Amen! I have seen Angels and God have revealed things to me in dreams... I believe it! God is real and he is closer than we may think

Finally within a short time the Angel spoke one more time to me saying "I will be back". I never got up to go and the Angel left as quickly as coming.
s been proven by science that there are at least 10 other dimensions
in fact Its been proven by science that there are at least 10 other dimensions or levels to reality
,I've woken up with people or beings in my room a lot of times,even people prodding me
I've got no reason to lie just giving you accounts of things that have happened to me.
rich I don't think people who have these kind of experiences are particularly speacial just more in tune with spirit simple as that really.
So what made you guy's so special that God actually made things manifest to you and gave you solid undeniable proof of his and angels existence?
Yet the rest of us are expected to just believe with faith alone and no real physical proof of it's/their existence?
What makes you so special and the rest of us get snubbed?
Undecided, the bible says hell awaits those who refuse to repent.
And I have repented and believed to escape hell.
RichL, Me thinks you're preachin' to the wrong choir. (Except that debating means those engaged acknowledge and understand each other while we may not agree and some level of discourse occurs. I see a brick wall here in enough places where this will not happen.) It's so black and white here there's no room for growth of opinion. Y'all have fun.Without debates you have war, people fight when they get offended over someones opinion, debates do not provoke fights when undertaken by intelligent rational people, fights happen when people haven't the ability to rationally debate and respect another's opinion!
Like I said without debates their is no peace!
You should thank your God that the world leaders do debate, their was a time where no debates were undertaken, you can look it up in our history.
Just look under world war 1 and 2, Korea, Vietnam and even further back to the crusades, ETC, ETC, ETC
don't see how that changes the essence or core of belief though
This quote is a reminder of a movie currently on Netflix called "God's not Dead".I just had 10 minutes of piece. No sounds, no pains, no negative thoughts, and all I can say is, "God's Not Dead."
I'm not even close to being offended. By what you said except Santa is not real and is based on myths that happen to lend itself right into capitalism. God - where folks created something based on unknown and faith ... I won't go there and it goes beyond way beyond capitalism. There are too many people who have a need to believe. When religious groups come a-knockin' on my door, I let them know they're soliciting where we have not allowed it and I have hopped on my motorcycle to see them out of the neighborhood. Simple stuff.
I'm not focused on treating those who believe in religion any differently than anyone else. I really don't give a hoot who's in the minority or majority. With all the hatred in the world and one frickin' one upmanship and stupid fights about religion in so many places, if a person has a need to believe in an entity that can't be proven or dis-proven, I try not to knock that person. I know belief in something helps some - I let them alone so long as they're not imposing their belief system on me. I'm not going to go so far as to call those people delusional whether I believe they are or not. We can dismantle Santa with facts. Dismantling god is impossible since it's based on the unproven.
I don't follow social mores (and some people here have been subjected to that - ho ho ho) I'm just kind of going by the motto of, "Live and let live (I'm adding) in peace."
Shadgirl: Sjoerd and I are having a discussion. It's not a debate. There's a way to lock down threads, I think, to limit who can join in the discussion. If you want a thread on god for only those who believe in god, create it and lock the rest of us out - if you can. You appear to have that need.
From my last few posts, I can see that there is a great deal of interest in religious things. For myself it is
not hard to believe in God and His word. I know that this is a great challenge to many people. At a very
young age of about 7 years old I had a life changing event that has never left me even though it happened about 50 years ago. It was the night before Easter Sunday, and I was alone in my bedroom laying down in bed. The door was shut and the lights off, and suddenly a bright light appeared in the other side of the room. There appeared a heavenly figure bright and shining that spoke to me saying "Come with me". I never went but continued to gaze intently. I never became afraid and it felt like a good presence. Finally within a short time the Angel spoke one more time to me saying "I will be back". I never got up to go and the Angel left as quickly as coming. There have been several other supernatural things that I have seen in the past that make Christianity the only viable option for me being in my right mind. I certainly understand that with all the foolish things that are being done in the name of religion, that many will write this off as a lie or craziness; however this is my testimony of a literal event that took place in my life many years ago. The bible speaks of several that had similar encounters as me, but these are accounts of events that took place over 1900 years ago, and mine is current. I hope this testimony encourages some of the skeptical minds to reconsider coming into an encounter with the Living God, Jesus Christ, the one who died and was buried and rose from the dead, and was seen of over 500 eyewitnesses.
alright rich with all due respect mate I don't think it was sleep paralysis I know the difference I'm sorry to hear you found them terryfying.
I've had a few readings all positive Had messages from family members who have passed.
I know as a Christian mediums are frowned upon but let's hope God is forgiving as they say he is.
I have had first hand experience with so called medians and people who are supposed to be "more in touch" and I am left less than impressed!
I'm not exactly looking for here and my patience is admittedly wearing thin in a thread that goes against my grain. God or any religion is about power. Without its power by those who wield it, there is no controlling of the masses. We appear to believe the same thing.Ok, Stanta is about money....God (to me) is about power over people. So is somebody is selling a fake cure for real money, it is normal we get angry. But if fake hope with a fake cure is sold in the name of faith (and not for money, just for power) we should respect the believes of others? How is that not treating people differently? etc etc
I know equality is a nice goal, but not really practical. That why most people with a delusion are in a mental hospital and people with faith are just free to walk around.
Here is one book written to show the truth about Christianity and the Consititution: http://www.amazon.com/Christianity-Constitution-Faith-Founding-Fathers/dp/0801052319 There are surely more, if one is willing to search it out.
So long as those people with faith are walking around and not shoving my face in it, I don't care.
So what made you guy's so special that God actually made things manifest to you and gave you solid undeniable proof of his and angels existence?
Yet the rest of us are expected to just believe with faith alone and no real physical proof of it's/their existence?
What makes you so special and the rest of us get snubbed?