All Things Are Possible to Him Who Believes.

Rich, Just think of the magnitude of Jesus' popularity after almost
2000 years, and the preservation of the Holy scriptures, and so many
that have testimonies today of God miraculously intervening in their

This means nothing. The longevity and popularity of Christianity means nothing in regards to whether it's the truth or not. Islam has roughly 80% of the numbers of Christianity and I'm sure you fully reject the validity of the Qu'ran.

Preservation of the holy scriptures? You mean the ones that were written many years after the alleged fact? That's' not open to abuse at all. Let's not even consider how they have been translated many times and chapters cut.
Danny, I know it is correct because Jesus kept His promise to me and countless others, when I repented and believed in Him, He did what He promised in John 14, and came and lived in my heart. I have also experienced the Holy
Spirit manifesting Himself to me; and I also have received Spiritual gifts in my life.

I'm sure. Yet you can find people of various faiths saying the exact same thing about their chosen religious idols. How do you differentiate between them? Saying you "know it in my heart" just isn't going to cut it.

The kind of Christianity that puts up with EVERYTHING is not the kind that is from the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Ah so your brand of Christianity is the correct one? We can just throw every other denomination in the bin, those damn sinners.

I do believe Joe's just tired of being mistreated hear. Allot of people have attacked this post or questioned it in the most offensive of ways. After all this NONSTOP chap, who wouldn't lose it? This post needs ignored by those who don't believe already so Joe can have a PIECEFLE experiences not a frustrating and mean one. No I'm not pointing fingers at anyone in praticuler, I just think we ALL need to stop. Let the debate die already and LEAVE JOE ALONE. I speak for piece not WAR.

Mistreated? Attacked? Not quite.

I can only see one post on here that could be construed as a personal attack. If Joe is going to use this forum as a platform to broadcast his religious views then he has to be prepared to take any criticism that comes his way. This is not a religious forum, so any post on here will end up in heated debate as religion is a volatile subject.

If anyone wants to have an unchallenged "love in" when it comes to their faith, they best stick to a forum dedicated to that end.
Mark, not sure where you are coming from. I condemned no one to hell. The bible does speak in several verses of a real place called hell, and I certainly believe with
all my heart that unfortunately MANY are so destined, by the way they live their lives.
As far as calling anyone a fool, it seems like you are misrepresenting my comments.

"I speak the truth and you speak foolishness"
If you told me I spoke foolishness then I would take that as implying I am a fool! If you intention was not to imply that SJ was a fool then you should have worded your reply accordingly.

I did say that SJ was disrespectful and spoke foolishly, as well as being hateful. However I did not specifically call him a fool. So as far as judging, judge righteous judgement. I
was the one that was disrespected, and you choose to add further disrespect by mishandling scripture and taking it out of context, and condemning me for rebuking a real ignorant comment.

You are correct. I did rebuke your comment because I held you to a higher standard than SJ.

If you wish to allow someone to speak to you as a fool, and not respond, that's your decision; and it is my decision to rebuke slanders to my character, as well as complete disrespect.

You are correct. I am entitled to ignore anger or foolish comments directed at me. I believe Jesus called this turning the other cheek. But if you must:

Proberbs 29:11 "A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back."

The kind of Christianity that puts up with EVERYTHING is not the kind that is from the gospel of Jesus Christ.

If you were Islamic and made that comment you would be labelled by the western world as an extremist. I don't believe God is looking for extremists. Extremists act on emotions of anger and hatred and seek to impose there ways on other people. I believe God is looking for normal people to share in his love and share his Gospel. Something you started to do rather well in this thread. Then people challenged you and you started arguing your point. At some point after that this thread descended from the message of love and encouragement to a fight with people the bible would describe as unwise. Don't be misguided in thinking that I hold you in contempt. I have respect for the you and the message you are sharing, but your willingness to keep fighting this out is not something I can agree with. I find it offensive and counter productive. I hold you to a higher standard.
Mark, thank you for taking the time to try and help me.Scripture says, Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceits (Prov.26:5). The scripture also says reprove,rebuke, and exhort with all long suffering (2Tim.4:2). If someone misconstrues my words that has nothing to do with me, that just proves they do not know my character or have a lack of understanding. Furthermore most churches nowadays preach a very light, anemic, compromised gospel that does not have the ability to keep someone in the fear of God and keeping His commandments. Great peace have they that love thy law, and nothing shall offend them (Psm.119:165). So I disagree with your rebuke as well as calling yourself a Christian and getting offended over an innocent person defending himself. I'm sure if someone was mistreating your wife or girlfriend you would not turn the other cheek, you would defend her honor. So understand scripture properly before applying them to an innocent person. Jesus was saying not to retaliate when mistreated. I was not retaliating I was trying to show SJ the ignorance of his comments, that is true love to try and correct him, so he does not continue to say offensive stuff to others. If I let that foolishness stand without responding he would stay wise in his own conceits and continue on his path to destruction. So regardless of the outcome I operated in love not hate trying to turn a sinner from his folly.
Joe talks of Jesus and Islam and Jesus and many religions based and believed Of only question is
I was told that Jesus was form a Jewish Tribe who left to help and save and preach to followers...Why do those that worship Jesus only seek to attack and destroy the jewish people. Jesus was a savior and Israel seeks to create world peace and save the world from the end of days.
Harold, I love the Jewish people. I have good friends that are
Jewish, and many of them live at a higher level than mainline
society. The Christians that attack Jewish people are very foolish,
because the Jews are God's chosen people.
If someone misconstrues my words that has nothing to do with me, that just proves they do not know my character or have a lack of understanding.

You wrote the comment in plain English Joe.
If you can't convey your meaning correctly then it does have something to do with you. In fact it is all to do with you.

If a friend messages me to say "BBQ at my place at 5pm tonight, bring meat", I would show up at 5pm with meat expecting a BBQ. If I brought sausages and he expected steak, then what you are suggesting is that I misunderstood his character or I have no understanding. The reality is that my friend didn't state it correctly in the first place. Being my mate I am sure he would realize his mistake and accept he was in the wrong...but you don't seem willing to do that. Instead you give yourself this aura of "innocence" which to others such as myself actually looks like arrogance.

Furthermore most churches nowadays preach a very light, anemic, compromised gospel that does not have the ability to keep someone in the fear of God and keeping His commandments.

Have you got some statistical proof on what most churches preach? That's quite the generalization. My church certainly doesn't preach "Christianity Lite". Please don't trash other churches, you don't have the right.

I'm sure if someone was mistreating your wife or girlfriend you would not turn the other cheek, you would defend her honor.

So now you are telling me that Jesus' teachings only apply when they are convenient? I don't recall Jesus saying to his disciples "Hey boys, if someone from the hood insults you, just turn the other cheek aye...but if they insult your wife or mother you have my permission to waste them."

No. He preached turn the other cheek.

You just commented about other churches not properly teaching on the fear of God. If you knew the fear of God, you would always turn the other cheek.

But to answer your hypothetical situation regarding my wife or mother...
I would comfort and encourage my wife or mother.
I would tell her how much I love her and how amazing a person she was. I would remind her of Christ's love for her and her identity in Christ itself.
I would remind her that those people do not know her as I do, or Jesus does.
I would take her out for a nice dinner and buy her flowers.
I would demonstrate my love for her in my words and actions.

I would not go out of my way to defend her honor. Hypothetically the people dissing my wife or mum could have a gun and use it on me, then I would be dead and my wife or mum would have lost the man she loves and someone who would have otherwise been there to encourage her.

What's the point escalating just leaves to anger and regret. This thread is full of it.

If I let that foolishness stand without responding he would stay wise in his own conceits and continue on his path to destruction.

People are entitled to their own path, this a right given to each of us and you are not entitled to take that away from them.
Just earlier a few pages back @RichL told me he doesn't believe the bible is the authentic word of God. Your response to him was to quote verse after verse of the bible. All I could think of was:


You don't realize it because you have created yourself an aura of "innocence", but what you are doing by arguing with people over and over again is further entrench the view that all Christians are bible bashing sycophants. Hopefully I have undone some of that damage, but it is unlikely since here we are arguing.

With that I am done. I will not reply and leave you to have the last word.
From being a devout firm believer of God to now an firm non-believer. God doesn't exist!! It was total waste for prayers upon prayers for help!
not ATTACKING! Quit it and go get LIVES!

I take offence to this @Shadgirl ,

We actually have lives, we are here for answers to our horrid affliction, for friendship and advice, if you cannot handle a debate without showing obvious anger then maybe you should stop reading this thread!

The only one who is showing any inkling of an attack is probably the author of this thread!
Therese been allot of debating and fighting going on on a thread called "All things are possible to him who believe." So I'm writing this counter thread in an attempt to stop it once and for all. To start with people are saying things against God. There saying Christens are wicked people. And that makes the Christens angry and they respond. This of course leads the non Christens to respond in anger and arrogance and the Christens return both. The more this goes on, the more upset both parties become. And soon even the posts owner is upset and angry. This causes him to say things he dose not mean as well. Thus he gets everyone mad at him Christen and non believer alike. Some people are even calling the religion eval. There reasoning being stuff like Christens they know or the Jihadists and Natzies. Regardless it makes the Christens even angrier and the fight goes on.

Now take a good long look at what I just wrote. Dose that look like something that makes sufferers feel good? Dose it support one in other in our time of need? The terms of this form state that we should all be respectful of one another because were all suffering from the same thing. Tinnitus. That's why we came hear isn't it? To find love and support from others like us? Then tell me. What dose Joe's thread look like? Dose it support love?

Really when you stop and think about it the ones who are being eval are the ones who are helping to spread this hate. Myself included. There both christen and non christen. Nether side is pure. Sure there are some on both sides who are just trying to stop the fighting. And sure there are some who are supportive of the threads true message. (To bring hope to any sufferer who is willing to believe.) But there are also a great deal of others who seem bent on hurting there fellow sufferers and that's not what Tinnitus Talk is all about.

So to those who read this answer me one thing. God or no God when a post like this shows up, is it right or wrong to put negative things on it like "There is no God. I can prove it." or "I'm offended you said something like that." ? A sight called has a policy: Don't like, don't read. This policy helps protect its writers (as this is a story writing sight) from most attackers. So why cant we abide by this rule? It also has filters to allow a writer to report, block, or even delete offensive or mean posts so that no one else sees them and keeps the fighting going. A writer can even chose to block a fellow member from posting on there stuff all together if that person is upsetting them too much. That way the writer is safe from what they call "Flamers" and nobody gets hurt. Sure the flamers might get mad that they cant post on that persons stuff anymore, but that only lasts a short while and they move on. Iv never seen anyone get into sure a fuss on because of that. Its a far more peaceful sight then that thread has become.

Now answer this. If a Republican posted that there party was going to donate allot of money for tinnitus research and they put it up to bring hope to others, is it then right for a democrat to go into that post and say "Your a real idiot. That side is agents welfare! Why would they ever help?" Would a post like that start a fight? Yes. Would it hurt others feeling? Yes. Would that be good for anyone? You tell me.

Were all suffering the same thing hear. So why do we spread poison instead of medicine? I'm willing to stop if the rest of you are. So if anyone is with me, please tell your friends who are posting on Joe's post :ENOUGH. Lets return this sight to what it was meant to be. A place of hope and love for the sufferers of Tinnitus. And to any managers who read this, I'd like to propose trying out Fanfiction.nets blocking trick. It stops allot of problems before they can begin. Thank you.
Therese been allot of debating and fighting going on on a thread called "All things are possible to him who believe." So I'm writing this counter thread in an attempt to stop it once and for all.

A debate is not a fight, learn the difference!

To start with people are saying things against God.


There saying Christens are wicked people.

Don't recall seeing this written anywhere in that thread, perhaps I missed it, would you be so kind as to point it out?

Now take a good long look at what I just wrote.

I did, how old are you?

What dose Joe's thread look like?

It looks exactly like what @Joe P. Tamborra wanted it to look like, A platform for his dangerous and arrogant indoctrination!

Really when you stop and think about it the ones who are being eval are the ones who are helping to spread this hate. Myself included. There both christen and non christen. Nether side is pure. Sure there are some on both sides who are just trying to stop the fighting. And sure there are some who are supportive of the threads true message. (To bring hope to any sufferer who is willing to believe.) But there are also a great deal of others who seem bent on hurting there fellow sufferers and that's not what Tinnitus Talk is all about.

This is a crock of shit @Shadgirl , No one is spreading any hate except you!
As you can see this is a post of yours in the thread ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO HIM WHO BELIEVES..

"Not if non believers had enough sense to MIND THERE OWN BISSNESS. They're just bullies and I hate them!"

As for the rest of your rubbish, your right I choose not to read it!

There is room on this forum for debate, reassurance and advice, if all you want is a place to kiss and cuddle @Shadgirl I suggest you go to a companion forum or the like!;)
I can see from all the different posts that this topic of all things are possible to him that believes has really struck a cord to several fellow sufferers. It never was my intention to cause division among the ranks of us here that are living with an ongoing affliction. I have lived my message for almost half a lifetime now and I firmly believe it to be a life changing gospel that I quote from. Before I came into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ my life was spinning out of control. I had been wasting many years chasing easy money gambling, I was heavily involved with sex,drugs, and rock and roll. I found myself at age 29 with no direction in life and not many answers to resolve my situation. When presented with the gospel of Jesus Christ, I did not immediately become converted,however I did take the time to study the evidence of the claims made in the bible. Upon spending weeks in study, I personally concluded that this truly was not an ordinary book, but it was as claimed the WORD of God. When following the outline in the bible, I repented of my many sins against God, and found forgiveness. I also proceeded to confess Jesus as the Lord and Savior of my life. He in turn kept His promise to all who repent and believe and filled me with His Holy Spirit, and I became born again in 1988. Since then life has had many ups and downs, however I never have regretted the best decision I ever made, to follow in the steps of Christ. Through all the ups and downs that life has presented, I can tell you with all belief that God has been with me every step of the way, even through this very challenging ongoing case of tinnitus. Having survived brain surgery, and still living with tinnitus; the only thing that has kept me out of the insane asylum is knowing that when life is all said and done, these light afflictions which are for a moment will produce a far more eternal weight of glory.The reason many struggle so much with putting their faith in God is because they do not trust Him and they do not know His character. So many, even Christians nowadays see God as a doting Grandfather in the sky, who will answer their every wish if they have faith. Many have created in their own minds the all American Jesus, and think they can live any way they wish and still have a healthy relationship with Christ. Few have a complete understanding of the true character of God. The God of the bible is full of compassion, extremely merciful, very gracious, long suffering, kind, loving, faithful, and trustworthy. He also is fair and just, and made rules that He expects His creation to live by; as well as one day He will be our Judge. God always operates in the realm of eternity. These short lives we live are a proving ground to see if we will humble ourselves and allow God to be part of our lives. Tinnitus really does not make sense to someone that is living for the now; however for those of us that are living for eternity, some may figure out that God has allowed this affliction for His own purpose. He is well able to bring this hardship to an end a any given moment He chooses. The bible and recent history in others lives, proves over and over again that the God of the bible is a miracle working God. While on earth Jesus opened blinded eyes, made the lame to walk, healed lepers, delivered some that were demon possessed, caused deaf people to hear, raised the dead, walked on water, turned water in to wine, and feed thousands with a little fish and bread. Up until this point there is no proven cure for tinnitus, so I offer to all that will hear the only hope that I know of, PUTTING YOUR FAITH IN GOD. Lord I pray for all that are part of TT, that you will change their lives for the better, help them to endure the challenge that tinnitus presents us all. Help us all to understand your ways that are higher than ours. Help us to accept the things we have no power to change. Give every believer and every unbeliever victory over tinnitus. Turn each heart, regardless of how hardened back to you. Let each soul be saved, delivered, and set free from every bondage. Preform a notable miracle today and heal us all in the name above every name JESUS.
Has anyone here stopped to think about what is happening in this thread? We are, I assume, all either dealing with T or H. Beating one or both almost always calls for reducing stress, yet this thread is one big argument. An Internet argument that doesn't solve anything or help our respective ailments.

If you're still struggling and you're posting in this thread, you may want to rethink your treatment strategy.
Hey rich, sorry you did not enjoy the post. I wrote it this morning while my tinnitus was somewhat loud. I was
on my way to work and did not have time to do much proof reading.
Sj, you have over stepped your boundaries with your hatred. I speak the truth
and you speak foolishness, besides that you are very disrespectful. Anything I
wrote on here is the complete truth, believe what you wish, I was there.

You are correct. During this thread I have been overstating things to make a point. I will apologize for my rude manners ( I made it personal by calling you a nutcase. I should not have done that). Truly the last thing I will contribute to this topic.

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