I don't understand why should anyone feel bad for not signing up or engaging in anything regarding "the fight for a cure" in a support forum. The only way to get better as of today is to use the available treatments (hearing aids, masking when necessary, medication for depression and anxiety) and forgetting about it as much as you can. 1-2% of people with tinnitus are debilitated by their condition. If everyone with tinnitus was posting and reading and hoping for cures then they would bring the sound in the forefront of their consciousness and the percentage would rise. When I first discovered that what I heard in my ears and head was tinnitus, I started roaming into forums like this and from a mild annoyance my tinnitus took over my life. That's why I was just looking at the research topics every now and then and avoided signing up. Now I did, hope it helps...lol
As concerns Trobalt, it might work... If it does, and if benefits outweigh the risks, then depending on the severity of tinnitus it might be prescribed in the future. Believe me, all pharmaceutical companies would want a new indication for one of their drugs. But that needs evidence, and sorry, a couple of anecdote reports of people having success with it is not enough evidence. Also, Danny Boy, if I remember right you got tinnitus from an infection and used trobalt really soon afterwards and your tinnitus significantly improved. There is a big chance it improved by itself once the infection cleared and you are on a pretty hard drug with no reason (I'm not saying stop, I wouldn't take that responsibility).
Whatever happens with autifony, don't panic. One day there will be a treatment. What I am afraid is that any treatment that does not target the hearing loss (meaning hearing loss cure) will have significant side effects so only those severely affected would get treated. Stephen Nagler says there will never be a cure. Don't forget he's running a business on TRT...
All you have to do is if you are mildly affected get over it and one day a cure might surprise you. If you are severely affected talk to each other and to a psychiatrist who understands the concept of tinnitus.