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2024 US Presidential Election

You know many people that support Trump don't care for him at all. They support him because they are racists, bigots and misogynists and they want him back in office to push those agendas. They got to come out from under the rocks where they live and they like their time in the sun. They want to bask in the open now and supporting Trump is the only way they can have their agenda front and center. They want what he represents and he has never been there cognitively anyway. There are also a significant number of people that want the US to burn and his failing mental health feeds right into that desire.

Don't get that previous sentiment twisted as there are a lot of people that have just bought into the cult of Trump and see him as the answer to what they want, which just happens to be the same things the racists, bigots and misogynists want.
Is this some kind of game, or what? The thread is about the 2024 election, Trump is one of the candidates but Biden is the current president and is running for reelection. He is doing very badly, in the polls and all you talk about is Trump, Trump and more Trump, lol. Can't you address why Biden's campaign has lost so much ground, and support?
Is this some kind of game, or what? The thread is about the 2024 election, Trump is one of the candidates but Biden is the current president and is running for reelection. He is doing very badly, in the polls and all you talk about is Trump, Trump and more Trump, lol. Can't you address why Biden's campaign has lost so much ground, and support?
Because the 40% of Americans (if it is still that high) are grossly uninformed about Trump's behavior; I'm not concerned with Biden's. I believe that Biden will be a two term president and will continue to be a great president. I don't care about the polls, especially one year out. You haven't mentioned any other candidates in quite some time; you and I know that Trump will be the Republican nominee, so he is my focus.

Trump fans guzzle Fox News propaganda nonstop and view anything remotely critical of Republicans or Trump as 'fake news'. They've literally been brainwashed at this point and NOTHING is going to change their mind to that fact.

Even when they see verbal gaffes and displays of dementia with their own eyes, they mentally justify it as 'being out of context' or 'he had a slip - let's talk about Biden instead'. Nothing critical of Trump will ever reach their eyes and ears if it can be helped.

Meanwhile, Fox News (and others) will continue to push doctored videos that are slowed down to attempt to make Biden seem like he's mentally declining and say that the high winds blew the White House tree down is proof of Biden's incompetence. Hogwash I say!

Why are (some) Americans ignoring Trump's decline? Like you said, "he says things that are shocking, but most people who vote for him don't pay much attention to that."

I say that willful ignorance and right-wing media is why.
Elon Musk, on Wednesday, November 29, 2023, at the New York Times Dealbook conference, stated that he would not vote for Biden, in 2024, even if Donald Trump is the Republican nominee.
I don't see how Biden could have gotten 81 million votes, unless there was corruption of some kind. Same thing happened in Arizona where Kari Lake "lost" to Katie Hobbs when mysteriously only 60% of the tabulators were working on the last day of voting when most of the Republicans voted. I smell a rat.
Arizona county officials indicted on election interference charges
An Arizona grand jury indicted two Republican county supervisors for allegedly delaying the certification of last year's midterm elections, Arizona's attorney general announced Wednesday.
Cochise County Supervisors Peggy Judd (R) and Tom Crosby (R) were charged with felony counts of interference with an election officer and conspiracy.
Arizona became an epicenter for GOP challenges to the 2022 midterm elections, which followed former President Trump's unfounded claims of mass electoral fraud in the state in his re-election bid two years prior.

The indictment, returned earlier this week, accuses Judd, 61, and Crosby, 64, of preventing the timely transmission of the county's vote returns for inclusion in the statewide canvass.

One year ago, the duo voted against certifying the county's midterm election results before the statutory deadline to do so, citing a trio of conspiracy theorists who claimed the county's voting machines weren't properly accredited.
Finally, Kari Lake has proof there was election interference, ROFL.

Speaker Mike Johnson:

Since President Biden took office, Americans now need an additional $11,400 per year just to afford basic everyday necessities.

It's time to ditch "Bidenomics."

Biden's Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas grilled by Senator Cruz on the border crisis:

I see Trump is now running on repealing the Affordable Care Act / Obamacare. A reminder that he failed to do that when he was president, and now he wants to take health care away from 40 million Americans. That doesn't sound like a winning strategy. A gift to the Democrats.
I see Trump is now running on repealing the Affordable Care Act / Obamacare. A reminder that he failed to do that when he was president, and now he wants to take health care away from 40 million Americans. That doesn't sound like a winning strategy. A gift to the Democrats.
I voted for Obama, twice, which I regret, Obama promised that he would not take our private healthcare plans away, which was a lie. I had a private plan, Empire BC/BS, in NYS, which I was happy with. It was eliminated due to Obamacare and I had to pay more for a similar plan, which was also worse. Our plan charged us for children's dental care, even though my wife and I had no children. Of course, it did not include dental care for adults. There were other useless charges in it, which did not apply to us, as well.

I hope that Trump or whoever beats Biden in 2024 manages to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
Speaker Mike Johnson:

If House Republicans made T-shirts, they would say one thing: "Border, border, border."

That's where the @HouseGOP stands because that's where the American people stand.

We are not going to send any more money to protect another nation's border without securing our own.
Speaker Mike Johnson:

If House Republicans made T-shirts, they would say one thing: "Border, border, border."

That's where the @HouseGOP stands because that's where the American people stand.

We are not going to send any more money to protect another nation's border without securing our own.
Actions speak louder than words. I won't hold my breath for either party to do anything about the boarder. They want the cheap labor that the migrants provide. Both parties take orders from their oligarch masters.
Actions speak louder than words. I won't hold my breath for either party to do anything about the boarder. They want the cheap labor that the migrants provide. Both parties take orders from their oligarch masters.
The House Republicans passed H.R. 2 Secure the Border Act back in May. Chuck Schumer and the Senate Democrats won't even look at it. They see illegal immigrants as possibly more Democratic votes and ignore the Fentanyl deaths, terrorists coming in, sex trafficking, etc. because they just don't care.

It should be what most Americans want, not what the Democrats want. Congress is supposed to represent the wishes of the American people. Give Speaker Mike Johnson credit for holding the line on spending. He is using the power of the purse given to the House majority.
I voted for Obama, twice, which I regret, Obama promised that he would not take our private healthcare plans away, which was a lie. I had a private plan, Empire BC/BS, in NYS, which I was happy with. It was eliminated due to Obamacare and I had to pay more for a similar plan, which was also worse. Our plan charged us for children's dental care, even though my wife and I had no children. Of course, it did not include dental care for adults. There were other useless charges in it, which did not apply to us, as well.

I hope that Trump or whoever beats Biden in 2024 manages to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
Tha Affordable Care Act was beneficial to me and my family because it removed pre-existing conditions as a means to deny healthcare. My wife had many health issues that wouldn't be covered when I was laid off and that 60 day limit to get a new job was very stressful. Many people feel that same as I do - thank goodness for the Affordable Care Act.
I see Trump is now running on repealing the Affordable Care Act / Obamacare. A reminder that he failed to do that when he was president, and now he wants to take health care away from 40 million Americans. That doesn't sound like a winning strategy. A gift to the Democrats.
I preferred my high deductible plan that included pre-existing conditions because it was cheaper than Obamacare. It was a pooled insurance plan through my state. Obamacare has very high premiums unless you qualify for a state subsidy based on your income. It would have been nice if people had a choice, but they didn't. My policy was phased out with the start of Obamacare.

I think the people with pre-existing conditions should be subsidized separately rather than bunching everyone together resulting in much higher rates for many people.
Regarding The House expulsion of George Santos, it's good to see our government can still sometimes find some bipartisan agreement.
I preferred my high deductible plan that included pre-existing conditions because it was cheaper than Obamacare. It was a pooled insurance plan through my state. Obamacare has very high premiums unless you qualify for a state subsidy based on your income. It would have been nice if people had a choice, but they didn't. My policy was phased out with the start of Obamacare.

I think the people with pre-existing conditions should be subsidized separately rather than bunching everyone together resulting in much higher rates for many people.
People will have their anecdotes about whether it was better or worse for them. It had a minor effect on me personally because I had good insurance, so it just changed some things like removing the deductible from some preventive services. But on the whole, the Affordable Care Act / ObamaCare has become more popular with Americans, so Trump's latest blabber about wanting to repeal it looks like it will work against him:

Obamacare is even more popular than the last time Trump tried to kill it


Trump isn't the only one who wants to repeal the ACA. So does DeSantis.

DeSantis wants health care plan that would 'supersede' Obamacare. What does that mean?

So does Nikki Haley, and they both want to cut Medicare and Social Security benefits for senior citizens, so you can't age out of the problem.
They would never repeal ObamaCare until they find something cheaper and better to replace it. And Medicare and Social Security are off the table for all the candidates that I listened to. They would be cutting their own throat for possible election to say anything negatively about either one.

Liberal media will say anything whether it's true or not to defend Biden. On the southern border alone Biden is indefensible.

Speaker Mike Johnson talks about antisemitism in the U.S. and what he hears from people across the country on Biden's current border policies.

Mike Johnson, earlier today - We're releasing all the January 6th tapes:

"As you know, we have to blur some of the faces of persons who participated in the events of that day because we don't want them to be retaliated against and be charged by the DOJ," Mike Johnson said.

Mike Johnson, later today - Oops, here's my backtrack:

"Faces are to be blurred from public viewing room footage to prevent all forms of retaliation against private citizens from any non-governmental actors. The Department of Justice already has access to raw footage from January 6, 2021."

Why wouldn't he want antifa and the deep state agitators charged? Or was he trying to avoid the public seeing the tapes and more insurrectionists being turned in by family/friends/neighbors who recognize them in the footage?

Mike Johnson, the best and brightest republicans have to offer, the one they selected to be the highest currently serving republican. Openly saying he wants to obstruct Justice.
Anyone see the Trump 'town hall' yesterday, hosted by Sean Hannity on Fox? You know, the one where he said if he was elected, he would be dictator on day one?

This interview was wild. I watched it, so you don't have to. First of all, it was billed as a town hall, but there were zero audience questions. Hannity is probably not too confident about Trump's ability to think on his feet with crowd questions - or is potentially concerned that one of his rabid fans will ask him if he can round up all the Democrats and put them in camps if elected, and knowing Trump he would probably say, "We're looking into it" instead assuring that he would never do that.

But anyway, back to the interview. Trump looked like he was about to fall asleep, which is ironic for someone that constantly calls his opponent sleepy. He also seemed to be struggling for breath as he spoke a few times. Hannity was lobbing softballs at him all night, but it didn't matter because Trump would meander from one random topic to another completely ignoring (or forgetting) Hannity's question. The crowd seemed to love it, but he could shit himself on stage and they would still cheer.

But I'm concerned about the day after he's a dictator: "I kept my promise, I was only a dictator for one day. Oh, by the way, I anointed myself Emporer yesterday."

All hail Emporer Trump! To infinity and beyond!
Anyone see the Trump 'town hall' yesterday, hosted by Sean Hannity on Fox? You know, the one where he said if he was elected, he would be dictator on day one?
I saw just that part specifically as I was checking some news channels last night. I don't know how much they showed beyond that, but I didn't continue watching the non-sense any further.
I saw just that part specifically as I was checking some news channels last night. I don't know how much they showed beyond that, but I didn't continue watching the non-sense any further.
Hooked! You're all hooked by phony journalism and the worst TELEVISION NEWS. Just what they want. One sided crap. Trump is a joke to politicians.
Hooked! You're all hooked by phony journalism and the worst TELEVISION NEWS. Just what they want. One sided crap. Trump is a joke to politicians.
Trump is a joke to politicians but not to the American people, which is what got him in office the first time. A lot of Americans are getting tired of these career politicians.

I often sit back with a nice whiskey drink and think how are these our only two candidate choices? Trump is certainly not the best person, however you cannot disregard the fact Biden is incapable of running this country. Maybe ten years ago he would have been a great president. I honestly wish Robert Kennedy Jr. would have had a chance to win the Democratic primary.
Hooked! You're all hooked by phony journalism and the worst TELEVISION NEWS. Just what they want. One sided crap. Trump is a joke to politicians.
I'm hooked because I watched 20 seconds and moved on? LOL.

Most of the news I've seen/heard/read has not been favorable to Trump. You should seek out other sources for your news if it's one sided or unreliable. Stay away from Facebook.
— AZ Sheriff Mark Lamb, running for Senate, says illegal immigrants are often given plane tickets; cell phones, and $5,000 gift cards courtesy of the Biden Administration. No wonder a record number of people (about 12,000/day) cross the U.S. border illegally.
Trump is a joke to politicians but not to the American people, which is what got him in office the first time. A lot of Americans are getting tired of these career politicians.

I often sit back with a nice whiskey drink and think how are these our only two candidate choices? Trump is certainly not the best person, however you cannot disregard the fact Biden is incapable of running this country. Maybe ten years ago he would have been a great president. I honestly wish Robert Kennedy Jr. would have had a chance to win the Democratic primary.
Here's the difference: I do not read newspapers nor do I watch news on the television. MOM of which I belonged to years ago, forwarded the propaganda of slap stick journalism and one sided television news.

A few more than one drink of whisky is the best solution. Helps to forget the bullshit.
— AZ Sheriff Mark Lamb, running for Senate, says illegal immigrants are often given plane tickets; cell phones, and $5,000 gift cards courtesy of the Biden Administration. No wonder a record number of people (about 12,000/day) cross the U.S. border illegally.
In NYC, the illegal migrants are provided with motor scooters by the cartels who helped pay for them to come here. The illegals use these scooters to work off the books delivering food to pay back the cartels. They often ride on the sidewalk, in these unlicensed vehicles. Some of the illegals rob pedestrians by snatching handbags, cell phones, etc., as they ride by them.

Biden's open border policy is the main cause of them being here.
In NYC, the illegal migrants are provided with motor scooters by the cartels who helped pay for them to come here. The illegals use these scooters to work off the books delivering food to pay back the cartels. They often ride on the sidewalk, in these unlicensed vehicles. Some of the illegals rob pedestrians by snatching handbags, cell phones, etc., as they ride by them.

Biden's open border policy is the main cause of them being here.
How wrong you are. Snatching purses and phones has been going on way before Biden took office. Find someone else to blame for the crime.
It's pathetic that the Democrats refuse to visit the southern border with the Republicans. Most Americans want our border secured with Trump era policies before borrowing more money to send to Ukraine.

Speaker Mike Johnson is right that we need an audit of the money already spent on Ukraine and a clear objective for ending this war. I was surprised to see a short video on X today with Putin visiting Saudi Arabia. Even though Putin invaded Ukraine the Saudis seemed friendly to him. I guess the meeting was related to oil production of the two countries.
It's pathetic that the Democrats refuse to visit the southern border with the Republicans. Most Americans want our border secured with Trump era policies before borrowing more money to send to Ukraine.

Speaker Mike Johnson is right that we need an audit of the money already spent on Ukraine and a clear objective for ending this war. I was surprised to see a short video on X today with Putin visiting Saudi Arabia. Even though Putin invaded Ukraine the Saudis seemed friendly to him. I guess the meeting was related to oil production of the two countries.
People want the border secured it would seem according to Gallup, but a plurality feels that the support we give Ukraine is enough, not too much. This is based off of Gallup polls in October.

Saudi Arabia supporting a country isn't a good sign. They've supported and financed our enemies across the region, and we've turned the other cheek because of oil.

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