Let's wait before hitting the panic button but IF Aut00063 is not the treatment we expected, it might be time that we (tinnitus sufferers) rethink the role we can play in that story. Remember the ice bucket challenge? It has helped to raise over $ 110 million for the benefit of the research on ALS. It also draw attention on this disease worldwide. It is estimated that about one in ten people suffers form tinnitus, while we are all waiting for a treatment, we can combine our efforts and try to do something about it. Social networks can be surprisingly effective weapons and I see that there are many brilliant people here. Why don't we share ideas to create something like a viral advertising campaign that might help to raise funds for research or draw attention of new pharmaceutical companies like Autifony. Who knows? Tinnitus might become the next philanthropic marketing sensation!
Let's hope there will be some good news from Aut. But it is perhaps time to think about this type of initiative. I will conclude with @Markku 's quote : Change won't come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. - Barack Obama