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Already 6 Hours Tinnitus Free with CBD Oil

Did CBD Oil Help Your Tinnitus?

  • It improved my tinnitus, temporarily

  • It improved my tinnitus, permanently

  • It had no effect on my tinnitus

  • It worsened my tinnitus, temporarily

  • It worsened my tinnitus, permanently

  • I haven't tried CBD Oil

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I had pretty much the same outcome. I have had T for about 2 years now, after taking SSRI antidepressant medication. It has been an ongoing burden for me to bare and I got to the point of just getting use to it as an every day struggle in life. CBD came as a complete blessing to me. I had gotten a vape form of CBD just help my insomnia. However, to my surprise, after taking just one small puff, I could listen to silence again in the first time in years. It lasted a good 2 to 3 hours and after that, its still not as bad as it was before. Im so excited to see how much it can help me in the future.
maybe you should differentiate by cause? because mine is loud noises and now it seems to have been getting louder... i think it came gradually.
does anyone know if CBD oil induced aggravation of T is temporary? and if so, how much time will pass? I have taken it for the past two weeks, occasionally.
does anyone know if CBD oil induced aggravation of T is temporary? and if so, how much time will pass? I have taken it for the past two weeks, occasionally.

Please tell us if it did lessen for you? Id like to try CBD as I have inner ear spasms.

Wish I could give you an answer but can't. .
Hi Guys,

I have NEVER posted on a forum before but I feel compelled to share with my fellow tinnitus sufferers my recent experience using CBD Oil.

I'm 41 and I have had mild tinnitus for as long as I can remember but I haven't allowed it to affect my life - not until recently. The past two years have been very stressful and I have been coping well. However, about a month ago I went to bed at 10pm and woke up an hour later with the loudest ringing in my right ear!! If my usual tinnitus is a 3 then this bugger was a 9. I was petrified. This incredibly loud alarm bell ringing lasted a few hours and I was beside myself that I was stuck with this uninvited noise forever. On the verge of a panic attack I decided to take a sleeping pill (not usual practice) knocked myself out and luckily I woke up without the super loud tinnitus.

Desperate for advice and support I called the British Tinnitus Association the next morning. The helpful guy asked me if I was stressed out at the moment and then it all fell into place - Stress is having a physical, audible effect.

About two weeks ago, in the same right ear, a louder tinnitus than my usual mild base tinnitus started. I could hear it over the TV and conversations with friends, it was starting to affect my everyday life and I was becoming anxious that the super loud tinnitus was going to rear its ugly head again! So I started Googling and found Tinnitus Talk and the thread started by a guy who wrote about his positive experience with CBD Oil.

My other half had bought some CBD Oil (10% so quite strong) a few years ago and knew it was knocking around in a drawer somewhere. Bingo! I found it, took a few drops and let it sit under my tongue for a minute or two, this was at about 2pm. That evening at about 10pm I'm watching a film and it occurred to me that I couldn't hear my new louder tinnitus. I went outside in the quiet and I still had my mild tinnitus but the new one had gone!! I went to bed without it and woke up without it. The following afternoon I noticed a slight ding (not ringing) so I took a couple more drops and a few hours later it went again.

Every morning since then I have had a couple of drops and it keeps my tinnitus spike under control. I felt I really needed to share this with you guys in the hope that if you try it, it could help you too :)
I have tackycardia and take Diltiazem, plus I have pulsating tinnitus! Help can I take CBD oil with this heart med ? I read it can act like grapefruit in the body and I can't have grapefruit with this heart med. I wonder if this is true ? Thank you. ! Sharon Botkin
Anyone else tried this? I've been taking it and I just can't tell. I wanna say yeah.

The FDA just approved CBD oil for seizures, which if I am to understand correctly, is the same thing as what is going on in our dorsal cochlear nuclei, crazy firing uncontrolled impulses. I felt better after 2 weeks (like going from a 3 or 4 to a 1 or 2 parts of the day) and then stopped for 2 days and I feel like my T increased. I'm on it now but spending about $100 on this stuff every 2 weeks. :(
I am visiting Holland where CBD oil drops are readily available.
Is there any consensus of opinion on this as an alternative therapy regime folks ??
I am visiting Holland where CBD oil drops are readily available.
Is there any consensus of opinion on this as an alternative therapy regime folks ??
Ive been taking CBD in large doses for 2 months. I feel it helps with anxiety, but it has never lowered my T by itself.
How many mg?
I started using cbd plus brand the gold one it has like 500mg.
So, I had some really nervous stress since my anxiety is very high that it has been limiting me in my life and making me fear everything. So I decided to try CDB oil. But never did since I was scared of taking it too. But yesterday my BF made me do it saying he is pissed about me acting the way I did. So I took one pill, 4% oil, saying it has 6,4 mg of CDB?

I only smoked weed two-three times 20+ years ago and as I understand this CBD has THC in it, small dosage 0.02%?

Yesterday I had dry mouth for like 10 hours after taking it but today I got woken up by fleeting tinnitus twice and got fullness in that ear. My tinnitus is elevated but this could also be due to anxiety and fear from CDB.

Should I continue taking it today? I don't want to since it has affected my tinnitus with fullness and fleeting tinnitus but the BF insists.

I have tinnitus and hyperacusis for around 6 years now..What do you think, I am hoping this fullness will pass and tinnitus will calm down...
Is there a CBD WITHOUT THC at all? Like only CBD?

Yes there is. Do a search and you'll find it. :)

I've tried CBD oil in many different dosage sizes for tinnitus, insomnia and anxiety but I've noticed no effects unfortunately. Seems to be a complete waste of money in my case. :( Guess it doesn't work for everyone.
Yes there is. Do a search and you'll find it. :)

I've tried CBD oil in many different dosage sizes for tinnitus, insomnia and anxiety but I've noticed no effects unfortunately. Seems to be a complete waste of money in my case. :( Guess it doesn't work for everyone.
I agree. But in hindsight it may have done something with my anxiety, but very subtle. Maybe more on my mood. Hard to tell. I´ts no miracle drug, still I would like to try it more. Unfortunately it is always stoppped in customs for me.:banghead:
I've been taking Charlotte's Web Everyday Plus for a couple months, hasn't done anything for me. About 20 drops under my tongue at night before bed. It does help me sleep though.
I've tried a few different kinds including Rick Simpson Oil 15:1 Harle Tsu extract (from dispensary). It didn't do anything for the tinnitus. I may have felt a bit more focused after taking it, but I was also still focused on the (loud, spiked) tinnitus so it was a wash.
Hello, this is a pretty long thread and I have only went through about 25% of the posts so I appologize if this has been asked before.

I live in Germany and I was wondering what would be my options for ordering CBD oild here? I stumbled upon this website: https://www.cbd-vital.de/cbd-oele but I have no idea if it's reputable or not nor what to order.


Hell all of you beautiful people.

I am a 33 year old social working, mother of two boys who started this tinnitus journey on January 16th of this year.

3 ENT specialists, 2 trips to the Hospital, 383638396 hearing tests, 6 weeks off work, 40 acupuncture sessions, 4000$ hearing aids, and countless vitamins later I think I have found what works for me and I had to share my experience with people in hopes of it helping even one person.

CBD oil! I started a few months ago and have to say this oil has changed my life since this endless ringing in my ears began exactly 311 days ago.

When people ask me how it helps, I don't know how to explain it to somebody who doesn't know what it's like to have the constant sounds just playing away between their ears.

I feel like the oil takes the tinnitus and puts it in a box and moves it to the back of my brain. "See you later T!" .... the magical thing about CBD is that is also takes away anxiety... which we all know helps ease the T.

My T always creeps back up ... and it still spikes and I have had two changes in sound that really messed with me...

I still feel sad some moments and I still have thoughts of wondering how I will survive some days... but those moments and thoughts are less and less these days.

Being consistent with CBD and learning to let life unfold how it wants to has been the best recovery.

I still have faith one day I will hear silence again... and I have faith you all will too!

I have been following this site since a week into my T and reading everyone stories helped me more than I could explain. Knowing I wasn't alone at such an isolating time in life felt good. It's onlt right I share now that I've felt so good lately. I wanted to share with anyone who may be struggling.

Do your research... look into CBD and see if it's for you!

Much love and happy hearing to all my T warriors


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