Antinitus Tinnitus Patch — Does It Work?

Don't be surprised if you find out that they did not attend.

They are not presenting data or having a poster as far as I can tell.
But they are a "partner" to the congress, which probably means that they contribute some money.
See ITS-2017-final.pdf, page 17.

Attached is the published small pilot trial without control group.


  • ITS-2017-final.pdf
    7.8 MB · Views: 58
  • pilot-investigation-of-a-topographical-filter-dermal-patch-in-patients-with-tinnitus.pdf
    263.8 KB · Views: 52
They are not presenting data or having a poster as far as I can tell.
I was able to find out that they did have an exhibition stand with the product on display, my source only quickly passed by the stand but from what they could see, there wasn't any new data / research papers. This isn't confirmed though as they only strolled through the stand for obvious reasons.
Looks paywalled.
It's not paywalled if you search for the title of the article on google and visit the article direct from google search results.

Bad science and the thin end of the wedge
By Jim VauseTuesday 20 June 2017, 10:14AM
Tingling, ringing. Yeah, whatever. It's tinnitus. From noise exposure. Work-related, like everything else here in New Zealand.

You're not from around here, are you? No, I can tell. It's your accent and that silly nervous laugh of yours. Ho ho ho. Fair enough, part of the job.

So, this ringing usually starts before Christmas, when you are at work. That's good. Can get that on ACC.

What's your job? Deer driver? As in venison? Hmm, no. No, deer driver on the ACC list. Sleigh? Na. Nothing.

What? You deliver things. Presents, for kids. Okay, I'll put down deliveryman. Vans can be pretty noisy.

Self-employed then. That silly red suit must be part of the franchise corporate image. Suits you though.

The Antinitus patch

Anyway, today's your lucky day. Just got this nifty new treatment for tinnitus. A patch that goes behind your ear. Antinitus. It's a unique microscopic raster that, with the help of regular and chaotic daylight, creates an organised fractal light, like a lens.

This, in turn, prompts water molecules to transform into a more coherent state. The result of this structured organisation might modulate the chaotic audio loops within the auditory system that represent the various conscious sounds that we call tinnitus and hence, provide relief

Only $160 for a course plus the consultation. A bit steep? Well, I could sell you some used patches...someone has returned a lot. One patient reckoned the used ones work just as well as new patches. Now there's a deal.

Unpublished studies and the University of Donald Trump

I admit that there are no published RCTs that prove Santa doesn't exist, but if the above pseudoscientific gobbledegook hasn't triggered your scam alert, then read the unpublished studies quoted on the Tinnitus Relief NZ, importers of this Antinitus tinnitus patch, website.

They would make excellent content for Critical Appraisal for Dummies, or the Science and Truth course at the University of Donald Trump.

There is nothing illegal about gobbledegook or bad science and there is no shortage of bad science even at the health professional you see the most, but none as blatant as this. I was alerted to this Antinitus patch by a half-page advert in a local rag promoting its cross-the-counter sale at a general practice in town.

GPs are not exempt

It is not the general practitioners advertising this light-bending patch, it's the general practice, probably the practice's audiologist.

Whether audiologists have standards for what they sell, I know not, but it could be a case of the pot calling the kettle black, for there are a few GP selling scientifically unproven products and plenty promoting them.

Meanwhile, back to this light-bending patch, if you plug the postal address of Tinnitus Relief NZ (importers of the Antinitus patch) into Google, you return a fascinating array of companies, ranging from eHealth.Live Ltd, to Cheese and Lama NZ.

Search on the directors and up comes equally interesting names like Suisse Finance, The Limited Card Company, Your NZ Company.

There are many imperfect things in this world, but when integrated family health clinics are all the rage, where no one has any standards around with whom GP integrate and no QA, honesty begins to degrade and it is patients who get parted from their money.

Caveat emptor is not a good principle for equitable health.
@Mats Reimer MD thanks for posting, I've been buying the magagzine at £4.50 a pop... Hadn't realized they had an online version, just saved me a few quid.

Saw the article, even though it annoys me how it trivializes the condition, this editorial I mean...
There are so many types of tinnitus so many variables it might work on someone and not on another one.

My thoughts are if you have the money and are open to it, try it!

Hell we all hate tinnitus, some things work a little for some and not for others, etc.
There are so many types of tinnitus so many variables it might work on someone and not on another one.
I am learning that this is indeed the case. So many 'cures' I have researched - which seem to bring relief to some - do absolutely nothing for me. I can't remember not having tinnitus on & off but this year (2017) I realised it is 24/7 & it's seriously driving me totally nuts! I was such a lover of silence.

So when I saw Antinitus advertised tonight on Ch 7 news (Sydney, Australia) I was intrigued. Yet reading reviews & opinions is far from encouraging.

The price of $110AU for 21 days treatment is a bit steep too - without anything solid to back it up.

I guess, as usual, it comes down to more money for research. We can reach outer space but I'm more concerned with my inner space!
So when I saw Antinitus advertised tonight on Ch 7 news (Sydney, Australia) I was intrigued. Yet reading reviews & opinions is far from encouraging.
Yes and they made it sound so promising and legitimate on the news, but after reading this thread my hopes are dashed.

The price of $110AU for 21 days treatment is a bit steep too - without anything solid to back it up.
They also didn't mention on the news that that you have to buy more of the product every 3 weeks, they only mentioned the price and how cheap it was, it comes in at nearly $2,000 a year, even if it worked that's not cheap if you have to keep using it all the time.
For those interested... Here's the segment 7 News had on Antinitus. :rolleyes:

I also saw the report and without research jumped on the website and ordered directly.

Now looking at this forum I wished I hadn't!!!

Still it's in the post now and I'll give it a go.

But very poor reporting by Channel 7 without any form of disclaimer or reporting of its unqualified testing.

I've sent a red flag to ABC Media Watch hoping that they'll expose the poor research/reporting by Channel 7.
I also saw the report and without research jumped on the website and ordered directly.

Now looking at this forum I wished I hadn't!!!

Still it's in the post now and I'll give it a go.

But very poor reporting by Channel 7 without any form of disclaimer or reporting of its unqualified testing.

worlddad - sorry to hear that you're hopes of eradicating this annoying frustrating condition got the better of you. Don't worry, these people are con pros & you're not alone.
Perhaps you can make the most of this & let us know your results after trying them?

I've sent a red flag to ABC Media Watch hoping that they'll expose the poor research/reporting by Channel 7.

Good on you - please post hear if there's any response. Let's hope at least Aunty will do her bit!
Yes and they made it sound so promising and legitimate on the news, but after reading this thread my hopes are dashed.

They also didn't mention on the news that that you have to buy more of the product every 3 weeks, they only mentioned the price and how cheap it was, it comes in at nearly $2,000 a year, even if it worked that's not cheap if you have to keep using it all the time.

After also having my hopes dashed & being sucked into other "news reports" in the past, I have no choice but to acknowledge that these networks are "influenced" to be biased. Nothing new, I know, but it's just blatantly obvious nowadays. They don't even try to hide it anymore.

When I did some research, I was very surprised to find Antinitus had been around for so long. Obviously, the research departments in media networks are either not doing their jobs or are being ignored.

Money talks louder than all of our tinnitus put together!

Peace all.
So glad I joined this group today as I was about to order the patches for A $110 because they talked about it on TV last week but they were sold out.

I've now got an appointment to see if Lyrics might be something for me. Anybody have experience with that?
Had to Google it. Link:
Both clinics are in South Australia. I'm in NSW so I would be interested to hear any feedback too - no pun intended:D.
You may want to checkout some of the hearing aids threads. My understanding is they can help in some circumstances if you have severe hearing loss; but don't remove tinnitus.

This was featured on our news in Australia, I couldn't help but wonder if it helps, it must have gained some sort of credit to be on our news?

Well I hope so anyway!
It was featured in a 2 minute news feature regarding tinnitus.

What do you think? Would you try it, or do you think it's just another cash grab?

I'd be willing to try anything.
Here you can find the results of the study:

Doesn't sound very encouraging to me but you could always try.

I haven't found the original thread so I will post Antinitus results here.

1. I have suffered from mild acoustic tinnitus since 2000.
2. In 2012 after a headphone session my tinnitus spiked a lot, luckily I brought it down with homeopathic medicine.
3. Another spike in my tinnitus, similar to the 2012, again after a headphone session in April, 2017. This time homeopathic medicine didn't work, and I gave up looking for more alt. treatments. The tinnitus didn't go down in this period.
4. Some months ago, after another headphone session, my tinnitus spiked to a severe state, now I could hear multiple frequencies and the tinnitus somehow got even louder in the middle of the night while sleeping, so it was waking me up, sometimes several times.
4.1. I started with different alternative treatments, with some very small improvements: some can be seen in my posts, other I haven't yet mentioned as I'm still waiting my tinnitus to classify for a success story.
4.2. I started with the Antinitus a week ago. After reading this post, people accusing it for being a snake-oil company I dropped interest in it. Some days later I Googled News regarding tinnitus and a well established newspaper had an article about it. While no money is too much money for someone that has tinnitus, I suffer so badly that I sometimes don't feel anything is worth anything anymore, so I wanted to give it a chance.
4.3. Living in Sweden and this being a Swedish company, "snake-oil" companies and "snake-oil" people is something this country doesn't associate with. Sweden and its people are not like any other country and fooling and taking advantage is something that Swedes don't do.

Other than that Sweden is world leading when it comes to research in the medicine field.

But I searched more about the company, to really see if the people behind it are from here. The company hasn't shown positive selling figure for the last years since it started. Makes me think heavy investment and research has been done into this product, and it's not yet selling well enough.

The people behind the company are not some random street surnames you will find, but surnames with authority. Follow the link to see info about the company:

4.4. Now to my results, I started with the treatment 8 days ago. The second day I could sense that it was doing something, the frequencies were changing shape, my most vile frequency that sounded like an old school alarm clock were starting to break down. Yet for 5-6 days the noise level was still the same, until today, when I finally decided to post about it, with 99% confidence that it works. For the first time in one month, I wasn't woken up in my sleep. When I woke up, the noise level for the first time in one month I could sense that it has gotten lower. My tinnitus was so bad that I never thought I will get rid of it, but now I'm even hoping that it will disappear, I'm almost sure it won't with this treatment, although this is one direction in the right path.

The medicine industry has abandoned us. While there are thousands of medicine for everything there is not a single one for tinnitus. Makes me think that this industry can't treat or doesn't want to treat people. Well you are under their power, either you will take sleeping pills for the rest of your life, or anti depression pills. Our loss their revenue. And I wonder who hasn't done their research, while reading on this forum, many people suffer from tinnitus because of the adverse effects of their medicine.

What makes me even more angry is that I read an article some days ago that they now are trying to shut down Antinitus, because they don't see the companies research good enough. Antinitus states that their trials has shown a 50%-90% improvement rate. I can clearly say I'm one of them, and if you have tinnitus, try it, it's no money for someone that suffers everyday and loses money because you can't work, or you are depressed to do something. Will it work? Hopefully, I'm holding my thumbs, tinnitus is very complicated, but don't give up, alternative medicine has been with us since day one. I don't know if I can call this alternative, since it's not something from the nature, and it has been invented and researched.

Not bad at all: Sweden is #4... there's quite a few countries are in that ballpark. The one that stands out as the leader is Singapore, with a significant gap vs #2 (Switzerland).
When you said "world leading" I thought it was going to show up as #1 somewhere. Still, very honorable position - definitely among the leaders.

Here's another perspective on it:
I see a major problem in their lack of consideration for bilateral tinnitus. The idea that one ear is worse than another is not in the majority.
To say nothing of the fact that is anyone really had an effective treatment it would be front page headline news.

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