Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

I am pretty sure same will happen to you and you will notice them less with time too :)

And I really hope same thing will happen with our T, our brain really has some ability to ignore annoying things over time.
I had floaters way before I ever had T. They normally don't bother me, I guess I am use to them. I have been on Remeron for a week now and I hav not had T Flare-up yet.:joyful:
Hi Goofy - it absolutely increases the appetite! Particularly for sweet things ugh. You do have to watch it and control yourself!
I have gained 5 pounds UGH. I have always been adicted to sweets.

Has the noise kept down with it like it did on Amitriptyline?
It is keeping the level down to a managable state. T might have been a tad lower with Amitriptyline but I only took it for 5 days before switching.
Well, I had a really good week, last week, when I was down 2 .025mg pills a day. Since switching to 1 pill on Saturday, it seems that it's louder but I'm unsure whether it's because of that or something else. Yesterday was decent but I'm using a lot background noise. I definitely got anxious when T was louder but I'm trying to force myself to get through it, get used to it. I also want to get off Remeron and start sleeping on my own soon... I feel that Remeron may have bigger impact on my T (right ear, previously healthy side).
How are you doing with the taper Unik? I am having to do mine really slowly as the T noise has gone up by just cutting down by 1/4 of a pill :(

By the way, if you have really bad floaters, I recommend taking them out via laser procedure (very low risk). I just had it done and at least it gave me a big relief from that annoying thing. You can get it done in Ft. Myers, FL - Dr. Scott Geller. Tremendous relief for me.
I had floaters way before I ever had T. They normally don't bother me, I guess I am use to them. I have been on Remeron for a week now and I hav not had T Flare-up yet.:joyful:

I had them for as long as I can remember - just one or two - never thought about them. After 6 weeks on Clonazepam there came a huge increase. Then after another 3 weeks, another increase! I need to get off the stuff :(
By the way, if you have really bad floaters, I recommend taking them out via laser procedure (very low risk). I just had it done and at least it gave me a big relief from that annoying thing. You can get it done in Ft. Myers, FL - Dr. Scott Geller. Tremendous relief for me.

Thanks for the info :)

I have read though that laser can only blast the large floaters and even then it will also break them in to small pieces so you have more floaters but they are smaller. Did this happen to you?

I have loads of them. All different shapes. A lot of thin lines and squiggles and dots.
Well, in my case, I had lots of small ones and one really big one. That big one is gone now and I only have small fibers floating around but I don't see them unless I'm looking for them or looking at the bright blue sky or something. That thing was bugging me really bad, I could see it 95% of the time and it was moving so fast, every time I moved my eyes... It's now gone! HUGE relief. I wish there was something like this to get rid of T for all of us...
Remeron is supposed to have a good safety profile regarding the ears. Where have you seen that it *is* known to cause hearing loss?
It's listed in the Physicians Desk Reference, and another source called CPS (Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties).

The percentages are low (1%), but if you have suffered from ototoxicity or inner ear infection then those percentages can increase.
I have the Ototoxic Drugs book and it quotes those reference books but says the % incidence of T is the same as placebo. It comes out as one of the lowest risk drugs in that book.

All drugs are bad though so I guess anything can happen.
I have the Ototoxic Drugs book and it quotes those reference books but says the % incidence of T is the same as placebo. It comes out as one of the lowest risk drugs in that book.

All drugs are bad though so I guess anything can happen.
Honestly, I don't know what happened to me. It just doesn't seem right that 4mg of Remeron could have done so much damage.
Hi louise
My T is more than seven months old [headphone noise induced].Initially it was on one side but 2 months later became bilateral after 3 days of homeopathic medicine[just corelating? perhaps it occurs in natural course] . Previously I was able to sleep,[I took diazepam 5 to 10 mg once aweek] but now it has become difficult to deal with it and I am getting into anxiety and depression spiral with increase in T perception.I am planning to either use clonazepam sos or remeron.

1.How is your tinnitus now as compared to the begining? I read somewhere in your posts that it has increased.Has it increased in intensity or just became bilateral?Only few members on this forum are taking perscription drugs ,do you attribute incrase in T[if any] and hyperacusis to clonazepam intake period or mirtazipine intake period.

2. you have tried both clonazepam and mirtazipine. which one you think is better in terms of quality of sleep and effect on decreasing loudness of T.Are you taking clonazepam along with mirtazipine at present or you tried these individually? I will prefer mirtazipine over clonazepam because of addiction issues if it gives qulity sleep.

3. Is clonazepam ototoxic according to the book you are having ? Dr neil considers benzo s to be ototoxic.I donot agree personally however because officially nowhere it is listed to be ototoxic.

4. Did you experience anti deperassant action on mirtazipine [although your dose 7.5 is small].I am having depression now and mirtazipine may help.

Dear Karl
My T is more than seven months old [headphone noise induced]. Initially it was on one side but 2 months later became bilateral after 3 days of homeopathic medicine[just correlating? perhaps it occurs in natural course]. Previously I was able to sleep, [I took diazepam 5 to 10 mg once a week] but now it has become difficult to deal with it and I am getting into anxiety and depression spiral with increase in T perception.I am planning to either use clonazepam sos or remeron.

1. How is your tinnitus now as compared to the beginning? Only few members on this forum are taking prescription drugs, do you attribute increase in T[if any] and hyperacusis to clonazepam intake period or mirtazipine intake period.
2. You have tried both clonazepam and mirtazipine. which one you think is better in terms of quality of sleep and effect on decreasing loudness of T. Are you taking clonazepam along with mirtazipine at present or you tried these individually? I will prefer mirtazipine over clonazepam because of addiction issues if it gives quality sleep.
3. Is clonazepam ototoxic? Dr neil considers benzos to be ototoxic. I do not agree personally however because officially nowhere it is listed to be ototoxic.
4. Did you experience antidepressant action on mirtazipine? Are you still taking mirtazipine and what dose? I am having depression now and mirtazipine may help.
Dear Karl...
Hi hps.

1. How is your tinnitus now as compared to the beginning?
My tinnitus started in my right ear. It started as an "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee", which didn't bother me too much. Then I had a sinus infection, and it became an "EEEEEEEEEEEEE" - and it became a BIG problem. Today I can hardly hear tinnitus in my right ear. However, my left ear got tinnitus and is now more the problem!

2. You have tried both clonazepam and mirtazipine.
Yes, I tried clonzepam (Experiment No. 304), but I decided it wasn't doing much for me. Mirtazipine is a great drug for sleep. I love it so much, I could be a salesman for it. Mirtazipine (Remeron) is an anti-depressant; however it isn't like SSRI's, such as Zoloft or Paxil. In my opinion, it's anti-depressant effects are mild by comparison with SSRI's. About 5 years ago I took Paxil, and it was a tough experience for me. Remeron is like drinking water compared to Paxil.

3. Is clonazepam ototoxic?
I doubt it. In my opinion, use caution with benzo's. They can lose their effectiveness with time, then you may end up with a whallop. Benzo's work on the gaba receptor sights on neurons, calming them down. That's why people with tinnitus report a drop in their tinnitus level after taking benzo's - at first. Some people here are much more experienced with these drugs than I am.

4. Did you experience antidepresant action on mirtazipine. Are you still taking mirtazipine and what dose?
I take 15 mg in the evening. It will make you sleepy. You may gain weight, too.
It has been two weeks now on Remeron and T is stay low with a couple minor increases but came back down quickly. I don't like taking medicine but if it helps T than it is worth it. So far no bad side effects, only drowsy which helps me sleep and an increase in appetite. I have even had a few Dr. Peppers and no increase from that either.
It has been two weeks now on Remeron and T is stay low with a couple minor increases but came back down quickly. I don't like taking medicine but if it helps T than it is worth it. So far no bad side effects, only drowsy which helps me sleep and an increase in appetite. I have even had a few Dr. Peppers and no increase from that either.
Do you take it twice, during the day and the night?


1. How is your tinnitus now as compared to the beginning?

A: Mine is worse. Been gradually getting worse. Its through some noise exposure (not excessive by normal peoples standards). It is louder and it has also started in the right ear which previously had no noise. That happened after 5 months. Apparently is quite common for it to start only in one ear and then in the other ear too later on. None on the increase is down to the drugs.

2. You have tried both clonazepam and mirtazipine. Which one you think is better in terms of quality of sleep and effect on decreasing loudness of T.

A: Its Mirtazapine for sleep. And I wouldn't touch Clonazepam with a barge-pole. It has given me very bad eye-floaters. So now my eyes are knackered as well as my ears. Also it only works for 2-3 weeks on reducing the noise and then you are back to square 1. Theres no point in taking it as far as Im concerned.

3. Is clonazepam ototoxic according to the book you are having?

A: Yes, it is considered somewhat ototoxic but not one of the worst offenders. But the book I have lists practically all drugs as ototoxic.

4. Did you experience antidepressant action on mirtazipine?

A: Well, when I started it I started on 15mgs and yes I did experience some depression relief. I cut the dose as I wanted to take as few drugs as possible. So I used the 7.5mg for sleeping. One point on this - it s supposed to be a very good drug for depression, however on researching on the net I found that it can just stop working after some months and this is because the body is depleted of the raw materials for making Serotonin and Norephedrine. There's specific supplements etc you can take to give the body the precursors of these two and hopefully keep the drug working.
Hi everyone, I just came from my shrink and he gave me Citaleprom, 10mg to start, for Agoraphobia. I can't travel over 10 miles from my house without getting too nervous to continue. First pill is tomorrow, I guess at bedtime if it makes you sleepy.
I hope it doesn't raise my T too much. I will keep in touch.
Hi everyone, I just came from my shrink and he gave me Citaleprom, 10mg to start, for Agoraphobia. I can't travel over 10 miles from my house without getting too nervous to continue. First pill is tomorrow, I guess at bedtime if it makes you sleepy.
I hope it doesn't raise my T too much. I will keep in touch.

I didn't take the Citaleprom yet. I made an appointment with my Doctor to talk with her first. I have T that is a changing pattern and I get a few good days a week. The bad days are not good, but the whole point that I am told is to ignore the T some how. Even if it is screaming. I think it's possible to sever your reaction from the T. I was told this and it's the only alternative for me. I must believe it.

I know I'm crazy but I'm going to a hypnotist tomorrow to help me with what ever she has.
I'm struggling with anxiety over endless sleepless nights - been to docs he has given me antidepressants he checked the first one he mentioned di'd have T as a poss side effect choosing another one that this time didn't list T in the possible side effects. As doc mentioned most medicines have a list of lots and lots of side effects but if T isn't listed in the most reported then he thought it was worth a try to help me through. Me question is to you guys has anyone taken anti d and it's helped and if anyone dI'd get an increase in T did it reverse once stopped taking tablets ? Would appreciate feedback much love cheryth x
I'm struggling with anxiety over endless sleepless nights - been to docs he has given me antidepressants he checked the first one he mentioned di'd have T as a poss side effect choosing another one that this time didn't list T in the possible side effects. As doc mentioned most medicines have a list of lots and lots of side effects but if T isn't listed in the most reported then he thought it was worth a try to help me through. Me question is to you guys has anyone taken anti d and it's helped and if anyone dI'd get an increase in T did it reverse once stopped taking tablets ? Would appreciate feedback much love cheryth x

Which antidepressant did he prescribe to you in the end?

It would help if we knew the name of the drug.

Many people with tinnitus have used antidepressants, and if there is an increase in tinnitus due to it, it's usually temporary.

Onto day 3 of taking Citaleprom - doc gave me a few more sleeping tabs to see me through until Andi'd kicks in - will I know its having an effect ? I feel very anxious today and that nervous feeling in my tummy is back - yesterday was a good day after a good nights sleep - last night I only got 4 hours after taking 2 sleeping tabs - woke up approx. 2am and tossed and turned couldn't drop off again - what Ive noticed though is my usual 'tone' in my left ear isn't the main bothersome trouble - all last night my head felt fuzzy and buzzing all inside my head - it builds up is this a side effect of the Anti 'd or is it from being tired and stressed ? I've got up made breakfast and very minimal noise distracts me - if I go into a quiet room and wait a few seconds I can then hear the tone and something like 'static' - but in the night it feels so very very loud - is this normal ?? Much love - Cher
Dear Cher69
I havenot taken any antidepressants as yet but sometime feel my head buzzing like yours at night only ,may be due to stress.T is definitely loud at night like yours. Im planning to start escitalopram [antidepressant] because of my anxiety ,depression and sleep disturbance which has emerged after 8 months of T.Please keep me posted how's your T while on citalopram as I am scared of AD 's.
Markku said:
Many people with tinnitus have used antidepressants, and if there is an increase in tinnitus due to it, it's usually temporary.
can you please introduce me to some members of this forum who are taking ssri antidepressants ?
can you please introduce me to some members of this forum who are taking ssri antidepressants ?

Offhand I don't remember names, but read this thread from start to end and maybe you'll find some.

mick is one though and he wrote a good analysis here:

The point in my opinion is that antidepressants are unlikely to cause permanent increase in tinnitus, but no one can promise anybody that that couldn't happen. You need to weigh the pros against the possible cons, and then decide for yourself.

Onto day 3 of taking Citaleprom - doc gave me a few more sleeping tabs to see me through until Andi'd kicks in - will I know its having an effect ? I feel very anxious today and that nervous feeling in my tummy is back - yesterday was a good day after a good nights sleep - last night I only got 4 hours after taking 2 sleeping tabs - woke up approx. 2am and tossed and turned couldn't drop off again - what Ive noticed though is my usual 'tone' in my left ear isn't the main bothersome trouble - all last night my head felt fuzzy and buzzing all inside my head - it builds up is this a side effect of the Anti 'd or is it from being tired and stressed ? I've got up made breakfast and very minimal noise distracts me - if I go into a quiet room and wait a few seconds I can then hear the tone and something like 'static' - but in the night it feels so very very loud - is this normal ?? Much love - Cher

Regarding the fuzzy head feeling and buzzing, I would suspect the sleeping pills or the anxiety. Anxiety can create all kinds of strange feelings.

SSRIs can cause something that people who are familiar with them call "head zips" or "head zaps" (there is a medical term for it but I don't recall what it is). A head zap, however, is a pretty quick event. It's very much like it sounds - and odd feeling like a someone quickly closing a zipper inside your head - kind of a "zzzziiiipp" where the end is very pronounced, almost jarring. It typically lasts only a second or 2, and typically they don't begin to occur until you have been on the medicine for a while. If you are experiencing a kind of a foggy brain feeling then that is very likely anxiety/depression and you'll know the A/D is working when it clears up.

My T has a static-y sound to it, too, so I guess that is not abnormal. It is also not abnormal for T to be louder at different times of the day. If you ask a doctor about it, they will probably say it seems louder because it is quiet at night and you mind turns inwardly since you not distracted by other things. I personally don't think that is the case. I think that T volume waxes and wanes with neurochemistry and hormones which are on a cirdadian cycle, and has little to do with how much attention you devote to it (though ignoring it is a great thing to do when you can).

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