a transformed political landscape.

Republican Glenn Youngkin's projected gubernatorial victory over Democratic former Gov. Terry McAuliffe in Virginia, which Biden won by 10 points last year, and a too-close-to-call race in New Jersey made for dispiriting news for the President as he flew over the Atlantic.

Returning to the White House in the dark, Biden declined to answer questions about the race, which he'd incorrectly predicted Democrats would win eight hours earlier. The results had been called a half-hour before Biden touched down at Joint Base Andrews. Aboard Air Force One, people familiar with the matter said the mood was grim as a weary team returned to what has become a swirl of recrimination and second-guessing.

The nightmare is the pseudo-economy created by that idiot who "runs" the FED and at the same time trades with his private money while deciding on interest rates. His name is Jerome Powell.
Check my quotations above;

I don't know if we're arguing or what, because I kinda do agree with most of what you're saying. I've stated that the issue is in the entire parliament. I don't believe any certain party will be able to save us, as of right now at least.

The only thing I disagreed with is that the problems that has lead to Swedens decline is simply because it's a welfare state, I don't believe so. I believe the decline of Sweden is due to a chain of very unthoughtful decisions made by politicians in charge since 2-3 decades back. My understanding is that Sweden was a very well functioning welfare state before this. Of course, there has never been a Swedish "utopia", but there sure has been better times than this.
I never said it's due to the Welfare state. But, Sweden utilizes it so that citizens keep their heads in the sand. Their decision to import millions of migrants and put them on welfare increases the financial burden.

I will reiterate, some Financial minister there conceded that Sweden was practically broke.

You have a welfare state not to help citizens but to create a 'Mommy/Daddy' state in which the populace 'worship' and rely on the government for everything.

They even forgive politicians and the government for corruption, theft, oppression, criminal negligence and importing Third Worlders/migrants, many who resort to crime against the natives. This subservience to politicians is a puzzling psychological phenomenon that goes far beyond the mere existence of a welfare state but the welfare state system is a useful tool for them.

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