Acoustic CR® Neuromodulation: Do It Yourself Guide

I am trying the General fuzz ACRN tinnitus protocol.
I think my t frequency is around 8khz.
When i play the audio file i can only hear the lower register frequencies.
The 10khz freq and above i cannot hear.
Should i keep listening even though i cannot hear this freq or should i keep lowering the freq range untill i can hear all the frequencies?
If anyone can help i would appreciate it thanks.
Does anyone know if the General fuzz ACRN tinnitus protocol will work with somatic t?
Hi Linds, it's supposed to work for tonal T. So as long as you can match the frequency that's the important thing.

Not being able to hear some of the tones is an issue though, can you make them out at all?
Thanks Steve.
Im not sure how my T is being generated that's why I asked about somatic T.
I have a hearing loss in my left ear so Im assuming it is tonal.
My t is very hard to match. It isn't a pure tone more of a fuzz.
My right ear has a different tone so I might have to wait until General Fuzz makes panning available.
Thanks to all who have contributed to this awesome thread.
Thanks Steve for all your work on the different Frequencies.
Thanks General Fuzz for the awesome app.
You never know maybe the t sufferers will fide a lasting treatment.
@Linds When you say somatic, do you mean it gets louder when you clench your teeth?

Tonal tinnitus is where you can identify a tone, so maybe your right ear is, and your left ear isn't. Try something a little different and see if it works, I've attached a file I made that uses musical notes from around 100Hz to 10,000Hz, see if this helps and flattens your tinnitus after listening - it's an experiment but based on the ANM theory.

If you don't feel a flattening and reduction then the technique probably isn't right for you.


  • Neuromod Sine 5ths.mp3
    7.5 MB · Views: 3,666
I do, mines pretty tonal, though it isn't the easiest thing to identify the frequency. But lots of us struggle with that, even with assistance.

There are also a lot of us that can change the pitch and intensity by clenching teeth, or through muscle pain - me included. It seems to be a relatively common thing. I get a lot worse if I strain my neck, round the trapezius area.
Wow, that just works on my T. Came home with a buzzing head, played it for about 2 minutes and already I notice a difference. Maybe it's a placebo effect, will have to see whether it keeps working like that.
I think it's not so important to match the correct frequency. It should just be somewhere in between the 4 tones, preferably in the middle. If you can't figure out your frequency you probably hear the several of them at the same time, just start with a frequency that you think might contribute. I try to sing first my frequency and then match the frequency with the computer, it's easier for me.
Wow, that just works on my T. Came home with a buzzing head, played it for about 2 minutes and already I notice a difference. Maybe it's a placebo effect, will have to see whether it keeps working like that.

No way, this stuff definitely does work. I have a noticeably lower T for a while after using it... in fact, I've used it then gone into silence and had silence for short bouts. It's pretty amazing, and apparently from the research the longer you use it the most of an effect it has.
@Linds When you say somatic, do you mean it gets louder when you clench your teeth?

Tonal tinnitus is where you can identify a tone, so maybe your right ear is, and your left ear isn't. Try something a little different and see if it works, I've attached a file I made that uses musical notes from around 100Hz to 10,000Hz, see if this helps and flattens your tinnitus after listening - it's an experiment but based on the ANM theory.

If you don't feel a flattening and reduction then the technique probably isn't right for you.

Steve, what kind of time frame should one listen to your mp3 file? I can't find my tone so your file seems my best bet. Thanks.
@bummer Well, it's an experiment so I would stick to the same principle as the normal ANM treatment protocol and go for 4-6 house per day, at least an hour per listen. Have it at a volume where you can hear and make out the notes but it doesn't distract you. Not loud, just at the edge of your hearing at a comfortable volume.

It seems to be just as good over speakers as it is headphones so listen on something that feels comfortable to you.
@bummer Well, it's an experiment so I would stick to the same principle as the normal ANM treatment protocol and go for 4-6 house per day, at least an hour per listen. Have it at a volume where you can hear and make out the notes but it doesn't distract you. Not loud, just at the edge of your hearing at a comfortable volume.

It seems to be just as good over speakers as it is headphones so listen on something that feels comfortable to you.
This is what I do. I leave it running in background. In fact, I get so into other songs/games I'm playing that the sound literally disappears. Including tinnitus. It's pretty crazy.
Hi All.

I'm new to the group. Massive thanks to JimmyK aka General Fuzz for the tinnitus protocol, which I'm now trying out.

Meanwhile, has anyone had any experience of the SouncCure Serenade solution? Take a look here: The theory seems to be similar to deployed by ANM/The Tinnitus clinic, except they have also developed "S Tone" sounds. The site doesn't contain an examples of S tones so its hard to know what they are. See also:


Meanwhile, has anyone had any experience of the SouncCure Serenade solution? Take a look here: The theory seems to be similar to deployed by ANM/The Tinnitus clinic, except they have also developed "S Tone" sounds. The site doesn't contain an examples of S tones so its hard to know what they are. See also:
Our SoundCure discussion is here:
Just signed up today, so I'm busy reading all the great resources on this site. Already found some inspiration in the chat room.

I'm also impressed by General Fuzz contraption, been playing around with it for over an hour now trying to find the right match for me. I'm also considering taking the site and audio and showing it to my not-very-cooperative doctor who is supposed to help me with this stuff.

I am curious if its possible to take these four tones that the site creates and merge them with regular mp3 tracks of my favorite music?
Please allow my two questions:
1.I can not hear the sound whose frequency is above 14khz.Does that mean the tinnitus inside my head also can not be over 14khz?
2.if the Acoustic CR Neuromodulation provided by clinic has been proved to be not effective as many here indicated,how can the DIY method here(using the same knowledge but DIY) be helpful? Anyone has got good result?
Thank you.
Hello together !!!
Is it possible to record the sound from General fuzz ACRN. I want it to play from my mp3 player or smarthpone. My tinnitus is 10 years old and i know him perfectly but General fuzz ACRN makes him crazy. When my tinnitus is very loud then i play General fuzz ACRN Sound and then my tinnitus change his sound. It feels so good !!!Please help me to get the sound for my mp3 player.
I downloaded everything today and am busy recording a cut for me to listen to in the car while driving to and from work. What I find interesting is that while I sit here and type this I am actually listening to the 4 tones and I dont know if this is significant but what I do notice is that after each set of tones I notice that my T is in initially less then shifts back to normal loudness. I hope that this is a sign of the neural training effect. I plan to run this therapy through the weekend and then continue next week.

FYI. I had been listening to 'notched music' the last two weeks and to be honest I haven't noticed any difference in my T. Yes it might have been to soon but Im busy trying various 'therapies' and ACRN and what I saw in the video posted here intrigued me.

Thanks for a great Forum
I tested a few day, i found that no matter which frequency i set (4000, 6000, 8000), my tinnitus sound will be lowered when listening to the ACRN, once i stopped the ACRN audio, my tinnitus returned gradually (it only take 10 - 20 sec), does it mean i failed to match my tinnitus frequency? any idea?

to record the sounds i used a programm called soundtap. Its pretty easy - just one button ;)

Has anyone used the tones at night? I can reduce mit Tinnitus directly a bit. But it always comes back since now. Many here in the Forum told the same. Is there anyone who expreienced a longer lasting relief?


Sorry for my English, im from Germany.
I have been using the GenFuzz ACRN in my right ear over the past two weeks for 2-5 hours a day while sitting at my computer at work. My current experience in order of events, during and following ACRN:

1. my T gradually turns into a hiss sound when listening to the series of ACRN tones.
2. upon cessation of the ACRN, the hiss sound remains for 1-2 hours
3. my T returns for the remainder of the evening
4. caveat: I've noticed on a 2-3 occasions, that upon ceasing the ACRN, my T immediately returns even louder for a few minutes, before settling down into the hiss sound for a couple hours (reminds of when trigger points following a massage spike in pain for awhile before settling).

Also, I now wake up in the morning to the hiss sound which gradually turns into my T , whereas before I would just hear my T. I've also noticed a decrease in my T frequency (begin=8500, current=7300) over the two week course, which may be consistent with the literature.

Only time will tell if any of these above patterns are consistent, and (hopefully) an indication of improvement. Will keep you all posted.
Has this worked for anybody at all?

There's a post in the success stories section, and one guy had good results with this, combined with a bunch of other vitamins etc. I personally get a temporary relief from it. Others who have tonal T say it changes the pitch from a single tone to multi-tone/ static. Hard to say what the outcomes can be, but it's always worth a shot, especially if it's free.

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