Where have you read this? If you look at the pipeline you will see that the stated indication is just "tinnitus". It's not specific about what kind or type it is. This is their second generation treatment, after AM-101. The AM-101 is said to target "acute inner ear tinnitus" as well as "post-acute inner ear tinnitus". They have two different trials running for AM-101. The trials for AM-102 have not started yet. They have not even selected a compound yet. It's still at pre-clinical stage.
Not sure what you mean by this... They can't test it on humans until they enter human trials. You mean they will get more accurate and objective results once they do get to human trials?
Edit: I think I get it now!

I had to explain it to myself first. The rubber duck effect!

You mean it's better that they test it on humans, despite the fact that they only test it on humans that have the less severe acute tinnitus. Once we have established that it works on acute tinnitus in humans, we can move on to chronic tinnitus in humans. Correct?
You mean they should do the human trials only with people that have acute tinnitus (less than 3 months since onset)? Because this is how they are testing the drugs in pre-clinical studies in animals? So in order to get matching results with human subjects, they should focus on the acute tinnitus group?
That does make sense. I will keep that in mind when reading research reports. I am not sure how important the window of opportunity is, and I am not sure if there has been any specific mention of this in the research reports I have read so far.
One thing I wonder is, what is "inner ear tinnitus"? I thought they didn't know the location of tinnitus. Some say it's in the ears, some say it's in the brain. It seems to me like the brain side is winning. Perhaps it's a combination of a little bit of both, and there might as well be individual variances.