This is my first post. I've had tinnitus for two years now in both ears, of varying degree. I was fortunate enough to undergo experimental testing of the drug AM-101 within two weeks of developing the T. It worked! God it worked so well. And to celebrate, my ignorant youth decided to throw a party to celebrate.
Welcome tinnitus. I was free and now I'm stuck with it again. This could be crippling for many but today I look at it with new insights.
I almost never notice it unless I specifically focus on it and there's almost no good reason to do so. I mean, the world is so madly fascinating. Tinnitus has become rather dull to listen to honestly.
It's there, ever present when I'm out and about, in quiet rooms, and most definitely when I'm trying to sleep. My how it screams in my ears when I lay against my pillow! But, somehow, these days I find my tinnitus somewhat comforting.
It took a while for me to develop this psychological mindset. Tinnitus is my own. It's been there during so many ups and downs. That effectively makes it a part of who I am today. And now, I find comfort in knowing that I'm stronger than it first seemed. I never knew it'd be such a great opportunity to strengthen my character.
When it first occurred, for the first year, I separated my life into Pre/Post T. That wasn't the right mindset I learned after much thought. Truly, the only way to deal with T is to deal with it, much like we deal with everything else.
Today I'm not even sure I would reach for a cure if one came out (promising to work for everyone or at least a majority of patients). I've dealt with it for this long and I'm not progressively getting crushed by it. The worst (first year) is over and only better can come.
A small bit of advice however. Use earplugs in loud environments. You don't want it getting louder. You'll deal eventually if it does, but why upset the habituation process? Also, there is worse out there (hyperacusis which I dealt with for a month, intense research routed that on out of my life).
What's too loud? If you find yourself wondering if something is gonna make your T louder, reach in your pocket, or bag, or whatever have you, and put in some plugs. Now you can still have fun with no worries! (If the music is too loud you can't talk to anyone anyway so no loss)
Tl;DR: Bad things happen to everyone. We're forced to deal. No matter how long it takes, you will beat it. Focus on the things and luxuries (which would make ancient kings jealous) that we have today, and be thankful. People suffer from far worse (google Trigeminal Nueralgia). While I know thinking like this isn't an end all answer, it certainly helps get the positive juices flowing.
A final thought. You can still live a beautiful, wonderfully fulfilling life! Tinnitus can't take that from you. Only you can