@Littlebailey thanks for your interesting description.
Has anybody dabbled in potassium modulating chemicals, is there any data on them affecting tinnitus in any way?
I know autifony is different, cleaner targetting, but existing potassium drugs must have some effects you'd think.
Also, what other areas will potassium drugs affect, not that any of us care too much about side effects.
littlebailey, do you know anything about tcd (disrhythmia)....I thought that was the "source"
hence some surgical lesioning approaches. Since llinas identified type2 calcium channels
as the culprit, why has nobody reported anywhere about taking, say, type2 calcium channel blockers
like valproate,etc.
Here's the 2010 pdf that cites llinas (look at References for good links to llinas)
For those who like to read, this imo is worth a read, it dovetails with autifony.
"By contrast, when TCRs drift towards hyperpolarization, be-
cause of a potassium leak current[10], a low threshold calcium
conductance dependent on T type (Cav 3.1) calcium channels,
which is inactivated at normal resting membrane potentials, is
activated (''de-inactivated"). This results in a low threshold cal-
cium spike and a short, high-frequency burst of action potentials.
This burst is succeeded by a return to hyperpolarization and a rep-
etition of the burst. The TCR cell is then said to be in ''burst mode
....application of drugs
that interfere with T type calcium channel function and prevent
low frequency bursting may provide a new strategy for reversing
TCD and alleviating not only CRPSI but also the numerous other
conditions that are coming to be recognized as having their basis
in TCD."
llinas is the guy to read. he links a whole range of conditions,
it's possible he nailed the "source" years ago.
this is probably worth a thread of its own but its so linked to autifony
insofar as its a potassium calcium relationship.
Just my few cents anyway.